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<br /> =:��� � m!s o�c oF Taust.a made s.ot a,• d�y oi ¢
<br /> �-��'��� Italo U lEquiMr i K�y L. Squi�r • huoband and •ite � o
<br />:-''��. tM TNa°�' 17W ei Harriuon 5ti tirand Island NE �
<br /> M whos�malitnp addreu is lh�rNn"nutmr."w1aThK oM°T m°r�b
<br /> ����.
<br /> _==_� �� Fiv� Pointo llank� • tiQeraska Corporation ,
<br /> _.� P.q. Box i51s! lir�nd i�land, NS 68802 �In"Tius1M'�,and
<br /> ���� whose n�I11nQ addrass is
<br />°-°�3
<br />--�='� the 8ensltolary. E iv! Points Bank _ •
<br /> -=_'�� �iy t9. liroadeelA ti:�and lslond� N6. 68802-1�7 �h��„�,
<br /> whoss ma��tnp eddro�s la a�le D Squi�r
<br /> ;•,�.�
<br /> FOR VAWABLE CON8IOERATION,Includinp Lender's extenaton o!aredit Identttted hsnin to
<br /> --� i Kay l. �quier (herefn"Borrowe�".whethe�one or moro)and Ms truN herMn cro�t�
<br />--'�'°`� ths�acsipt ot which is hereby aoknowledped.T�ustor hereby inevoenbly 0►aets.uamtero,aonvsys and atsi�ns W Tru�1e�.IN „
<br /> TpIJgT�WRH POWER OF SAI.E,tor ths banetit and teaudry of lendn.underand wbtsat to ths termsand aondltlon�h�Nna�t�M •
<br /> __ �������iu�o�o��,1�y>o�ia,Lr:,t,a iiland��Nall Gonnty9��i�b��i.8ubdi-
<br /> 'd r�vit and "
<br /> ToQethsr with ail buUdinps.improvements,tlxturos�eueete.a��s�►a Ps�o°ways,easements,�iphh.p epes ��'
<br /> --- - nanees tooated tharoon or tn anywiss pertalninq theroW.and ths ronts,issu�s tnd protit�.�evenion�and nmaindes tt��of,�nd
<br /> v�� �ueh penonal properiy that ts att�ohed to the tmprovementa so as to�on�tltute s Oxiurs,ina�udfnp.but�at Ilmit�d to,AeadnO�nd
<br /> ^�--� eoolinp equtpmsnfi u►d topether wtlh tt�s homeatesd or merite!IMereste,li any,which[ntereste are hereby rotestsd and waiwd:atl
<br />_-�-�. DMd�of Tntst�nd�inl Aoi th•torepof^p�beinp nsrote e�d to heminbays the"�PropeM'� p�rtot th�n�l e�taa Naund bY th�qsn oNht�
<br /> m�s p�d of Yntst ihali seaurs(a)the payment of the p�inotDal eum�nd lnter�at svid�nad by�proml�ory nols or or�dk
<br /> - - • uatotier �'d .19y5 bavlr►a a matur9ly�ale ot �tob�r Znd 1998 �
<br /> �pr�nent datet9
<br /> — 225.0te0.aB ,and eny and at0 modifloatton�.�xten�lom an��� .
<br /> -- In tln oripinat prinolpal amount ot� -
<br /> - th�npf or theMO and any and nil tuture adv�nces end�esEvances to 8o*rc+�'er 4a►�nr of thsm I t�r����
<br /> -- purw�nt to on�or mor�promiswrY notes or ondit sp►�eemenb(Mrotn catl�d"NoM'�N)1�O�Y�
<br /> � I�d�r t o p r o b a t t 1 n N o u r i t�►M l h�N o b:t a)th�p�domianas of atl cov�nsnbs�nd�a�«m�nb otYtu�tar Nt kM hKMn:and(�
<br /> _ a�and tu�n�an�d w��r s��lap�b�y n�b�o innt�y.ove�dratt o�0�1�tNrwt�i�.��No�,�Is O�i�d o��ny�t
<br />-- othK doa�a►ts thet�eoure ths Not�orotherwiss exeauted In conn�atton 1MnwhA,Inatudinp wltl�out INnib�On qwn^MM.No�xiy
<br /> ��tNm�nb and asipnmeet�of teases and ronts,ehat!bs refsrrod to Mteln ss tfis"L°tn Oocurt�nn".
<br /> Teuwtor aov�nanls and a�rees with Lendsr a9 tollowe: ' �
<br /> 1. P d Intl�bl�dnu�.Alt Indebt�dness ssaurod hxeby tball Oes patb wh�n dw.
<br /> =�� �, ��to,�it the ownar ot ths Proper�►,ha�the dpM artd s�thoHty to convsy Ms PropMy.�nd wanuds that 1h��I�n
<br /> eretMd h�eby ti a tir�t and prlar�len on tAs Property.exaePt for Iims and enaumbranees sd fo�1N 6y Tmstor in wdtlnp and
<br /> - dsliwred to Lender bstoro�xeou�on of this Deed of'�'net,an0 the ax�ouNon uM dNiwry of Mf�ONd of Trun doy nMvlotaM aml
<br /> .�"' conbtW or otlter obllp�tlon to whtob Tntstor is subleat ��Prp�y
<br /> --- S. TuN.As�•Tn WY b�fo»detinqa�na�r ail bxa�speitt tsfMSm�nb and�11 o1h�e a1�rQs��pd
<br /> -- now or heteattsr Ievisd.
<br /> --- q, �tx�e�,1'o keep th�p�operty►Qnwred apatnet dameps by tiro,herard�InWuded with�tn th�tKm"�xbed�d aowrsOt"�
<br /> ---` such oth�r haurds es Londe►msy re4utn,tn amount�and with compani�accepS�bM to lendM'.ntmin0 L�ndK as eu+addi�o�
<br /> �..� nam�d insund.with lou payabts to the Lender.ln aass ot lot�undeT suah potlala.tb�enele►b�at�or�aad�.����
<br /> �' � compromiss,�q otalm�thsroundsr snd ehnQ hava ths optlon ot applytnp ati or pa�tot ths Usunnae Proa�ds(�
<br /> --_=-.�;s, e�aured hsr�and In suah order ae l�ndu msy determins,liq to the Ttwbr ro be used fot th�rop�iror restaatlon ot 1M P►opMl►
<br />--- - _= or piq ta any atlier purposs or oblsct�tbtaotory►to Lender without atfeoUnp tfn tlen otthis Oeed of Trustlor ths h+ll�mouM e�oured
<br /> -__��-' henb�r bNon wch P�►e�mer toak placs.Anr apPllo�don of Proceedt to Ind�bMdnw�hatl eet�xMnd or P�1M dw
<br />,.;:i t�- � �o}Any payments under Ms Note.or oare n r ry ddautt thsreunda or henundK
<br /> ;�,.��� 6. E s a�'o w.Upon w r i t t e n d e m n n d b y l e n d e r.'M�s t o r e h a l l p a y M l e n d 4 r,i n t u o l�mannsr as Lender msy desl�nats,wmat�nt
<br /> sums to er�abls Lender M pey as they beeome due one or moro of tf�e toliowinp:(i)ett t�ces.ns�meMsand ot�a���n a
<br />`.�-;���, the PropeAy�pq ths 9nmtums on the PropeKy fn�uranas nqulrod herounda�and plq 1hs premium�on anr mo�p�Inwnrro�
<br /> ..��J6.�\ ��A__—_-- � ..
<br /> (�((�V M�nw�•
<br /> ,:..yw�.� 8.M�nbrt�na��RNHin and ComPqanco�rifh Law�'huetor ehan keeP fie Propen�r in�aod w►�o�.a�....r-���...�.
<br /> '� prompU�t ropalr,or replace any improvement whtch rtt�y bo damRped or destroyed:ehati not commit or ps►mR sny wasb or
<br /> + y dNrriontlon of the Property:ehatl not romove,demotish or eubatantlaly atur am►ot the tmprovem�nts on the Propsr4r,thnU not
<br />•_��:z;,.
<br /> ..:,,�,:_,�3 � eommit,sutter or permtt nny aat to bs done In or upon Me Proi�rh U Wotatlon of an y tew.ordinanee.or reQulMfon;�nd sMti pty and
<br />��`;:i���z� prompl�►d t�o h aroe a t T►u a t o r s e o a t a n d e x p e n s e e n t l e n e,s n o u m b r a n d s�rt d a h�r a o s iw��d.im p o s e d or�ss�Md a�atnst 1M
<br /> .;.,r,•- * i+rOpet4►or eu�lt PaK�L
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