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<br /> � ' �' �` � ' " � i r�,withou4 Iimitation,finea and(m• � r•^
<br /> S.T�a�t,Au��M�.a��MrNs•TfU3T0i SfIGII p0y G�N8R8i,63f0E5fl1Bf11S QPid O♦IlEf CaOQfQBf, nc1udf � .
<br /> �itlom oltrl4utabte to the Praperty,ond tans�ho�d pmymentt or pround r�nts,N arry,befae 9fie some becoma delinquem.T�ustor shall promp• _;
<br /> ;��t tty fumiah to Benefieiw�r all noPices of amounts dus under tfiis poropropfi,and M tM�vmt Tntstor sf►ati mak�poym�t dlractqr, Trosta shoft ,:
<br /> promp l i� f u n�i s h t o B e n e fl e t a ry�e c e i p t s e v i d e n c i n p:u e h p�o�rt�n t s.T ro s t o r s h a l l p a�aQ tazfi ond ass�ssn»nts whkh ma��:�upon '
<br /> ;.y�= Ben�ficiary's iMa�st Mnin or upon this DMd of TNSt without rtpord to arry law Nat mo�t 6�erwetd imposinp payrrNnt Y ��
<br /> part thereof upon tM Beneftstory.
<br />._�� 6.������e�f�litt�r�y Sa�wlry.Yrusta shall mak�all poyr�4s of int�rQSt aul prirtti�ai aad paVrn.^.nts of any �___
<br />-_:�� other cha►y�s,fNS and sxpanses eontracted to be poid to an�existirp ItonholdKS a p►ia bsnefkiaNs und�r any prior d�ad ot tru�t�� �;-,
<br /> tpepe befae the date ther aro delinqueM and promptly pay and dischoroe ony and cll oth�r liens,elolms or cha�'qes whlch may jeopord
<br /> �1 seeurit�r granted herein. if Trustor faits to make ony sueh poymeM or fails to peifam any of the eorenanta and apnernents cmtainad in this �.-=
<br /> -�� Oeed of Trust,or in ony prior mortgage or deed of trust,of if any aetion or proceedirg is comrtienced whieh rtateriniry affeets BeRefEciary's in- =�-
<br /> - terest In the Property,inctuding,but not Iimited to,eminent domafn procaed€nps,or p�aeedirps imrohfnp o decendero,or if Tnistor faila to pay �_
<br /> �::� Trustor's dcbts qenerally us they become due,then 8enefkiary,at 8eneftciary's op4ton and withaut notice to or demand upon Trustar and F
<br />`�-� without releosinp Trustor from any obligation hereunde�,ma�r make such appearances,dis6urse suth wms,und tcke such ation as Is necesaary
<br /> to protect Beneficiary's interest includi�g,but not limited to,disbur�emeM of reasonable attorney's faes,paymeM,purchase,contest or com-
<br />•';;� promise of any encumbrance,charge or lien,and entry upon the Property to moke repain. In the event that Trustor shall fail to praure in-
<br />—= suranse or to poy taxes,assessments,or any other eharges or to make any payments to existing prior lien holdara ar baneflciaries,Qerteficiary
<br /> moy proc�e such insuronce and moke such�ayrt�nt.��y amauu�s disbwsed b�►8eneflciary pursuorM to this Parapraph 6 shop become oddifioral
<br /> indebtedness of��ustor secured by this Deed oi Trust.Such amounts ahall be pcyable upon�otice fra�Be�efi�lap to Trustor roquestlo8 poY-
<br /> ment thereo4,and sha11 bear iMerest from the date of disbursement at the rote payobk irom tlme ro tlme on outstm�ding printipol under the °
<br /> Note unless payment of iMe�est at such rate would be contrary to applicabb law,In whtch everit such amounta shoil bear iMnrest at the htghest
<br />�'� rate permissible under upplicoble law. Nothing cordairted in this Parogroph 6 shall require Deneficiery to ineur a�r eapense or take any actIon �:.
<br /> hereunder.
<br /> — 7.Assi�t�nM of Ram. Berteficiary shali hove the right,power ond autharity during the contirniance of this Deed ot Trost to collect the
<br /> rents,issues and profits of the Property ond af any penonai property ixated thereon with or without taking possessiort of the property affected
<br /> hereb�,and Trustor herebY ebsoiutely and unconditionally ussigns all such rents,issues ond proflts to Benefitiary.Benefttiary,howeve�,hereby
<br /> tonser�s ro the Trustor's collection ond retentian of such rents,issues and profits as they accrue and become poyab�e so long as Trustor is not, _
<br /> at such time,in default with respect to paymeM of any indebtedness sscured hereb�,or in the perfamance of on�agreemer�t hereunder.Upon
<br /> __ an�such defautt,8eneficiary muy at any time,either in person,b�agent,or by receiver to be appoiMcd by a court,without notice end without =-
<br /> __ regard to the adequacy of any secwity for the indebtedness hereby secured,ta)erKer upon and t�Ce possession of the Propert�r or any part
<br /> thereof,and i�its own name sue for or otherwise colleet such rents,issues and profits,inctudinp those past due ard unpoicf.i,�u�pi�'t�e�e.
<br /> - less costf and expenses of operation and collettton,including reesonable attomeys fees,upon any fndebtedness secured here�y,and fn strch
<br />--� a der as 8eneficiary may determine, (b)pe�form sueh acis of repeir or protection as mop be oecessary or proper to conserve the value of the
<br /> -- Property:(c)lease the seme or any purt thereof for such rental,term,and upon such eonditions as its(udgment ma�dictate er terminate ar ed-
<br /> — iust the terms ard conditions of any oxistirg lease a teoses.Unleas Trusta and Benefteiary►agree otherwisa in writing,aAY opplicatien of rems,
<br /> issues or profits to anY indebtedness secured hereby shnit not axtend or postpone the due date of the instaliment payments aa provided in said
<br /> promissory note or chonge the amouM of such installmeMs.The eMering upon aed takie9 Possesskn of the PropertY,the toll@ctton of such
<br /> �ents.issues ond profits,and the appiicatton thereof cs aforesoid,shatl not waive or cure any defauM or notice of de'fauM�re��'`o i�
<br /> validote any act done pursvant to such notice.Tn�stor also assigns to Benefkiory,as father securlty for the p�rFormance 0�
<br /> — aecured hereby,atl prepeid rents and all monies which may hare been or may hereatter be deposited�rith said Trustor by any(essee of the Pro-
<br /> - pert�r,to secure tfie paymeM of an�rent or damages,and upon default in the perfombnce of aqr of the provisions hereof,Trustor a�rees to
<br /> � deliver sah rents and deposits to 8eneffciary.Delivery of written notiee of Benefielory's exercise of the rlpMa 9ranted harein,to an�tenont oc=
<br /> cup�ing taid premises sholl be sufflcient to require said tencnt to pay wid reM to the Benef�ciary+mtil further notice.
<br /> � g,C�n�tiM.If title to any port of the Propert�►sholl be taken in candemnation ixotee�inDs.6y right of eminerR domain or similar uction,
<br /> or sholl be sold under threat of condemnation,all awards,damoyes and proeeeds are herebY assipned and sha�1 be Poid to 8eneffeiary who shall -
<br /> epply such awards,damoges and praends to the sum secured b�this Daed of Truat,with the excess,if any,poid.to Trustor.if Trustor rece3ves
<br /> • ony notice or other infonriation regording such oc*lons or proceedings, Trostor shall give prampt written rrotice thereof to beneffeiary.
<br /> • Benoticiary ahoil be erititkd,m its option,to commence,appear(n and prosecute irt its own nome any such ottioe or praeedings and shall be en• --
<br /> titled to make an�compromise or settlement in conneetion with arry such ation ar proteedings. •
<br /> 9. R��s IMt Exdr�».Bene�iciary sholl be emitted to enforce poymoM a�d Performance of ary indebtedness or obllQations secured
<br /> hereby and to exercise all�ights and powers urider this Deod of Trust or under any other apreement executed in connection herewith or any laws
<br /> naw or herenfter in force,eotwithstanding some or all of the such tndebtedness�nd abUy�tFons sacured harebY n►or now or hereofter be other•
<br /> ,�ise aecured,whether by mortgage,deed of trust,pledge,lien,assigmheM or otherwise.l�leither ths acceptmue of this Oeed of Trust nor its
<br /> enforcement whather bq court actlon or pursuaM to the power of sole or other powers herein contnin�d,shall prejudice or in my manner affect
<br /> Beneftciary's�igM to reali:e upoe or enforce any other security now or hereafter heid by Beneficiary, it being agreed thot Benefkiary shall be
<br /> entltied to enforce this Deed of Trost Qnd any other security now or hereafter held by Benefttiary in:uch o►der end manner as it may in its 4b� -
<br /> � ! sotute discvetion determine.No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to 8erteflciary(s iMendad to be exclusive of ae�other remedy herein
<br /> or by law provided or permitted,but ench ahall be cumulative end shoii be in addition to overy other mmedy gfven hereunder or now or he►eafter
<br /> � existiag at law or in oqvity or by statute.Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Oeed of T�ust to Beneficiory or to which it moy be _
<br /> - - otherwise entitted,mar be exeaised,concurrentl�or independently,f�om time to time and as ofien as ma�be deemed expedient&,nefteiary _
<br /> :��; and it moy pursue inconsistorit�emedies.Nothing herein sfiall be tonstrued as prohibiting Beneficinry from seekirg a deftttenc�►iudpment against
<br /> the Trusbr to the exteM such actla�i is permitted bY law. �
<br />-- _ 10. Treaf�r of ha/trpt Au�PtioA.If all or any part of the property or any interest theretn Is sold,transferred or carneyed by Trostor �
<br /> �- without Beneficiorv's arior written consent,excludirtg(a)the ereation df a(ien or eneumbrance subordinate to this Deed of TNSt,tb)the crea- f
<br /> _.�_�_.��_
<br /> tion of a purchose money security interest for household appliances,(e)o transfer D�►Ceviso,deuem or bq operoTion oP�.����m�+�+������ ;
<br /> -`-.-_� ioint te�ant or td) the gront of any teasehold iMerest of threa yean or less not cantaining an opt(on to purchase. Beneficiary maY. ut �
<br />;�,,,�; eeneficiary's option,declare alt the sums secured by this Deed of Trost to be immediatety due and pa�able,or cause the Trustee to filo o rtotice !
<br />-=�.? . of default.Benenciary shail haro waired such option to occelerote ff,prior to the sate,transfer or conreYance,Bene�ctaryr and the person to
<br />-=-- " whom the p►operty is to be sold or transferred reah a�eemeM in writing thot the credit of suth person is satisfactor�r to Beneficiory arsd thut �
<br /> �iY �; the interest payable on the sums secured by this Oeed of Trost shaH be at wdi rote as Beneficiary shall request.
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