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<br /> . _.`_'___._.__..�ai.w..I�fla ' ..anc..c.Y'_._...�___.'L.� T.�(.i.TSi •�-
<br /> _,..�....-- fYSl�v1'J4�1!JmlmYr��m...:�'...F�-�.�.�.-���--�.v..��r-..�a.v.s�:..:_.l�c.�a e��-...
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<br /> _ _ ��9,���d�6��^� �--
<br /> 7�O�3HTN8R W['1'�i aU tt�o improvements now ar baeatla' eroctod an the gropaty.and all eaRerncnts.apF�rtu�anoes.end ----
<br /> tixdues now a t�eafter e part of tlw pcope�Y.All aplaoe�nent��nd�dditioas slwll also ba covuad by this Sxuair��nstruma►4
<br /> A[1 of the facaaoing i�refand to ic+thL Soc�rlty Insu�n►ait a�rhe"PrnpatY."
<br /> BORR4W�[t GOVBNANlS ttac Banoowa i+1�wtWly eeteod of the es�we MnbY cunveyad and t�the right to g�at and
<br /> oomaY tho�op��tY 8ud tAac tho Pru�ty �S�easumberad�e�aPt fa�encumbrances of ra�oc�.Bor.awer warta�ets�d e�p __
<br /> �
<br /> defaid ga�aaUy tbo dife b tha A+apaty agvnat a11 cWms�nd demnds.snbject to�ny eacivabanas of r�ecord
<br /> THIS S�CIJRITY WSIRUMBN'1'canbines unEfonn ooveiuiats fa n�tlaud uaa and noa-unifam aove�aatn with Wnited
<br /> va�i�tlom bY laQi�diedoa to wauttute�unifoem aec►uit7►instiuma►tcovaing real p�opaty.
<br /> UN�ORM COVBNMTfS.Barowa�ad I,en�iu covans►t aad t�ee av followa: whea due ohs
<br /> �.P��at�tdPr�CiPVudlatere�li�P�7�eat�tsdLateC6ugea. Boemwer siiall P�FUY PaY
<br /> pdncip�i nf�nd intaest on the de6t avida�ad by the Note and wY P�Y�t end late cherges due widyr tbe No�o. __
<br /> 2.irusds tar Tues ud Lara�aa 5ubject w �pplipb3e Lw a to a wrlttea waiver by Laider.Harower s1u11 py �o
<br /> i�a�da�on tbo dU►monWY PaYd�m�ua duo under the Not�,�adl tbe Nota ts p�id fa fiill.a sum("Ft�nds'�'or:(a)Y�x1Y t�as
<br /> and�ts which ma►Y awin pclo�itY over this SeaattY Ia�n�meat a9 a Ikn on dbe Prmpa�ty:N)Y�Y��P�Y�ts
<br /> c�r�toiu�d reats oa tha PrQpaty.if enY:(c)Yearly ha�cd or ptopeny�nsu:ance premiums�(d)Yarly tlood insuat�os p�miwns.if —
<br /> aRY.(a)Y�Y�B�Be ina�u�oce Praatwn�.�f aoy:aad <fl�Y�PU�b by Bamwa w L�eader,in axa�dmoe with t6e
<br /> p�qvlsiona ot pNr�grp�b 8.in liw ot d�s p�ymaa oi aiosr�tge tas�ir�noe praniuma.Tbae iuxas m c�iled"Bxrew Iwns." _
<br /> Laider maY.�t aay timo.collect and bold F�u�ds iA�n amo�u�t dot w exoeed the maxim�n aaioamt n lsudet fas n fede�nity celated
<br /> moitg�Be io�n Qa9 n4Wre fa Borrowar's a�crow a000unt unda tt�e fadeN Rml Bsaoe Satlea�ent Pr000diues Act of 1974 as
<br /> ama�dod fimm t8no to time.l2 U.S C.Saction Zb41 er stq. CRBSPA")�unlas anotlx�'ltw that�ppiia to t6e Fuads sets a les�ar
<br /> �o�wua�If so��L�aidar maY.at any d[ae.coiL�t aad hok�Fwt�ts!n ea mnouat not t�n e�coeal the 1��Bs�aro Iw oaas�a -
<br /> ptim�d�a�►novut of F�nds dua aa t6c+basta of cum�t den and rea9onabb�of racpeodilut�e.t
<br /> ��y{A��with applipbb Lw.
<br /> Tba�nds st�l bo 6dd im an iaaHwdon wboae dq�osits�ce Inwuod by s fmde�al aga�cy�ins�umeulatity►.a eadry(incl�ding
<br /> Lrendei.if Irende+r is ausli aa fastimti�on)oc in�oy Fedttal Home L,om Baok.I�ender ahall�pph►tbo Fuads t�pay tLe Bs�x�aw
<br /> Ite�.I�a�t{a maY mt c�a[8e Samwex for holding and apD1Yi�►B tba Pluids.annvall!►apalYr�B tbes e�ow acooun�or ve�ifY�B
<br /> t6e B�c[oa Ioans.anless I�adar�xys Bamwa lnte�est on the Funds and tpplk�bb law paa�ita L�eader w malca aucb a cbprBQ
<br /> However►La�Aa maY re9uire Barovra oo pay a anatian�e et�srBe fa an�t tal esnta ta�c repocdng arsvlx used by
<br /> Leada in ooanoctioa w�0 mis�o�n.�SS+�a�bb ri�w�-.,vid�s a�.uak��t a�c i����b�► .
<br /> raquices iatu�st tu be paid.IaWa sde11 not be req�red�o pay Bamwer my intawst a amings aa the Faads.BaroMar md
<br /> I.eodr�nW►�tOe iu wr�inB,h�weva.th�t lat�a�est ah�ll be p�id an Wo lhu�ds.Ireeider ahall glva to Bamwer.�rlttiont ctnr8e.�n
<br /> anaud acooimtin8 of Ibe Fewds.abo�n8 e�red�ts aad debits w tla Fuads md the puqxae fa arhich aeh debit to the Funds was
<br /> rmda Tbe Funds�re plod8ed as additioml eecurUY fo�dl suma sxuied by tNa Sa�uhY Insanment
<br /> If d�e Fw�ds bdd by Ltndc�exoeed d�a amounts Pamitrod t�o bo held by applicabb Vw�Irmda sb�il acooant oo Bamwa fa
<br /> da e�coas Fw�ds ia a000[dY�oo witb the re4�aF applk�bla law.If the�rnount of the Fuads hdd by I�der at my tima is
<br /> not�t w pay d�e Sr�cow Iuau wbm due�I�enda QuY so� sball mal�a�,a�•d�► �r�t�velva
<br /> �u Irender tb e�otmt nooesstrY io msice up tbe de�de�cY•
<br /> �Y W�tB•ac I�ra�der'9 aole di.ictetion.
<br /> Upon paympttt ia fl�ll of�il acums eocurod by tAis Seca�icy' Ias4umeaA u��P�P�Y refwnd t�Bocrower aay Fuab
<br /> beW by Iarda.�f.uadu paeaB,raph 21,L�tda sdall�oclnke a se]I thts Peq�erty.Lencks.Pria�o t6e a�9niait�on a sab of da
<br /> ptipeety�sIW1 appiy any�un�v i�eid'ay Laider at tue t:u-►a of acquisttbn cx�aR a csd�t��tM�•�bY d� -
<br /> �.�no.�o�par.e.b. lUnleas appllcabb law provides otherwls0.a11 P`Ymeats:oodved b�r I,a�der anda�
<br /> . I�nd z shall be�pplied:6rat,w acy pep��mmc ch�gas due under the xota seoond,�o amamta psy�b�e iuda praSn�ph 2; .
<br /> d�Cd.oo inoaest duK Pau�bl+•�o P�dne:m�l 1a�t.w anY i�te d�rSes dne utdet tbe Noto. �
<br /> 4.C�es;Lier. BorrDwa adsll pay all taxca,a�ss�ts►ct�er8es.Snea atd imposidons�tabb w the Fmpaty
<br /> ,whic6 mqr�sia p�lociqr pva this 5ecurtty Instnimait,and lcaselwld p�yma►m a p�ound raata.if auy.Bamwer sivll p�y t�ae
<br /> obiip�tioos in dto tn�et porovkled in paragreps 2.or 1[not paid in td�t mumer.Bomen�a ahaIl pay d�an on timo directly Lo tho
<br /> puson mved p�ymeat Boaower shaIl Dron►FIIY Nm� ao L.aider a{1 aotloes of amounts to be p�id nnda�this p�a�aph.If
<br /> BoROwa m�tes�bese p�yma�ts diroctiy.Barowu sha11 PtaapllY fumist�to I.entfa reoeipte evlda�n8 tLe P4Y��
<br /> �actowa sl�U prompdy dL�cl�ge any t�ut which ha4 prlariry ovac o7iis Sa�r3tj►Iasnumwt unlcss Banrower•(a)agroea i�► .
<br /> �ting to the paY�aent of the obligaBon se�ured by the tiea�n t marmer eooq�tabb to La�der.(b)ooaust�ia goad f.�dW tbe lia�
<br /> uy�ar aet�a�ds s�inst anfasea�c of the ]ien m� leg�l nnooee�►gs wnich tn a�a Leada•a opiaion opaem to peavent u�e
<br /> enfo�odmeat of ehe Uw;or(c)secures from s�e holda of tha ika an egroemeat setisfeciaY w Lsader subordinating tLo tiea W
<br /> tbis Sec�uity Insonunan If Iender��at eny pait of tLe Pmpe�cy is subject to a lla�al�ch�aY a�n PrIaItY ove�d�is
<br /> Securiiy 1st�4 Leadet nu�lY Sive Bonower a t�otbe �deadlying the I}e�.Bormwe�slisU aeds['Y ihe lien or t�Ce aoe or aaro
<br /> v4�he acdais set fonh abova aiddn 10 days of the glving of notioe. porn��o� aa0
<br /> ,
<br />_ �.OR(N��oz+st Pso•Qme ronk�:
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