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<br /> S. Hu�rd or Property Insurance. Borrowcr ehall kccp the impmvementx now exiattng ar hercuttcr crectad on the
<br /> praperty in�ured ogsinst luss b�y flre.hn�urda included withfn the term"extended caveruge" and uny uther hu•rurds. irtciuding
<br /> ttnoda ar flaoding. for which l.�:i�der��quires insumnn:.Thix insiimnce Rhull bc muintalned in the anwuntx an�!far thc perloda
<br /> thut l.ender requir�w. The Infiurxnce wrricr praviding thc inaumm�e shntl he cho�cn by Bnttuwer sub,iect to l.ender's uppmvul _
<br /> which ehall rtat be unreasanubly wtthhcld. if Bc�rrower fails tn maintuin caveruge de�cribed ab�ve. Lendcr nwy. ut Ir_nder's
<br /> option.obwin cavemge ta protect L.ender's righte in the Prc�perty in accordance witN pamII�P��•
<br /> All insurnnce policies and rencwals ah�il bc accepu►bto to l.endcr nnd shall include a Kwndnrd martgage clausc. Lender
<br /> shall have the dght to hald the polictes and renew�ls. If l.ender requires,Barrower ehall pramptiy give t�L.ender all receipte of
<br /> puid premiums nnd renewal nottces.In the event of loss.Harrower ehull give prompt notice to the fasaranrc c�nrrier end Lender.
<br /> L.ender may make proof of loss if not mude prompdy by Horrower.
<br /> �Inless i.ender nnd Borrower otherwise agree in writing.insumnce proceads shali be applied to restomtion or repair of the
<br /> pruperty ciamaged.if the restoration or repalr ia e�onomlaslly feasible s+nd L.ender's security is not Iessetted.If the restorution or
<br /> repair is not econor[dcally feaslble or L,ender's securlty would t�e lessendd. the insuranoe proccecis sholl be applied to the sums
<br /> secured by this Securlry lnstrument, whether or not tl�en due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Barrower abandons the
<br /> Property. or @ces not aaswer within 3A days a notice from Lender that the insurattce carrler has offered to settle a claim, then
<br /> L.ender may collect the insurance proceede• Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay suma
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instrument.whether or not then due.The 30-day�riod wiU begin when the notice is glven.
<br /> Untess Lender and Horrower othen�vise agree in wridng, eny application of proceods co pdnetpal shall not extend or
<br /> pc►stpone thc� due date of the monthly payments referred to in puragraphs 1 and 2 or ehange the amount of the paymeats. If
<br /> under paragraph 2l the Praperty is acquired by I.ender,Boimwer's right to any inswance pollcles and pracrcds r�ultin�frun►
<br /> damage ta the Property prior to the acquisitton shali pass to Lender to tha extent of tne surns secured by thia Secudty Insuument
<br /> {mmediaisly prlar to the acquisition.
<br /> 6.pccupant.y,Preservation�Metntenance and Proted�on o!the Propertyi Borrower's Loan Applicatian;Leaseholds.
<br /> Bocrower shnll occupy,estab]lsh.and use the Property as Borrower's pdncipat residenoe wlthln si�ty days after the executton of
<br /> t6ia Securiry InsnvrRent and shall oontinue to occupy the PmPertY as Horrower's principal restdence for at teast one year efter
<br /> the date of occupancy,uNess Lender otherwise agrce�in writing,which consent shall nnt be unreasonably withh�ld,or unless
<br /> extenuat�ng circumstances•exist whic6 ere Ixryond Horrower's canuol. Borrow� a��ls�d�R'.��S�f or�imP���
<br /> Pmperty, allow the Property to�eteriorate,or commit waste u�i tt+e Frapert3r. �
<br /> � acdon or pr�ing,whether civll or crtminal, is beg�n that in I.ender's good faith judgment wuld resWt in forfaiture�f the
<br /> I'roperty or otherwlsa materiatty impair the lien created by this Security instmment or i.ender's security interest.8orrower may.
<br /> cure such a default and reinstute.ns provided in paragraph 18.by causins the acdon or procetdit�g to be dis'missed with a naing
<br /> t�at, in Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfeitune af the Horrower's interesc in the Properry or ot�er materIa!
<br /> Impaimnent of the lien created by this Secudry Instrument or L.ender's secur[ry interest.Borrower sha1Q also be in default if
<br /> Borrower,durtng ehe lot�u application process,gave matertally f�lse or inaccurate informatlon or statements to L.ender(or failod
<br /> to provide I.ender wlth eny material infom�ation)in conneccioa wIth the toan evtdenad by tue Note,inciudiag,but not WNted
<br /> to,repnsentetions canceming Borrower's oocupancy of the Property a9 a pdtteipal residener3.If thia Security Instcurnent fs on a
<br /> leasehold,Borrower ahall comply with all the pmvisions of ehe lc�se. if Fiorrower uc9uires fee tide to the Property, the
<br /> Leasehold end the fee dtte shatl not caerge wiless I,ender agrees to the�nerser in writing.
<br /> 7.Protedion uf I.ender's Ri�hts tn the Property.If Borrower fuils to perform the coveuants and egnau+ents oontaiued in
<br /> thts Securiry Instiument;or therc ia n legal procee,ding that mny signi�ficantly affect Lernier'e rights in tuc F.�PertS►tsveh as a
<br /> pmceeding in bankruptoy.probate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or tegulations).th�rt I�ender may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is c�eessary to pmte�c the value of the Property and L.ender's rights ta the Prnperty. i.ender•s actions may .
<br /> include paying any sums secured by ct llen which hea prior�ty over tttis Securiry Instrument, appearing in court� psying
<br /> reasonable astorneys'fees and entering on the Pmpercy to m�kcs repairs.Although Lender may take uctton under this paragcaph
<br /> 7,Lender does aot have to do so. �
<br /> Any�unounts disbursed by i.ender under this paragraph 7 shall beaome additional debt of Borrower sec�re�i by this .
<br /> Security instrument.Unless Borrower and i.ender agree to other terms of paymeat,theso amounts shall bear intenst from the
<br /> date af disbnrsement at the Note rate and shall ba payable, with interest, upon nottce from i.ender to Bormwer r�uesttng
<br /> payment. .
<br /> 8. Mortgage Insurance.If Lender required mortgage Insurance as a condidon of making the loan secursd by thts Securlry �
<br /> Instn�ment, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insw�nce in effect. If, for any reason, the
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender Ic{pses or ceases to be in effect.Bocrower shall pay the premiun�s�+equired to
<br /> abtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance Freviously in e�fat. at a cost subst8ntiully equlvalent w the
<br /> wst to Bonower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> substentisUy e�uivalent mortgage insutance coverage ia not available.Botrower shall pay co L.ender each month a sum equal w
<br /> one-twelfth of tl�e yearly mortgage insurance pnmium being paid by Borrower when the insurance oovemge lapsed or oeased to
<br /> be in effoct.Lender witl accept,use and retain these puyments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insnrance. Loss reserve
<br /> �om,aozs erso
<br /> Pago 3 af 8
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