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<br /> THIS Agreement is mede aa of this 1Sth day of September, �
<br /> 1999, by ar*d F�e4wesN FIVE POINTS BANK, s�hoso mafiing addre�a te �
<br /> P.O. Box 1507, Crand lsia�d. Nebraska 6880Z (hereinafter "L'�nder"),
<br /> the owner and halder of the cartain Prvmisaory Note for $30,015.00
<br /> dated Ms�ch Z4, 1995, glven by John Honore and Ntna Honone,
<br /> noarrte�! p�r�ris(heretrsafter "Borrowera") and secured by the certeln
<br /> Oeed of Trust af the certain real estate theretn described, aituated,
<br /> lying and being tn Halt County, Nebraaka, and more parttcularly
<br /> daacribed as follows, to-wit:
<br /> L'ot Two (2) Csmebtrd Subdtviaton. Hsii County. Nebrasks
<br /> whtch satd Deed of Trust is dated the 2Rth d�y ot Merct�, 1995.
<br /> wheretn Ftve Polnts Bank is Beneflclary, and recorded tn the Offlce of
<br /> the Register of Oeeda of Hail County, Nebreske, es Document
<br /> �98-101838 ot Mortgages on the 30th day of Merch, 199Ss
<br /> 4!!!7�lES�ETH, th�! �elt! p�^Lle�: t!+r tf±pmselves and thetr hetr-�,
<br /> executors, adminiatrators a�d aasigns, hereby mutually agree that the
<br /> time to� the psyment ot the principal and tnterest on seld Promtsaory
<br /> Note dated March 24, 1995, ahal! be as follows:
<br /> The maturity date of Note No. 740686 dated Msrch 2A, 1995 l�aas
<br /> been extended with � flnal payment of principal and accrued i�terest
<br /> due March .23, i99'S.
<br /> rhe Borrowe�s hereby further ratify and confirm atl ot Lhe
<br /> terms and co�dtttona contatned In the AcknoY+rledgm�nt of Deed of
<br /> Truat and Deed of Trust of Bo�rowers to L'ender da�ted March 24,
<br /> 1995, sa referred to above and aaid Borrowers wlll tn a!i respects
<br /> falthfulty compiy end pepform all the cove�ants end promtaes in Qhe
<br /> afor�aatd Deed of Trust.
<br /> . it is ex�aressiy understood and egreed that the aior�said Deed
<br /> of Truat ahatl remain tn full force and effect tr� ell rr,�pt�ta and t�at �
<br /> nothtns herein 8heli affect or impair any rlghts afid porrera wfit�eh �e
<br /> L'ender may have thersunder for the recovecr� of the said debts
<br /> aecured by satd Deed of Truat, with interest, in case ot �he
<br /> non-futfiliment ef thia Ag�eement.
<br /> . And the aatd Borrowers hereby covenaM thet they will pay the
<br /> s�id princfpal sum end tntereat as provfded by�the P�omtssory Note
<br /> referred to above at the ttmes therefn specified end thet they will
<br /> ptrforno and observe ell of the covenants, agreements, stipulattons
<br /> and oondittona on the part of the Bori�owers conteined 1� sefd Oeed of
<br /> Trust i� all respecta.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the perttes heve hereunto set ti�eir
<br /> hands and seats the day and year first above written.
<br /> FIVE POINTS BANK, L'ender,
<br /> By ./'� �c.� !i/� !.
<br /> � u(• � -.
<br />- �-,,'l ._ _��. � �� >> c�1�U _
<br /> Borrowers
<br />,
<br />