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<br /> ,.�� -in-raat for RDT� K• Ol►v=B, a singie 4±'-*.
<br />'�%;;� JO�N C. *�AVIB� �►ttioi'ney �---- FORTY THOi�81�tiD OOLT+�,It9 �'� � ___
<br />- '- �eraon, GYan�or, in aon�ideration o! - , � --
<br /> xsa�ived tros arents�s• THO14►s 8• �$L �d lto�►tiNB -
<br />�;�';;�-- (840,000) ----�- to arantaes, as ioint tenants \� ���;=Y
<br />--- -= p. I�BSL, huabend and Mita, aonvsYs ..._.
<br /> ���-�= ssd a linsd�i=t H�b.iR�v��B�'a�•�?6 Z�)o~l.rq deesoribsd reai estate --
<br /> .�� �
<br /> _F��{�
<br />``�-'�-� � �i traa� of lend cosprising a part oR the Northeast Qunrter Q;_.
<br /> :7��'� (NS1B4j�elveeCl2) iAest�of the 6tb P�M.�Aalli��:�tty•1Nebr rk• __-
<br />-_-�� �nd9�oor8 particulariy deeoribad as loilows:
<br />�,t'� First, �o aeaertain the point o! beqinning• start at ttte _
<br /> '��" nnzthenet aorner o! eaid eeation �4tenty-Four (a4)� �e�a�
<br />_=��� 8 00' O1� 2701 8, al� �au�Btan eeof�Three Hundred
<br /> - Hc��tltaast Qu�r�'.�!�' ( � ) . -
<br /> .�;� (300•0�Seve� atid Fos�ty-Five Hundredtba (37.4S) P�ee� to a
<br /> .��.�� Thirtx
<br />.���+] point or the westsriy right o! way liae ot Stiata �igh�y
<br /> . _ No. 11 s and aleo being the 11CT�lAL point a2 beginning i
<br />�_--.���� thenae aontinuing 8 89• 58• 33" W a �isl;attae of One
<br /> - h ee 8unaredtha (laa.73)
<br /> - Uundred TorentY-T�to and Seventy-Thr
<br /> = teet to n point in tha aentoriine o! wood Rivert thenas
<br /> --�= 8 O�a` 49• loN 8 along asd upon said ae�teriitis e dist�s►ae
<br /> oP One Hundred Ninaty-Sevsn asid Ninsty T�to Hundredths
<br /> - -�.- (7.97.82) fsett tYtettCe B 70' 25• lON K alon���N a�at=td
<br /> eenteriine n distnnaa o! ons Susedred
<br /> ���-Otts gyn8�sdths (169.21) lemt t th�ce 8 51' 3S� 39"
<br /> - w along �d upon said aenteriine e di4tance o! Pitty-
<br /> �. 8iqht and Ninety-TMO Sundredths (58.9Z) leeti tlaenae 8
<br /> 75• 49• 04" W aiong and upon said asnterline a distnna0
<br /> ot Oa�e Hnndred Nfnety end Thirty-Six Bun�d� (190.�6)
<br /> feetf thenae N f2• 58• 21" W alonq auid upon ssid
<br /> - :� aent�rZin� a diatenae oP One Hurtdred Fitty-83ght and
<br /> Thirty-Five �tuidre 8 t h s (1 8 8.3 5) l e e t= t h e u a e N� 07• 37�
<br /> �� 2 6" W �lon q ar�d upon said aenterline a distanae o= _
<br /> Eiqhty-one and Nine Hundre d t h s (S i.0 9) f e a t f �n a�e N 0 7•
<br /> -- os• 42" E along eu►d uPon eaid eenteriine a diatenas o!
<br /> --_'-. ' O�e Huttdsed F1Ve ett'►d Tbtirty-Nins Htutdt8dths (lOS.39)
<br /> ----i� �eett thenae N 76' 48• 38" W alonq end upoa� oeid
<br /> __���? centerline a 8lstancs o� Fii�ty-�e �d Ninaty-Nine
<br /> Hunclredttie (53.99) lestf �e�ae S 79• 50� 39" N along �d
<br /> � upon anid aentE+riine a 6ietan►ae ot one I ri u►dred F1ve and
<br />.=���� ' � T�,terty-8eveti Hun�edths (lOS.27) leet to a point on tbe
<br /> south line of I,o t T wo (a) N i�k e l s S u b d ivision, Rail
<br />����;'; ; County, Nebraskat thessae N 88• OS• 38h W a diatance o4
<br /> �T�Tj�'��" ,�, Eighteen aad sixty-81x Huandredths (is.66) leet to a point
<br /> ,,, ..,
<br /> ... ' in the aenterline of �PooB Rivert thenae S 20• 20� 49
<br /> ry�;�,i.'�.t ., a diatanae of Five Hundred Tbze� and Two Hundredths
<br /> ��:� (503.02) fcieti thenCe 8 13' 03�ran �HunAredthd (229.�)
<br /> "°'" � : ${llldr@d'1°W011tj(�'iliri�auaa av.w...= -- -- -
<br /> � :" feet to the northwest aorner of Rivexine sub�ivision, an
<br /> ���� } � Addition to the City of Wood River, Nebxaska, thanae N
<br />,:;�--;•_f.:.. i
<br /> �Y�;` `�'' 78• 27' 06" B along and upon the rortherly line oP sa d
<br /> �!:•pi >
<br /> ' � '��'� � Riverine subclivision, a dista�nae oP Five Hundred Seven y-
<br />":�:;.`s.%..: .,
<br /> �:,;`::�`;�7�.� Five and seventeen g�ttdredtha (575.17) fee� to the
<br />. ' ';.1' ; alsos point one the westerly righ� of bw Y 181ne vf 8igbway
<br /> ,> _' .
<br /> r�,•r �^;
<br />`�- �,�= E .
<br /> .�. ... . ...
<br /> .. t
<br /> - ,,.,
<br /> .r�'"�"� �
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