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...._ .., • ;�;tt�; <br /> . . T-. , . .�� - <br /> ....,..,.,., . <br /> , ,, _. . ... ..... . . .. <br /> a c'cyRMr;nN t�lMO�ptq!�i •. . . ' . . - - - - - ..- . <br /> ..Fd?. <br /> ��i.�. --- -- <br /> -_-- --------'� -----.. _.. - <br /> .. _. --- -� � � '-� - <br /> , . 95- ���+�,� . <br /> 5, The courC coste are taxed to the Petitionar and each <br /> party shali pay Cheir own attorz�ey's faea aa set fo�cth in thm � <br /> Property 3ettlement Agreetnent. <br /> � 6. The Respondent is ordered to furnieh to the Clerk of <br /> the DiaCrict Caurt of Hail County, Nebraeka, hie addxess, social <br /> security number and such other infornlation that tihe .Court may <br /> require �rom eime Co time. The Respandent shall also advise �he <br /> Clerk cf the Dietrict Court of Hail Ccuaty, Nebraeka ia writing, of <br /> any change of employment, addrese or r,elephone number between the <br /> timo of the enLicy of thie Decree of Diasolution and the payment of <br /> the Judgment for Child Support eaterec� herein in Full. Failure to <br /> comply uith thia Oxder shall be punishat►le by con�tem�t. <br /> 7. Notice is further given to the Respon8ent that if he <br /> fails to pay any chi�ld support payment, euch failure ehall be <br /> certif ied to the Court each month by th� Ci�erk of the Dietrice <br /> Court in all cases where chil3 support is more thar► 30 days in . <br /> ar�ears, an8 the Respondent ehall appear before this Court on a <br /> date to be determined by the Court to r��ic�r causs uhf su�h �Y�nt , <br /> was not made. In �he event that the he fails ta pay and appear ae <br /> so Qrdered, a war�ant shall be ieaued for his arrest. <br /> 8, Trie Reapondent shall execute appropriate income <br /> withlnolding documenta.pursuant to Section 93-1'718 of the �ev• <br /> ��,, and file with the Clerk o� C�1e Distriat Court .of Ha].l County <br /> wi�hin thi�Gy daYs from the da�e of the decree not3f ication that he <br /> has filed appropriate income v�ithhalrling doaumenta with his <br /> emplayer. Respandent shall b� su]��ect to co�itempt procee�dinge <br /> being initiated far the failure to file °i.ther ���he appr(�prfate <br /> f.ncome wi�hholding document with the employer or the not�fication � <br /> � of. filing �aith the Clerk nf the Dietriat Court. if Respondent � <br /> changes employess, he shall have seven days from the aoimnencement. <br /> ef the new��employment to execute appropriate income withhtllding <br /> documente for the ��w employar and shall have seven days thereaf�er <br /> to file verifica�ion of such complianCe with the Clerk of The � <br /> District Court. <br /> IE because og a change of employment, ail or a portion of <br /> the child aupport due in any one month ie not withheld frc�ti� 3ncome, <br />