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<br /> �7. Emin�nt Qamtin.�ender is hereby aaslpned all compenaaUon,awar6e,damaQea and o h�payme�a or�e-lli�h�srelnaftsr =
<br /> "procc�a'�In oonneotlan wlth a�ndemnnUan or other takinp ot the Praperty sr paR thoroo4.or for conuoyartco In Ileu of cortdemna- [_
<br /> tlon.Lender shail bo entltled at ita optlon ta commence,ep}tmar In aed prosecute tn tm own narrte anr aotion or proeee8lnny,u��1 �,,
<br /> •hatl alw be endded to inake any compromise or eettlement in aonneatton with euch fekinp or dama�s.In ths event any poRlon of
<br /> ths RropoAy is�o taken qr damayed.Landar�hatl havs ths opUon,in Its sole and ab�otuts dlscretlon,4o apply a11 tuoh Proc�sdt,
<br /> efterdeduoUn�theretrom att costs md exp�nae�Incutred by it in esonneetion wlth suah Proceed�,upon any ind�btednets�sour�d —
<br /> henby and tn wah order as Lender m�y d�rmin�,or W appty all suah Proaseda att�r suoh d�duaGon�,to th�rpmratlon of th�
<br /> Praperty u�on euab condiUona ss Lender may detemtine.Aey applicaUon of Proces�s to Irtdcbtedn�a�thall no!extend ar patpon� �
<br /> ths due d�te ot�ny payrrtsme under the Nots,or oure eny detoul4 thereunder or horeundor.Any unapANed tunda ahull tre paid to ��
<br /> 7irutb►. _
<br /> 8. P��fonnma�by t�nd�►Upon tha oaourrence of an Eveet of Detnult hereunder,or Ii any aot ts�atc�n or Ip�l praoNdinp
<br /> commsnced whioh matsrialty aifeote Lender'a intsrost In the Property,Lendsr m�y ie Ite awn dlaaretfon,but wit�out obllpaHon to do
<br /> w.md without nobcs to or demand upon 7ru�tar and without retea�inp T�tar irom any ob1l�aUon,do any aot whloh Tinntor fw
<br /> �qaed but hlta to do ertd may atso do�ny other aet It dsem�neeessary to proteot ths eeaurity heroot Troator shall,tmm�dlalNy
<br /> upan dsmand therotor by Lendar.psy to Lendsr ail coats and expeasea Incurred and aums expended b�l Lender tn conneatlon with
<br /> tbs�xerctsa Q�y Lender ot Me faregolnp d�hta.topether wlth Intereat thereon et the detault rate provtded in the Note,whtah nhali bs �
<br /> add�d to tM Indebtedness eeeured hereby. Lender afuill not i�eur any IlabiNty becauae ot anythlnp it may do or omit to do
<br /> t�srwnd�r.
<br /> p. il�ruelous qdNiM�.Trustor�hall kesp ths Property in eomqiancs with all apptlaable law�.oMlnanees and nputatlons
<br /> rel�tlnp to Indwtrial hyplMS or ernrtronm�nts�proUcdon(colleatfwly rsbRed to hereln as"Emironmenb►I Law�'�.Troslor sh�l�
<br /> �p�Prpp�dy nes trom ail wbnsncs�deem�d to bs haaardous ortoxla under any Envi�onmeetat Laws(colNatlwil►nbrad b
<br /> hKNn s"Hwrdous Matert�la'ry.Tru�tor hsreby vrarrants and reprasnts to L:�ndsr that there us no Haaardous M�1Mali on ar
<br /> unda ths Property.T�vator haroby aa�ees to IndemnKy ub ho�d harmNa Lender.lfa dineaton.ofNee»,anP�aY���+�^��
<br /> a�y�ac��W tAndsfs i�arest,fram and a�Nr�d an�r aed di c!elme.dnmeges,loeesa and II�b1IiHes arbtng In connea�on wilh --
<br /> tt�s preesn�.use.di�posal or transport ot any Hesardous Materlaia on,under,t►om or about ths Property.THE FOREti0IN3
<br /> 10.AtM�M af R�.Truator hsreby assi�ns tn Lender tha rems,taue�and proft�of tha Propariy:provNJed that TYu�for -
<br /> shall,uMll ffis occurrence ot an EvsM ot Dstsult hsrounder.have the dpM to eoiisat aM tetain suCh tenb,tasuss And proMb as 1ha1►
<br /> become due and psyaDle.Upon Me occuRenca of an EveM of DeisulL Lender may,elther In penson or by epsnt w8h or wtthout
<br /> brtnptnp anr aadon or proceedi�q,or py a reaeiver appofnted by a couR and wid�out�epard to ths adeqway o!its pcuN1!►.onter
<br /> upon and Wce possesalon of the Pro�erry.or ar�par�thereot,in its own nsme or in the name ot the Tn�ee,and do any acb which R
<br /> deems necesaary or deatrabteto preae►ve tl�a value,marketebilly or rontabilUy of ths P�operty.a any paRthsrool or tnwrostthsrNn.
<br /> ineroass the income thuretrom or proteet the tenurity hereot and,with or wiMout takinp poa�ession ot fhs Propsrly,sw!or ar
<br /> ott�erwlas colbct the ronb.lssues and profits thsreoi,inctudtnp thoae past due and unpald,and apph►������s and
<br /> axpenses ot operation and cotteeUon inctudinp attome�rs bes,upoo sny Indebtedneas aecured bereby.aU tn euch order�s f�nder
<br /> �y dete►mine.The enterino upoi►and faklnD Poaseaaton of the Preperly.the colteciion of a�ch ronts.fssuss and p►oRts and tAs `
<br /> epplicatlon thereot as aSoteseid,bhalt not auro or waive any default or�otles o0 tletautt nereunder or invaiidaie w�iy�iai�r in
<br /> rosponis to sucb dehuit or purauant to sucb nodce of defau�tand,notwithstan9fip ths cootinu8ncs in posssstion dths Properly or
<br /> ths collectlon,recelPt and appiicatlon W�enb,lssues or profits.and Truatee and Lertder ahatl be entitled tb exerctfs every dpM
<br /> provldsdtorin�nyofthsLoanDocumentsarAylawuponoccurrsnoeof anyEventot Deteu�,inCludinpwltboutltmitallonths�iphtb
<br /> uarcise the pow�er oi s�is.t�rtt�er.�.eMer's riphts snd remedle�s under this t�9�Ph a1�n11 tpe ajmulative with�and In oo way a
<br /> Umttationon.Lenders�iphtsand remedlesu�deramraeal�nmentof taatesandronterocordedepetnstthePrope�tY.L�ndey Tnntes
<br /> and ths roafver sfNll be Ifabb W accoutn anN.tho�e�ents actudiy reCetved. .
<br /> 11.Ewnp W OMM+1l.The blbwinp aha�l constiQde an Event ot Oetault under thla Deed of Truat �
<br /> (a�Failuro to pay any tnatsliment of pdncipal or tnt�est oi any other sum eecured hereby when�dus; •
<br /> (b) Abro�t►ofordefauitunderanyproviaionoontainedintheNote.thisDeedofTn�st.anyoftheLoanDoeumenb.onnY �
<br /> other li�n or encumbranoe upon ths Ptoperttl:
<br /> (e)A w�ii ot execuNon or attichmerK or any stmitar procsse thall be entered e�ainat Truator which ehall becoms a Ilen on
<br /> tbs Rrop�ty or any poNon thereol or Interest therein;
<br /> (�Thsre thall bs 111ed Dy or a�alnst T�ustor or 8orrower an acUon under any present o►future fedoral.afat�oi oMer , ,
<br /> stAtute,law or roputatfon rolatlnp fo bankruR�7►.����aY or othAr ret{ef to►debtora;or thero shetl bs appointed any Wt�.
<br /> roeeiver or Ilquidator oi Trustor or Borrower or of att or nny paR oi Ms PropoAy.or the reMs,lasues or proNls thsreof,or Trua�or
<br /> or Bortowe►shail make any peneral esstpnment(or ths benetit af creditore;
<br /> � (e)1'hs�sate.tranafer,le�se.aastpnmsnL comeyance or turther eneumbrance ot a1f or any part ot or any interest In ths
<br /> p�op�ty,oitMr voluotadh or irnaluntariry.wNhout the exprat�wHtten oonsent o�l.ender:prav�dad that'[irualor sha��be
<br /> permitted to execute a leaae oP the Proporty that daaa nof coatain an optlon to purchage8�!the term ot which does not exosed
<br /> one year. , .
<br /> (Q/�ptndonmeM of Me Property;or
<br /> (p) flTrwlortsnotanindividuat,thelaauance,sats,transfer,aaaipnme�rtt,conreyanceorencumbranaeotmorethar+l�total
<br /> • al.�_percent of(It a wrporsdo�)Ita iasued nnd ou4efandir�stock or(it a paRnerohlp)a totat ot percent of
<br /> pErtn�ship inbrosts d�trinp the pertod this Oeed of Truat�emalns a Ibn on the PropeAy.
<br /> 12.Rrn�dM�Aoaiw�Yo�t�poe�OdwM.In ths erertt ot�ny Event of De?$ult Lender may.wAhout naQlce exCeptas ro4ulred by
<br /> tsw,dectaro u�[ndebtedness secured hereby to be due and payabte nnd tM aame shatl thereupo�decome due and payabte
<br /> wNhout�ny prossntrnenf,demand,pro�est or noUce of any kind.Thereafter Lender maY
<br /> (�) pemand that T�uatee exercise the POWER OF SALE pranted hereln,and Truatee ehatt therentDer cauae TPUSbra
<br /> interost[n the P�operiy to Ds eold and the proceeds to be distributed,alt irt the manner provided in the Nebraska Tnut Oeeds
<br /> ACt
<br /> . (b� ExerciseanyandalldghtaproridedPorinanyoltheLoanOocumentaorbylawuponaxurren�xofanyEvoMofOefaut�
<br /> a�(c) Commence an eatton W toredo:se this Deed of Truet as e rr�ortgaga,appotnt o recefve,or speciftcely ontoroe anr of tbe _
<br /> corenanb heroof.
<br /> No remedy herein conkmed upon or resewed to Truates or LerMer Is iMended to be exctuatvA of any other remedy heretn,in!Ae
<br /> Lo�n Oocuments or by taw provided or permitted,but eacA shall be cumutative.shail be In additton to every oiher remedy gh�en
<br /> her�ttndor,in the Lean Documente or now or har�atter existtng at law or in equfty or by statute,end m�y beexercised ooncumenty. _
<br /> ir�depandentryar suc�stvety. _
<br /> ' 1g,Tnp�Ms,The Tnistse may resign at any dma witROUt cauae,and Lender may at any time and withnut cause appolnt a -�
<br /> �ccesaor or eupatitut0 Tiustee.7ncaLee enan not De ttaoie w nml parry irt�iumog r.imoui mni�nuri i.an'"v�.ov���;w�.�a...:.o.i
<br /> purchiae►of Ule Properry.tor any loss or damepe unless due to reckiesa or wiittul miacortduck and shetl not be requtred to ffike am► �
<br /> acUon fn connecUon wfth the entorcement ot this Deed of Truat unleas Indemnl0ed.in writing,tor all costa.compena�tton or F,:
<br /> expemss whtch m�y bs asaoc[ated tl�erewtth.!n eddlUon.7rustee may become a purchaaer et any asFS M the Property Qudiclal or ••
<br /> undar the power ot sate aranted hereln);postpone tha sale of a!t or any portlon af the Properiy.aa provided by law:or setl the r..
<br /> P�opsrty�s a whde,or in separate parcels or tote at Austee o discreUon. =:
<br /> 14. FNS�e�d Fsp�nsw.ln the event Truatee selta the Property by exercise ot povvar o!eaie Trustee shell be enUUed to appy �
<br /> any qfe proceeda tirot to payment ot atl eosb and expensea of exerclatng power o!eate.tnctudirtp all Yruatee'e tees.and Lander'e �
<br /> an0 Tnistne'e attomey'e taa�,actualry trteumed to extent pemdtt6d br appitcabte law.In the event Borrower or 7tusto�exercia�s nny f
<br /> ►i�b�t providat by taw to auro an Erent of Lletautf,Lender ahalt ba enUtted to recover trom Truator atl cosb and expenses aetuall�
<br /> tncurrod�a a rewlt o!Truator's detautt:nctadinp without Itmltation ap Tnutee's and attomey's tees.to tho extQnt permftted by �.
<br />- apppWbds law. �
<br /> . �
<br /> . t
<br />