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<br /> the Eaeterly boundary 13.ii� of gafd fractionAl �loalt 2, fox u �
<br /> distance o! 86.5� leett iunning thence in a westerly direotion
<br /> �arailei with tlie Northerly boundary line of said Ninth Street for
<br /> � a distance oP 31.7 feet te� the easterly boundary lir►e of Sroadwell
<br /> Avenue in the C3ty of Grand Isiand (as now loaated) ; runnin� thenae
<br /> in a �autherly direction aiong and �apon the easteriy bouadary line
<br /> of Broadwell Avenue (as now located) for a di�tancm of 98.5 fest to
<br /> the plaae of bgginnf.nq, and
<br /> That part o� Fractional Lot Ten (10) , in Fractional Bloak Thirteen
<br /> (l3), in Faixview Park Addition to the city of Grand Island, Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska, descrfbed as follows: Begfnning at a pofnt
<br /> situated on the southeast oorner of said Fractfonal Lot 10, runninq
<br /> �hence norctherly along the easterly line of said lot; parallel with
<br /> tihe Westerly line of North Adams Street a distance of 22.8 feet,
<br /> runninq then�� westerlY at a xfght anqle a distance of 40.6 feet, _
<br /> running thence southeasterly a distance of 46.5 feet to the poiat
<br /> of begintfing, ttxe satae being a said Fraational Lot 10, in said
<br /> Fracstional Bloak Tbirteen (13).
<br /> subje�z to th@ encumbrance thexeon at Ndrwest Mortqaqe, whiah she
<br /> shall salely assume and hold the Respondent haxmless there�rom.
<br /> The Respondent shall execute a quitclaim de�d placing title o� safd
<br /> �, marital l�ome in the Petftioner.
<br /> 13. MARITAL DEBT: The followinq marital debt shal], be
<br /> assumed by the parties and they shall eaah hold the other party
<br /> , hax�nless therefrom. It i.s the understandinq of the par'kies that,
<br /> should �hey not pay the mazital debts as set forth in this
<br /> agr.eem�nt and cause the other party to become obliqated thereon,
<br /> they are disobeying the Order of this Court and a aontempt action�
<br /> ntaa be �rou�ht aRainst them: -
<br /> Petitfoner •
<br /> � , a. '�titioner shall .asswne �he mortgag� on the family
<br /> home �at �904 N. �Adams� Grand Isla�id, NE;..,in the sura of Forty-Five
<br /> Thousar�c� Dollars ($45, 04�D.00); • ��
<br /> , b. Petit3oner aha�l assuine the Visa debt in the
<br /> agproit�,mate aniount of Si,818.00 and hold �he Respondent harmless
<br /> � therefr.+c�m; � :
<br /> c. Petitioner shall� assume the debt ,at Five Pointa Bank
<br /> in the sum of $4,000.00 and hold the Respondent d�armless therefrom.
<br /> Respondent .
<br /> a. lZesponalent shall solely assutne the debt on the 5ears
<br /> charge card in the approycimate sunn of (S1,107.00) ;
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