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<br /> topett�er with the foliowlnp ri�hts:
<br /> CrenYor e��i Gr�e►46a i��raE�y a�rea 4h� po�manQnt o$ac�mont and riqhg•�f-w�y �.
<br /> sha�i aitow Grontee to auwey,construat, Inapeat, ma�intain, �epalr, reptece,
<br /> reiocate, entend,remova, and operate the�eon, public utilitles tncludi�p, but not
<br /> qmited to,electrlc lines, communication linea,end eppurtanances connect�d
<br /> therewith, in. upon,ebove,alon�, over, ectoss, underneath, and through ihe
<br /> boundaries aa deacribed above. provlded that all auch pubiic utilitiea and
<br /> appurtenances shall bu itmfted in helDht to e maximum of thiety etght and f�ve
<br /> tenths t38.5!feet abave arade e�it preaenUy exfats.
<br /> Grantee �hsi!hsvs unr�=trtcted i��reas and epress to ttte abovs de:cribed
<br /> easement�nd rlpht-of-way f��any purpose necessary fnr the�urveying,
<br /> conetruction. inspection, mai�tenance, �epair,�eptacement, �elo�ation, extenston.
<br /> �emovel, and operation of such pubiic utiliti�s�nd eppurtenances. Such�ights of
<br /> in�ress and ep�ess shall be exerclsed in e reasonable manner.
<br /> Grantee sha�ll hevs the �i�ht to excevate and ref�lt ditches and trenches
<br /> necessary for such pubitc utilities and appurtenances;to�emove, clear, and keep
<br /> ctear,trees, bushes, hedgea, underprowth, andlor any other obst�uctions
<br /> ittterierinp wizh �v���i�t+���stguct�t3n, #���t3ti�. s�ini�tu�.�s�lalt, .-
<br /> rep�laceme�t, �ebcation, extenaion, removai, and operation of such publtc utilitie�
<br /> end appurtenances.
<br /> Grantee shal!have tha ri�ht at any�me, to retocate.add, ar upgrad�euah
<br /> public utilitias aad eppurtenances connected therewith, in, upon, above,alonp,
<br /> over, acroas, undemeath, or th�ough the eaaement and right-o�way herein
<br /> � grented, provided such addittons and madifications shall b�iimited to a max(mum
<br /> of thirty efeht and five tenths(38.5) feet above grede aa it prese�ntty exisi�. Any
<br /> sucn pubtic utitltie��nd 8�3purta:�as��pl�:sd IIst,�upQS!. ��yg;at�t��, pvnrs =
<br /> : ecroas, underneath,or through auch tracts of land aha{I ranwin the property of
<br /> Grantee, and may be removed or�eplaced at any time.
<br /> Grantor ahali have tha r1�ht to use the easerr�nt end riQht-of-way for
<br /> `� purpoaes not inconsistent wnh Grantee's fuli enjoyment of the riphta hesein �
<br /> granted, provided that Grantor ahalt not aI1Qw any structu�es, buildings,
<br /> coma�sti�le materlals, or other property of any kind vNhstso9ver, io be erected,
<br /> constructed. pfs�d, stored, or accurnul�ted tn,upon, above, along; over, ecross,
<br /> � underneath,o�through the easemer�t end right-of-waw herein granted. �
<br /> it is further ag�eed.thet Grantar h�aa lawful posseasion of said real eatate,
<br /> good �lght snd laeivful authority to make such conveyance;and that G�entor on
<br /> - 2-
<br />