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<br />-:r,�;>�,,;''���; ' 16.Borrower's�opy. Harnwer ehall beg�v�en a�e oon[acnwd oopy oi tha Note and of Ihis Socurity Inaorument,
<br /> 19.'��raa�.ter o�Qhe Pro�rt er Q Beeeifc�l Intertst fa Barr�.�tr. It all or eny part of 1ho Propesty or eny interast in it is �
<br />.:,� ,� .. �..� sold or tr�nafared(at if�t W interat in Sarewu is wld a aansfarod and Horrowcr Is ao►a nawraIp�sas)withoW �_
<br /> Ltader•a prlor wrltta�conxnt,l�nder msy�u itso�io �r'e9ulro immod�ate paym�t in full of all sums securod by tltli Sacurlty
<br /> ° I n s o c u m e n t H u w e v u�t h i s o pdon shall not be euercisod b y Latda if ea�is prohibiud by foda�l law ag of tho dEte of thfs �-
<br /> y,��:��,� Secudty Inn�ument �.
<br /> It L�enda ouercises this n.Lender shall giva Bormwer nodca of aoaklatlon.Zhe nodoe aball provldo ape� of not less �..
<br />,.;�+� than 30 daya from the date�nodca ia delivtred or muiled wlthtn which Sorrower must pay all sums secue�ed by�this Sacnrlty _
<br /> =— - Inawc��If 8o�ower feils w paY tkae siuns Prior to tbe e�cPIrattnn af this perial.l�e+ider maY invoke any remedies permiacd �-
<br /> -_;::`_-:�.,'�.. by t43s Sxutlty Instrument without fuMer nottce or demand aa esaROwcr.
<br /> ',:�_:r�'� i is.Borrower'a Ri�ht to Rei�utah. If Bom�wer me�ta cestafn cnnditione. Borrowa ehall have the rlght m have
<br /> , . ._��.• .' enfoioearient nf tbls Se�.wrlty Inst�ument dlsc�atinued at any tlme prtor w t�e eariia of (a) S d�ys(or such o�er perlod as __
<br /> . . � applkabb law may for rejnsmtuneat)b e fom s t l e o f t b e P r u[�e i t Y pun nrsw n t t o an y p ower of sala oonmined ie�tuis S e c u e t t y
<br /> s
<br /> .�'+.:';. .F::r. Iasuumen�or(b)ea�a jud�neat eaforclug this Sacurtty Iaswmen�'14tosa om�diflons aro thet Bon�nwer.(a)pays Lta�der a u =-
<br />_=- ..`-�� +�. �w�}�p�������Iry U�s�u�t and tGa Note as if no axekxatbn dad oocurrad: (b)c�trs any
<br />_-a fi,��� default of any o�e�venaam a a�oeaunta; �)p�Ys�����������'incYudir►g,bnt
<br /> ".*•`,: ant WNted w.reasunable amomeys'fas�aad(�t�es s�ch acdon�I�der ms ra�w�ably requim to ass�ua dmt tbo lia►of thia
<br />=�:•��:��..-��- ��y ��, �'s�gpy� � �ha Pr�y a�d Borrowcr's ob�n to pay u'he suras sectuui by thiis �rauIr} �
<br />-°��r�:i•,' Inst�umeat shail condaue uncbengod. Upon �t by Bo�rowu. Sacu� Insaumeat end tbe obligations scciu�ed
<br /> _-`. '; �' . hereby shall ranain fully e,�'ecdve a9 ii ao axeleration had occnrrad.Howeva.d�ts rIg t to reinstate shail not apply in tbe caso oi _
<br />`:"���'YF:•'.��� ,
<br />_ __,,;�' 80CC1ti�ilOG UltdRl p8t�h 17.
<br /> Rl
<br /> 19.S�k of Note; htn�e ot I.uan Servioer. 1be Note or a paRW iaumst in die Nota (tageiha wItb this Seautty
<br /> :.�-``�..�' Iaswment)may ba sold une a more dmes without prlor nottca w Bonowu.A sele may msWt in a chaz�ge�ia the aatity(imown
<br />_`°•'.,,. a4 tho"La�a Savkd�tl�at collecis moattdy paYments due under tha Nota and thia Securiry Instcummt Th elso raay 6e one a
<br /> ;.'_:;' more ct�anges of the Loan Servku unrelated to a sale of the Note.It tt�re ls a ct�an e of dtt L�n Sav�,Bonrower aW be
<br /> �M;:��,,,�P givea writtea notica of the cbange la ea�ordance wIth 14 sbova and lo law.'11ie aodce wW stata tbe nama and
<br /> ,,..��,� addross of tbe aaw Lo�a Se�vker aad d�a address m w�ch�pa,ymeats shoWd made.The nodce wW atso contain oay othex
<br /> ,.� � ,� infom�adon reguired by�appIitebla law.
<br /> ' ���' ?A.Rwrdow Bubafances. Bomower shaU not cause � pamit the presa�ca, use, di�OSa1, stornge. or nlease of eay
<br /> .TY J:�•
<br /> :�'.sM��`` Ha�acdoua Substanoes on or In the Propeny.Barewa shall not do.nor allow anyone else to do.anythin�sffec�►8��I�Y
<br /> �:;,f yr�•v� that ia ia vblatlost of aay�Snvtronmaimi Law.'Tfia pr000ding iwi���s�si2�ai�r ia tlu pse�ax,ssx„�s�age�ss!he =
<br /> - -:_;,:_ Pr po aty of smail quautitles of Hazardous Snbstances that aro gene:aUy rxog�ized eo i�e eppmPrjace to nomnat nsid�udal�ses
<br /> �_-T;�� and to maintena�noe o2 the P�opaty.
<br /> .-- : Bo�mwer ed�l P�P�Y 8�ve L�wrimen nodoe of aay inv�i�.clai�,de�nd,lawsuit or otha acdon hy my
<br />:r�:��s;"; govemmeatal a zeguiatory eacY�P��P�Y iavoivtng dse Property aad any 1Ha�rardous Subslanoe a 1&�vbonnkntal Iaw
<br /> �.�,��t�� of whicL Bosmwer das�know e.IP Bacowa kams��ia not[fied by any govex�uneatat or regWatory authority.t1u�t aay
<br /> k�,g kam � Bormwa shail prnmptly talco all
<br /> m;;�:��s$.r ' removal or otber remodiedon of any �rdous Subsdu�ca affocdng tha Pe+opaty is neoaasa�►,
<br /> ==�-�� aeoessaty t�emedial actiona in exordance with Bavironmeutal Law.
<br />..�.'-"'-���� As used in this pnragrnph 20,"Ha�ardous Substances"are those subsmnces definod as �axtc or dezardous substa�xx�s by
<br /> __�.zs��� Buvironmentat Law and the followLig subs�nas: gasolin0. kaaseae, othu ftammable or toatc pet�o��ts. wxic
<br /> �-s-�.-�,-.��,� p�da,y and herbiddes,volatil�solveuta ma�Ials oontaining esbes�ns or fotmaldehyde.and redioacdve Ae nsed in
<br /> �.'� this h 20."Envimncneatal Law"means fa3eial laws ertd lawe of the jurlsdtctbn where the Propaty is lacxr�ed t6at rolaQa
<br /> -------� to 1��.s ety or eav�+onmeatal proLa�ion.
<br /> ._-—=_= NON-ZJN�RM COVSNANTS.Basmwu and Lenda fintbea coveneat and a�ree as follow�
<br /> _—`.'��y 2L Accekratbui Rtmedks.I.ender shall Qtvc notioe to Borrowar prior to aa�irratbn[ofbwtnj Borrawer's brsac6 ot
<br /> ----�"T.,—� � covenant or sjceement in thts &curity Instrumeat (but no! prbr to at!oekrat�on nnder paragrap6 17 unless
<br /> - -----= sr�!�!sp g!�r�-sl�..se�.g!?.'!'�'r!c�+�+e�1t a�: (o)t�detA,p�=(�+)�a��e�cmb�d to cure tLe Qehnit;(c) .
<br /> ----- -- a�at�aot teas t6�n 30 da�a tYom t4e dste the notloe is�ivea to Borrmrer.by whk6 t6e ddault mnst be caredi and<�
<br /> ---- tiat l�tOe+e to cwe the delaWt on or bdon the date ia t6e notia mAy re�it in�eode�ation of tlie eame sccured
<br /> — - by thi�Sccurky Instrumwt and sak oi the Propetq�.The notice ehall tm�ther taforen Bare+o�ver at t6s a�ght to refeslah
<br /> = efter aaederatba wnd t4e right to bring o eowt acdan to aasert the non-cdstenoe ot��tefaWt or any other d�tessc ot
<br /> - Bon+n�►er to acaeleradon xnd s�le-U the deittnit is not cured oe or betore t�date sped�ied fn the notia,I.ender,at ib
<br /> ��_�— optbn�msy requin immed4te p�ymemt in full ot all snms ecco�ed by tbis Sccurity L�slrmnept�vithoat turtha demaed
<br /> �=���� aad mwy iQVOke t6e pawer of s�le and any other t�emtttiea permUted b�appitatbk IAw.I.ender ahall be ecKttled to eo�lect
<br /> _ ---�_� s�D expentea incurnd tn pnre�6ng the remedies provided in thb paeageaPh 21,inctudina.6at Qat limited ta rwaonabk
<br /> _---QT�� �ttorneya'tee8andoost9orthleevldence.
<br />- _� -=��� If ttie po9►er ot sak!s invoted,Teasta sbafl reoord a notioe af det�ult tn each connty in �vhkh an��ut ot t6e
<br /> �"��� Properiy ia tacata!and shaU maff wpka o!sucb notioe in the manner prescr[bcd by applicabk Ww to Borra�rer wnd to tlie
<br /> -J _
<br /> _� '`�'�� othe*Pu'sona prescriDed by applkable law.After We tlme requb+cd by applkable Isw�Trusta s6�s�`[ve pubik notke ot
<br />-'"�`��`�` ssk to tLe peraoffi and tn the manaar prescribed by appUcxbk I�w.Tr�ste�aithout dem�nd on Bon�osver.shall seU the _
<br /> --- �-� -
<br /> �� `��`'�'"��`� Property�t public aucdon to t6e hl�hest 6ldder at the time and plaoe and unda the terais des�uahd in t�notla of sak
<br /> -.3��a� . ..�,_ -
<br /> ' ,�, Form S02a O/AO r
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