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<br /> f�OfiiSEWY YO U'PiL1YY �AS���i�T :
<br /> In cprnideratton of the payrnenta mnde and egreed to be made to o�tor the
<br /> sccaunt of the torepoing Grantor, Flve Potnts Bank, ae hoider of a Deed of Trust
<br /> seau�ed th��eby as a result of an ea�ignm�nt dated December 22, 1992, end
<br /> �ecordad in Oocurrwnt�3-400129$t th�office of the A��tater af Deeds Office,
<br /> Hail County. Nebrask�, qtven to secure the obligetimna evidenc�d by tha Note
<br /> gtvan by Rorrowe�to 8eneflciary�and dated Apri117, 1989.end reco�ded in
<br /> Oocument�89-101934 st th�offtce of the Re�tster of Daeda OffICa, Hell Coun'ty,
<br /> Nebreska; hereby�rants ta ttua City of Grar�d lsland the aeme ea�aement and rlph4-
<br /> of-way desaribed in the foregaing qrant, and apre�ea thet su�h easement and riaht
<br /> ct-vray�half b�peior and.peramount to all �tahts under auch Oeed of T�ust, �nai
<br /> undor sate or foreclosure of same ahall be eubject to such easemsnt end �ight-vf-
<br /> way.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undereigned hes executed thts instrume�nt. or
<br /> caua�d the due exeaution the�eaf,this�,�day of�,�, 1�9S• •�
<br /> a �f�i��si�a���rrstiar� `
<br /> ,�'',�,�,G�w� lryl!
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<br /> 1 as
<br /> ..•�c�uMnr oF�:n�.t �
<br /> On this�_dey of 1995, before me, the undersigned,�
<br /> Not�ry Public In arat�for said County and���tete� personally appee���i�� ,
<br /> ' �, yli n,a.�a.e.t.. -� �Ja's...�-...l�le S , of
<br /> ,
<br /> FIVE P�1NT5 BANK, � Nebra��ca corporetion, to me known pe�sonaliy to lae the
<br /> IdentiGal officer end psrson wt�o,aipned the foregoing Consent, and acknowledged
<br /> the execution thereof to be th�elr vofuntary gct�nd deed as au�ch officer on behetf
<br /> of said corporatiQn tor the pur�ose therein expressed. �
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Natarial Seat the date above wrltte�. .
<br /> ��plaaual�ntarr��r �. �
<br /> pa��,a°� �� '�
<br /> Notary P itc
<br /> -4-
<br />