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<br /> 95-1(16d4'��
<br /> 17.Trarofer ot the Pmperty ar a Bcneticial Internst in Borrower.If u11 ar wny purt of thc Pruperty ur uny interest 1n it
<br /> it�satd ar transterrcd tar if a bcneflcial interest in Bormwer ia sold ar tt�nsfcrred and Horrower in not a natural penon)withaut
<br /> I.eneier'c� priur wcltten eonsent. 1,ender mny, ut itx opti�n, require immcxliute pnyntent In full �f ull numw �ecured by this
<br /> Sccurity Instrument.Howcver. this optian shuQ not be exercisal by Lender if cxerciso is prohibitcd by fcsieral law as af the datc
<br /> af tF�ia Security lnstrument.
<br /> If l.cnderexercises thix option,Lender ehWl givtl Borrawer natice af accelerntion.The nattce shull provide c�pe�iod of not
<br /> less that� 30 days from thc date the natice is delivered ar mailed within which 8prrower must pny all sums secured by this
<br /> Security InstNmenL If Aonowtr faUs to pny these sums pr3or to the expimtion of this pedod. Lender muy invoke uny remedies
<br /> permitte�i by thla Securl�trument without furthar notice or demand an Borrower.
<br /> !8. Borro�ver's t to Rsln�Utte. If Bormwer mceia cc�aln condttions, Borrower shall have tlte dght to have
<br /> enforcement of this Secu ty Insuument discantinued at any time prlor to the�earl�iet i fl�a��da`$�f sele conialn�in thio
<br /> applicable law may spfxify far minstatement) isef�re s�le af the Praperty p
<br /> Secudty InstNment:ar(b)entry of u judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those canditions are that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> I.ender all sums which then would bo due under thjs Secudry Instrument und the Note as if rto acceleratfon had accurred;(b)
<br /> cures nny defeult of any other covenants or usreements; (c)pays all expenses incurred in enfaretng this Secudty Instniment,
<br /> inctudln .but aot limitod to. reusonable attameys' fces: and(d)tekes such actton as L.ender may re�asonably require to Assum
<br /> thut tha�ien at t�ts Security Instntment, L,ender's r�6hts in the PropettJ+and Borrower's obligstion to pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Seruriry instmment shafl continuc unchanged. Upnn reinstatement by Rormwe�, this Secudty Insuument and We _
<br /> obligations secured hereby Fhell remain fully zffective as if no acceleration had occurred. However.this right to retnstate shall
<br /> not npply 1n the case af acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale et P1ote; Chanee af Loan Servicer. The Note or u paRlal tntet+est in the Note (togetder w(th this Securlty
<br /> Insttument) may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may resutt in a change in thn euttty(kuuwn
<br /> es the"Loan Servicer )that collects monthly payments due uader the Note and this Securlty Insuument.There also may be one
<br /> ��
<br /> or morE changes of the Loan Sen+icer unminted to a sale of tha Note.If there is u change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower wtU be
<br /> given written notice of the change in uccordance with paragraph 14 ebove a�id applicable law.The nodce wfll stete the name and
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer und the address to which payments should be made. The nottce will also contain any other
<br /> lnfom�ation required by applicable lnw.
<br /> Zp� ��u�gu(�tances. Borrower shall not cause or petmit the presence, use.disposal. storage. or relepse of any
<br /> Hazerdous Substances on or in the Property. Bonower shall not do. nar allow enyone else ta da. anything affecting We
<br /> property that ts in vIolation of any Bmironmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the prc�sence, use, or
<br /> storage on the�rty of nswiti yuantit€cs af H�dou�Stsbsiances shat sr�Sene�a!!y r_!�.'g�+i��t�be approQriate w normal .
<br /> residentlal usa and to muintenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrowu shall promptly give I.ender written notIce of any investigattan,claim.demand,lawsuit or other actlon by any
<br /> governmeneal or regulatory agency or pdvate pany involvin�the Property and any Hezerdous Substance or Envtronmentnl Y.aw
<br /> of which Bortower has actual knowledge.If Borrawer learns.or is notified by any govemmental or t�egulatory suthorlty.that
<br /> eny removal w other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecdng the Prapertyr is necessary,Borrower shail promptly teke
<br /> all necessery remcdiat ac�tions in accordnnce with Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in thts paregiaph 20. "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as to�ta or haza�ous substamoes by
<br /> Environanntel Law and the follow�ng substances: gasol[ne. keroseae, other flammable or toxic petroleum�roducts; toxlc
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatlle solvents,roaterials containing asbesws or formaldehyde.and radioactive matenals. As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Env�ronntental Law" means federal laws artd laws of the Jurisdiction whero the Property is located that
<br /> relate to health, sefety or environrnentai protectian.
<br /> NON-UNLFORM GOVBNANTS.Borrower and L,ender further covenant and agree as followa:
<br /> Zl.AealeraHon;Remedles•Le�sler sl�sll gfve aotice to liorrower prlar to acceleradun followdng Borrower's 6�esch
<br /> of w� wvauut ur a��rnt Qn tnia �u.-fty i.'��t.'tsmets! (bui as! �'!or to ecceleratlnn uncler parsgrsiph 17 unleag
<br /> appUcabk Iaw provtdes otherwise)•The notioe shall specifys (a)the defau[t;(b)the actton requtred w cure tlte def�ultf
<br /> (c)a date, aut less thnn 3U daYs fk+nm the date the notice ta givcn to Borrower,by which the default mu�t 6e cured;and
<br /> (d)that failu�e to cure the detault oa or before the dAte specifled in the aotia msy result in�eration of the sums
<br /> senu�ed by t�Is Securlty Ias�um�t ar►d sWe oi the Property.TUe nottoe shWl further in[orm Borrower oi t6e t�lght W
<br /> reimtate atta sooeleratton smd the right to bdug� oourt act�on Lo asscrt the aon�xistenoe of a default or pny�othcr
<br /> detense oi Bora+ower to Qa�eteratlon and eale. It the defAUlt�is not cured on or befors the date spedflcd In thee notic.e�
<br /> I,ender,�t ib option�may a+�uire Immediate payment in futl ot ep su�secwred by this Securlty In�Uvment w[thovt
<br /> [urther demmd and may inVoke�h�iper�I�ethe remyedies pmvtded n thla puragraPh 21,nduding,butdaot iimited
<br /> entitled to colled�tq e�cpenses P
<br /> to,reasonal�e sttorneys'fces and casts oi t[tle evldence.
<br /> It thepower of sale is tnvuked, Trustee shaU e+ecord a noilce ot detauli in each county tn wh[cU any pxrt ot the
<br /> prop�erty ts locstod aad shall mnii ooptes of such notice in the manner prescribed by appltcable!aw to Borrower and to
<br /> the other persona pracri��e mannere Ia�w.�Att�er�th a plicable Ia�w.byTrus�,with at demaud on�o�rrowetb hall tisell
<br /> ot sale to the perso p Y S
<br /> the property aR pnblic auction to the highest btdder at the tlme and plaee and under the terms desigaated in the aotice of
<br /> sple In a�e or inore pser�ls and tn eny order Trustee determims.Trustee may postpone sale oP all or any parcei of the
<br /> Prope�ty by public announcement at the time and place of a�y prevtously scheduled sate. I.ender or its deslgreee ms�y
<br /> pnrchase tlie Property at any sale.
<br /> Form 3028 9f80
<br /> Peg�8 018
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