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Lendtr m�ir. tt (ta opilon. r ulre immodi�te pnyment ir tLll of all sums secura! by thie _ <br /> a 8acurity Inettunxat.Howevar�thU opla»�lutti twt be exercl��y I.ender if exerclee ia prohiblted by federai t�w os of eF�o dnte <br /> at thi�Securlty Instniment. <br /> It Lender eaerclees thie option. Lendet ehail gIve Bonower aotice of ncceleration. The natioe�hall provide a period of not � <br /> lar thu�30 d�ys!rom �he dite tho tatiee ta deliverod or nxtled withtn whfch Bomnwar must pRy all eums sxirred by thie � <br /> Sacttrlty tastrument. If Borrawer fitilr to Q�y the�e eums pdor tn tho expintion ot thte pedAd,Lender ne�y invoke any rcmedia <br /> fxmtUted by this Sesud!�yInsttumcnt wlthoat Nether�x►tic�or denrtsttd on 8orrewer.� <br /> 1d. Bon+nwer•s Rt�ht to Rdrt�te. If Borrower mats cciuin oondidona, Boreower eh�l� h�ve the dght ta hRVe <br /> enforcemant of ehla SecurTty Iastwnemt disconUnued�t u►y time pdor w the earlter oL (a)S dtya(ar auch other perfod iu <br /> t�licable Isw may epecit'y tor ceinsutement) before asle af Iho Pmperty pursuunt to any power of s�le oonained la thls ; <br /> ty Inst�ument;or(6)entry af e judgmem enforcJng this 3xudty Inatnnnent.Those canditlons aro th�t Bon+owep:(�)paya <br /> • Lender all sums which then would be dae under thia Secudty Instrutnent and the Note a�if no acceleration had occumtd;(b) <br /> cuns any default of any other covenante or agroementa: (c) p� s all expenses incurrod in enforcing this&ecurity lnstrument. <br /> inclnd{ng.but not timited to,c-�asanabie auorna�a'fea; and(d�takes euch actton as Lender may rcason�hly nquho ro tsseue <br /> ttnt the lien of thfa Saurity Insteument�L.ender a dghta In the Property and Borrower'e obligadon�o pay the eams saured by <br /> thfa Sxudty I�stntment shdl oontinue unohanEed Upon teinstatement by Borrower� this �ec,urlty Inswment and the <br /> abligadons securod henby ahtll nmaln Wlly effectivo u lt no�oaleeation hed accurrod,However�tll�s�I�lt�O ICI118fit0 6flill <br /> not�ppiy in the c�se ot aaxleration under pQragcaph 17. <br /> 19. 3ule of Note� CAaty�e ot Lo�n Sa�vtev. The Note or a partial intenst in the Note(together wlth this Secudty <br /> Inawment)m�y be aold ane or moro tima without pdor notice to Botrower.A sele may raWt in 4 che»ge in the entity(knowr� <br /> aa the"Loan Serviar")tbat callecta momdlY MYmence dua uader ttie Note ud tdis Security Uis4eument.Then dso mty be one <br /> ar aare ch�g�s of the LaiA Servlas unnitted w a sale of the Note:If them la a of the Loan Ssrviaer,Boirowa wiQ be <br /> g[ven wriuen notice oP the ch�nge in aooaidence with puagraph 14 above endapplicab e law.'[11a rwtiex will ettta the nante and <br /> �ddr�s of the new Lo�n Servicar and tha�ddrcss to which p�y►nenta should be m�da. The notlae will�lao cont�in u�y ott�at <br /> lnfomaation aquired by applicable law. <br /> ?A. Hazardous SubstAnas.Borrower aheU not cause or pem�it the presenoe.use.disposal. storage.or ro1eA.�e af any <br /> Huandous Substamxs an or ln the Property. Borrower ahalt not do. no� al[ow enyone else w do. anything effa:Nng the <br /> Property that!s in violation of any BnvironmentW Lew. 'Ihe preceding two sentenas shall not apply to the presence,use.or <br /> atoraga on the Propeny af smalf quanttties of Her,atdous Subatanoes that uo gexrally naagnlLtd to be�ppropritte W aamu�l <br /> reaidential uses�and to maintenence of the Property. <br /> . Bor�ower si�all promptly give Lender written notico of eny invtsttgadon.clatm. detnand, lawsuit ot other �ction by aay <br /> govemmentel or�gul84piyagency or privateparty involving the Property and any Heza�dous Substence at Envir�onmental <br /> of whtch Aurrowu Gas actwd knowledge. lf�orrowar leams.or ia notiflod by any govemmental or reguhtory authortty.that <br /> trry removal or other romcdiadon of any Hazandous Substanoe affecting the Pmperiy is naoessary.Borrower shtll prumptty take <br /> �Il aoc�sary raaediai actions in aoon�de�e with Snvironranul Lew. <br /> As aaai in tfiia paeagraph iu. A�uraaioua 5ubstu�es' m tl�ose substanoes de8ned as.toxic or hs�aMous aubaqnoes by <br /> Bnvimnmentat end the follorving substances: g�soline, kerosene. oUnr flammabte ar tpxic�etmiwm prvducts. toxic <br /> pesdcides atttl fiet�icidea.voletile solvents.matedals antnining as6estos or fomnldehyde,wd radiovctive matedals.As used in <br /> tt►�ia h`20. "Envimrmxntel" me�ns fadenl Itws�nd l�ws of the Juriadlction whero the Praperty ie loeated tlut <br /> t <br /> oelue to A th,'safety or environmental protatlon. <br /> NON-iTN1PORM COVBNANTS.Horrower and Lendet Porther c,ovenant and agtee a�follows: <br /> Zl.Aoceleration;Ranedtw.La�der ahail gtve notke fo Ibmower�xtor to aocelera9ton[dbwtns Boernwer'a brs�cb <br /> ot any oovemqt or q�nd�t tn thts Sa�rity G�stn�mmt (but nut prtor to aoodaatbn underp�ea�rapb 17 unle� <br /> app1fcable lawpe+ovidea otheewtse). 7fie notke shall epaclt�: (�)tt�e defautt;(b)the�cdon�+cqWred to au+e the aleliWt� <br /> tc)��1ate,not kse th�n 30 daya ii+om tbe date the�atke ia�iven to Botrower,by which tLe deiaWt mwf be�urau and <br /> (c�t6at fiiilun to curs the default on or betore the date specitied In the notieP m,sy reeult tu aaoda�ation of the wna <br /> relrotde�eRta�ouelere�tbn�ipd�t and�of tbe Pr�opeet'. T6e eotia a�li'[hetber i�ortn Borr+o�ver o!t6e risht to <br /> rigl M3n8 e cn�trt�ctlon to aesert tbe nontxieta�e ot�t dePa�nit ar� atl�er <br /> ddm+t oi Borrowa to a�celee�tiori and ade.It tbe ddauit ia npt cared oa or bciure the d�te apaltktl in the�wtke, <br /> I�eadee,�t Eta optto»,mayrequire tmm�di�te p�ytnart In thil of�D a�uas Axnnd by thb Saurtty I�tea�nent witbout <br /> ilutber�rnan�!�nd may Invoke thepower ot sak and tny Ml�er remedks pe�ynittql by applica6k 4w.T.eader du�ll be <br /> er�litkd to oo0ect dl expemKe incuee+ed In pneeui tbe•ren�e8k�proWdmd�et tbi�1x�*sQ�W�al.Gidudt�,but oot Ilmttat <br /> � to,rwom6k*ttoeneys'[ea atW cwts ot tltk trl� <br /> it tbepo�er ot eNe ia tnrokal,Trastee s1uU reoord a aotke ot dehutt In e�cA awnt�tn�w�l�aqy p�rt ot tl�e. <br /> the�ts Idtxted and�ba�all icaMe I�w.�Atter the drne ��6 bed by�p�pllc�bte U�►to Ba�avwer u�d t�� <br /> prt�on�and In t6e PP� �uN� Y applkabk I�w,T�ustce sQWi�ive:pa6tic eiotla <br /> Pe�npa4y�t publk�uctkn to��rtbed by�pplicabie t�w.Truatee,witfiout dQmaad on eoercwrr,eMri edl <br /> =hest bidder at the dme aed plaa end under th�tdms des�uted in the notla of <br /> nle in one or more p�rod��nd le aqy order Tnutee determiues.Trustc�nwy postpone sale ot dl or any of fhe <br /> rropa�ey bypublk�nnoance�neM at ehe t�,ne ana pt�¢e or�p+pnvloue�y ed�eaWea aak.La�fer or it��may <br /> �orc6�e t6e Properly at aqr ak. <br /> � Fam�9028 RlYO <br /> � Pp�6d 0 ' <br /> , � _ . <br /> � - <br />