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wa.,�; .�i:t:.�r':y„`Qacrx.•:-'s' _ . .�_ .._.. .. . .. . . - -- . .._. <br /> , . _ <br /> . . :,, ...:. ...,. . <br /> �.-..,i.... � .....-, .. .- . _�-._'�— — - - _ - - <br /> . F�-. . � s r_ z..�.,_:._.�— <br /> 1.�s��►'Y <br /> paymcntss may na longer bo requlrcd.ut tha opliun uf Ixnder. if mortBnge insurun���ge(in the amuunt and fur the period ` <br /> thut Lcnder requlres)provlded by an insurer appmved by l.cnder ngule�becomes Avnilable and is obinincd. Barrower shall puy <br /> the prcmiums requicRd ta muintain murtBoBe insumn�e in eCfcct,ar to provtde n loss reserve,until the rec�uire�nent for maAgoge <br /> insurnncc ends fn acwrdance with any wdtten ugrccment between Borrowcr and I,ender or upplicuble law. <br /> 9. Inspectlon. Lendcr or ius ugent muy muke rensonablo cnt�ies upun and inspcxdona af the Prape�ty.I.endcr shell give <br /> Eonower nottce ut the time of ar pdur w uu inspectton,;pulfying e�asonnble cnuse for tfie ingpectton. — <br /> 10. CondemnaNan.The procads of uny nwnrd or cluim for damngea,direct or consequential. in connection with uny <br /> condemnatian or ather tnking of any pssrt of the Property�ar fur conveynrtce in lieu of condemnation.nrc hereby asaigned und <br /> shalt be paid to Lender. <br /> In the event of a total taking of the Praperty.the proceEds shatl be upplied to the sums secured by thi� Security Instrument. <br /> whether or not then due.with any excess paid to Banawer. in the event of a partial wking of the Property in which the fair <br /> market vnlue of the Property immediatefy t�efore tt�e taking is tquat to or greater chan the nmount of the aums secured by this <br /> Security Insm►ment immodiately before the tnking,unless Botrower and I.ender atherwise agree in wtiting. the sums secured by <br /> this Securlry Insttument shull be t+eQuced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following frnctinn: (a) the tota! <br /> amount of the suma se�ured immedlntely before the telcing.divIded by(b) the fair mnrket value of the Property immediately <br /> beforc the taking. Any bulance sh�ll be puid to Borrower. In the event af a partiul taking of the Property in whIch the fair <br /> markct value af the Property immedtately before the taking is tess than che amount of the suma secured immediately before the <br /> tetcing, unless Bornower and i.ender otherwiss agre�in wrttfng ur unless applicable law otherwise provides,the praceeds shall <br /> be applied to the sums secured by thia Security Insuvment whether ar not the sums are then due. <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower.or if.after notice by I.ender to Borroaer that the condemnor offers to make aa <br /> award or settta a claim for dsunages, Bortower fails to respnnd to i.ender within 30 days aRer the dat�the notice is given. _ <br /> Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proc� ita option,etther to reswration or repair of the Property or to the s��mc <br /> sxured by th(a Secudry Insm�ment.whether or not then due. �icadon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> Untess Lender and Bomower otherwtse agree in wridng, any app <br /> po$tpone the due dato of the monthly paymeats referred w tn parngraphs 1 and 2 or change die amount of such payments. <br /> 11.Bormwer Not Rdeased;Forbearance Sy I.ender Not a Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or modificatton <br /> of amortizatton of the sums securad by this Securiry Insqument granted by Lender to any succ�ssor ia intere.0 of Bonower sLall <br /> not operate to release the liability of the originat Borrower or Borrower's suceessors jn interest.Lender shail not be reyuired to <br /> oontmena pioceetlings against uay suvoessor in interest or t�efuse to extend Bme for payment or otherwlse modify arttortizadon <br /> of tho sums secured by thia Sec�dty Instrument by reason of any demand made bY ►he origiunl 8c�riowc�r or Burrauar'e � <br /> sucxxssors In interest. My forbcarance by I.ender In exercisia�any rlght or remedy shall not be a weiver of or pm,cluQe the <br /> exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Suooessors end As�signs Bmundi JoMt and�everal Llability; Co-slgners. The covenar►u►and agreements of ihis <br /> Sxur�ty Insttument shall bind and benefit the suocessors and assigns of Leander and Borrower. subject to the pmvisioas of <br /> paragrtiph 17. Borrower's ouvenants and agteements ahall be joint and seveml. Any Borcower who co-signa this Securlty <br /> Insmtment but does not execute the Note: (a) is oo-slgaing this Secudty Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that <br /> Borrowcr's inurest in the Property under the terms of this Secudty Instntrnent;(b)is nat persoi�ally obligated co pay the snms <br /> sxured by this Security Instrument:and(c)agrees that I,ender and any other Borrower may agreo to eatend,modify,forb�ar or <br /> make any ac�ommodations with regard to the terms of this Securtty In.stntment or the Note withaut that�onower's consent. <br /> 13.I.oaa Clutges.If the loan secured by this Security Jastniment is subject to s law which seta maaimum loan charges. � <br /> end that!aw is finally tntefpreted so thae the interest or other toan charges oollected or to be coitected in opnnection with the � <br /> loan exoeod th�pemiltted llmits.then: (a)any such lotm charge shall be reduced by tha amount necessary to reduce tha charge <br /> to the pem�ittad limit: and(b)anY sums alreadY collected from Borrower which eacceded pemdued limits will ba refunded to <br /> Bormwer. Lender may chaose ta► make this rePond by reduciag the principal owal under the Nota or by making a direCt <br /> payment w Borrower. If a rfund reduces pr�ncipal. the roduction w[ll be mated as a paiti�l prepayment without any . <br /> prepaymeat charge under the Note. ' . � <br /> 14.IVotkes.My notiae w Borrower provid�d for in this Securlty InstNment shall be gtven by delivedeg it or by mailing <br /> it by ficst class mall uatess applfcable law requires use of enother method. The nodce shall be directed to the Property Address <br /> or any other address Sonower designates by notice to Lender. Any notioe to Lender shal[be given by first class mail w <br /> Lender•s add�ess stated herein or any other address Lcnder designates by notIce to Borrower.Any nottce pmvided for in thia <br /> Securlty Insmiment shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender�vhen gtven as provided in this paiagrnph. <br /> 1S.Govetaing Law; Severabllity. 'ft►is Securlty Inshument shatl be govemed by federal iaw and the law of the <br /> jurisdiction fn whlch the Property ts Iocated. In the event that an�r provision or clause of this Secudty Insttument or tha IVOu <br /> confltcts with applic;able la�v. such conflict shall not affert other pt+�visions of this Security Intittcument or the Nlote wbich ran be <br /> given effect without the cantltcting pmvision. To this end tha pmvisfons of this Security Instrument.and the Note are declitred <br /> to be saverable. <br /> 16.Borrnwer's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformea eopy of the Note and of thia Security Instrument. <br /> fortn 3028 9/80 <br /> Pp�4of8 <br />