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�:'� �, . 1 <br /> `�. ,, � . .� w � . . . <br /> . .. <br /> .. i . .. .. .,��'Mtn��?��.�•�;�%��'"'�u�i�.�'F�_.�"' ,—• —� 6i�.'11MCYYC! <br /> } RA <br /> ,f. <br /> ..�..�..—.-- . _�:�:-a:�.—�.._._'_--�:-..�^'. ....l1�_"iJC'!RJ.;�n�T)'JfITi:.�"_L�3:3�[��f.'.�.c��._..:_"_ . "_�.___.. <br /> tlF.r,F7�A�.0�' MbR'A'(iAdE/DEED OF TROST �+������� <br /> BTATE OB TEXAS ) <br /> COi�!'Y O�' EL PA80 ) • <br /> wHERF1,8, sma11 Busin�ss Administration is ths ownor end hoid�r o! a�ain <br /> Mortgaqe/Oeed ot Trust harainalter deacribad, reaorded ia th� dltia� o� <br /> �aunty Clerk of BALL Cour►ty, State o! IAnHA�181tt►, <br /> Date of Lien Reaorded <br /> rr�.rt.++- Amouat Yn�Crunaent Bnok Paaa <br /> LAAAY Y.. l0�0l�O i <br /> x71xOY �. �t1A/'l�AII �i7,400.00 !/iZ/i0 •O-OOi0i7 <br /> which Lian oovese tha �oiloxing desoril9ed rooi �state oituatsd in <br /> H71�L Couaty, Stats o! �AA�n1, to-wit s <br /> � aov�as�: �nnt�nt-�a �ro a�Y-ssva ao���a� ��s.�s� s�s�r or r.o�r <br /> siosr ss� �ro � �o�t���c ��Y � ��t-�r�r� ��� tso.�s� s�r <br /> os zar ssw tso� �x sLOac esvsK t��, �xvsmss�nc p�w►ca, ntit noasssor so sas <br /> �I'1'Y O� GAIIND IBLYi11fDi HALL COU�'1'x� �8R1181p1. <br /> � WHE1R8A8, ttae Hote and indebt�dness referrec� to in said lion irstruntent hav� <br /> been lully paid end satiglieds <br /> NOW, THEREFORB, iRJOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE8ENT8= That th� Smali Busincs� <br /> J►dministration, in aonaidoration o! payment and setiafaation o! said <br /> i.ndebtedness, doea heraby disaharqe and releaas said reai propsrty lsoa ths <br /> lf.$:: �reate� ��r vf.rtus �f aaf� l�s�te an� in�l�te�e�e �at t�e �rt��!�nt <br /> re�+errad to abowo, �s well as all auah other riqht, t3tln, lien, �lhathQr <br /> expraes or i.�apliedl, or alaim in atid fin said real propsrty as �ay havs be�n <br /> areated by or aris�n lrom ths tratisaation above me�tioned. <br /> Th�e Role�ac is e�eaut�d and daiivered purau�sr►t to tho dslegatianr o! <br /> au�hori,ty pubiiahe3d in ths �edera�l Re is��r on Januery 15, 198Z (47 a.R. <br /> 2305), tt�s �aontrr►ts o! which publicat�oa �t4 to bs judioinlly notfc�d <br /> pur8uartt �co 44 Z18C� Seation 1507, unless otherwige apseiliaelZy provid�d by <br /> 15 UBC 634 (bj (4) . . <br />, ZN WITN868 WHBR�o�, tbia instrument ie sxeauted this Zs day a! 6��ss1t, <br /> s��s. , . <br /> SI�li1LL BU SS STR1iTI0N � • <br /> Hy <br /> � OHN M[J�IOZ . <br /> � SUP VI80RX LOl1N SPEC7.14LtBT <br /> STI�T$ OF 'x'EXAB ) <br /> �OUN'rY OF EL pl►SO ) . <br /> HEFORE !li�, tht wtdoreigre�l, a �totary Publia in �utd !or said County and <br /> stata, on thie day personaily appea=ed Jobn Munoa, known to ma to b� th� <br /> Suporvi�ory Loaas SDsainlist, o! th� E1 Paso Dietriat �l�ica, s�eiali Su�in�ss <br />, 1�daiittistxation and that he sxaau�ed the same as the lree aat and daed of <br /> tha smnil Busin�as Administration for the purposes and aonsideration <br /> therein expressed, and it� the oapaaity therein stated, <br /> GIVEN UNDLR MY �1AND and e al o! o!liae this ttte Z8 ot eaP'rLMBEB, i9l3. <br /> �� <br /> MARY ROD UEZ, No y c in and <br /> tor EZ i�aso County, 8 Texas. <br /> My ComID s ' 99. <br /> DLH t��id1'ARRY P�IJ�l.i� <br /> �� p�i m E.�p.Ob�T�1� <br />