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<br /> shall think !iC in !he payment o! �ny debts, os interest. payeble
<br /> by me. or �ax�s. ass�s�m�nts. i�sWSana� dnd expenres due and pAy�bie
<br /> or �o beaono� due ac��i ipey�bic� a�� Ae�saaant o! r.�y rcal �and �e�eore�i .
<br /> e�late� or in or AbouL soy ot !he pu�posea herein mentione�, or olher-
<br /> • wioe !or �+y use �n� benetf t., ox to invest auah money in My name in
<br /> any etOCk�r shares, bonda, eeouciliee ar olher properly, reai or
<br /> pQrooe�sl, aa ho t�ay thlnk proper. end to reeeivA end give reoeip�a �_
<br /> �or any inaon� or dividend Arising trom suah investmeets, and to vary
<br /> . o� dispo�� o! eii and e�sy suah �nveetmen�e or other investmente ior
<br /> ' �y us� and b�n�eEit as he May think �it.
<br /> 10. Ta vol� �t stoakhold�rs' ae�tings, exeaute proxies.
<br /> an� othsrwisa sub�litute for oi wner. To vote at tha meetings of •toek- �
<br /> holder� or olher a��et inga o! any carporat ion or aa�npeny, or oiherrri se
<br /> to ank ae my attosaey oac proxy, with poMes of subsEitution, in respaat
<br /> ot any stocks, ehasee, b�nds, deba�tuzes, or ather evidenaee oi� oaner-
<br /> ship o! seeusitied, nna or t�erealter held by me end issued by or on
<br /> ecaoa�t of •aid eoxporation or cv��pady bnd �nr that purpoee to �execute
<br /> any proxies, li�nited or genera�l, or othac i�atruMents.
<br /> il. To execute deeds, billa, notee and sia�ilar inatruMOnta.
<br /> !or all or eny o! ttie purposee herein atated to enter into �nd sfgn,
<br /> seel, executa, acknowledqe end d�eliver eoy contraats, deeds or other
<br /> inslrun+eats whateoever, end to draa, mccovnt, wake, endorse, discouat,
<br /> os otherai se deal witb anY bills o! excha�ge, cheaks, prowissory
<br /> �otiea, or other ccmtae�rcial ar n�eraanLile inslrun��nts.
<br /> 12. To do all other thin�s necesaacy,in aonnection here-
<br /> with. In qenerm�l ta do all oth�r acts, deed�, satters and th�.�gs
<br /> Mh��sosver i� or about �uy es�ste. properky and e�la�.rs, or ta aoncur
<br /> wi�h persons jointly fnteresCed witfi me therefn in doing all ecta,
<br /> deeds, a�aetere� and thiogs herein, either partiaulsriy or qenerally
<br /> described, ae fuily and eliectually to sli f ntents end purposea as
<br /> i could da inrny dwn proper peraon i� personaily present, it baing
<br /> �ny intent to grant !o my said aktornay a generel pa+c�r to aat tor
<br /> � ene and i� n�y behaZf, an8 not a 1 imited or epecifie power, 1#mite�
<br /> to khe'specigia acta herein deecr��bed.
<br /> 13. Power t��f att�r�ey �lteetive nota�ith�randing diaability
<br /> - of principal? co�Einuee !n e��ect aEter p�inaipal's daath un�fl no-
<br /> tiae. Pwrauant to the'psovieions o! 8eations 30-2662 e�n8 30-2663,
<br /> ,- . �
<br /> ; R.R.B., 19 71, as emende�, I dealere thet this po�rer o! altorney aha�ll
<br /> r not be alEecled by my dieability or incapacity, a�d that the autharity
<br /> grante� herein shall continue durinq any period while i am diaabled
<br /> or incapecitated. F'urther, pursvan! to naid Seetione, all such euthor-
<br /> 1�.'. �i.�i t .awr►lw�.e �CL�r �u AaaMl� ��a►�1 a�n♦i�a �� a�fnl� �e�t� al��l l
<br /> _ ��.j v..o•. ......r�..v� ��..�.. ...7 ����'.• ....��� «���_� __ __�_' �.��_.. _"�__ -
<br /> have been rece3ved b� my attosney so that my attorney has actuel knaw- �,-
<br /> � le8ge of the fact that t have �i�d. Any nction t�►ken in qooel feith =�
<br /> by my eaiti ettornoy during eey period wltile it is uneertain whether =:
<br /> -3-
<br /> s
<br /> . ._ _ � _ _.. . . . ... �.
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