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<br /> S. Hazard or Property Insurnuce. Borro�ver shall kcep the Improvements now existiri$ or hereatter erected on the
<br /> pmperty insured against loss by fire.harnrds included withln the tettn "extendod coverase" and any other hazards, inctuding
<br /> floods or flocxling, for which Lender requires insurance.7'his insucance shall be maintalned in the amounts and for the periads ,
<br /> that I.ender tequires.The insuranee ea�rier providing the insurnnce shatl be chusen by Horrower subject to i.ender's appraval
<br /> whtch shall not be unreasonabty withheld. If Borrawer fAiis to maintain cavernge described above, L.ender may. at I.ender's
<br /> option,obtain covernge to protect Lender's dghts in the Property in aocordance with paragraph 7.
<br /> Ait insurance policiea und renewals shall be acceptabte to l.ender and shall includo a standard mortgoge clause. Lender
<br /> shal!have the right to hold the policies and renevials. If Lender requires,Borrower shall promptly give to L.ender all receipts of
<br /> patd premiums s►nd renewal noticea. In the event of loss,Borrower shall give pmmpt notice to the Insurance c�arrter and Lender.
<br /> Lender may make proof of foss if not made prom�Uy by Borrower.
<br /> Ut�less Lender and Bormwer otherwise agreo in wdting,insurance praceeds shall be applied to msturatlon or repair of the
<br /> p�operty damaged,If the restoradon ar repair is economtcaliy feastble and Lender's securlry is not lessened.If the restoratian or
<br /> repair is not economically feasible or l.ender's secudty would be lessened.the insurance procee�ls shall be aPPlled to the swns
<br /> se�ured by this Securiry Instrument,whether or not then due, with eny ea�cess Qaid to Bosrower. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> property. or does not answer within 30 days a nodce from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to se or to,�a �sums
<br /> Lender may c:oltect the insumnce proc�eds• 1-emder may use tho proceeds to rcpair or restore tiie I'roperty P Y
<br /> �cwed by this 5erurIty Instntment,whether or not then due.The 30-day pedod wi11 begin when the nottce is given.
<br /> Unless Lender apd Barrower othenvIse agree in wdting. any application ai proceeds to principal shpil not extend or
<br /> postpone the.due date of the monthly puyments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or cbange the amount af the payments. If
<br /> uader paragrnph Z1 the Property Is acquired by L,ender,Borrower's ri8ht to any•insurance policies and prorceds resulting fmm
<br /> damage to th�PcopertY prlor to the acqu3sltlon shall pass to I.ender ta the extent of the sums secw�ed by this Sesurlty instrument
<br /> .;nunediately prlor to the acquisition.
<br /> 6.OccupancY.Preservation,Maintenaace and Prate�Ion oPthe Properts,Borrower's I.oan Appliru29an3 I�seholds.
<br /> Borrower shall axupy,escablish.end use the Property as Boaower's principal residence witliln sixty days Aiter the execution of
<br /> thts Security Iustrument and shatl condnue co aixupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after
<br /> the date of accupancy.unless Lender otherwise egrees!n wdttng, wiuch coasent shull not be unreasonnbty withheld.or unless
<br /> `�c����$ ��y� �,.� �,�{r� �re beyond Borrower's comrol. Borrower shall not destroy. damage or impair tha
<br /> property. aflow the Prppetry to detedorate. or commit waste on the Propecty. Bonrower ahali be in derantt if any forfo►►urc
<br /> netion or proc:�eding,whatl�er civit or criminai, is be8un tha�in�n�er's good faith judgment cauid result i�forfeituce of the
<br /> �Propeny o�h otherwise matedally impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's secudty interest.Borrower may
<br /> cure such a default and reiastute.as provided in paraBraPh�8.bY cauginS t�►e acdon or ptoc�eding to be dismiased with a niling
<br /> tLat. in L.ender's good faith determination. prectudes forfeiture of We Borrower's iaterest in the Property ur othar matcrial
<br /> impairment of the lien c�uted by this Securicy insuvment or I.ender's secudty ipterest. Borrower shall atso be in default if
<br /> Borrower.during the loan�pplication pmcess.gave matedally false or inaccurate informatlon or statementa ta.Lender(or feiled
<br /> W provide Lender wlth any rtuuerial Infarmadon)in�°ana��oA wiW the loaa evider►oed by the Note,including,but not limited
<br /> w.nprnsentations oonceming Bormwer's occupancY of the Property+as a princlpal res}dpnce,If this Securlry Instrument is on a
<br /> leaschold. Borrower shall oomply with e11 the Provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee dtle to the PmpertY, the
<br /> lessehotd and the fee titte shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in wridng.
<br /> 7.Protection of I.ender's ltights!u the ProPex�'•If Bon'0w'er fails w perform the soveaauts and agreetnents containcd in
<br /> this Security Instru�nent,or there is a legal proceecling that may significandy affect Lender's dghts in the ProPeriY(such as a
<br /> prnoeed;ng in baniauptcy.pmbate.for mnflemnation or farfeit�re or to enforoe laws or regulat�ons),then Lender maY do amd
<br /> pay for whatever is necessury to protect the vsilue of the Prope:ty and I.ender's dghts in t?�e �'topetty Lender's act�ons u�y
<br /> ireclude paying smy sums secuced by a tien which has priorIty over this SeeurItY Insuvment. aPpeariqg,in court. PuyinB
<br /> reasonabte attosneys'fees and entering on the Propertp to make cepairs• AlthoaBB I.ender muy take action�under this paragrap3►
<br /> 7.Leader dces not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts dlsbarr,ed by Y.ender uader this paregrapl► T shall become additionel debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Savrity Inswment. Untess Borrower a�xt Lender agree w other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate a+td sdall be pa,yablc. with interest, upon notice from L,ender to Borrower reqtic.gting
<br /> payment.
<br /> 8.Mortgag�Iasurxnoe.If Lender required mortgage insurance as u oondieion of making the loau secured by tiris ty
<br /> Instrument. Bomower shall pay the prr.mi�ms re9uiced w mainta�n the mortgage insurnnre in effect. If. for any reason, the
<br /> inortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or oeases to be in effect.Borrower ahatl pay tha premtums t»9aired w
<br /> abtuin coveruge sabswntially equivutent to the mortgage insurnnce previously in effect.at a oost substantially equivalent w the
<br /> cost to Borrower of tho mortgage insurance prevtously in effect, from en altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. 1f
<br /> suhsmr+tla{ly equivWent mortgage insurance coverage is not av,vtable.Bonower shall pay to I.ender each month a sum equul to
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage inswance pre.miura beie$Patd by Borrower when the tnsumnce coverage lapsed or ceased W
<br /> be ia�ef4'ect. I.ender will acaept.use and retain these payments as a toss reserve in tieu of mortgage insurance. Loss tesen'e
<br /> Form 3028 9190
<br />— Pep�3 ot 8
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