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<br /> � , .�+ '. . - - .."'' '�._...._.�'..`-�"`. . - .... . _
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<br /> 1h. BoROwer'a Rlpht to RllntLt�. it eorrow.r n� a�nti oonakbns, 6orrow.r �i�a s�w tho tt�M te M:e ,=--T_
<br /> „ ., .enforcamaet of thb 8aeuritlr In�trum�nt ditconlhuod at any tlm�prbr to tA��ariNr of: (o)6 E�yf tor woh otlat parbd a �pp�b� :�:
<br /> ,. • law may sp�aliy tor taiis�tat:�:�st1�••-"� �b ef tlt�PrepMy tx�r�e�!r►t to any perror c!uq aontaine0 In thta Seeudty InOWmanK cr —
<br /> � .. (p)�nfi►ot s Judpn�t�ntaok�p tAk 8�eurAf► tnftrumm�Thos�eond�ions as that Borrowws (U Mys I.rnAK at durm�bh 4hm
<br /> wouid b�du�undlt thk B�CUrity tmtrumml �n� thY Mote as M no I�cc�Mratbn h�d xou�d; (b)ourp anr dNtuR 01 tnr oltNt
<br /> � oovantnt or�OrwrtNnrii fo)pot�t aM��►WS MCUmd h mtotohq thN 8lcur�r Imtrum�nt�Inobdinp,but aot MmRod to,�ton�bM
<br /> '`� .'�. attom��ts'bn:�nd td)taka su�b aaGon a t�ndK nwir n�sonabN nvur�to auan uut th�wn m M�s 8�our�h►�niwewnt��.andws ;_
<br /> � �� �hts b th�PropaAy �nd Borrowws obQpttbn to paY th��ums trcund by thb 8acurii�tnsuunwnt tAa�contk�uo un�hanQ'.a• Upon ��•
<br /> •. rotnsbt�nwnt by BarowM. thk&cw�r tnttnurnnt�nd tM obYp�ttons aeund h�b1 sh�N art�b Nyr �U�otAw a�Y no occ�ttori
<br /> �>' .�.'.�_ �d��. Movrawr,thi�dpht ta rohataM shU not sppN h tM aats of�eMrcatton urtda pv�OnPh 17. ';
<br /> •• � '�--�– 19.&1ds o4 Nob; Chan�s ot laio 8an+iotr. ThO Nob ot �WAI�� intuat !n tM Not� (top�tAK wltb thk SsouAf►
<br /> :•��'�' leatn�m�n1)rtwy b�tob orn a moro thws wNhout Ptbt not��to 8arowu. A aM mlty nfuR h a oA�tlp�b tM�ntAfl l�dwn as th�
<br /> :::�, "i.om &rvica') th�t eoMob monthy p�Ym�nb du�undK th� Nol��nd thN 81cuAq► Instruma�4 n►.r.ako may a on.a n+on�
<br /> ``. chanp�s ot t1w lom SMVtcer ururiated to A�aM of th�Not�. If th�n M s oMnp� a!tM Lotn Swkw, Barowa wY b ptwr►wrRhn .
<br /> � ,,;_.� noGa of tM charp� h�ccondmt�wki� pn�pnpA 14�bova�nd apPYc�bf�law. Th� notie�wlA atiu tM r�and sdd�ss o!tA�
<br /> ' new I.oen SNVte�r�nd tho addr�a to wAbh payn�rtb thould b�mtd�. TM natl�wi�tiw eont�b�ny oth�►htormatlon nqulnd bV
<br />. � ��_ �, p _.
<br />=-�+ �4�,,�� „ �a PYcat►1a kw. ::
<br /> ;.,;`;: .:��• ,+� Z0. Hasardoua Subsf�n8e�. eorrow.r •hd not oaus�a a�K e�area.nct.us��dbposal,storap�.a nMw ot�nf► -
<br /> " Hamrdous bLbstenc�s on a b th�P►op�yr. 8orroww�1�aN aot do�no�aMow �nron�Na to do,�nythYg aiNothp th�Prop�ty tNt •�+��.:
<br /> �m –
<br /> M� „,t*;�;���;' Is in vbtation et �ny EmrYonmmW Ltw. Th�pne�dlnp two anbno�a �haM not�PPb to !M pn�rab us�� ar atorap� on 1h� �:.:,_
<br />''� *,',,. `, Progert�r of smar qusnWes of H�rudous 8ubsfmcos that an p�nsnNy roaopntx�d to bs�AProP��namtt nstdmtW ut�e and to �–
<br />,',y'".:`'�,.,p. � _
<br /> " ' f11ihLYlti(IC�Of M�PfOQMIy. -
<br />-.,.�'��t."�'-"."�. eonoww shaY P�anPtli►�Iw L�rtd�r wdten noUc�ot�ny hv�stlpWon�okYn�d�rntn0�kwsuR or ot�aatlon MI�nl►9�� `
<br /> .� ,.� o�reputatory a9enol �r P��P�����P�►md�ny Hmrdaut SUbst�or Environm�ntal Law of wRteh Barow�►lus
<br />_`=�•��i+'r���. �etual knowMdp�. M 8omow�r Mems�or N�otYad by�ny poNmmontat ot tquktoif►wthotilY.that iny rNra�+a�p otMt�nrtllatbn �:";
<br /> �..::o:.-_�� �.. _
<br />`-:L=:. <� t; of any Haardan b�►bttene� aMwtinp tM P�opa�ty it n�c�sssr�r� �arow�r sAtr pranPty � u ��W �� aotions b �__
<br />. _.:yr��: accoM�nc�wtb ErnYonn+�►ta�I.aw. _--
<br /> - ..�. b ua�d b Nta p�rapr�ph PO► 'Hsrardous Subaw�ca' an Mo� subsl�nces d�ft�rd as W�do a hwrdous wbswio�s by _
<br /> ,„``.~, �. Ernkonmmtal I.aw md tb�folbwinp substlu�ces:pasoAne�krros��oth�t tUrtrnbN or to�do pMroMum ProOuap�to�dD p�stbimM In0
<br /> , :.;� - hwblat0�s.vot�sotwntts�mabri�ie c�ntahinp asWatos or tonnald�hYd�.utd rtdb�aM�mtUtlaN. At us�d h Nfs 0���•
<br />;�r;r.. , s
<br /> -�-r.n��,.:"� 'EnvtOnm�nttl Law' nN�n= i�dKai ilws md �ws ot tIM Jutisdbti0n wMn Qht PropMty t� boaad th�t n111� t0 h�tA.�WIY a
<br /> ,��-_ or►vYO�trnMtttl Protlation.
<br /> .,��s `_:� NON�UN�OFi�A CGVENANT�S. 6orrow�r and i�ndar iurii�eo��nd��lo�xs: �
<br /> ��;_;,�s_;_ �� . �1. Aaceieration; Remedtes. Lender sMtl �Ive nottae�o Borrower prior to aacsleration tollbwinp
<br /> _�;,_s,��.-���� � Borrowe�'a br�sch of any cownu�t or �reement In ih9s Socuriiy InstaumeM (but �ot prbr M
<br /> �:=-�,�;� -- ecaeteratton under p�rapraph 17 untess�ppitca�le I�w provides otherwis�} TM nottae sh�il �p�ety:
<br /> ___��_� (A) the defwl� (b) ths �ctlon �equtred to eu►e t�he deteut� (c) a date, not lea tMn 30 dsys trom th�
<br /> - �= date the notl�s if�hr�n to Borrower�by whloh tfi� detault rr�ust be cured; and (d)tbtt tNlur�to eur�
<br /> —=-_---�_�= the detauit on or bator� ths d�ts �pecfHeO in ths no4lce may resuit (n �aaeleration ot the aums
<br /> --- -- secared by thb Securiry Insbvmeet artd at� of the Property. The ooUae �h�lt turtl� tnt�orm
<br /> ---— 8orrowaf oi th� ripht�o rNnstaW afte� aceeteratYon and tha �tyM to b91n� a court aotlon �o anert 1he
<br /> - -- non-exl�teAC�oi• detautt or any other detense of 6w�ower to acaelernton md ale. 1!tM defautt Is
<br /> �� not cured ae or betore tbe date�pealfled tn the noUce.Lende� at tb optton may r�quke ImmedlK�
<br /> ---- pfymeM tn tu�f of �il auma seourod by this Security Intfrument witho�ct turtltar den�and and n�ty
<br /> ------ invoke the power of s�le �nd u►y other remedle� permitte� by apPllcabN I�w. I.�endK �tl be
<br /> --- ---= entJUed to coltsct �11 expensas Incurred in purwtnp the remedles provtded In thl� paraRapb �i.
<br /> --- Inaludinq�but not llmited V�,ree�oeebfe a�torney� tees and cosb ot Ult�wtdenc�.
<br /> IB tho power ot aste to invoked.T'r+ustes �hafl raaord a notla� of dehuit fn eaah �a+nty In wlikh
<br /> any part of tM Prope�ty Is bcated �nd shatl maU eoples o*ruah notJaa In th� mane� pra�lMd�y
<br /> -_-_--_�_- apPilaabi� Isw to 8�rower end to th� oth�r paroons pnsaibed bY �Pplipbl� taw. AR�r ttN tlmt -
<br /> '�'° requlr�d bY �pPllcabie law.T�u�t�ee�II �Iv� publlo notta� ot Yle to tlN p�taon��nd In th�msntiK _
<br /> -_-��--�� preaaribed bY a�pPlic�bts Nw. Ttustee.without dem�nd on Bor�wer,alatt wlt th� Pro�sart� �t publto
<br /> auctlon to th� fdphest bidd�r st the tim� �nd ptae� and under ths t�mns dtsipnated fn � tatiaa ot
<br /> ---�: sete In orts or mor�parcets and tn any order Tn�stes determ ines. T t u s t e e may po a p o n�s t l� o f d i --
<br /> �- or any prcel of the ProA�h► b�l pub��a announaemen4 at the time �nd pt�ce ot �ny prerlouN�l _
<br /> -'`"' schealWsd qie.Lender or ib d��tQnee m�y purchas�the�'a�operty at�ny qb. --
<br /> -- ��..-���- Upon �ecelpt ot paymeM of fh� pNcs bld. 4ruaee �haii deliver to tlN purehaer Ttustee's doed °=
<br /> ----� � conveylep the Property. The recltau tn ffis Truetes'�deed �hal� 6e prtms hete eWdMCe ot ths t� �
<br /> r=����54' } of the statemerns mad� the�'�tn. Truste� ahatt �opply tM proceeds ot ths als tn th� tolbwiaap ocd�rs _--
<br /> �"��-�?�, (e) to all costs �nd s�enses o!exerctstnp the power ot�ate� an d t he s�te�[nc tu d tnp f h s p a y m e n t o t �_�
<br /> "`��`;A� •/Y� �e T r u s t e e'a feas a c ti u e t ry I n c u r�s d,n o t t�e x c e e d � o i t h e p r t n c l p a l a m o u n t o t t h s n o t e �;�=-
<br /> --- `' � ���� at the time ot th� dealaraUon ot detwtt�and roasoneble �t�omey's fees as parinttt�d by Isw; (b) to tU
<br /> .�;=.:���,�,,:... �_-
<br /> -``::F.'::.::.:.., aums �teourod by thts Se�urlty Imtrumen� �nd (e) �m► ezcess to the peraon or pefsoru le�iy __
<br /> .,. a
<br /> - - . . entitted to it
<br /> . ._,�• �2. Recomreyanee. uoa+wm+�ot d wms soeuroa by mis sacudh► msaunMnt�6.ndr�hV nqu�st Tn��m.to�coew�r
<br /> tPr P�op�qr�nd thal wrtmda tAls S�Instirurt�t�nd a1 nobs wridmoii7 mb!ucursd bl►thta S�w�r ImhunNr►t t0 TYUSt�e.
<br /> -�� �..e...t,.�r.enn�w ttr Prouertv wRhout wa�r�nb and wXhout elwp�W the p�eson or pMSOtts lpty�ntitivd to M. SuCh pMSOn or ��u
<br /> . .=c ��n7 p�spns shtt W!�11 nead�t7or►�s�. ''
<br /> ea
<br /> Z3. Substitute T�uatee. �.nder� u es opNon. may trom ctne to crir nmovs Tn,aa. .ne .oaorn a suoc�ss«wsa�to
<br /> . �nr mc:t.. .vao� nK«r+d.r ey en hsLrurtrnt ncora.d b th. couMy In wn�ch thk s�cuurar hsaunwnc ts ncord.a. w�na,t
<br /> -- j: conw�r�na of tlr Pro�t�r. suocQSSOr trustM W�at wcoMd to at th�tkM, powor and dutta coM�rtrd++P�TiusEe�Mnln �nd by
<br /> - " • �ppacabb Itw.
<br /> - � ' Z4. Request tGr NotlCei BartowK�qwsts th�t coP�s ct th�natk�s ot driut�na e�be s�nt to Elarowrta Rddrtst
<br /> vfi1Ch (t tIN P�of1M1y Md�1ta.
<br /> = , � � �6. Ridera to this Seeurit�t Inabvment a a�.a ma. �aen►u+..xecur.d er earowa aed nco�d.a copecnw wRn "
<br /> •• Nis S�cttr�f►htsburn�nt.th�Co+Nrunts and anrMrtwntt of McA etxh ddK ehaY bs Irr�oiP�d inxo�nd stW�rtrrtd md t�lMnmt
<br /> � tA�cowntnb�ne apn�nrnb o4 Utt S�ouRy Hsfn+m�nt u r tM dd�(s)ar�.qrt ot thtt S�curl�r Initrun�+t wr�n sos�M�o
<br /> �Yr �
<br /> ';'vt' • • it0Y0.tIR0(N�! fy�101 S
<br /> z...ti
<br /> � it0 t �
<br /> � .
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<br />