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f(-r,�� " ,.. .. : FY..,����; i rotc..v,.np.�...,.,..,. <br /> iww+ � •�(r�Y�.. pq�t,�,�nar: <br /> ��, V.�134�..a <br /> .._r.�.. <br /> - .��� - �, <br /> . �':y..,,..... .. <br /> .. _. <br /> .., ' <br /> .> ....��r.,. _. . .... . <br /> . , .. . ' _ .. . - .�-.--_.:,.�'•�'.- ..,,. - <br /> �� . ' .._ .. . _ .. - ' . ..1:::�:=c:5'.'._.'3 � - <br /> � ".�i^" . . 'a ,.s .� :r3�ur�iJ1:�' '.�'i+T����� +�..:..-��'....t..--._.-_._.. <br /> '_"__'... il � —_ _:9"�'7�w7'-*���z7�4►'47l��',wl�sc��mTf!ws-�,-'..�.."..a.a. - "s,w!a .a. ,-_. <br /> ._��-_.--�__�_-'_��_ . . ._._—_�. _. <br /> _ - 9 5--j�'b�'�� <br /> _- i�95— 1��3 p <br /> �t11A L_.� <br /> TOaBTHBR WI�7�i u�!the improvements now or hereaRer ercctal on tho property.and atl easemente.npp � ����dn H _ <br /> Aatnrea now or hereARr,r o {tari aP the �rop�t4y. All renlncementa ond nddltionA shall also bo covered by th{e Secudty �._r- <br /> Inslrutnent.All of the forogoing la referrcd to ia this 5uurity I��tru�aent as the"Pro�..'rtY.° �y-; <br /> 80ItROW6R C�VBNANTS�hat 8orrower le IawtUlly selsed of tho eatata hcrcby canveycd and haa aha rigiit to grnnt and • <br /> canvey the PrapeKy arrf that tho Property ie unencumberad.eaapt for encumbranaa of rxord. eormwer wArmnta und wiil <br /> defend ae�xraily the Utla ta the Praperty egaiast�l!claims and demande�anbjat to eny encumtsrnocea of record. <br /> TNi3 SBCURITY Ii�ST[tUMENT corr,binee uniform eovenante for�u�tional uise and nomunifortn covenanta with limited <br /> variatio�bp Juriedktion to can�iitute n uniform cecurtty instm�ent eovering reat propartY• �:- <br /> UNIFORM COVSNANT3.Borrower�nd Lender covenant end agrca a+followe: when due the <br /> l� pMymeat o►Principsl �nd[ntecest; 8repsyment �nd L�te Chugea. Bor�ower shait promptiy pay <br /> princtpd of end lnterest on the debt evtdenc�d by the Note and eny prepayment and late charges due under the Note. <br /> � 1.6'utNb tor Texee and Inaurana. SubJxt to applicable law or ta a vrrltten waiver by i,ender.Borrower shail pay to <br /> I,endet�n tho d4y monthly paymente aro due undu the Note�un411 tha Note ia pald in fuli,e sum("Funde")far:(a)yearly texea - <br /> ond essecsmcnts whirA may ntusin priotlty over thiA Security Insuument ns a Qen on the Pro p e rt y;(b)yearty teauhoid payments c_ <br /> or graund rcnte on the Propetty.if any;(c)yeRrly harard or property insurana pnmiuma;(d)yesriy flood insuranoe premiums. <br /> if any;(e)yatrly mortg�ge Insumnce ptsmiums�if any;and(�my aums payable by Borrower to acoordana wilh <br /> the pmvtsions of paregr�ph 8, in ffeu of the payment of mortgage insurenca premiums.These itema nro called"Escrow items." <br /> , l.ertder msy� at any time. ootlect and hold Funda in an amount not to excecd the ma�cimum amaunt a lender for a federally f <br /> related mortgege loan mey requiro for Bormwer's escmw aaount uadet the federal Real f8stste Settlement Frocedures Act of <br /> 1974�s ame�from ttme to tirtte. t2 U.S.C.Sxtion 2601 et aeq. (°RESPA").unla�s another law that epplia+to the Funda <br /> seta e lesser urtaunt. if ao. I.e»dee a�y tirtu+. ca9ltx�and hnld Funds in an am�wnt not w ra�aaed the(esser amount. � <br /> Lender may eatimaro the amount of Funds due on the basia of cument datn and reasonable esttmates of eapenditures of fhwro <br /> Sacrow itema or otherwise in accordanoa with applicable Inw. <br /> The Funda shall be held in an institutian whase depos[ts are inaured by a federai agoncy, instrumentaUty. or entiry <br /> (including Lender.iP l.ender is such an instttution)or tn nny Faleral Home Wat►Hnnk.L.ender shall apply the Funda to pay Ihe <br /> �scmw Items.I.ender may not charge Homower for holcing uted epplying the Funds.annualty analyzin�the escrow amount�or <br /> verifying the Bscrow Items.unles�Lender paya Bottowet inte�est on the Funds an�l`applicable taw permita I:ernier to mWce such <br /> � a char�e. However.Lender may rcquin Borrower to p�y a one-times chargo for an iadependent real aststo tez reporting aervtoe <br /> •� uaal by Lender in oonnatton with thia toan. unleas applicable law pravides atherwise. Unlesn an agrcea�xnt ie made or <br /> ' applicabie law crquires intenst to be paid�Ler�der ahe11 not be requiral to pay Borrower any intera�or earninga on the Fundn. <br /> . B�nrrawer and La�der rtyy egree in writing.however. tl�at intenst ehall be puid on the Funda.Lender sha�i give to Borrower. <br /> __: x��� �� ���4���Funda,sl�owing cradits and debJt�a ta the Funda nnd tlie�urpose for which each <br /> " debit ro the Fnnda was mide.7'ix Funda are pledged es addittonaf sacucity for all sums secured bq thia Sa�udty(nstntment. <br /> IF the Funds held by i.xnder eacoecd the amourtta permiucd to tx�hoid by applicabte taw.Lenr3�r Fh�li aaount to Bormwer <br /> for thc exaas�unda in tocordanoe with the�equlremct►ts of epplicable lew.I!'the amount of the PundA held by Gctdu at tny <br /> ttme is tat wfftcient to pay the Escrow[tems when dua.Q:ender maY tw notify 8orrawer in wridng, such case Borrower <br /> shap p�y to Lender the tmount nooesaary ta make up the deficiency. Barcowcr si�ail make up tiie daRctency in no mora than <br /> ' twelve monthly i.ender'a aole discrcti�n. <br /> ' Upon p�yment in Nii ot ail sums secured by thln Sccurity tnstrument. Lender shail promptly �tLnd to Barrower any <br /> Funds hsid by Gender.If.under pnragmph 21.I.�mler ehall eaquite or sel!the Propedy.Lendu.prior to the acquisidon or aale <br /> ot the Pmperty.shall�gp1y any Funda held by Lcnder�t the tima of acquiRttfon or sale e�4 credtt egainst tha sums securcd by <br /> this Stcucity Insttument. . .- <br /> � � 3.Appltcatloe ot't'�yments.Untesa eppliceble taw provtdes otherwi�se,a!1 payments�eceive�by�der�under purag�apha <br /> 1 end 2 shil!be�pplied:ti��ny prepaymer►t chargea due under the Note:sernnd.M amounta�ayable under puagapf�Z; � <br /> • interost due:fou�th,to princtpal due:and any late charges due unde�the Note. � <br /> 4.Char�Ltaa.iWrrower sh�i!pay all texas.�ments.d�arges.Ones end impoaitions�ttribuUble 10 the Propert� <br /> � .`,whtch may adain priority over this Seauriry Instniment; and ta,uhotd paYmenta ar ground rcnen�if any.Bormwu ahaN pay <br /> .,:`these obli��tions in the mannes providod ta pangraph 2,or if not pald in that ma►ner.Bomower sha11 pay them on time diredly <br /> to dx perao»awed psymerU.Borcower ehaill promptly Nmisb to Lender all nottxs of amounts to fx patd under thia pnrugraph. <br /> . If Borrowu makes these pnyments dtroctty.Botrower shall pmmptly fumisG to Lsnder caeipts evl�dareing the peyments. <br /> $omnwer shall prwnptty discharge arry lien wAich haa pdotity over thia Suurity[natrumart unless�orrower. (a)agroes in <br /> � w�iting to the payment of the o611gatio�secured by tRo lien in a rtutnner aooeptable to Lender;(b)coetests in gaod faiQ�dx lien <br /> ' � by. or defends against enforoement of the Iten in, legai pr000e�iinge whtch in the Lender•s opinion opaate to pnwertt the <br /> enforcement ot tt�e tten;or(a)axures fram the holder of the Iten an agrarnent satiafe�ctory to Lender subocdinating tha lica to <br /> this Securiry lnstrmfietu.if Lencleer determines that any pnrt of tha Properiy is sub}ect to e lien which may attain priority over <br /> �this Security imtrumsnt,l.ender�tuy give Borrower a�atice identtfying the lien.Bomower shall satiafy the lirn or take one or <br /> more of the acUnns set forih above withln IO daya of the giving of notice. <br /> • Faem 8028 8190 <br /> - ' ao.�ae �� � - <br /> . <br /> � <br /> ;� • . - <br /> a. <br />_= a <br />