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- - ' � <br /> • .. .. .,m......,.. _-- __ <br /> , ,,. ti��•,.J� .�. . ..__ - J-� -.. _.. . _.... - <br /> _ _ _ _ � _: _ <br /> r <br /> ' � 9 5--1�3��'l� <br /> �irat day A� rhe month following �he data of entry of the Oecree a! c__ <br /> � Dissolution and avntinuing until the minor children reach ninetesn <br /> ` �lg) years of age or untfl further order of this Court. Thfs 3s <br /> based upon �1,900 net per manth for the PeCitioner and $1,014 net <br /> p8r mo�� g�r the Respondent. Hoth parties acknowledge that they <br /> have been advised that ahild support may always be ahanged and <br /> modified by the District Court granting thie dissolutian if th�re <br /> is a chanqe o� airauuastances of the parties and it is fn the beat <br /> interest of the ahildren that the ahild support set by the Court be <br /> modiPied. <br /> The Respondent wiil agree to enter into a voluntary <br /> withhold and tranamit of earnings for pay�►ent af his ch�id support <br /> obli.gat�on. <br /> g. ��; The petitioner shall not pay alimnny to the <br /> Respondent and the Respondent shali nct pay alimony to the <br /> Petitioner. Each party acknowledq�s tha� they have been advi�ed <br />" and 'cha� un3srstsns3 thats unless aiimany is awarded fn the <br /> proceedinga presently befare the Court, the Aeer'ee car►nat be <br /> subsequontly mddifisd at any time to include an award to either <br /> , : party• <br /> 7, TNCC?ME TAK RETU�NSt The parties shall file a 1994 <br /> Federal and State Income Tax Return, and if any �axes are due as a <br /> reault of the �iling af sucb returns, it �sha�.l be paid in <br /> proportion of the incoxae of the parties for the year 1994, and if <br /> thexe is any refui�d fue, such refund shall M� div��ded in proportion <br /> �o thQ taxes paid by thR parties during tbe tax �year 1994. <br /> � . 9, �FaT!rH INSUI2ANCE: The Pe'�itioner shall maintain tha . <br /> existing health and accident anol aomparable insurance coveraqe on <br /> the minor chiidren during the t�rm of the childrets's minority an;d <br /> � shall pay any premiums due on health insurat�ce and keep .�.t in ful:l <br /> ferce and effect. Any health related oxpenses incl�ding but� r�at <br /> 2imited to optical, dental and medical, not cove�red by insurance an ' <br /> behal� of the minor children shall be paid one-half by the <br /> Petitioner and one-half by the Reapondent. • , <br /> 10. �.O�R�'f►OLD G�ODS & EURNI5HIPLGS 4� PERSONAL �F�E�." s= <br /> Eaah party ehall keep the personal effects now in theix respective <br />