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<br /> TOf3ETHBR WITH al!the improvements now or�;ereafte�r�n��a��`i�� shall a1RO bcs rn�ered by thia Secud�Y
<br /> flxtures now or hereafter a part of the propertY• P
<br /> Instcument. All of th�foreguing ts referred ta in thiq Security tnstrucnent ns the"Property." ,
<br /> BORROWBR COVgNANTS thut Hurrower is Inwfuily sefsed of the esente hemby conveyed rind hu.�c Q�e right to geant and
<br /> convey the ProPerty and thut the ProperiY ia unencumbered. except far encumbrances o�'recard• Barrower warcunts and wlll
<br /> defend generntly the title to tde Property against a11 c�uims and demanda.subject to uny encumbmnces�f record•
<br /> THIS SECURiTY 1NSTRUMBNT combines untform cavenants for nudonul use and non-unifarm covenunte with�im�ted
<br /> vnriutiona by judsdiction to constitute a uniform r�ecudeY instrument covering real proPertY.
<br /> UAtIFORM COVBNANTS.Aorrawer nad Lender covenant nnd ng►ee ns foUows:
<br /> 1. paymeat ot Prtncipal And InterPSh, Frepayment w►d Lute Chnrg�. BarrowQr shaii pmmptly pay whcn dus the
<br /> pdncippl of and interest on d►c debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the I�1ote.
<br /> t, Funds Por Texes and Insurance.Subject to appltcable law or to u written waiver by Lender.Botrower shull pay to
<br /> Lender on tho day monthlY PIIyments are due under the Note.until the Nate is paid in full,a aum("Funds")for:(a)yearly ta�ces
<br /> and assessments whtch may attain Prlority over this Securiry Instnunent ns a lien on the Pcoa rty',�(ly)��1 in urence p����
<br /> or ground rents on the?ropeKY.if any:(c)Yeazly hazard or piapoRY insurance premiums:
<br /> if uny:(e)Yearly mortgage insurancc premivais. if any: and(�any sums payable 6y Borrower to[.ender,in accordaaee wlth _
<br /> the pmvistons of paragruph 8.jn lieu of tha payment of mortgage insurance Premi�ns•Th���e���i���rOW items.�
<br /> I.ender mny. ac anY dme• o°��e�t and hold Funds in an art►ount not to exceed the maximum an►ount a lender for a fedecally
<br /> relaud mortgage loan may requirr,for Borcower's escrow account wider the fedeml Reel Estate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as emended fmm dme to an�e. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq.("RBSP�►").
<br /> anless another law that applies to the Funds
<br /> sets u lesser amount. If so.Lender may. at any ttme. collect and hold Funda in an sn►ount not to exceed the tesser amouat.
<br /> Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basla of cunoent data and reasonable estimates of expendisures of future
<br /> Bscrow items or otherwise in uccoida�►ca witi►aPplicable law. �y�os entf
<br /> The Funds shall be held ia an institu�lon whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, ins'�e F nds to tha
<br /> (includ[ng Lecxter.if Lender is such an institudon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank•1.ender shal�np�e�c�W�Ln. or
<br /> Fscmw Items.I.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and npnly�Fth�e�Fn��a�►�fY�l�Y�����er co make such
<br /> verifying the Bscraw Items.unics�i�zd�r pays Earra�.�er lntet+�t--
<br /> a chargc. However,Lender muy require BorroweY W Pay a one-dme charge for an independent resil estate tax rePort�ng sen'ica
<br /> �sed by l.ender in connecdon uv�th th[s toan. unless applicable law pmvides otherwis�. �CTnless uY► agre�:ment ia made or
<br /> use
<br /> applicable tuw req�dres�temst to be paid,Lender shatl not be required w pay Borrower uny interest or eamings on the F .
<br /> Bonowex nnd[.�nder may a�ree in wrlting,however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. 1,endez shall�vf=�i'row�er�,
<br /> without chsirge. an am►+ial aeooannng of the Funds,showing crodlts et►d debits to the Funds cind the P� �sm�ment. •
<br /> debit to tbe Funds was made.'The Funds are pledged as addidonal secudty for all swns secured b�y er sh�all uocour►t to Sorrower
<br /> If the Fuads held by I.ender excead the an►ou�►ts Pem�itted licab eelaw.Ylf thei amount of thr Funds held by L.ender at aay
<br /> for.the exass Fu�xls in accordaace with the recl��I°ents of app
<br /> t�me is not sufficient to pay the Escrnw Ite��e up�6 de�icleacys BorrnweB shall eTmetce up the deefciency in n�o mon t4�an
<br /> , shail pay to Lender the amow►4 necessary . •
<br /> twelvc monthlY Payments�at L.ender's sole discredon. refund w Borrower cury
<br /> Upon payment ia flill of al[ sums se�ured by thia Sxurlry Inst*ument, L.ender shall pmmptlY
<br /> Fuads held by I.ender.If.under pur3$caPh 2t.Lender shail acquire or seU the Property.t.ender,prlor to the acquisldon or sale
<br /> of tha Property.shall appiy any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisit[an or sale es a ccedlt against the sums se�ured by
<br /> th�s Security Insuwnent.
<br /> 3.A�pllc�tion oi P�ymente.Unless applicable law pmvIdes otherwise.all payments received by Lender under ps►ragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be nppiied:tirst,to any prep�Yment charges due ander the Ndte;second,to emounts payable under purag�apb 2•
<br /> ttdtd.w inter�st due;fourth.to principal due;and last.to any�late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Cha�ges;L�lens•Hort'oWer shall pay all taxes•assessments,chstrges,fines and imPos��ons attclbuteble to the Ptaperty
<br /> which may atta�a priority over thts Security Insuvment.and leasehold pay�ients or�� �����y�a�w�e d�ieece y
<br /> . these obligations in the manner prov(ded jn paragr�tiph 2.or if not paid in tt►at nnanner..
<br /> to the person owed payment.Horrower shall pmn�pdy fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under thie pareBraPh•
<br /> If Borrower mekes these paYmenta�direcdy.Bon'ower shall promptly thmfsh ta Lender recetpts evidencing the paymencs.
<br /> Borrower ahali prompdy discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instnunent unless Borrower:(a)agrees tn
<br /> wridng to the pay�ttent of the obligatlon secured by the lien in a mAaner acceptable to[xnder:(b)coatesta in Sood���e lien
<br /> by. or defends against enforcement vf tha lien in. tegal proceedings �vhicfi in the I.ender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of� of tt►e Pro�istsuby'ect co a 1 en htch smay attain pnariryeove
<br /> this Security lnstrument.If Lender determines that any Part P�Y
<br /> this 5ecurity Instrument.I.ender may g[ve Borrowet a notice identifying the Iten.Horrower shell satisfy the lien or t�lce one or
<br /> more of the actions set forth above wtthin 10 days of the giving of notice. ��$�� 9�0 •
<br /> Pepe 2 ot 0
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