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<br /> � i ,...�. .�.. - � :_� � .
<br /> . � ` . - . . . ,,.._�... �,.`.�f_a�i-sM= -�---_--
<br /> .. ��y� .. � . .�...r•-�1�iA�Fnr•b'� . . . -
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<br /> ",..".-_. '_._,.__e..._ _. .__•
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<br /> . . i ._.. .., . :• •-- _,,.- - _ --_ — __
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<br /> - .: g�_�,A6892
<br /> .�'F}� • • • 7. P7o�a4lon�f Londer'e Eilphls!n tl�e► P�ap�tty. n eorrowa tr� co v«�� t� covwwns and +�pr�nw�n -
<br /> ., aontah�d b tAk&saur�y[mUument�or thna b s M9��Proc�odin�that may i{9n�n11�atNct Undws ApAts b q�Prop�i1►(�++ah� e:-_-
<br /> --- e 0�9 h Wnkruptay�Pro�,tor aortdmr�tion a to�f�r�ot to mtocc�law� or npulatbns),itHn I.�nda rrwy do ond p�y tor [,�,�
<br /> _ "�,; whttwN 1� MC�iwt►to prob04 th�va1�o?tfN Ptop�tfr�n�iaw�4��:Cn tha ProA�►. �endw��oUons miY Inolud�PiY1� Ei,'�_.,..
<br /> ,`,� kl a01tA� we-,_
<br /> smr sumt�ow�d by a Mn whiab has P��f►ov�this 8rawlhi Insirunw�L�� P�)� ���M attan�r'�ba�nd
<br /> ::.:-�'.:as �nt�+p on tM Prop�yl to m�k��pab. Althouph L�nd�r m�y Wn aatbn un0u thk panOraph 7.tanda dow no!haw to do�o.
<br />-�::;�-eF My�tn0lx�b dMburs�d pr L�nd�t undK thk P��� sh�M b�COir+� adQklonN drbt o1 Borroww pound by thN 8rcu�ltf► ��"
<br /> �� ,. ,.. Inatrum�nt. Unbss 8ar��na I.�ndM aOrM to Oth�r tlrms a! Pqm�1� tl� �naunb sful bw hbn�t kom tM det� of -
<br /> dMbiNt�ntM�t�t t!N NoM aM md thaM b�WI��wKA hOKML upon ootic�Irom Lwitfix w C3otta�.:r�cquss�lb�o R Y �.:-
<br /> 'c.�=�.�- a. Mortp���InN�tf'!QCl. fi l.M�du t�qulnld mo�tp� hwr�ne�q a oondtbn W m�klnp 1M lo�n e�GUnd by thR _ -
<br />__:e.�_ 8�aurRf► Ntstrummt, BartowM thaN psy th� 0�� �t�d to maht�it ths RaRp�p�hsunno�In �ot. If�tor anr tNton� th� �,,�'
<br />��; mortp.p�bsur�no.oovw.o.nauind br unaw rv�«�••� w M•�os.eomaw�r snu v+y tt»anrt►tums�qur.a co obs�in i,-..
<br />:_� aov�np� wbstantt�y �a�+watM+t to th�monp�� �unnu a'�"bu�b � �• at • aost wbannw b�tandat U wbsw►tW�► '
<br /> --: � eorrow.r ot th. moAaa� bwr.r�c. a�u�h ti •n.ot, Itan an .a.mat. mott� b:wur wa�� r '�-
<br /> t�--
<br /> � �• puNal�nt mortp�0�hwrwna�aowr+�b not axat�bM�8arowar tIW WY to I.�ndw Moh montf�t sum squal to awlwNAl�of th� ,
<br />';�s'� Ye�A�►matWp�„wrano�P�tum b�inp P�bY��wMn th�hwrancs aovwsN M�Ds�d w aws�d to b�b�NOt. tand�r wAI �__
<br />- "� soa�pt� u��nd rMah thu�PaY�b u a bu rN�rw in Mw of matWp�bsurruic�. Los� nsww PaS�^u �r eo tonpo►6� G
<br />_� - � th�amount �nd tor th� Oxbd th4t t�nder n1quY�a)providod bY
<br />"' _; -� rput�d�at th� oDtbn ot Lendit.r moRptp�hautano�eov�t� (�'�
<br />�=x:�'�''� tn hsurot aPProvid by i.a�dK epah besartws avtAtbM and b obtainad. Bofrower ehap bt ttmci Mtd�h �iCaoidurlCO wkt� ailr
<br /> � 1 moR�p�Insuranc�h�tteot.or to pravtd� a bas naww. undl tM rop�+Mae�r+t tor mo�fp�p�
<br /> �+a�isa wrktan�pr��t b�ewMn Bortowa ind Lsndor a�pO�M i�w.
<br /> .:�'�""�� 8. IltSpe�tl0q. l.�nd�t or b �►t mall rtMk�naiomlbM wltrrs upon md biD��s ot dN PrOi�Y• l.�ndK shtl pMr _
<br />_""�.`�� 8arowr notic�at tM rirw ot or prbr to�n hsp�otton speoiryh0���aus�fa Ihe i�sp�otion. o_.
<br />`.�"`'.—'- tp• tt�oe a o�a�WOcinO ot�y�th�f �nP�Y�ta a nwyu�d�h M�a ot�d��tbn�,a�n�M�robr Ipn�d Ma hs�N b� __-
<br /> _,�� aondamna �,�,
<br /> � ptid to I,rndk thar b��pplt�d to th� sumt weund br th�8trsudh►k►strum�nR
<br />=,�t%?{f` In tM Mnt of�tolal tlkirp Ot tfw Ptop�lY.tM P�
<br />'�"i�i4��i*,1�i�r� wh�or not tMn aw.wRh arnl�s p�ro BarowK M tM�wnt of a puttil Wcinp ot th�P�ope�tY b whtab th�hY mnk�t _—
<br />�:,�� valus of th�PropKy► hxn�dl�bN bdoh tM bikln0 Is �qua�t� a R�t�r th�n qw �now+t ot th� wms �cund by thN S�aurKfr
<br /> —'°'" Instrum�M Mned�Uh►�Mo�tM takfnp�unNts BarowM �nd tandK olhMwlq apn�b w�kh0�t�wms aound br thtt 8�curRf►
<br /> �°"'� tnswmmt �hat b� r�ducrd br th� amount ot th�ProoMd�nwlt�pb by th� tollowb9 trroNonc(a)th� toW�rnax►t M ths surta
<br /> .x, �ourad Em+nldfaUA►bMon tM t�kMp.dMd�d by N)tM tair m�rk�t v�u�of tM P�opMty fmNdltlMl dM�f1M t�kNp•My bdYa�
<br />�'��� thaM b�P�to 8arowar.In tM�wnt o!a 0�W�7 of ttw P�opMb b whbb tM MY m�rlcM vaM� of tM PropMtY h�d�nt�N
<br /> —_ — e.�e�a th� t�kMiO t�M�s M�n tM arnaMt d th�sums s�aund Ymwdt�bh bNo�th�Welrq.unWs BonowM�d�thlt 8�eur41►
<br /> -,-- _ - ,�pr�. h wrRlnp a unllss .oaMo�bb t�w ottN�ww P�avidN�tix; �w'�w� slsols lt:s �e i3 +Mr -- .
<br /> ----� tniwrnN�!wht,sh�r ot not th�wmt�tMn du�.
<br />-,�i� ff th�PropKq b�bandon�d by Barorwt�or M��fDlr natfo�by Lrw�d�r to Borroywr INt tM cond�mor WO�s to m�k��n�w�r0 or
<br /> ,�,�� wltN s otafli ta dMn��8orrow�r hb to n�P�d to tandK w1thN 30 dyrs �tM dat�th�notta is 9��I.�ndv k wtMMwd
<br /> _== a eorwot.ne.voN� v���a�+ov��MhM to AqoraUon ot nDal'o!!h�Prop�AY 0►to tAe wmt naurrd br fhM 8�ouib
<br /> _�"i �nstrunMnL wMtMt a not tMn du�. p� to �har not�dtnd or Potlpon�tM
<br /> unwss t«+aK.ne 6arow.r oaaiww�prM h wrklrw� •�+r��+ v�� �""0�
<br /> du�d�M of th�monthN Wl�b nNrt�d to h p�npr�pAs t�nd Q or o�w�p�th�rnourA of woh parrNnb•
<br /> 11. 8orrower Not Relewed:Forbeannes By 1�nder Not a Watva. 6o�an o� tn� �n. ta v'y'"� a
<br /> modYlptbn of�morNation ot tfa sum�acund by thR S�eur�Y�s�^�t�^���'�"�tO�r ��ti ht�t of Borrow�r
<br /> that not apKat�to nUta tho II�EtIh of tM a101nat Barow�►a BarowK'� �ssa� h ht�� I.�ndr�haN not b�nquhd to
<br /> oarmma�prooeldYq� ap�►'�tt�ny suo�stor b intr�t or nt�ua to�nd thw tor p�l�t or otffwwW modth►�11on ot tlr
<br /> wna� nCUnd b1► MI1 8� hsl�ummt by �ason oi anr dNrw►d mld� Op tM al� �w�r a►8ortowws �t�ston h
<br /> hbrost M!tabMronC�bl►L�ndrt h p�raMMO v►f►�►t ar�nNdr that e0t bo a vr�MK o1 or D�owd�th��1nCW d�ny ApM or
<br /> �1 Sucees�ors md Aalpn� Bound;Jotnt Nud 8avtral L�nbUlty;Co�l�nen. �n. eo�«w�n mo
<br /> �paMnmt+t ot mr 8.a+utr�s+�snd bine.na b� tl+. woo«�as �na as�lpns M t+mda .Ra earow.r. wel� co tn.
<br />=— p�pvk�n,ot p�s�opnpn ��sarowers eo�w+ts.na�pr.N�w�n s�w a jotne.na.wKat anr earow�r wno oo+ta»mk s.ourlty _
<br /> --- trtsbunNnt buc das aot aaua t1+� NoN: (�) � ooslpnino mt� S�ourty tmtn�w►t any to �naEp�p�. ��•� �i�cund
<br /> Bprrow�s ht�st b tM Prapa�tf wttJr tM t�rna ot tAis S�awlyr lnstru�n� lb)Is no!pM�eontl�obqat�d P�l�
<br /> bY thl�S�curltN InstrummC�n�(o? �� � L+�nd�r �nd �nU othK 8onowu mal qrw to�W. rtwdl�l•lorb«r or m�k��ny
<br /> aoo0mnod�tbns wRh�Wd to t�ma o!thlt 8�aurR1►Instrum�nt or UN Nob wRhout tMt BomDwMs aontmt.
<br /> 13. �oan Clw�es. tf th�lo�n �CUr�d br this SrouAll InftrumMit N wbl�at to� 1Rw whbA pts rt�drtwm b�t oh�p�s.
<br /> and thtt kw k fhVi► MtMpr�qd so that tM ht�nst ar otlNr b�n eMup�t Coloabd or to b�ooMI00�d b oonrnotlon wlth tA�bat
<br /> _ �xcMd tM P��Ymb�th�ni ta)�nY�h tan ohWN sh�N b�nduc�d by th�Mnount rne�sw�►to nduc�th�ofwp�to tt�
<br /> = pKmtad tn��nd lb) �n!►w��inady C01�obd kom BorrOwat wtibh�mcMd�d p�d Mnks wY!b�nMurtd�d to BOmow�r. LM1dK
<br /> may ohoos�to m�k� thk tMsmd br ndualnp t���ow�d und�r tM Not�or by m�kh01► dY�at Wf�t � 8ortow�r. M a
<br /> = Mund�p�p����^w�b�tnabQ u a P�PnP�ri�wthout�ny OnOW�t ofwp�unda tM t�tob.
<br /> --�� 14. Notleea. My notio�to 8orraww 0���„MN S�auAf►tnstrum�nt�f�E�0� bY d�p l�a►b1l��0 R b1►
<br /> Rrst ot�ss ma1 untas aPD��tw�4�+Ms us�o!�nolMr mrMod. 7M oott�sNt b dY�at�to th�Prq�rtf► �ddi'ws a�^!►
<br />-__° '�`'�' othrr aAd�s Ba►ow�r dMtpnt►�s by naSla�to I.�rtdK My notir�to Lmd�r s�W b�tt�+ b!I Ih!aWf ma1 to I.�nd��ad�s
<br />-_-_�'��! tttlyd MnM or�ny otha tddras landu daqn�t�s br notY�to 6wROwr. �Inr notlo� provid�d tat b!Ns S�aurQ►t�ilnrn�nt�htr
<br /> -.,w,,-1_;_
<br />�_v�._al r) 0�dM1Md b hiY�EMf�01U�f1�0 BOROMIlf Of LMIdK W11N1 qMM��f D�b 1�11t Q1�1•
<br /> � 16. Govemtna Lew; Severebtttty. �rn�a sscur�► Inatrument thaq b� pov�rnd by �eaen► �w ana tns �w of en.
<br /> .',r.,s 1 jurlsdtctbn b whtoh th�ProP�h► b bcatad. In tha w�nt that�ny D��or ol�us�of tAl�S�curN�r In�trummt ot th�Nor aontacts
<br /> . •---�. Wrn ,estlo�bla I�w.suoh oonNOt sh�A eot at(�Ot OtMt OtOVislons Ot thN S�CUr�!► ImhumMtt or tfN Nob whioh e�n bo OMn�f1�ot -
<br /> �.� .,.._..� -��..w...�.nh�a
<br />�"_�+�� wllh0ut tM�lbtMq Orovkbe. TO thl�Mtd ti1�P�fo�►{0?4�IS is�auti►1 ins�umwn inv a� ..r.����..:..��-------- - _
<br /> _. • �` 16.Bonower'i COpy. Bortow�t tAar b��MM�on�aontam�o0P1/of 41w Nofo�uM ot thlt S�cudl�►NsMtnNnt -
<br /> T ��� 1T.Tranater of ths Preeperty or� Bene�a�l tMeraat In Borrower. i�.� or .ny arrt a en. Proo.nr or any
<br /> -m;; .-r;;�;�
<br /> :�w.s•,.�,�. hUntt tn R It fotd ot tnnshrhd (or��b�nM1oW ht�tt h 8orrow�r tt soW ar Ennst�rt�d md Boaow�r t�no!a n�tunt P�non)
<br /> =- ' ``r��. wkhnut L,�neNf�P� wdtbn aonsmL t�nda may.at ts a0���ti hnisdl�b Wf�t h tul Of a�eums qeund by Mlt St�utkll
<br /> :�'' ��`�� InsWmMi4 HowN�t�Rh(s optlon shal not b�hnrolq0 by t:Mfdlt M�utolw b proR�INd Ey Mdlr�l kw td of tM dlb Ot thN&Ctttk�►
<br /> '' Instrum�nf. -
<br /> . , . ti tandK�oarak�s tAk optbn�I.�ndu sha�qtw BortowK notk�of�Mmtbrt.lh� nottc��ha1 Provtd�a pabd of not Nas than
<br /> 30 daYs fiom l�a d4te th� noUc� tt drb+raed or mtlkd w�hh whbh th� Borrowa must Wy at sums s�ound by thl� 3rcur�f►
<br /> :.. i�,. '�. Usburtiant.ti 8orrowor f�Yt to W1►M�amt prbr to tM a0lratbn o4 th�s prbd.Lend�r mty hvaka�nr nrmdW p�nniltd�y�
<br />_. „v . y:, gacurily Intbwnent wiltwut NMer rtott¢�or dc�:w�d on 9ortovwr
<br /> , •.�:�s�,�� ' P.o•o ot e
<br /> F�oao.u�w to/�e)
<br /> .• �se
<br /> • —�----�--�---- � - --- ---.._. _. . �- . • . .. ,_ — __ _. : _�_„'�""'-�-—
<br />