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<br />= 7. CondemnAtfou. 7tte ptooeeds of nny nwnrd or clo�m for dmm�ges.direct ar consequendul.in connectian with any
<br />= candemnndon or ather takin�of uny purt of the P�riperty.ar for conveyunce fn place of condemnntion.are hereby acslgrte� -
<br />= and shatl bo paid to Ixnder to the extent of the thU amount oP the lnde6udness thsu�mains unpaid urtder the Notc und this
<br /> � Sccu�iry Iasuument. Lcnder shall uppiy�such proceods to the crducdon of the t�debtedn�v.g under the Note und thiw Socurlty
<br /> , [nsuument,�irst w any deURqucnt nmauntv oppliesi in ti►e onter pmvided in Pnragmph 3. and �hen to pre�ayment �f .
<br /> p�incipal. Any applicadon of thc pmoada to the principai shall not extend or postpone tho due dutc of tlte monthly
<br /> payments�.which ore�efen+ed to in Parngmph 2,or change the amaunt of such puymen�. My exces.g vroceeds over an
<br />= nmount required ta pny sll outxtnnding indebtcdn�.g under the Note shnll be p�id to the endty legAlly entitled the�et�.
<br /> 8. �as. Lender muy coLact fees und charges uuthorized by the Sxretnry.
<br /> 9. Grounda for Aocdentbn ot Deb�
<br /> (o)YkfaulG Lender muy.exapt av Wnited by rcguludons i�ued by the Secrewy tn tho c�se of payraent defuulcs.
<br /> - require immedIutepuyment in fuU of ell soms secured by Ws Securtry Instrument�f:
<br /> ° (i)Bonower defuuflx by faWng to pay�fn fiill any monthly payment roquind by this Securlty lnstrument prior -
<br /> to or on the due dau of thc next mantbly payment,or
<br /> (ii)Bo�rowzr defnults by fuWnB,for a perlod of tbirty days,to perform any othe�oblisa�ons cont�tat in thts
<br /> ���ekcutiry InstnuncnG
<br /> Wdt6out Cr+edit Appnuval. Lender shall,If penn{tted by plicuble law aad wIth We pdor approva!of the
<br /> eix+etary.aquire immedIau payment in fuU of nIl the aums secured�y thls Securlty Inswment if:
<br /> (i)AU or pa�t of tuo Property.or a beneficlal interest in u trust owaing aU or part of the Propaty.is sold or
<br /> otheivvtae tranaferred(other- than by devise or dessoent)by the Bomawer.and
<br /> (�?'nte P�+opsity is aot occupfcd by tha puncheser or grantee es hia or ber Princlpai r�idenoe.or the pur�cba�er
<br /> wIth�t��eqninrr�ents�f�eySec�i�eta�ryPettY but his or her c�odIt has not 6oen approved in necorclaanoe
<br /> (c)No Weiver. If cirnunsp�aes occur th�t wouldpem�it Lendcr m requin¢immcdiate payraent la full,but Lender
<br /> dces not uire suchpnymente,Lender does not waive its dghts wItb mspect to subsequent eventa
<br /> (d)Re�la�n9 of HUD SeceKary. Im m�ny cjrcuatsta�tces reguladons issued by the Sucetery wiRl Umit Leader's
<br /> rights,in the cnse of payment defuulta, to require immediate payment in full and foreclose If aut paid lbis
<br /> Saudty Iasorwnent daea aot audtorize aaxleradon or foneclosure if not pennttted by reguletlous of the Sa�acy.
<br /> (e)Mortgage Not Inweed. Harmwer a�xs that s4ould t6is Secudty lasnument and the note secured diaeby aot
<br /> be eligfble for iasurana under the Nadonal Honsiag Act wtthin g �}�s ���e
<br /> date haeof.Lender may.at its optton and notwIthstanding ariyd�iag in Paragraph 9,roquine immadIate payment ta
<br /> fuU of all sums socund by W3s Socudry Instrumeq� A written staument of apy authoiized agent of the Seaetary
<br /> _ dated eubsoquent to $ s�t4�s from dte da�hs�f,�lin�o se inss�tl�s S�vriiy =
<br /> Inatrumeat und tbe note securcd thenby.shall be deemed conclusive proof of such inellgibllity. NotuvItbstanding
<br /> t6e forcgoing, thIs option mey aot be exenclsed by Lendu when the unavnilab3lity of inswana is solely due w
<br /> L�endets fa�un to remi¢a raortgage insurana premtwn to the SaYetary.
<br /> 10 RetawtLement Borrnwer has a right to be reinsmtod if Lender has tcquired immediate payarent in full ba�use of
<br /> Botrowa's ta�ure w pay an amount due undar the Nou or difis Secu�ity Insuwnent 7hi.g right appIIes even aRer foroclosun
<br /> pnoocedings an ins6wtod. To rciustate the SoeurIry InstiwAen�Botrower shall tender in a lump swa all amouats roquircd W
<br /> 6 g Bornowe�s oxount cument tacludiug,w the extent they ene obliga8ons of Bore�ower under this Securtry Inso�urneat�
<br /> fonclosuc+e costs artd c�easonable nnd customary auome�ra' fas ead expenses property associoted with d�e foroclosun
<br /> praoeedin$. Upon reL�stnument by B�wIIe�r,this Secunry Instnunent end the obligattons that it socuros sbap c�emein In
<br /> effect as it Lender hsd not roquiral p yment in EWI. How�ver.I�nder ls aot nquir�ed to permit reinstatement if:
<br /> (i)Lender Ms aooepud n.instaument after du wmmencement of forxlosure pmoeodings witbin two years hnmodigtely
<br /> p�Ing the oommenceu�ent af a cument foreclosiue pnoceeding.(ii)ninstaumeat wIU pieclude foreclosune on diffennt
<br /> 8munds in the fuw%or(iii)ninstatement wil!edvusely affect tho prIority of the lIen crestcd by tbis InsuumenG
<br /> i l. 8ore+owu Not Rtk�.+ed; Forbaeanme by I.ender Not a Waiver. Euoension of ttk �pay�a t or
<br /> modff'cadon of unoNzetlon of the sums seeund by this Securiry Instrument gcantal by Lender W any suoxssor in inta�.ct
<br /> of Bormwe�s1�all not opetaoe w nlease the liabiliry of the o=igidal Bomewer or Borcowe�s suooessor Lt intp�est, Lendq
<br /> sdaU not berequi�+ed w oomnnenoe p�ia8s a8atnst any s�or in iaten.st or neti�se W extend tIme for pay�n t or
<br /> otha�►ise raodify amoiti7ation of the sumc secuied by dus Socurlty Instrument by c�e�son of my demand made by dx
<br /> or�g[nnl Bonnwer or Bomowe�a sucoessors iA intenst, pny fotbeacance by Lendea in exa+cistng eny rig6t or zemedy shall
<br /> not 6e a w�iver of or preclude thee eaenise of any rlght or nemody.
<br /> ls. Suooeasors and As,�pts Bound;Joint ond&venl U�lityi Co,Si�oie�ee. 1he oovemnts eada�nen ts af this
<br /> Socudty Lnurumeat sLaU bind and benefit the suooessors and�s of Lender end Bomower, sub�' cc to th�pmvisions of
<br /> Puragraph 9@). Bomowa's covenaats end agnxments shall be�io t aad saveral. My Boimwer wfio ao-signs ttus Socuriry
<br /> InsWa�ent buc does aot ezacuoe the Nou: (a)is oo-signing this��Sxurity lastiuraent only to mor�age.grant and convey that
<br /> Bonawu's inoaest In the P�operty under the te�ms of d�is SecurIry Insoiv�en�(b)is not personalTy obli�ated w pay tho swns
<br /> secured by tdis Secwity Inswment;and(C)agret„w d�at Lender aad aay oihu Bomowermayagnee to exund,modifY,forbear
<br /> , or maice any eeoomraodetions widi iegard W the tama of thLs Securiry Iasuument or the IJote wi8tout that B�aower's
<br /> oonsont
<br /> 13. Notiee�. My no8ce to�omewer provtded for in tWs Sacurity Instrument st►a11 6e pivea by depivcrtng it or by
<br /> mailing it by fnst class mail uolessapphcuble law roquires use of eaother meshad. 1he notia s6a11 be djrected to the
<br /> Propetty Addness av aay other address Bornower designates by notioe to I.ender. Any ao6a to Lendar sball beg�ven by fust
<br /> class maU w Lendea's address amted de��ein or eay uddress Lender designates by noHce to Bom�war. Any noHapm vidod
<br /> for in thIa Sacuriry Listrwaent sAall be dcemed to have been given to Hom�wer or Lender when glven as provided !n this
<br /> p�ru�ep6.
<br /> -ld. Covemtng I,aw�Sevee�bfitty. Ttils Security[nstivment ehnil be govemed b�y Federel law ancl d�e!aw of the
<br /> JuriSdicdon in wLich the Property is located. In the event tt�at any pmvision or clause of this Socudry Insnument or the Nate
<br /> conflicts witd applicable law.such oonfltct shall rtot affect other provisions of tlus Securlry Insttum�at or the Note which can --
<br /> , be ven effeet wlthaut the oonflicting provis�on. To thia end the provisIony of this Securhy Insnument and dce Note sre !
<br /> • dac�to be severable.
<br /> IS.Bon+u�er•e Cop . Hotrower shnll be given oae confomted copy of this Secud�Instrumen� __
<br /> 16. �4IIt Of�CII1S BOiiOWCT LLIICOIIditIonnllv a�ionn nttrl trnaafsMC tn t ot1 d.o.e..�.��....�..r..r a._ �.
<br /> W�MVO Vl 4N -
<br /> perty Bomower uuthotizes Le�tder or Lender's egents to m ect the rec►t�mtd ievenues and hereby di�cts each tenant of =:
<br /> the Pro-perty to pay the�+ents to Leitder or Lend�s a�enats. However. prior to Lertdei's notice to Bomower of B�drow�r's
<br /> breac6 of any oovenunt or agrcement in t6e 5ecurity Ina�n�Bortower shall collect and roceive ull rents Aad revenues of =
<br /> the Propaty aY t�ustee for the benefit of I.ender and Boirower. 7bis assignment of rents consiituus an absolute+usignment �`
<br /> end not m►assignuiccnt for addit�onel securIry only. -
<br /> If Lender gives notice of bce�ch to Bomower: (a)all renus mroeived by Botrower shall be held by Bomower�trustee �
<br /> for beRefit of Leader only.w be applied to the sums secured by the Security Instrument; (b) Lender shuli be enddod to °L
<br /> rnllact and reccive all of the rents of the Property;and(c) each tenant of the Property sha11 pay a11 rents due artd unpa�d to ��
<br /> Lender or Lendef s ageat on Lende.�s wdtten demund to the tenant 5-
<br /> Bomnwer hac not executed eny prior asslg�t of the rents nnd has not und wiU rtot pedorm any 3ct thstt would �
<br /> pnevent Lender from exereising its rights under th�s lamgrnph 16. �
<br /> Lt�.ndet shall noi be required to enuv upon.take cnnirol of or mainqin the Pmpetty before ur ufter givtng notice of `
<br /> breach to Bomower. However.Lertder o�u judIcIctlly s�p}sointed receiver may do so at any time there is�a btr,ach. Any �,
<br /> applicution of rents shaU rtot cure or waive any defnult or invalfdat�any other right or remedy of I.ender. This ossigninent af
<br /> rents o�the Ptoperty shall temiiitute wlten the debi secured by the Serurity Instrument is paid in fitll.
<br /> fPugs 3oJd pogn)
<br />