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' . .� `:� _ <br /> .. ,. . . . __ �_ <br /> .;:. ,. . � . . - � <br /> . � . <br /> ,,. <br /> ,. =,�s:'�',`i:�'.�'p�±i.�°�i��"'- . _ _ .. <br /> �,cti.�.—� ---'�.'-' ---- ----_. --..r __�__ �_�a..__�.� ,.----- <br /> .95.,�46�•`�� . <br /> 'I'0(3B1'HBR WITH nfl thu Impmvements naw or henaRer ercetod on the property, t�nd ul1 easemcnte,appurtcnunces,nnd <br /> fixtures now or hereafter a part of tho property. All npl�cemoms and addttiuns shall also be covered by thia Secudty <br /> instcuunamt.AIt uP tl�e fangoing la refemd to in this Sccuriry Instrument As the"P�+nperry." <br /> BOItROWBR COVBNANTS that Horrawu is lawf{tity seised of the estsn hereby cxmveye�l u��d has the ri8hi ta grant und <br /> ainvey the Property and that tht Propetty ia unencumbend.except for encumbn►nces of eecord. BOROWti WAfl'8R18 a1Nj WjII <br /> defend gemrally the title to tbe Pcaperty egainst all cla[ma und demands.subj�ct to any encumbrnnces of maord. <br /> THIS SBCIJRITY IN51'RUMBNT rombInes uniform covenants for nationnl use and non-aniform covenants with Nmited <br /> varlattons by judsdictfon to mnsdtute a unlform security instrument coverIng real property. <br /> UNIPORM COVENANT3.Botrower and Lender covenant and agree as followa: <br /> 1.�yment ot Principal and lateresti �P�Yma►t �nd Lxtc CiwBes. B°n°M'°r dutll proa�pdy pay when dua thn <br /> principat of and intarest on the debt evtdenced by the No�e and any pnpayment and late charges due under the Note. <br /> 2.F�nds for T�x�w Aad inqurance. Subject to applicabie law or w u wdtten.waiver by I.ender. Borrower shall pay ta <br /> Lender on tho day aianthly peyments are due under tho Note,until the Nate 1s paid!a f�ll.n sum("Funds")for:(a)yeady taxes <br /> a�d assessmenta whic6 may attafa prlorlry over thfs Security Instrumeat as a lien on the Property;(b)Yearly leasehold payments <br /> or gnound renta on tha Propert�r�if nrry:(c)Yearly hazard or propetty insurance preminms;(d)Yearly flaod insurnncx pnmiums. <br /> if any;(e)yezuty martgage in�utancx premiums.If any: aztd(�anY sums payabla by Hareuaer to Lender. in axu�+danca wlth <br /> the pmvlsions of paragraph 8, in lieu of tha puyment of mc►rtgage iasurance premlums.These items are caUed"Bscrow Items." <br /> L.ender may. at uny time. colLect and hold Funda ia an amount not to eacxod tbo meximum amount a fender for a federally � <br /> related mortgage loaa may require !or Borrower's escrow account under the fwteral Real Estate Setttemeat Procedures Act of <br /> 19T4 as emcnded from flmc w time. 12 U.S.C.Sectton 2601 rt seq.("RBSPA").unless another law that applies to thB Pu��ds <br /> seta a lesser amount. If so�Lender may, at eny time, cullect and hold Funds in an amount not ta excood the lesser amouat. <br /> Lender may esttmate tde amount of}�wids due oa the basIs of current data and reasoaable estimates of espendituren of future <br /> Escruw Items or otherwise In acoordauce with appUcable law. <br /> The Fnnds shall be heid in an iastitution whose depooits cue insnred by a faleral agency. instruraentality. or entity <br /> (including(.ender.if Leader is such an instltution)or in eny Pederal Home Loan Banlc.Lender shall apply the Funds w pay th� <br /> Escnow Items.Lender may trot charge Sorrower for holding aud epplying the Funds� annually analyzing the escrow a000unt,or <br /> verif�ing the Fscrow Items.unless I.ender Days Aorrower iaterest on the Funds and applicabie law permits I.ender to make sucb <br /> a�:harge. How�ver.L.cader may reyuire Borrower w pay a one-dme charge for an independent rca!estate tax reporttag service <br /> ustd by I.etider L►connectian wwith this toan, unless eppl�cable law prov[des othenvlse. Unless en agreeuient is made or <br /> applicable law requjres interest to:3w paid. Lender shaU not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eaznings on th�Fanda. <br /> Borrower aad Ixnder may egree in wcitfng,however.that iaterest shali be paid oa the�unds. Lender ahail give to 8orrower, <br /> without charge,an annual aocaunttng of the Funds, showing credite and debits tu the Funds and slie pw�pose far which esch <br /> debi�w the F�nds wax made.The Funds ara plodged as addittonal security for ell sums secnred by this Security Insaument. <br /> If the Funds held by Lender eaceed the amounta pem�itted w be hefd by applicable Isw,Lender shall acrnunt to Borrower <br /> for tt�a eacesss Funds in accordance with the requirementa of applicable law. If We amount of the Funds held by I.ender at aay <br /> time ia not sufflctent to'gay the Escmw Items when due,Lendcr may so notify Borrower in such case Bonower <br /> shill pry W Lender the amount necxssary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no moro than <br /> twelve montWy L.ender's sole discretlon. <br /> Upon pAyment in f�ll of all swns secured by ti►js Secvrity Iastrument, Lerder ahall prompdy refund M Botrower'any <br /> Fw�ds held b�Lender.lf,iu►der paragraph 21.Lender shali acquire or setl the Prapaty.Lender.prior W the ac:quisitlon or s�lo <br /> af the Property,shall apply any Funds heid by i.ender sit the dtaa uf acquisition or salo as a credit against the sums�ecurod by <br /> t818 Socudly Insaument. � . <br /> �. 3.Applkat[on�of PAymFnts.Unless applicable ln�v provIdes otherwise,nll payments raeived by�L.ender under perag�apha . <br /> ' " i u�d 1 sbaU be applied: first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;scoor�d,to amounts payable under paragraph 2; <br /> " third,ro interest due:fourth,to principal due:and last,to any late charges duo under the Note. <br /> /. Charges;Lien9. Bormwer ahall pay all taxes, easessmants,charges� fines and impositIons aurlbutable to fhe Property <br /> which may atuin prlorIty over thia Security Instrument,end l�sehold payment�or gtound t+ents.if any. Borrower ehall pay <br /> these obligations in the manner prrnideG in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that mazuter.Borruwer shall�ay them on time dicectiy <br /> to the peraon owal paymem.Borrower shaU promptly fumish to Lender atl notices of amou�r�s w bc paId under this paragraph. <br /> If Borrower makes these payments direcdy,Borcower ehall pmmptly fumish to Lender receipts evIdencing the payments. <br /> �8orrower shall promptly discharge any llen which has prlorlry over thie Sccurtty Instrur�nt unless Barrower:(s)egrecs tn <br /> wdting to the payment of the obligation saured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contesta in good futth the lien <br /> by, or defends against enforcement of th�e lien in, legal proceedings whtch in the Lender's opinton operate to prevent the <br /> enforament of the lien;or(c)setures from the holder of ihe licn an agreentent sat�sfactory to Lender�subordinnting the lien to <br /> thls Securtry Inst�ument. If I.ender detennines that any part of the Property is subJect to e lien which may attain prioriry over <br /> this Secudty Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a notice identlfying the lien.Borrower sitali sadsfy the lien or take one or <br /> mor+e of the actions set forth alwve wIthin 10 3ays of the giving of notice. <br /> Fo�m 3028 9190 <br /> Fposote <br />