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<br /> � lb.Borrower'e Cupy. Hotrnwer shall be gi�en one conformed copy of the Note and af thia Securtty Inswmeat
<br />:.,;.�,;;F;...� � 17.�'�t�fer of the Prope or a BeneticiAl Inierest in Borrower. If all or any pazl of the Property or any interest In it is �t
<br /> - � sold or transt'ernd(��a�����8omawu Is s�ld or�en�'arrod ertd Borrowu la not s naWral pe�ot�)��ut =
<br /> .° .,�. .; . _ Lender�s �vritten consent,I.ender�ns �at lis optio�n,requtra inem�Rayment in fuli of nll sums secund by thia ty
<br /> �����•.� {�.# Iaswa�en�Howavu.thia optlon shall not be exetclsed by Leader if�aceoclse is prolubiud by fedecal law a9 of the daia of W(s �_
<br /> � = � �. �� Securi U1s�umtu� =
<br /> ��n�e�e�L�v this optton�y.endet shall give Banower nottce of sxeleration.'It►e nodco st�eU provtdo a od of not less �,:.
<br /> .;,f'��'�i than 30 daya from the date the noSce is dellvered or maileii wIth�a whlch Borrower muat pay sll surrss soc by this 3ecurity �;
<br /> �i 1ns�ument If Borrowe�r fnils w pay theso aums pslor to the cs�pisadon of this perled.L�ander may�nvoka eny mn�odies pamitted
<br />:�„�_ ..—�•.a,_- by this SxurIty lnsuumeat wtthout fntdtet aotioe or demand on B�rower. g��wer shoU have the rlght to have
<br /> `�`"'"'� --;_�� 18.Horrower'e RIAht to Itefnst�te. If Bormwer �uoeta cem+in condidons�
<br /> T enfo�cement of�dis�ecurlry u�ruman disc�atinuai ut wi d„�gr`.v. w tha carlta af:(s)S days{¢s suc�h mhK p�rlod xv �,_
<br /> appUc�ble law may�y for n�s�t�ent)bafom sale of�o P,roperiy purssiant w any power of sala conteLmd in thiis Saeuriry :_,
<br /> s
<br /> -�.�'� .,.•�� � Ins��n�or(b)euiry of a judgment ea�forcb�g this Secutity Insuumcat'lt�aso condidons am that Borrower:(a)pa s Lendec aU -
<br /> ._:.;'�. � �' sums which ttien woWd be dus wcda this Saurity Insaume,nt end the Nota es i f n o a a;e l a a t i on had o o c u r r e d;�b)aures en y �'
<br />=� � ' �' d e f a u l t o f e n y o t h e r o ovenauts or a g�o e ments: c)WYg��P���curnd in eafordng this Sx�uiry Instnunent,includ3ng.but ��
<br /> ( l±F-:.
<br /> ':� '"�:;' not timitod to.nasonable attomeys'fas:ead(d)t a kes su c b a c t ion es L e a d e r m ay r e a s o n a b l y r e q u i n t o a a g u m t h a t t h e I i e A o f t b i s ---
<br /> ;�::�.' ':�� � and Bomuwer's ob l i g a t t on to pay tho sums secureci by this Sac�uIty --
<br /> Secutity lnsaumenb Lenda a tights in tha Ptopaty �u
<br /> -:';�?3,�.. �_ Instcuaeent aha11 confinu� tmchange�.Upon nins�tement by Borrowu,tdis SecurIty Insuvment and the obligadoas sccund =
<br />-'�`�,:�"':.'���' hereyy shatt remein fully effecttve as If no aoc:eleradon hed occ�ured.However,dsia rtght w reiustate sflail not epply ln the casa af �
<br />-�.'�-'x'� acceleration under ParaBraPh 17.
<br /> ,:
<br /> � �,.`* "� 19.SAk o!Note;C6ange of I.oan Servicer. '!he Note or a paidal interest in the Note (wgetbu wtib thls Soc�rIty
<br /> ..,� ��;t Y � Insaumeat)may be sold one ar more tuaes without prlor nodce to Bomower.A sa�e may result in a change ln We endty(lneowa �-
<br /> `." ���'�.-�;: ; as the"Loan Selvioa'9 that collects monthly ya►cats due under the Nota end thla Seciutry Iastruma��71iem also awy be ona or
<br /> mom changes of the I,oau SarvIcer unmdat�ato a sale of the Note.If there is a ehen e of the Lflan S�7vIca.Borcowu wW be --
<br />-j s:� �,, givcn wriueu aotice of the ch�nge in axordan�o wtth paea�aph�l4m��s�hw�ild ba�m�ade.�'h aotFca w�W elso oontain en�y otlxi
<br />�:,y:y� eddress of tbe aew Lflan Servlcer and We address to wbic
<br />;-���"�.,. infara�ation required by applicable law. or release of any
<br />-°�;;�:�� ?A.Harardous Substances. Bomowet shall not cause or peimtt the presence. use, dlsposal, store8�,
<br /> �.�..�.: He�ardous Subsmnoes oa or in the Propeity.Bormwer shall not do.aor Aliow anyone else W do.anythiag affocdng d�e PropatY
<br /> :''�;'u`;�; tbet is ia vlolation of any�Bmironweatal Iaw.lhe preoed�n8 two seatutces sball not epply to tbe pnseac0.uso�or store8e on tde
<br />_�-`�:�►"� p�,pe,ty of small quantit�es of Hazardoua Su6stances that are geaerelly recognized t�ba epproprlate w nonnal rasiidendal uses ,
<br />_�:�� and to maintenance of the Property.
<br />_--,--�-��-�• Bottower shall pmmptly give Leader wrItten notloe of any invesdgadon.claia►.demand� laasuit or other acdon by any
<br />:-�:�=.; .;M.. � govemmeatal or ngulatory ency ar prlvate party involving the Pcoperiy and aay Ha�ardaua Substance or Bavimnmental Iaw
<br />,=�:�;�-•� of which Borrower tiaav��nowledga If�Bomower leams,or is aot�&ed by eny govemmeatel or regulatory autharlty.that eny
<br />:;s�`��,�.^,� . m,�noval or otha nm�ladon of a» Hazardoas Substance affecdag the Prope�ty is neassary�BQCrowtr shail prompily wice all
<br />...,..r�rtti7:;::�"` ItCCC3581�►ICtI1C�1818Cf10113�il aCCQ�CB N�ifl BDVIIOAQlQ111811.,9W.
<br /> --- AS USO� �II tlli3 pffi8$(8jlb ?.�1.~H8Z8Id0119 SI16S18110@8°8tE t�lOSO SI1bStAUCC.9 dC�IREd 89 t07[iC O?h878iQ0113 SI1bS18AC03 by
<br /> --�-�°;;;;� Bavlronmaual Law and the lollowing substeaces: gacollne. kerosen� otha tlammabla or to�dc pearoIeurnproducts. wxte
<br /> -J"�'�"'�'� dcIdes and he=biddes.volatille solvents�maurlaJs contaWnB asbestos or fannaldel�yde�aad redioacdve mataials.As used in
<br /> --�"-�`"•�� t�bia h Z0."Envizonmeuml Law"means federal laws and laas of the jurisdicdon whae tke Propaty�s located that relaoa
<br /> —°`�°�""� t,o�ety or wvlronm�atal pmtectton.
<br /> r�""�'��'' NON-UIVIFORM COVBNAN'PS.Bormwa and Lmder fu�tber cova�ant and agres as follows:
<br /> ..--- — Zl.Acaeleratloni Remedks.Leader sh�gtve notbe to Bono�ver prior to a�aknttbn toDowins Bon+oWer'e 6reacb of
<br /> �.,�;:;s�� an,y oovw�nt or agreement In this Sceurity lnstrument (but not �rbr to aooekration under pxragraPh 17 unkss
<br /> -..y:_�,�� Applkabk taa provides otheraise).T�e nodx ahaU epeciiy:(o)the detpWti N)the�ct6on rtqnired to aure the detaWt:(c)
<br /> — ---� a datq not tess t6an 30 d�y�from the d�te the aotice ia given to BorroWer•by wb1c6 the dd'autt must be autidi+►nd(d� -
<br /> ------ tLat faUun to cure t1�e detantt on or bePm�e the dAte speui�u ia t�a sci«rsap r�t la��sa a!:bs���' -
<br /> ==--=y by�S�arig'InsWmwt nnd a�k of tha Propesty.The notta sball fWrther inform Borrower ot tLe ri;ht b reinahte
<br /> ---= - _""��° stirer a�oekratbu and the right to bring s ao�ut astton to assert the non�dstence o!a ddault or an�other dcPe�se ot
<br /> - - - gorrower to aoceleration aud eak.It We dd�uit is not cured on or hefon the date spa�ffed in the notioe,I.ender,At its
<br /> _-__— oDtion�ouy raluire immtdi�te payment in WU ot all sums secw�ed by t6is S�carltg Instrum�t witbout fltrtha�demnnd
<br /> --- and may tnvoke!he powu ot sai�and any other remaliQS permitted by Applirabk Inw.I.ender e6a11 be enttticd to ooDect
<br /> - ----� aU pcpenses incorred in pnraoing the remcdks provi�led tn this P�S�Ph Zl,indudtegr but not limited to�raisonAbk
<br /> 'r���� attorneya'fees aad co�s ot title evidenoe.
<br />__:����,°� It the pow¢r ot sak is invotccd, Trustee s6aU record a notke o!default in�ach conaty in wt►ic6 any Part ot the
<br /> -_----=�.� �'+'°P�9�tocated and aball m�il copies ot auch notice in the iaanner preaaribed by applicnbk law to Borro�er and to t6e _
<br /> - =—.=��- otDer persons prescrIbed by Appikahk Ww.ARer!he time re�luired by applkabte luw.'LYustee ah�ll gtvc pubik noWx o! �
<br /> �-"" � � sak to We permuns ond in the manner prescrtbcd by applkabk i��v.Tnutee�without demand on Borrower,ehall se�14i►e
<br />�--��;� property at publk auctbn to the 6ighest bidder at the time and plaoc Aad uader We terms des�gnatsd tn tDe aotice ot eAk
<br /> _-_:�;_� �
<br /> ������ Fo►m 30�s f1o0
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