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<br /> 16.Futu�Ad��naa.Upfl�ra4ueat of eorrower.Landar mey,at its optton,make+�n�titional and iuture advencsz and ro- �-
<br /> � a�vancea to Borrowa►.Suot�advtrtcea artd roadvancea,rdth fnterest thereon,ehall ba saaured by thia Caad of Truat Af no dme ehaU `
<br /> thepvinalp�tl�n�ountotthelnds6tedneaesaauredbythiaOqadofT�ue��p���d�eums wht he srligreater.�e�urltyotthls _
<br /> peb�lT�L�pe�d tne ortytn�,t ptinolFst emo�snt aMted herein,or S �--
<br /> ta'�INErMii�idb�P►ort�tons.
<br /> (sy soaaw�►No11l��d�Extendon ot the dme tor payment or rnodH►aation ot amortlzetlon ot tAe sum�aeaurod by this
<br /> Qeed ot Trustpr�nUd by Lsnder to eny succeafor In intereat ol8orrower ahalt not apereto to�mtea�e,In any manner,th�tltDllity
<br /> ot tM adOln*I Bo►row�r and Bortownr'�suce�s�oro tn fnte�t.Lender shetl not be required to commence proceedinp�ap�Inat
<br /> eeeh duur.c�asor or rotws to�xt�nd tims tor payrtnnt or oth�rwisa modity amoAl�Uon ot tho sums eacur�d by thi�ONd ot Trutt
<br /> by na�on ot Rf►y Qor�an��m�9e by tho odQtncl Borrar�or an��smsusr'o�ucceseore In interest .
<br /> �b��Ny'p�.Without aM�cdnp th����bltity ot any other pereon Ilnbie tor the payment of any oblfpatton hsrei+�
<br /> m�ntlnnsd,and wiMout�M�atlnp ths Ilso or oharqs ot this Oeed of Truat upon any pordon ot the Propert�►not thM or thKetotot�
<br /> • �e(qwd a��eoudty tor ths tutl tmount of atl unpaid obilpatlons.lender mey.lrom Qme to time and wllhout naties(I)re��aN any
<br /> psnon�o Iltbls,(II)extend ths maturity or nite�any ot the terms of any suah obllgations,(ill)grant other indut�ence�,it��el�aee
<br /> or naonvey,ov anute to bs rolsa*sd or teeonveyed at nny ttme at LenQer'a optton any pareel,poNon or all oi ths P►operty�
<br /> (h Wu or�etpats any oth�r or sddldonal seaurlty tor any obitpadon hmetn mend4nPd,oy(vn maks compo�lUo��or ath�r
<br /> arrsrt�ne�wtt�d�bton in rNatton thsreto. ... �-
<br /> �Q�pal�rane�by�ndN pM a YN�hr��.Any torbesrartae tiy Lertder fn exerat�inp any riqhl ov r6msdy iter�c►rsdsr�o►
<br /> otherwiss ttlord�d by applioabla law,shati �ot be a waiver of ar preatude the exeroits of any eueb dpfit or rsm�dy.'th�
<br /> Rroauromsnt of Ineurance or the psyment of taxea or otber tlens or oharpss by Lendsr theil eot bs t w�iv�r ot L�ndsr�Npht b
<br /> 4ccetente ths meturity of Me Indebtedneae decu►ed by thla Oeed o!T►ust
<br /> t����s�ors ind Atsipns eoundi Jotm�nd Sw�nl WIsNNyi�P�The covenants and aDreem�r�ts heroin con•
<br /> bined�hatl bl�d,�nd the riphri hsreunder ehall inure to,tho respeatl�e aueaeaaon and aafl�ns of Lender and T�rustor.Ali
<br /> eovenanb and apreemsnb of Trustor shalt be�oint And eeverat.The oapttom end hssdinps oi the pa�nph�of tl�H OMd o�
<br /> Tnta3 ore for e�wentsnce oniy end�re not to ba uaed to interpret ar deNne tho prmiatons hereof.
<br /> (�)RpwNiw MoYcM.Ths pahles heretiy�equest that a copy ot any nodas ot dehsutt hereunder an�t eo�y af any no8co
<br /> ot sRb henund�r b�matl�d to�aah party to thla Oesd ot Tru�t at ths addnss�et torth above in th�rtur�^K P�p��
<br /> apRilaabis t�w.�ca�pt tor tny oth�r nottee requtred undar�pp�laabt�t�w co b�ptr�n in another mtna�r,�tny rtotlw p�ovid�d
<br /> tar In fhb D�ad ot Truat shelt bs Qiven by meitinp auoh rtotice by certifted mail sddresaed to Mo o9her perN�►,etthe addreas set --
<br /> foAh abova Any noUee provtded tor tn thfa Ooeat ot TruW ehae tra elf�ad+re upon mu►ung In tt�e m�nnK deWpnsMd h�nln•11
<br /> Tnntor ia more thetn one peraon,notice sent to the eddreas set toRb above ehatl be no�ce to ail eueh persons.
<br /> iq In�p�qan.Lender may make or ceuss to be made reaeonabte enMea upon and fnaps�ttane of ths Propeety,previdsd
<br /> th�1�endsr�hatl Qivs Trosto�natice prlor to any�ueh InapsoHon epeaiyi�p�eQeontbi�eaiiN th�nfa nNt�d to L�d�'�
<br /> IMerat tn the Property.
<br /> (�)R�eonr��.Upon payment ot dl eums seeured by this Qeed of Troa1,Lender ahell request T►uatee to rscorn�y tM
<br /> prop�Ay and ah�ii sunender this Oeed otTruatand all rtotes evidencinp Indebtsdn�ss�eoured by this A�W otTn�t to TN�ee+.
<br /> TtustN sb�Ii reaomrey thn Properiy wltNout waennty and wtthout ahu0s to th�psrton or p�rsons tpaty�ntlNtA tMr�o.
<br /> Ttustor�hall pay ltil aosts ot roCOr�otlon,if any. !��a��Th��r�b�r gnu�a
<br /> �h)Pw�on�l'►op�lr�euA1Y A�►Nm�n�As�dd�lanai�ie�u�li�i tar ilss pCpasess -r
<br /> K urtd�r tt��N�brastu Unitorm Comm�rola►Cod��Noudb Inbrat In all Axture�,equtpmant,�r►d oth�r p�non�preP�►
<br /> uaed in conneetloo wlth Ms reel eshte or Improvomenb loatted theroon,�nd not oMsrwt�s dsolan0 or dwa►�d to be a�Part ot
<br /> tM n�i estats seaurod hereby.Thle Instrument shsl�be eonstrued as a 8vourity Apreement undsr�ald Coda and th�t.esd�r
<br /> �haii h�ve�II ths riphb and�emedlea of e eeoured party undsr sald Cods tn�ddiUon to Ms Nphb and romedles areaMd under
<br /> snd aeco►ded ths Londsr punuant t�thte Oeed o1 Trusk p�ovided tha!Lender's rlphb�nd romedte�under this ptra�raph sfiall
<br /> M aumulative wtth.and M no way a QmltWon on.LendePS ripMs and romedies undsr mny otAer s�aurit�r�Q►e�mM1 tbrnd bY
<br /> 8orn►wsr a Tnnta.
<br /> m�����N,�to�her�py w�rrarm and np►�nb that thKe Is oo defautt under 1he provlaMns oi a�
<br /> mo��as.Eeed of tru�t,leass or parohe�contraot detcribinp ati or any pad oi ths Propsrry.or other contnct instrunNnt ar
<br /> apresment eomUtudnp�tisn or enaumbranes�p�lmt all or any pa�t ot the Property(cotlecttvety,"Uenf'9�exleUnp as at ths
<br /> d��of this Deed ot Tiu�and that any and UI extninp Uens nmstn unmedffled exeept u dlsctosed to Lmder tn Tiu�tor'�
<br /> writMn disctowro o!Itsnf and encumb�ancos provided tor harotn.Truetor she11 timety perfom��0 ot Truttor's abNptUonM
<br /> �pwn�nb,rsprp�ntations�n�f wartantle�undet any and�it exi��pr+d tuture Ll..�ne�ahall prompMy tonrstd to LenOe►wt� �
<br /> ot a�!notices of dNauit s�M in conneallon with an and a!t sxistl or tuwro t�sr,�,and�hau nw wubout trendor'�pdor
<br /> cone�nt In��a:�Unt�ess�o�erwts�roqutnd by law,aum pald to Lender hereu�,netudl puwi�lhout timihtlon
<br /> p�ymmb ot principa�end iMerest,tnsurance procseda aond�mnetton proceeds�nd rants and proHb�shd�b��PP��b bY
<br /> I.�ndaoo th�amauMS dw and owtnp tran T�ustor and 0orrower tn�uch order as L�ender In�b soledisantlon�tnde�InbM.
<br /> (k1 sw�nb�.tt any pravtslon of Irils Ossd of Tnf�t aoMllab with applloaWs taw or M d�alarod triv�tid or otherwi�
<br /> unsniores�bte.�uch conlllot or invldidily s1u11 not liffeat 1he o1he�'Provl�ena ot this Dsed ot Ttutt or th�Note wh�h c�n�
<br /> pivsn etfeat wtthoutthe conflk�inp prbvb�on.and to tht�end ths provl�ians of tht�O�ed o!Trus!and the Note�re d�nd fo0s
<br /> �sMarabts.
<br /> p)TieM.Ths term�"TrustoP'nnd"Bonowe�'shatt inetude boTh sinpulu arM plurel.and whon ttN Trut�or an0 6oRawM
<br /> aro the e PQ►��(La�w Thl��De�ad of Ttust st►a�b�powm�d t►y th�tawi a1 ths St�b Nsba�ka.
<br /> (m) rn
<br /> Teustor ha�exeauted tl+h De�d of T�uri as of tt►s data wdtlen aDcw,
<br /> ��1�"' " �/�.�,.. e � ��
<br /> J • A raRn Tnata llusb�nd
<br /> • • �(�'/6 J�iar
<br /> lf l�n� Arid�rsen 'hustar Mii�
<br /> .
<br /> i_..._._,�._. � _ - �� �- .._r,4�.�..
<br /> , �.� -�.,,x.n � , ,_ _ .. ..�,_., � : � .•.o-• _
<br />