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<br /> � � /l ' i......�.�.......'_`d30LtfF!`�.'�G'��.�°a�=-_--_.____ ..._ _.
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<br /> -.���_.,:_ �: -_ ..�„_ -_�x_—r�cR_...=a�m - ''_'-c�=-�---.___.����:_ ----
<br /> ._...___ ._..._.___"_------^-van .___.___+..-.-ns..__ .--.c-.ax_--=-�.=-:r�=��:::�.�..�,...�...,..�4�.0.,......_.._'_-_._
<br /> ;�9��. gosB�.� ,
<br /> puym�ntr+mny nu lungcr Ne requlrcd.m�ttc�qnl��n uz I cislcr. ii nmrtHugr fn5urisncc c�►vcrugc(in tho nmaunt und Por thc pcdod
<br /> Ihut A�citde� rcyuircyl peuvldcd hy at�Ir�vitr��r n�f�nu�rd i�y I�udcr�+gu1n hcr+mie� �+w�ili►hle cmd Ix ubtufnrd. Borcnwer Rholl puy
<br /> the prenilun�rcquircvl tu nwlnL�iu nt�nipnx�inxur�u�.�u lu cli'r�:l���r to ptuvl�lu n Invq rc.rcrvc,untN tho requircmcnt for murtgago
<br /> insuruncc cnJw in urcurJun►�c°wUl�nny wifurn u�t��rwr�tl le��iwecn Ibirr�rwcr mul ln:ndcr nr��pplicable luw. '
<br /> 9. Inspectlm�.l.��uicr ur ItA uKcnt���uy mnkc i�awiniaNlu cnl�lcr tqwm ni�d ins�s��cUonx�►f thc Pr�iperly.L.endcr shutl give
<br /> &urowcr nnUce m Utc tin�c��Ynr pri•�r�n ai�Uiti�k��l�m M�krllylu�r�ar+yii��Hlc ruuhc fi►�thu ins{mcdan.
<br /> 10. Condunnwtlnn.'t'hu rm�a�iytr ol'uny aw�u�!,►r clulm Gu�d�unuµcy, direct ur eonteyuentlul. in runnecUun with uny
<br /> condemnatiim ur otl�cr ti�klnK�d'nny p;n��d'du� Ihu�►eu�•.u� fi�r c��nvcynnce M licu nl'rnndemnudnn.ure hereby aasigned and
<br /> elsnll bo puid tu l.cndcr.
<br /> In�hc cvcm at'u tatal U►kln�ot �hc Hr�qx��y.11w puqi�rdw hhull Iw iqipllyd t�►the kumy�ccured by tidx Sci:urity Instntmcnt.
<br /> whcther or not !I►en due. witb nny a:rrc�y p�dd tu iMnn►wcr. tn Il�o cvcu� �+r u purllnl tuking uf�he Nr�iperoy in whieh tho fnir
<br /> nturkct vuluc i►f thc Pr���xny Imox�listcly I+c�lin��il►e h�kUiy Iv cqi�ul tn urµtcttler d�un�ho nm�unt uf thc tiuma Kccurcxi by thie
<br /> Sccurity Inhtrumcnt Imnudlntcly Ikfi�rc Iho t��Mlny,unleati Iu�tu+Nrr nnd 1 ender oiherwir;o ugrco In writing,the�ums�ccured by
<br /> thiq Sccurity Instrument Fhull hc rcttu►�.rl hy tl�e n�naunl uf Ilte pa►►�•rd» mupipifral hy the fi�llawing fniction: (u)tho totel
<br /> nnx�unt uP thc sumy�ural ImnxYtiutcly Ix�l;�rc �hc luhlny, dlvidcd hy Iby�hu fidr mnrkct vuluo af tho Properiy immediately
<br /> baForo tho taking. Any balanco Rludl i�c(mid tn 1l��uow�cr, lu�hc ovrrn��t'�i pi►rttnl Iuking nf thc Property in which thc fair �
<br /> market vulue nf thc Pro�scrty fn►ermdis►leiy heti�n;tln;tu�i��g I�s ler.�q�i���tl�e a��x:un!�►P ttee sunis ae�:urti�d Inuairdlntely befure the
<br /> taking.untess 8urn�wer aid I.ender utherwir,a nKrce In w�Uiuy ur unl�rs npplicuhl�luw atl�crwine pmvidcw.the proccesis ahail
<br /> bo applicd ta tho sum9 xecutcd by tl►i y Sccurity In�lrwncnt wbcthcr ur�w1 tl�a xumy�uc�Iten duc.
<br /> If the Pmpetty ie nbandoned 6y��rmwir.ur ii'.►iiier n�rtire by i�cnder tn Bomiwer thnt tho condemnor affera to mnke an
<br /> awAnd or setde n cluim for dan�ogeN,lforrowcr fidlr►�o �r.�{xnxl ta IA�xicr wUhiu Jtl dnyN aRer the duto the notice iR given.
<br /> Londcr is authuriud ta callec.t m�d upply tlec pr�MCCaIy,at h���ptlnn.rhi�cr t��rest��riiqan ur rcpnir cif Iho Property n�to thc sums
<br /> se�:ured by thiR Security Instrument, whether ar�iot titcn duc. '
<br /> Untess i.endef und Barr�wer utherwlRC ug�et� in wfUtn�, uny a��pticnU�m ot nntce��tn a� principul ehall eat extend or
<br /> �ostpan�:the due date of the monthly puynxntw referred tu in purugruph�,1 wx!2�or chcingo 1he umc�unt uf such paymente.
<br /> il.8ormwer Not Rdc�sedt Ha�rbenrm�co Hy I.cnifer N�►t a WKlvcr. lrxtcnslm�of tho time far pAyment or modiflcutton
<br /> nf emartizatian nf thc sums rccurcd by tfd��turity Inhtrimxnt grunt��l l+y I.ctkler to uny eucccasnr in IntcceHt af Honowcr shalS
<br /> �ot opessse t�rEle��!!e�#!!ey of�he s�rlglnES!!�usruwQr i�r l��rr�.�w�r'!.►.�u?�'x!�!�r!4�►4�tt�+t�xt: �.r�t�ier khu14�I�e reguired tn
<br /> commence pmcecdings sigalnst any sutcessnr In intcrest ar reib�c tu estcixl tlnx ti�r puyment ar atherwiso madify amottizadon
<br /> of tho �sums�c�ured by thie Secueity Instrument by rcuwne ��f►�ny �trmuiKl n�i�io hy tbc urlginal Borrower or Bomowee's
<br /> auccessors in Intercst. Any forbcurunce by l,endcr in exrnfwing uny rlglil �+r rcitx�ly xl��il Ant be a waivcr of or pmludo the
<br /> eacrcise of any right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Successore pnd Asstgns Boundt Jotnt pnd�v�l I.1wAiilty� ('��t�i�cr�, 'IY�e eovar�unte utxf agrecmenta of this
<br /> Seeuriry Instrument ehWl bind cuid benefit tho Ruccessure attd uKSfgny of I.ender aiHl Fiottnwer, :�ubJect t�the provisions of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower'R covcnents and ugrccmcnts �hutl bo Juint u�xl c;cvcrnt. Any ��r�uwcr whu rn-signo this Sa�rtty
<br /> Instniment but does not ezecute the Nato: (a)iK n►•xlgning tMA Security In+trunxnt anly tn nH►rtgage. grant and convey thnt
<br /> Borrowcr's intert�t in the Property under tho terms of thle Security Instrunxut:(b)In�x�t per�►�u�lly nbliQated to puy tha suras
<br /> serurod by this Secudry Intrument; and(c)egrces that Wnder ond uny othcr ii��rrc�w•er n�y ugreo M cxtcnd.mudify. forbear or
<br /> mAke uny acrnmmcidationa witti regard to ttu tern��of this 5ccurity D��trunuut ur tho Noto witla►ut that Qarrower'K cunsent.
<br /> 13.I.�a Ch�rg�.!f the�oart secs�red by thlo Securiry Instrument is aubJect u+u lew which xetq nwximum loxn charges.
<br /> and that luw Is finully Interpreted so thut tho Interest or other toun churges�ti►IlertcA ur to he r�illctit�M in cunnecdan with the
<br /> taan exceed the permftted limits.then:(a)cuiy�surh InAn:liurgc�hali bo rcduced Ny Ihc��nHnmt r��uiry to rnlucc the charge
<br /> to the permitttd limit;und(b)any Fuma alrcady�tillected Gam Burn�wcr whfch cxc�cic�l�ermllteA Ilmllx wili t�e KlUnded ta
<br /> Borrower. Lcndcr muy choosc to makc this refund by rcduring thc princfpal owed u��tcr thu Note c�r by nmking a cilrezt
<br /> payrrxnR to Borrower. If n rcfuad rcduces princfpst. tlio rctilucdon will lw lrcete�i e+ e pxniel {►re�x+yment witha�t xny
<br /> pmpaymcnt cltarga under the Nota.
<br /> 14.NMIc�.Any notice to Bormwer providai fnr in tidH Security 6iyt�unxnt ehs�il bo givcn by QelfveNng It or by nwiling
<br /> it by first class mnit unless npplicable luw r�equircs uso of onuther nxihcKl. 'Pho n��Nce Fhell he directrcl to�ho i'rwpeny Address
<br /> or any other uddress Banower dcsignutc.v by nodce to I.endcr. Any nuti��c ta I.sndcr xhwll Iwo �Iven by firht cluss myll to
<br /> i.endcr's addre.g�statod herein ar any ather addrcss I.cndcr deslgnutc�by�N�Nce tu Hurrower. Any�xNlru{�mvi�a! fur in this
<br /> Sacurity Instrument shaU be clamcd to hnvc becn g{vcn tu(bmnwcr itir I.cixicr when g{ven ux��ov►dM in thla puru,gr�ph.
<br /> IS.Governing I.nwi Severabiltty. Thta Security Invtrumcnt nhull Iw guvcnxd hy tcQr.ru� 1�►�v mu! �Iro law nf tha
<br /> judsdiction in wh[rh the Propeny i�located. in thc event tlwt imy pruvixlcm ar eluu�+c oi thtn S��urlty lastruux�n ur tite Nota
<br /> conflIcte wtth appliruble law.stech canfltct xhull nut uffcct otlter pruvixluus oP�ttlH ticcurity In.rtrunrem ar�1to Nute which wn be
<br /> given effect wlthout the confHcting proviatoi�.T'a thtK end tho provtsionr aY tNix !k�urlty Imtnuiwnt uixl tiie N�na e�ro�iesclared
<br /> to be severnble.
<br /> 16.Borrowcr'e Copy. 8orrowcr ehutl bc givcn onc confomicd�v�py oY Ihv N�►tc nnd��f Ihtx ticcurity I�t`Ieumcnt.
<br /> Iorm 3028 t/Y0
<br /> Vr��1 of A
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