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...��•�:'s(` � •r. . <br /> . ,., <br /> U �•.•.. . - . �, . � <br /> • �.t�.:.1,:x7?.�l lrs , <br /> .,.:.�.�... . . .._.._. <br /> , �,s�x y..�.. <br /> .. - . <br /> .� <br /> ^��,v....�..�,�.,.,, ti - <br /> .,� ' _ <br /> • . _1t': ,.. - • <br /> . � <br /> � ___ _ _ <br /> • - - <br /> . � .. _ <br /> I� Ga'. . _..._�_ .. <br /> CERTIFICATE OF COUNTX COURT PROCEEDINC3 <br /> INVdLVING RE2�.L E3TA'1'� �va1�� �.����,. � <br /> TN THE COUNTY COURT 0�' HALI. •�` COUNTY, NEBRA3�iA• <br /> z'his ia to certf�y that there is pe.ading in the County <br /> Court of �iall . Couaty, Nebraska, a proceeding ent3tled IN THE <br /> MATT�R OF THE ESTATE OF I�'LORENCE C. GREENWOQD, DECEASFU, No. <br /> pR95-5, in which proceeding the followfng deacribed real estate <br /> is involved: <br /> the Seuth I�alf of tho Southweot Quarter t3f.3Wi�� of Section <br /> �tenty-one (21) , Townshi.D Eleven t 11) North, Range Ten t ZO) West <br /> of the 6th P.M., Hall tournty, Nebraska, excep� .71 acre conveyed <br /> to Miahael L. Wieck and Rosetha P, Wiscle and recarded as Doc. - <br /> �i79-006408. <br /> the Wes� HalE of the Northwest Quarter (Hf�NWK) of Section �tntenty- <br /> one (21) , Towxaship �leven (la I Nox�th, Range `�en t 10) Weat of the <br /> � 6th P.M., Ha3.l County, Nebra�ka. <br /> Eleven (11)sNcr hr�Range�Ten (10)CWest ofeCh 6th PZM�, Ha���p <br /> . . . CoUnty, NebrASka. <br /> one-haZ� inCereat in a ��ac:t r�f 3and ia t.Me: SQUtht�e�r .ouarter - . <br /> tSWii) of Sectioa Th3rty-three t33�), Tawnehip Eleven:: {11) Nprth, <br /> itange Ten t10) Weat o� the 6th P.M., Hall Caunty, Ne3araska, more • <br /> partiaularl� described as followa: Beginnin� at the Northwest <br /> cornez of eaid Southwest Quazterj thence Easterly along Che North <br /> 13ne of gaid Southwesk Quarter, a diatance o� 2,641.62 feet to <br /> �he �Tarthe�st corner of eaid Southweat QuarCert theace Sauthsrly <br /> alonQ the 8ast line of ea�.$ 3outhweat Qctarter, a flistance of <br /> ].16.02 feet �o the. Noxtherly R�.qht-of-�Way line of U.S. Hiqhway <br /> No. 3Qt theaace Southwes�erly �long said Hiqhway Riqht-of-Way <br /> line, a distaace o� 3,119.7 Eeet to the West lir�e of eaid South- <br /> west Qua►rter, thence NortY�erly alonq the West line of saeid South- <br /> wegt Quar�pr, a dietance af 1,721.26 feet to tlhe place of begin- <br /> � aing and cantaiafng 55.703 acres more or less. <br /> , �tnt3 <br /> one-kialf interest in a tract of land 3n the Southeast Quarter <br /> (�E�q of 3ection Z'tiirty-th�ree (33), �ownship Eleven (11) North, <br /> Rauqe Ten t10) West of the 6tk� P.M., in Hr�l]. County, Nebraska, , <br /> more particularly described as follows: Heginaiag at the North- <br />_ � � west coxiaer of �aid South�ast Quart�r SecCion 33= thence souther- , <br /> � :�., ly a].onq the west line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of <br /> 116.18't thence northeasterly 122°03'44° left alonq the north- <br /> weaterly AOW line of Highway 30, a distance of 225.90 feet to the <br /> north liae nf said Southeast Quasters thenae westesly 149°Q3'22• <br /> le�t alonq said north liae, a distance of 191.�l8' to the point of <br /> beginni.n9, containing .2553 acre, more or lesa. <br /> cPJNtY c�� <br /> � q� <br /> Q' �`Aw'' <br /> w�"1. '� t �/J/i��.�_�lb!/I,�J�11,///L� � �� <br /> _ � ! R�egistrar <br /> ���Q...._. d°� <br /> "�'� _ _ <br />