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<br /> 17.Transfer at the Property ur a�eneticial Intemst in Bom►wer.T��11�r MY purt of�he Propeny�r nny irttercu in it
<br /> is sald ar trnnsferre�(or if u beneflctal interest tn Borrower is sold ar trunsferred qµd�arrower ia not s natur�persan) without
<br /> I.ender's prior wdtten cansent, Lender mny. ttt its optian. require immadtute pa�m�pg in fuli of p11 syq�s secu��ed by thia
<br /> Securiry lnstn�ment.lHowever.this opdon sh�ll nut be exercised by I.ender if exercise ia prohibited by federnnl tuw a.g oF the ciute r
<br /> of this Saudry instcumont.
<br /> If Lender exercises thia opdon,I.ender shall giva Borrower natioe of ncceleration.The natice shsQ provide a pedod of not
<br /> less than 30 day�s from the date the notice ia delivered or mailed withia which Borrawer must pay all sums secumd by this
<br /> Security JnstNment.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prlar to th�e expiratlon of this perlad,[.ender may invoke any remadies
<br /> permitted by th[s Security Instcument without further aoticc or demand on Borrower.
<br /> 1l�. Borrawer's Rlght to Relnstsste. if Borrower meete ce�tein conditions, Borrower shall hnve thc ri�ht to have
<br /> enforcement oF this �ecuriry lnstrument dis;oontinued at any dme prior to the eariter of: (a) 5�e�8 of salc contatn�in th a
<br /> appttcable tew may specify for reinstatement) before sule of the Propeny pursuunt to any {w —
<br /> Socurity Insuument;or(b)entry of a judgment enfo�rcins this Security Instrument.Those rnnd[ttons ure that Bunower: (a)pays
<br /> Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Insuument and the Nate as if no acccleration had oecurred: (bl
<br /> cures any default of any other covenents or ag�ments; (c) pays all e�cpenses incurmd in enforcing this Security Tnstrument,
<br /> including. but not limlted to.masonable attome�rs' fees:and (d)takes such ection as Lender may reasonably require to assure
<br /> that the lien of thls 5eturity Iastrumeat, Lender s rlghts in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the�ums securad by
<br /> this Securlry insfitment shall conttaue unchanged. Upon relnstatement by Bornowcr, this Securiry Instrument and the
<br /> obligat{ons seeured hereby shAU remain fully effective as i f no acceteration had occurred.However.this right to reinstate shall
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under paragrnph 17.
<br />' 19, Sple ot Note� Change oi Losa Servicca'• T1►e Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Saudry
<br /> Insteument)may be sold one or more dmes without pdor notice to Bortower.A sale may cesult in a chunge in the endty(know�►
<br /> es the ^Loaa Servicer")that ooUects monthly payments dua under the Note and this Secunty Instrument.Thero also may b� oae
<br /> or more cbanges of the Loun Servicer unrelated w a sale of thc Note.If there!s a change of d�e Loan Servicer.Borrower will be
<br /> given wr[tten notioe of the chaage In accvrdance wlth paraBraPh 14 above und appltcable law.The notice will state the name and
<br /> address of t6e new Loun Servicer and the address to which paymenta should be made. The notIce will also wntain any oth�r
<br /> infonnapon required by applicable law.
<br /> 20. Pe�atrduns Snbstanoes• Bo�ower shall not c�u.se or pertnit the presence. use,disposal. storage. or release of any
<br /> � liazardous Substances on or ln the Property• aorruwer shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do, anything afFecdng the
<br /> i property that is in violntlan of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall nat apply tu the presence.use,or
<br /> swrage on the Property of small yuentities of Hsvardous Substances that arc generelly reco�iud to be appropriate to norn►al
<br /> � rest�cssdal u:es snd ict m�nrPnarue af the Propertv.
<br /> Borrower shall pmmptly�ive Lender wrltten notice of any imesUgauon.claim,demami,tnwnuii�r othc�' adian by• an;
<br /> govemmental or resulatory agency or private party involvit►g the Property and any Hazardous Substtmce or Environmentel Law
<br /> of v�hich Boirower has ectual knawledge.IF Horrower leams,or ie nodfied by any governmentel or reg�latory authoriry. that
<br /> � any removul or other remediatian of eay Hezatdous Substance affecdng the Prope�ty ia nece.ssary.Bomnwer shall promptly take
<br /> all ne�ssary eEmedial actIc�ns in accordance with Bmironmental i.uw.
<br /> • As �l in this Qaragcaph 20. 'Flarard4us Substartces"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> � Environmental Lsw end the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum producro, toxic
<br /> ' pesdcfdes and herbictdes.volatate solvents,materials oonteining asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive matenals,As used in
<br /> this para�raph 20. "Environmental Iaw" means federal laws and laws of the judsdiction where the PcopertY is located that
<br /> ; relate to he�leh.safety or environmental protccdon.
<br /> NUN•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender thrther covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> � 21. Acoeleradon;Reme�ies•Leader shall give notfce to Borrowee prtor to aceeleratton 4oDowi�Bor►ow�17��
<br /> oi eny covenant or agreement tn thts Securlty xastn�ment (but �ot prior w soceleration under paragraP
<br /> i appllatble law provides otberwise).'17ie nodce slwll spoctfy: (a)the defaui�(b)the adioa e+equtred to cure the delaul�
<br /> (c)e date�not less than 30 dgys from the date tbe nottce 4v given to Horrower,by whtch the defeult must be cnral;and
<br /> (d)tbst t�ilure to cure the detAUlt on or before the dt�te speciRed W We notice may resnit in acceleratiom oi the swns
<br /> secu�d by t�.s Security Iqst�vment and sale of the Property.The nodce shali ttirther fnform�on+uwer�i the right to
<br /> ceinshte af'ter acceleraUon and t6e t3ght tu brtng a court stdion to assert the noa�ststence o4 a defaWt or sny other
<br /> i defense ot Borrower to aca�eratton and sale. V the default is aot cured on or betore the date spectttea in the notice.
<br /> , I.ender, at[ts optian, may�q Wre qmmedtate payment in Etell of all sums secured by this Secur[ty Instrument without
<br /> � fort6er demand and mAy�nvokcur�d inp nisu �ethe i�emedies pmvtded n t�s pt�arag�aph 21i�in¢tuding.bu nott6ttmited
<br /> entttled to colled ell expe►� P �
<br /> to�reasanable auorneys'fees and costs of tiUe evtdence.
<br /> I[ ttte pawer of sale is invoked�Trustee shsll record a notice uf default in euch connty in whEch any pwt of the
<br /> property is located and shu11 maSl copies ot such notice tn the maaner prescri[I�be�ewPli,�b�ce h�����tice
<br /> the ather pe�ons pr�criixx}6Y epplicable law. After the time required by app
<br /> of sale to the persons and 1m the manner prescribed by apPliceble Iaw.Tru.stee,wtthout demand on Borrower.sha11 scU
<br /> the propetty at publtc auction to the Mghest b4dder at tLe ttme and place and under the terms desigasted i�the notot the
<br /> ( eale in one or more parcefs and!n any order Trustce determines.Tcustee may postpnne sale of afl or 8ny parucl
<br /> � propeNy bypu bfic arutouncement st the time and plaar of nny previoasly sc6eduled sate. I.snder or[ts designee may
<br /> i purtt�ase the PrapertY at any sale. .
<br /> { Fonn 9028 9/90
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