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<br /> 7. Pa�. Bartow�r apree�to mske atip�ymo�sYS on the eocurad dobt whop duc►. lJntaae 8nrcowor and Lortdctr ogroo ot etuulso, nn�Y �.:_
<br /> paymeM� ndur tOL31Y38 hGiit BQttOL•JOt Q!�or Barrower'e banotit wlll De epp!led firs:to pny amounts 8arrowar owea on tM secuied debt
<br /> not�riduee arixc ie�i y i�chiduted paymint untlltthi�iechi+rid dibt b ,W In tail���epayment ot the secared debt oacurs tor ony ro�cn,ft«lU
<br /> �.Ciatm��Apr�Inst Thh.Borrower wlll pay sti�ucAS,atset�monb,aud other eherpe�amibutable to the ropeRy wheo Euo and wtil detend titk _
<br /> defs aei whtah eoeno�er miy h vi pa nK p��ittii w�hc i PPIy IMbor aa matiriiti to Imaov,oi m�iinii n�s�opeiiy����Any�Iphu,cteims or
<br /> 8,puunno�.6orrower wf11 k�ep dw propar4y Inaurad undor torn�accoptnb�o to Landar at BormevoYn expenae end for Lender's beneftt.Ilil �-
<br /> �murancr poilei�t th�ll IneMida a�Undatd moet�ap�c1auH in twor of L�ndN.L�t�d�r wiU be namtd af toss paYas or as ths insurod an any sueh
<br /> or to the scurid debti If LendaTpi�trei�mo�rtpaps Pniu�incs��eor owsr��preii��o n�itnieln s ah I�nsurance toi ai long ssfle��d rsq�uues��� __
<br /> 4,prop�tr.Bottower wlll kaep ths propary in poad cond(Uon�nd meke atl repalra nasonabty necessary.
<br /> B.F.up�nta.6onower a�iess to pa1�a1t lendet's expenaes Ineludfnp�aesonable attomeye'teas,If BoROwer breaks nny covennnte In thla deed
<br /> of trust or In any obllpKton secured by thti deed of 4rust.�oROwer wf1l pay these amourm to I.ender aa provtded In Covenent 9 of thta deed of
<br /> tru�t.
<br /> d,p�iw g�arlty Int�b.Unless Borrawe►flrst abtalns Lender's written aonseM,8orrower wlll not meke or permk eny chnnpes to eny prbr ` -
<br /> includlr�ia+6oriower'o covena��to mike paymenu when dueobllpatlons undet any prtor mortgape, deed ot trurt or other aecudty aareemsm. -
<br /> Z,/1s��t of Rscrts�nd Pro'1[a.Borrawa ossfpnc to Lsnder the eMO and ptoflta of the property.Untess Borrower and Lender heve agreed
<br /> atAerw sT"e(n y�tiqnp,Borrowor may colleYot atd teUln the rents as�onp es BoROwer la not in dofautt. If Bortawer detaults, LerMer, Lender's
<br /> epplled flrs�touUre eo�i��et mfana8lnmpathe pkope►ty.Includlnagcourt coi�and attorney�s�feees eommtsatons�i rerrt I a9��ei�d�any other
<br /> rteceaaary►alated expensea.The remafnlnp amount ot�aMa wltl then apply to paymeMS on the seaured debt ea provtded In Covenant 1.
<br /> e.LeuN�oldsj CondominOm►�s P1�d U�s Oevdop�ra��U•Bar�ower apress to comSty wltA the provldoas of any ts�ss 1(tfli�dead ot ttuat Ea on ----
<br /> underiMCovinanri�lawa,�or rsp t Uons of��eor�idominium o�pl�m�d unit dev te opmeetnt,Boaower wlll pertorm alt o!Borcower's chrtNs
<br /> 9.Autlwrltll o��«W�C to P�tto+m to�Bor�°w�t.If Borrower faila toperform any of 8orrower's duUos u�der thls deed of trua�Lender mey
<br /> pertorm ths dutia o�oau�s them to be performad.Lender may atpn earcower's neme or Wy anY+mount f necessary tar performrnce.If any —
<br /> e nsvuotlp��o�'he R•��dirn'n�Y Includ�mpletinp the coruisatru�atbionm�nner,Lar►aer mey do wh�tevar Is neee�ary to Proteat Lender's
<br /> tfio
<br /> Lenda'R fallure W pertorm witl reot Drealude lender hom exerclslnp my of its othst�Ipht�under tho tew or this deed of trust.
<br /> and wIU be�u U ter�t om t�he dape oi°f�Me p yment u UI paid inrfull a�the�iflte est�ia�In eN�at on the a�ecured debt u�W����dua on d9mand
<br /> tp, p�y�pt and pceNKaqon,ff Borrower fsils to meke an�paymeM wt►en due or Wesks am► covsne�nts under tN�deed of tru a any
<br /> d�mand Imm dlim p ym�ent aiM mty�r�rvoke tho p�ower of�sals e�idr e y ot�t►fer�emed el s permltted y eDP�aab►e aw.���t th°secured�ebt u�d
<br /> 11,R�quott for Not1�of��f�u1G It is heseEy rsqueated that copies of the noUees of detautt and�ate Ds sern to eecn person who n a psty '-
<br /> he�eto,at the add►ess o1�aeh suoq percon,aa set foKl►heraln.
<br /> 11.Pow�r of 8a{�.It the Lendb►invokea the power ot enle,the Tntstee shalt flrat rocord In the offlce of the repista�ot desda of aeh couMy
<br /> wheretn the trutt p►operqr or some pan or percal theroof te sltuoted e nottce of de ault coMalntno the InformeUon requMed by I�w.Tht TrusUs -
<br /> shalt�tso mul eopis�ot tM nottce af detauh to ths BoROwer,to eaeh per�on fs a p�rty hereto, and to other prsons es[xssalb�d Ay
<br /> ppNc�bls Uw. Nnt leas than one rrcsmh afte�the Truatee records the r►otice of detau�or two mond�s If ths trun p►operty i�not irr mY
<br /> �r�corpor�ted clty m vfll�a rnd is utsd fn farming operatlons aercied on Gy the trustor,the rustes shdl ptva publta�ottce of aak t�the porsans
<br /> e�In ths mtnner pre crlbed bY�pppllabls law.Trustee,without demand on Bwrower,shslt es8 the ptoeert�►at publle suotlon to tho higMst
<br /> bidd�r.9f raQuired by�F�rm Homsau�d Proteatlnn Aat,T�ustee�h�A oHer ths property In two sepawte wfes ar requirod by appll bko I�w.
<br /> 7�u�t�s m�Y postpone s�e of elt or anY Pareet of the propeRy by publlo announcemsM at ths tlme�nd plaa of eny pnviously s�uMd s�.
<br /> �tender a 1ts deslpns�may purch�es[M propeRy at any aela. . .
<br /> Upon recatM ot paymeM of the p►ice b(d,T�uatoe shaQ dettver to the purahnter Trustee's deed eonv�ylng the p►apeny.Ths racitlNs comain�d in
<br /> Tf�rupatN's dnd tMll b�prlma tsete evidlence ei the truth of the etetemer�U eontslned thueln.Trustee shell�ppty ths proasads otth�iaN(n ths
<br /> nln�Mn�nt fo�i��tb�to elt wmi isc a}ed by t�hfs deea of��un,and(ilutmheft bilu ce,ifi y bto ttb penon9 lepilty s�i�ite�d to ro���e k.f�ss md
<br /> 18.Fonelown.At Lender's optfon,thu deed af wet mey be to►ecloeed tn ths mtnnor provfd�by apptlasbte lew for toreclosure of mortpp�s
<br /> on n�l proprrty. _
<br /> 14.kr� Lander m�y enter the propeny to Inspeat k if lender glvea Bonower noUce beforehtnd.TM noUa�must at�th�r��wmbt�
<br /> ause r Lendar's tntpectlon. ,
<br /> 15.Cond�n�on.QoROwer a�tiQns to Lend�r thep�oeeeds of any�wud or xlatm tor dsmapea conneated w!M e oa�demnadon or other takfnp
<br /> secur�i�Nm�ni������such proeeeds wlll bs epplled es provldod ia Covensnt 1.ThU asafpnmaM h subJsat W the ta�me of aqy prla
<br /> •9�.Watwr.By exerclsioy any remodY evaitebls to lender,Lender doe�not plve up_arvy riDhta to later use�ny otAer�emotly.8V not sxsrcltlnp
<br /> .�ny remedy upon Bc�rtow�r'o def�ul�1.ender doas not w�ivs�ny rlpht to t�te►consldsr t1»�ve�rt s d�foult M k nappsns aDain.
<br /> 17.Jokrt�nd Bsv�nl WbWtY: Co�slpn�ns Sucnsson�1 Asalyrw Bound. All duHes under thf�deed of bust u�fotnt and tswrat. Any
<br /> eorrow�r who eo-sqns thts r�eed of uust but doss not co-�Ip�ths underlvinp dsbt InttrumsrK(�1 does so oNy to prant�nd convay that
<br /> B0�`o�Borr�M owN urber���deed of trutt may sx�ten0 mtqdify or mike eny oth�er chi�ss�nthi tethm�s of'trohls dsed�of trun a Me�icaad
<br /> di�t wfthout that Borrowe�'�oanunt and wttl�o�at rois�:tnp thM Borcower hom the tertna o 1fiU de�d ot uust.
<br /> TM GuU�s�nd bensflt�ot thi�daed o!trust shatl bind and beneftt tha tuacosaora and esetpns of Lender and Bortoun�. -
<br /> 10.NMk�.Unleu otherw�se roquhed Ey Iaw,anY notice to Bonower�hail ba�Ivdn by detiveNnp it or by matqnp k by aertit9ed m�U addresaed w
<br /> gorrow�r�t tp»pr�p�y�ddrs�a or any�othe��ddns�thst 8onowsr hae g��n Wh�Qh Lander�Aas dssignsted.An o�t,M�r��ia���to LbiYnder�thsD
<br /> mail to Lendu'��ddt�s�on Wes 1 of thla dsod of ttuu,ar to arry other ed Y
<br /> bs sent W Lender's address a�sUtsd an pape 1 of thit deotl of truK.
<br />_ Any noUce sAall be dsemed to have been�iven to Bonower or Lerdar when qlven In the mannar etatod above.
<br /> 18.Tnn�tn o!sh�prop�rly a�B�ta�fntmst M t!►�Barm�n►•If all or any part of ths ptope�ty or airy Irrtarost fn k fe sotd or tnnsf�rted
<br /> without L�nder'a prbr wrlmn conserit, o.ender maY dem�nd tmrrtedi�te o�of ths searad dubt. Lender may also dem�nd tmmadtats
<br />� paymaM if the Bonower ia not e rtaturelpe non arM e benefieiel iMero In the Bottowu ts sold or Vensiened. Howevar.Lender may not
<br /> domerM paymer►t in the ebove situatloru if ft fa prahlbited by faderal law as of ttte dete of this daed of trust. -
<br /> � 20.R�conwyanct.When the obYpatton eeoured by ffila dead of trust hna been patd end Lender hne no turther obtlpatWn to make adranaes
<br /> : under tAe fnauuments or a resmente ceeured by thfe Eeed ot truat,the Trustee shal�u on wr(tten�oque�t b the Lender,roaomey the wst
<br /> �.. ���..�t�es elr Oerrnuur.er Ln BorrnWe�'a e�����•���in Interos�the trun dead and tKs noU or othnr evtdenee of the
<br /> = M K. •�w w�ww•w....��_�.� "'_""""' _ _
<br /> = obl�tion so eatf�ffed.Borcower ehall p�y any�ecordation cotts.
<br /> - 21.6uc�s sa Tnutes.Lender, at Lendor's ootlon,mav remove Trustee nrtd�eppoirt a eucaeesor trustee by Hrn. matltng a copy of the
<br />'� sub�tltutlon of trustee aa requtred by appttoable�aw,end tnen,bV tflinp tAe subattNtfon ot truetee ier recorQ tn the office of the rog►eter ot deeds
<br /> sueeeed o at�ttie p�ower,d�uUeseeutha�end UUo of the T��atoe�na dn��deed of mist e��id of any shueWCeaeor uus�tece of tha property,�hatl
<br /> � -
<br />_�
<br /> � _.
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