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<br /> t�Qelioer with the toltowin� rl�hts:
<br /> O�antoe ahall have unreatricted i�preas end egresa to the ebove-dasaribed `
<br /> eeaen�er�t and�ight-ot•way for any purpoae necesaery fn� tho surveying,
<br /> conatructton, inspeation, meintenance, repair, �eplacerr�ent, relocation,extansion,
<br /> removsl, and operatian of auch public utiiities end appunenances. Suah rights of
<br /> Inpreas and egreas ahall be exeratsed in a reasanable menner.
<br /> tafantes shaii have the right ta axcavate and refiil diYChes and trenches
<br /> nucesaary tor euat� pubiic utitiN�s e�d eppurten�nces;to rcmove,clear, snd keep
<br /> clear, trees, bushes, hedges, unde�r�rowth,and/or any other obstructions
<br /> interfe�iny wi4h the surveying, conat�uction, inspection, matntenance. repai�,
<br /> repla�ement, �elocation,extension, �emoval, and operation of such publia utiii#ies �
<br /> and appurtenancea. .
<br /> Gr�ntot sheli have the dght to use the easement and �iQht-of-wey to�
<br /> purposes not inconsistent wEth Grantee's full enjoyment af the�iqhts herein
<br /> �rented, p�ovided that Gcantor shail not.,ailow any structures, bufldinpa, � ,
<br /> � �ambust�ble maLerials, or othe► property of en� kind dvhatsaever,to ba erectad, ;
<br /> corestructed, piaced, stored, br accumulet�d in, upon, aba�e, etong, over, sc�o:s, ��
<br /> underneath, or through the easemiant and ripbt-of-way heroin grant�d.
<br /> Grantee shaii have the�ight at any time, to relocate, add. or upgrade such
<br /> pubtic utlittiea and appurtenances cnnnected therewith, in, upon, above, along,
<br /> ove�,across,undern�ath,or through th� easement and ri�ht-of way h�retn ��
<br /> grantecl. A�y suci� pablic nttiitiaa and eppurtenances placed in, upots,�BboYe, � '
<br /> along, over, across. underaeath, or through auch tract of tand shall �emain the
<br /> property of Grantes, and may be removed or�eplaced at any time.
<br /> It is furthar agreed that Grantor has lawfui possesatmn o� safd rea{estate, �
<br /> good �ight and lavorful authority to make such co�veyenae; and that Gra�tor on
<br /> - 2-
<br />