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'ir..�n1hW "i Y�l��ir`r, <br /> . .. !�. .. . _ _ ��t"`�,d�.` ___ <br /> l 4 . ..� ._'_ ----=— . --. ;qo�.:.,:_: <br /> ..',A,���[,a�nric-�--- <br /> •r� ..._....i..av�+.f�].l.t.`1.h���:i�: ����t`!k S��S";,,... <br />. .'_—u _ ' _.vu_,�� _— — .�u`"�'..-.`.l:�'�«e�rrrxe_.. <br /> ,�96.�, �.�'7�� � <br /> 9.Ma�tdqn 61dKiNs.Ttustar sha�l keep the P�operty In oompll�ncs with ait applloable tawe,ord{nanaaa and�e¢ufrttons • <br /> rRtaUnp to Indu�M�l hypisne or envt�onmentai proUatlon(coiteotivsiy reterred to hereln as"H�yironmentai L�wt'�.T�u�tor�l�ali <br /> kesp tho Property tree trom all subatances dsemed to bs haurdous ar toxlo unds►any Hnvironmsntel taw�(ootleativsly nt�rred to <br /> h�rNn as"Hu�rdous M�UriAt�'q.Trustor h�reby warnMs and r�pnsente to L.�nd�r that th�r�ara ao Hwurdow M�Uriai�on ar <br /> underths Property.Truator hereby�ptee�to lndemniy and hoid harmlees�snder,ibdiraotan,oNlce»,�mployee�a�d�p�nb�and <br /> Any aucco�;ovo to Lcndor'o tntoro:.t trom snd apninct any and nll atalm�,damnQoa,le���end IIn�IIIUe��rlr,infl in Qonneotlon with ,- <br /> the prossnce. uss,dltpos�l or tran�port of any Huardous Metsrials o�,uncla.trom or about th� Propscl�►.THE FCAEtiOIN� <br /> WARRAMTIES AND REPRE&ENTATION8,AN�i TRUSTOR'8 OBLiGAT10N8 PIJRSUANT TO THE FOREQOINd INDEMNiTY.SHALL <br /> SURVNH RECONVEYANCE OF THtB OEEO OF TRUBT. <br /> 10. AsNpnm�nt M R�nb.Trustor hereby aesi�ne to Lender ths�ente.lsaua and protits ot the P�opstiy;provtded that T�ustar <br /> ehell,unUl the ocourreece of an EvRnt ot Deiaulthereurtder.heve the�iQht to colteatand�etaln euoh rsnb.iNUSS and prMitsa�thry <br /> bracome due and payabie.Upon the ocaurrence oi an Event of QetauiL Lendsr msy,elther In perwn ar by tpent,with ar without <br /> bringinp uny acUon or proceedtng,or�y a receiver eppotnted by n couR and without repard to the edeqdecy ot Its�scurity.ontsr <br /> upon and take possesslon of the P�openy,or any paRthereot,in Its own nama or In the rtams ot the T�usta.and do efly aot�whtah tt <br /> deema neceasary or deairable to preasrve tl�e value,marlcetablilty or renfahiifty ot the PropsAy.or arry p�R theroota inteten therein, <br /> inaraaae the income therehom or proteat the eeaurlty hereof and,with or without takinp poaaea�lon o!the Proper�r.sus for or <br /> otherwlse coltect Me rents,ieauea and pr4flte thereof,tnoludlnp thoss paat due and unpald,snd appy the aam�,le�s costs and <br /> expensea otopera�on and colleaUon inoludinp ettorneys'teea,upan any Indebtedneae aeaured heroby,sli ir►such ordsr as Lendar <br /> may determine.The enterinp upo�►and taklnp posaeselon of the Property,the colleadon of suoh ronte,isauea and protlts and the <br /> appllcaHon thereof ae aforeaaid,ehall not oure or waf�e any default or notice of deteult heraunder or inveAdate any aat done in <br /> responee to auoh deffiutt or pureuant to sueh noUae ot detautt and,notwithamnding tha aonUnuance In poaseseton ot the Property or <br /> the collecUon.recelPt and eppliaatlon of renta,isaues or protits,and Truffiee and lsnder shait be eMitled to exerciee every riDht <br /> prorided forin anyof thslwn Documeme orbytaw uponocaurrenceof anyEvent of Oefeut�lnctudlnpwlthout Iimitattontheriphtto <br /> exsrciae the power of sale.Further,Lender's�iphts and remedies under thia pa�graph eha�l be eumu�ntive with,and to no way a <br /> IlmitaUon on,Lender's�iphtsantt�emedies underanyasaignmentof leaaesand rentsrecorded againat the Property.Lender.Trustee <br /> and the rerxiver ahatl be tiable to accouM onty thoae�er►ta actuaity rece(ved. <br /> 11. �v�s ot DNauR.The totlowing shal{constltute an Event of DefauB under this Doed af Trust <br /> (e)FaiNre to pay any insfallment of pdncipal or interest of any other sum secured hereby when due; <br /> (b)AbreachofordetauRunderanyprovisloncontalnedlntheNote.thla0eedofTrus�anyotlheLoanOocuments,orany <br /> other Ilen or encumbrance upon the PropeAy; <br /> (o)A writ of exeaution or etlachment or any simllar procesa shati ba eMered a�alnst Trustor wt�ich eheli become a Iten on <br /> the PropeAy or any portion tharaof or lntereat thereln; - <br /> (d)There shatl bo Nted by o�againat Truator or 8orrowar an aaUOn under any present or future toderai.state or othar <br /> etatute,�aw or regulatlon relaUng to bankruptaq,InsoNenoy or other reltef tor daDtoro;or tt�ere shall be appointed eny trustee, <br /> recetver ot iiqpitiator of t rustor ar BoROwer or of afii or any part ofi�fie Proparty,or tha rente,iaeuva nr p�otiu�tit�srstit,8i Tsustas <br /> or Borrower shall make any generai asaignment tor the bent+f(t of credftors; <br /> (e)The�sale.tranafer,lease.esai8nment,conveyance or further enaumbrance of ali or any pnrt of or any interost to the <br /> PropeRy. elther voiuntarlly or Invotunta�liy,without the expresa written consent of Lender,provided that Tiustor ahall be <br /> permitted to exeaute a lease ct the Property that does not contain an option to purchase end the tem�of whioh does not exceed _ <br />� one year.' <br /> (Q Abandonment of the Property;or <br /> ' (g)It T►ustor fa not an tndividuat,the laeuance,sate,tranater.asafgnmee�conveyance or encumbranceotmore than a toml <br /> ot� n/a percent of pf a cOrporation)ite iseued and outstanding atock or Qt e parMerahip)a totat of n!a percem of <br /> pArh►erohip Interoats dUdng the pericd thla Deed of T►ust remaina a(fen on tho Property. <br /> • 12. R«n�dt�IkcN�rdbn Upon DM�ult In the event of any Event of Oetault Lende►may,without noticeaxceptea required by <br /> law,dealare 81I indebtednuas seaured hereby to be due and payebte and the aame ahall thereupon beCOme due and payable <br /> wlt�out any presentment,demand,proteat or noUce ot any klnd.Thereaf ter Lender may: <br /> (a)�Uemand that Truetee exeroiae Me POWER OF SALE grented hereln,and Truateo eheil chereetRer cause Trostor'a <br /> Interoat 1�the Properiy to be aold artd the proaeeds to be distritruted,all in the manner provided in tha Nebraska Trust L�eeds <br /> Ac� <br /> (b) ExerciseenyandallrtghtsprovtdedforinanyoftheLoanOaaumentsarbyaawuQonoccurtenceofenyEve�tof0efautx <br /> and <br /> (c)Commence an acUOn to torectose�thte Deed ot 7rust ae a mortpaqe,appoiM e rece►ver,or ayeciHc�lly enforce nny of the <br /> . coven�nts hereot. <br /> No remedy hereln conterred upon or reaerved to Truatee or Lender is intended to be exclustve of any other remedy the <br /> �c�an Documenta or by taw Drovtded or permttted.but eanA ehell be cumutative.ahatt be in addltion to every other remetl�►01ven <br /> the Loan Documenta or now or hereafter existing at law or in equlty or by stetute,and may be exerclsed concunentty, <br /> independentty or succ�sshrely. <br /> 13. ThistM.The Trustee may restgn at eny tlme wlthout oause,ar+d Lender may at any Ume and wNAout cause appolnt a <br /> succeaeor or aubsdtuto Trustee.Truatee shail not be�lable to any parly,including without IlmiteUon Lender;Borrower.Tntaior or an� <br /> purchaeer of tlte Property,for eny loss or demape unlese due to�eokteas or witiful misconduat,and ehelt no!be required to Take any <br /> aatlon tn connecUon with the enforcement ot thts Deed oi Truat uniess wddng,for alt costs,compenaatlon or <br /> expenaea which may be sasociated therewith.�n addidon,Trostee may become a purchaser at any saie of the Properly Qudictal or <br /> u�dar the power of ea�e granted herefn);postpone the sate of atl or any partlon ot the Property,as provtded by law:or seH�he <br /> Properiy as e whole,or t�eeparate parce�s or tot�at Trustee's dlecreUon. <br /> 14. F�and the event t►uetee selis the Proparty by exercise of power of eate,Truetae ahail be enNtled to appty <br /> • sny aaie proceeda firot to payment of all aoste and exponaea of exercisinfl power of sate,inctuding atl Tn,�stee's feea,and Lender'a <br /> • end Trustee's attorney's feea,ectuaity incurred to extentpermittad by appiicable taw.In the event Borrower orTrwtar exerctses anr <br /> Hght proviaed by�aw to eure 8n Event ot Oefauit,Lender shait be entitled to reaover f�om 7rustor atl costs end expenses aotualty <br /> incurrod ea e resutt of TruatoPe defeui� lncluding without Ilmltallon ell Truatee'e and attomey's fe�,to the extent permitted by <br /> applfcabte law. <br /> 1S. Rututl Adrtnap.Upon request ot Borrower,Lender may,at ita option,make addiUonal and future advancea and re- <br /> advances to Borrower.Suoh advances and readvances,with Interest thereon,shall be seoured by this Deed ot Truat.At no dme sheli <br /> , the prinaipnl emount of the indebtednesa secured by thlo Oeed of Trust,not Inciudtng sums advanced ro protectthe securiry of thls <br /> DA80 Ot Ttust,8xC8eG me onginai prinaipai amourrt aTaieo nerein,or§ •+%A ,wnicnevm ia gic6im. <br /> 18. IYIhpHaneous Provhlons. <br /> (e)6ortow�r Not RNrasad.Eactension ot the Ume tor payment or m�dlNcadon of amortizatlon o!the suma seau►ed by this <br /> Oesd of Troat prantAd by Lender to any successor in interest of Barrower shati not oparate to rotease,fn any manner,the tlabiittyr <br /> of the origlnai Borrower and 8onower'a successors In intereat Lender ehell notbe roqufred to commence proceedinps against <br /> auah eucceasor or retuse to extend time tor payment or otherwlse modiry amo►UiaHon of the sums eiscurad by thle De�d of Truat <br /> by reason of eny demanda made by the odginal Bonowev and 8orrowor's succeaeora in interest <br /> (b) t.�nd�►'�Pow�ra.Without aHeeUng the Iiability ot any othor pereon tlabte tor the payment oi any obllpatfon herein <br /> rnentloned,and without atteoting the Iten or aharge of thta Deed of Trust upon any poRfon of the Property notthen or theretofore <br /> releasad as secuvity tor the tull amount of ali unpald obtigattons,Londer may.trom dme to tlme end witf►out noUce(q release any <br /> pereon so Iiable,(ti)extend the matur(ty o�atter eny of the terma ot any suah obligatlor+s.(ill)grant other indulpencea,tiv)reteaso <br /> or reconvoy.or aause to be�eieae�d or reconveyed et eny dmo at Lender's option any pa�ce�.portion or all ot Me Property, <br /> (v)take or releaae any other or addiUo�al security br any o�lipadon hereln mendoned,or(vi)make composidona or other <br /> arranpemente wlth debtoro tn�elaUor►lhereto. ry g o • � <br /> . . . <br />