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<br /> "+ 1, h�1f1M�t�. 8orrow�t �p��es�a m�k� ttl �rym�nto on tho eacured gebi w�sn dua. Untea Oanowar�nnd l.ondar aflrao othorwlso, any �'�`
<br /> „ - pNy�m�itiY 4fiflttii t6CG{YOS ram orrownr or �►RnrrowaY's berw111 wlll s�R��ed flnt to any amounts Borrowcrt owe� an tho s�eurad dobt �,.i.
<br /> not�reduas oi exouiiinyiah���uted piymint�unttl tM ficuiid dAbt li pitld In!u I��P���oymnnt of tho sucur�d dobt oacuro tar eny reneon,lt wllt
<br /> �,p��n�A�rNnrt Tid�,Dorrower wlll p�y�II t�xa,nascm�nt�,�nd oth�r ohuQa��tt��butabts to the prop�rty wh�n du��nd wtit d�tend titto
<br />"`'�� Is.� Cetitiis whlol►�o,iowei m Y haw a0ilnn pirdti,spwhoiupp�Y�e�r a�mitiilit9 to Imao�vi otymei�ii�intbs propiity sUpn�ny�ipht�,ot�im�or -___
<br /> �`�}.-°•�,_• 8,tnWxana�. Borcovwr wiil koop tho proparty inourcd undor torme nacoptatrle to Lender et Bonower's expems end tor Lender's E�netit.Atl
<br /> ,� , in�unnc�po=�aNs sMlt inoiud��atm•d�(d mort �0�a���t��� fwot of I.�nd�r.l�y�o et witl b�nam�d a lou p�1n�or�s tho iruund on rny such
<br /> � '`. cr to thi sdau�ry�d di0t�If Lindiriquira�n o�rtpe0�Pni��n ne�t 9or owii�aprsi�to milnta ntiuch Iniurinai tor ai lonp ai Lindira equ�is���
<br />-.:� 4,prop�rty.9orrow�r wlli k��p th�p�operty in pood condltton and m�k��II rep�in n�wn�bty nean��rY.
<br /> _ 6 ExpMUS�.Bottovr����Onss to pa all WM�r's e�cpenoss 1�aiudlnp n�tontblt�ttwns�n'fsn,if Borrow�r bresk�any coven�M�tn this deed
<br /> - o�trust or tn any abli0tt on ssau►ed�y thlt desd ot tru�t.�onower w1li pW theio amaurnt to Lender��provfded in Covenent 8 of this d�sd ot
<br /> __- � Wet. :1'`-
<br /> . ;: , .��' uK
<br /> e.pAor g��y t�rtts.UnNu Bortowe fUtt obuins Ltnder's wrhten conunt. eor►owsr wBii►wi ei:k�ur p�rmlt seY�ssp�to asq prlor
<br />-�.�:--��•* ; pcurtty Inar�sts.9orrowu wlil p��torm aU at Borrowor'�oblipaUons under any prlor moRy�ps,desd of truit or otMr�eaurky�ptoemmt, q_-
<br /> � � � � inctudinp k3onowsr's cov�n�nU to naka paymeMe arhen due. �
<br /> _'_ s ,` .
<br /> ,_t.s,� M�. y,A�I�t g�nu�nd Profib.8orrower�stipns to Lender tt►e rent4 and proffu of the properhl.Untea Bonowe�and Lsnder h�vp apresd
<br /> ",�:;,.; •a�s . otherw are tn�n9, Bonower msy co0eat and retein the ronu aa�onp ss Bonower is not tn dMoutt..lt Borrower defsults, landsr,Lender's �_
<br />:y�,,��;-.�* aqsnt,ot a court appolnud rocetver msY ta�ope�e�ncludino�court coa�and pst ane�ys cfee�co�mm{��tob^sn�rreMt I e�Qent�and any o��°i —
<br /> .�._ ��� � apptied flrst to ths aona of man�pinp the
<br /> =�;4.#y, aeceaary rotetsd ezpensse.The romaininp amouM of ront�will then apply to paymeMS on the aeeured debt ea provtded In Covensnt 1. �
<br /> ��'�(����t�. g,i.nsN�oidst Condominiumst PUnned Udt OwNopnNnb.Bonower aproes to eomclv whh the provisions of any leaae B tfiio doad of truat la on -
<br />�-s�i' e tr!uehold.If thit d�sd of truet is on a unit in e condominium ar e planned unit davolopme�t.Borrower wfil perfotm all ot Borcower'a duties
<br />`�`�- undor the covenenta,bylawa,or regulettona of the condominium ot ptenned unft development.
<br /> +��� Lender msy
<br />``:=�: � r 8.Authodq ot�anAa to P�rfom�tor Borr°wK.If Barrower lNls to r}orm any of 8orrower's dutiee unrfer thts deed of wuas.
<br /> -r..��_
<br />--=,wa�ti , pe�form th�dutiei or cau�s them to h�paformed.Lendsr may sipn rrowsr'e name prpay any emouM if neceuery tor partormanes.It any
<br />���K.�•° :,•;��_ eo�muotlon on tMpro psnV fs diacominusd or rrot oartkd an in a roasombis manner,L.ender mey do whatever Is nece�sary to proteot Lender's
<br /> '� �..�,,M, security interect in ms property.Thli may inctude eompleUnp the eonstruatfon. _
<br />._T������ Lender'o f�tluro to pertorm wlli not P�eotude lender irom ezereis�np any of ks other riphte under the Uw or this deed of trust.
<br /> ��:,� AnY amounte paid by lender to ptoteat Lender's eecurity Interost wllt be secured by thi�Geed of trust.Suoh�mourm wlll ba due on dem�nd
<br /> '-`'��� an�witi beu fr►terwt hom the dsta of ths psymerrt undl paid in tuli�t the interest rate in ettect on ths seared dabt.
<br />-•-:.�Z�.�`.`�A -
<br /> �p, p�}aWt and A¢a�Nrtlton.If Bor�owa fnils to meke eny payment when due or breatu eny covsn�nts under thia desd o uusE pr any
<br /> "'��-����r.�s�, . oblip�tion secursd by this deed of trust or any pdo�mo�tgege or daod of uutt, Lender ma��r aaceler�ts ths m�tur(ty ot the securod debt and -
<br /> =;.,;;t.�;��;;�;•_ dsmmd immediats peyment and mq h►voke the pcwer of ssie and am►other�emedlet permitted by appitoabU isw.
<br /> ��;+�:��i�. t1,R�qwst ta Notla�o!O�feutt.lt is hereEy�equs�ted that copies of tAs eotlees ot default and s�te bs senic to a�zh�aracjn wi�o K a pm2Y °v
<br /> --_��„c�;;� heroto,at che�ddresi of each suoh psnon,et sst Mrth herein. __
<br />-"�`�� �±�'� 12.Powa of SM�.If tbe I.endnr lmrokss ths pow�r of wls,ehs Trustee shdl flra rowM in ths offter of th�repl�ter of Eesds of each eourriy �
<br /> ��.� .. p
<br /> ,�„•::�ay�g�. wheroln the truet prop�rty or eome pert or parce!thsroof 1��itueted a nodcs ot dstwk cootalntn (�o an�d�othsei�paraons ai� ��icr(b�by
<br /> -__ - �hali d�o mdl copl�s of tM�otios ot defauri to tM 8ottow�r,to eaoh peraon who(s a prrty M s not In any
<br /> -_�-,� �ppUaabts Isw. Not las thm ons month atte►tM Trustos ncord�ths notiae ot det�a»ul������'����a� ����������M
<br /> incotporat�d ottY a W���Q����s�d in fumtnp op�ratlona auriW on by tha trustat, T
<br /> --��..� +n�d��N tM mmnsr pruarlD�O bY��pppltoabis t�w.7�u�tes,without dem�nd oe Bonower.�h�N seil ths propsrtY a4 pubilc eu on to tM hl�tnst
<br /> -- Wd�r.tt nquk�d by tM Farm Momesteed Protaacbn Aet,Trustes�hdQ.��pr��l��m��P���+��ot iny pivf I�a��ys�cMdu�a1�.
<br /> - Tru�m�Y postpone ssi�of atl a any paroei of ths prope�ty bY pubti w
<br /> �� LerW�r or Its dssiyr�may pxehae ths prop�rtY st�ny s��e.
<br /> �.�v - Upon ncN t of pa rtt of th4 prics btd,Trustas�haH ddiver to the purchstw Trum�'�dNd eomh'�inp�ProP�►tY•���a��d C0^t���Q
<br /> TnuW�'s�i�d stu�p�im�t�d�evidis�cs ot tM m�M of tt►e satem�r►ts com�in�d�Mnin.Trwta�s�u I�pply ths proee�ds o4 UN�in ths
<br /> - --- ifrt�itit�imin�tiei�lbl to ill i ms earcb Dy t~hfa�d�f�mi��nd tcI tmhitb Inw Itany�to��aoni lepi►ly en�titbd t ropt�vs�lt.f��s aM
<br /> - 13.Fondown.At Lende►'s option,thh de�d ot Vust may be foroolos�d in tM mmner p►ovid�by�pplto�bie taw tor toreclosure of mo�pe�
<br /> -� on nN prapKty.
<br /> 14.�n�on L�nd�r may a+tar ths property to Inipeat k it lender pivss Bartov�nr�odc�beforehend.TM�odce must otate ths reuonabl�
<br /> ce�e for L�ndir'n I�spsadon.
<br /> — - �B.�,��� „i;,y��;��so�Qt.ny�w.rd o.c�.tm tor dam�aes aonnected whh�condemnstian or other t�k(np
<br /> of aN a any psrt ot tl►a propatY�ueh proeesds wflt bs applfed�s provided tn Covenae�t t.Thtt�ltip11rtro1R tG subleot tq ltKf fm�l�s u�ri�y�w'{'vf
<br /> __ _.---° Q��(Y�fNRNOt.
<br /> te.Walr�e.By�xsroitinp any r��y w�U�We to Lendtt.Lender doet not phro up�r�Y ripht�to I�u�s�ny othsr ror�»dy.BY not exereittnp
<br /> �ny�emsdy upon Bortows►'a dstwt4 Lander doa not waivu�ny ripAt to i�ter consiav ttw�vsnt a defsuit it k happ�nt ag�in.
<br /> - 17.JaNft�nd aw+rr WE�t1I�Coaipn�as Suoawon�nd AsslO�s a°ue�.AII duties undsr thts dsed of wst W� toMt �nd sswrd. An
<br /> Bortowa who co-sipns t�+i�d of trust but dos� not casipn the uc�d�rhrin�debt instncmait(s1 does o��fy to pnnt u+d comny tl+�
<br /> gortoy,�r'�tntapt�n q,s propKty to tM Trustae unda tho term�s�of mthis doad of vuat.ln iddltion,such�eoROwsr�pren Mat th�lender a
<br /> ' ' dobt wt�thout�Bo rower's cona�aM°�fra�with�o�uc°�e'ieas�i�p�Bortow�rr'om m°�.eem,�i'o�ti,ii aoea ot trun thh deed of trust or Nn�sacurad
<br /> ---• Tt�s dutN��nd b�n�flu ot tt�i dMd ot uua�h�o btnd and bensflt ths succeuas and�sitgna of lendsr�nd eonower.
<br /> --�-_-_: 1t.Not1c�.UnNst otMrwke raquked by taw.�n notics to 8onowsr sM0 bs Qhren by detivodrg k or by maitinp R by nsrd8ed mait�ddres�ed to
<br /> _._ ..-`�; gp��n�po�rty addnss qamI�otMr a�ess that Borrawer h�s piwn to Lender.Borrowsr wiii pivs amr noUa�W Under by eerJfi�d -
<br /> _;;;�,,,,r�j mW to Lenda's iddnss on paQ�1 of thts desd trua�or to ar►y other�drrea whieh lendu has ds:ipnaad.My otlier noties to l�t►�sr sMll
<br />_.-�ur,�r•� b s�e n t t o U n d�r's a d d t a q q s U t�d o n P a p e 1 O f t M S deed ot ttust. _
<br /> --'�"'-�"-' Any notics�hsll bs d�emed to hsve bNn pivan to Borrower or Lender whan ptven in ths mennet eteted above. -
<br /> �,��' 18.TrmiK of ttN�y or�Bw�Alcqi kR�nst tn tM lonow�r.tf dl or eny put ot ths propsrty or anY tM�rost in h Is wld ot tr�mferted '
<br />-�;=, wi�ot�t l.ender'�prior" tt en cwu�nt, Unde►m�y dsmand immedi�t�pa yment of th�sscured deEt. Lend�r m�N atto dem�nd imm�dtate _.
<br />- • -•�.:..::.., piymeM H tlte 8ortower is not a netu►al psrson and a bsne{�dsl iMerest In tM go►rovrer Is�old or tranaterred.Howevar. Letidsr may �ot �
<br /> :���y = �. z� damand psYmeM In ths aEOVe ettuariona If tt ia prohibRed by tederat tew aa of the dcto of thla desd of truet.
<br />;:�r.���_:;._.:.
<br />- 70.R�anwtl�e�•1�►Aen the oDOparion seaued by thts dned of trust hss Doen Oeid end Lender has no turther obUaaUon to maks�vanaoa _
<br /> � ' under ths tnsVUmsM��a meMe ssu+►ed by tht�deed of trust,the Trustee ehelf,upon written►equeat bv the Lender, roconvsy t truK -
<br /> � .�.�...w.0�w..e�.tn.0er.n,�ar_er m Bnrrower'e succeaanr in interost,the truat deed and the noto or other evidenae of the
<br /> .� = v� ,. .....,..._.._._.�..__ ._ _ _ -
<br /> �- -�, oN�gatlon so oatlafiad.Borrowe►s1wt1 pay any recordatton coats. _
<br />_''�'��` "� 21.Suee�uw Trwtw. lander, et Lender's optlon, mey romove Trustee end�eppoiM a sucaoasos truetee by first. matling a aopy ot the =
<br /> ,,,�w .�� 6up�on of trustes as rnqunad Ly appNcabte law.artd then,bY Hit the substitutlon of nuate�ter�eca►d in the otflee ot the regiater of deeds _
<br /> `'-��;� `��' sueae.e�ed t�o u the po vice,d�utlos au�ortt�nedr 6title�of�T�s�tefo�nam��ed i�dre deed ot�trost ar�id of a y eueaa�sor truste�e.ot the property.snan =
<br /> --Vr�k,��� _.
<br /> .r�',,4- , •'T
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<br /> :q' �
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<br /> -�'..'!�,.ti��: �e,�,es,e�c..gr.e�ouo.MN 6E.tOt H�lOWl7-21411 WNM!OCPMTO�IE 611819t
<br /> �"��'"'�`�.
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