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<br /> ths inaams therefscm or ysotea� the aeaurity hereof, eund aith or Mithout teking _
<br /> potss�siosa o! the Truoti Setate, sue !or or otherxise coiieat ehe rente� isoues
<br /> and �roiite thereof, includiag tliose pa�et due and ur►Daia, and apnly et►o eams,
<br /> leae cost� and esspensee oi aporation �nd coileotion, inaluding atitomoy'ts feee� c
<br /> up� e�y iadabte�eas aeoured hesehy, ail in euah order ae eenaEioiary a►aY
<br /> deeeslni.ne. The eriteriag ugon aad taki�a9 poseeseioa o! the Tsust Satate, tha
<br /> aolleotion oP suoh rents, iasues and prolito ead the oyplicatioa thereof aa
<br /> a�loreaaid, shaii not cure or aaive any delanit or notiae oE default hereurider or
<br /> invalidaee au�y aat done in responee to suah dePauit or pus'eunnt to auch notice
<br /> o! dePeuit st�d� notMitbetan�i�3�e coatiauance in poeseeeion of tho Truee 8state
<br /> os the colleatioa, iecef.pt end ePPliadtioa of reats, issues or profits, Tsvstee
<br /> or Beaeliciary ehali be eatitled t����eo a�y egve�t of delaultr iaal��iag �
<br /> ths Loan Znatsvmeate or by iaw upon
<br /> the right to e�cezaise the poxer of ealej —
<br /> (b� Caanas►ce aa aation to forecioae this Deed of Tsust as a mortgaJa.
<br /> appoiat a zeceiver, or epaaifically engosce esiy of ehe aove�es hereof;
<br /> (o) Deliver to �'zuBtee a �rzitten deaiara�tioa of default aad �emerrd for
<br /> eale, r+ad a Krittea ao�ice of dePeult aad eleation to cause Trustor's iaeareat �
<br /> fort record in the appropsiate��c�ai Recorde of the County in�vrhich8tlae gTrust
<br /> Rstete ie loaated.
<br />- 11. °r1°°^'narmu gy pQi�TBR OH BAY+S_._ Should Seneficiasy elect to fosealoee
<br /> by esoeraiee o! the poxer of Sale he+seia contained, Benefieiary ehail aotiPy
<br /> xece8;p et an�vidence oP expendituree mnde a�ad eeaureds�hereby as�Txuat e B Y
<br /> require.
<br /> {a) O�on raceigt of such aotice fram aeneficiary, Truetee ehali cauee to
<br /> be recorded, publiehed and delivered to Trustor suoh Notice of Def Tu�t�r ne No�ti��e
<br /> o� Sale as then reguirea by i.ep and 1vy �'iis Das� af Trs�t.
<br /> Mi�hout demaad an Tzvstor, after such time as ma►y thea 1�e required by lar aad
<br /> eFter recordation aF eueh Notice of Defa�uit aad after Notics of Sale haviaq beea
<br /> given ae required by laK, sell the TrusC Bstate at the time and place o! eale
<br /> tixed by it iu euch t¢otice oP Snl�, e�.thez as a Mhole, or in sepnrate iats or
<br /> parcele or itemg as Trustee ehall deem e�edieAt. au� in suct� ordes °B it may
<br /> detern�iae, at pvbiic nuation to the hi9best biddes for c�sh, ia 1a�u1 money of
<br /> t,he th�ited Stetes, pa�Yable at the time o� �le. Trustee eheil delivar to wch
<br /> purchaear or nwcahasera theseot, ies good and sulfiaiesit deed ar�eeds, canveyistg
<br /> the property ao eoid, buk xithout any aove:uiat or Ksrramty, expresa ox impiied.
<br /> � The reoitais in euch eteed ot e�► a►attere or facts ehail be aonclusive pmo� o�
<br /> the erutblulaesa thereoF. �Y Pe�e 'at�suoh snie, and�Trustor hereby covemm��ote
<br />- Trustae, end Benef3cinsy, maY pur
<br /> to wazsesit aad defend the titie of auati purchases or purahaeera. • ,
<br /> (b� As n�y be �smiteed by laM, elter deduoting aii coets, fees, e�eases
<br /> of Trustee aad of ehie Tr.vet, inaludiag costs of evidexice oP ti�l�i�i�isume
<br /> rith eale, �ruatee shall npply the pmcee8s oP enie to peymea
<br /> e�g�eaded under the eerans hereog, aot thea repaid, Ki.th acaru�ed intereet at txelve
<br /> �reraai�nd�ez�i! any,�to the�persan or psraons legnliy e�uti led t�here�•�iii) the
<br /> (�� Trustee a�ay, in the me�ner pravided by laM, poetpone enie of aii os
<br /> auy poxtiots oP the TsuBt Satete.
<br /> �a. Truatee eiad Senefiaiary, and ea�ch o! them,
<br /> ehaii be eist tied to enterce payaeent aad perfermnnce of any isidebtedaees or
<br /> obiigatione seaused bereby end to exereise all rights aad ponera wnder �bia Deed
<br /> of True�t or uadar aay Loaa Ias�r�neat or othes egreement or aap 1aKe aow mr
<br />- her�after in forae, aotxieheCeadiag sane or aii o! the eveb indebtedaese aud
<br /> obiigat3aas seoured herelsy maY aox or hereafter be otherrise eeaured, rhether by
<br />- mortgaga, deed oP trnet, pledge, lien, aesigsuaent or othes�►iee. Neither the
<br />= aacepta�nce of this Deod oP Tsust nor ita eaforcen►eat Khether by court natioa or
<br /> - pursunnt to the poxer of sale or othes porere hereia co�ataiaed, ehe�ll prejudice
<br /> or in aay me�saer a�ffect Tzustee'a or 8eaeliciasy• right to seali�e upoa or
<br /> os�Porae eny other soausitq aox or hereatter held by Tsuetee or Seaeticiary, it
<br /> being agraed thnt Truetee and Heaelieiesy, arid ench of them, s2�11 be eatitled
<br />'- tio enforce this Deed of Truet arid eay other seaurity nox or hereafter held by
<br /> ' inntheir�ab oiute edi.scretion dotermine-d �ren►edY hereia aonferred v�poss or
<br /> i
<br /> ro�Y,►ne r_o Trustee oar Beneficiary ie i�stended to bs exalueive of aay other
<br /> �_ ._...,�.t«� �..w
<br /> �'.QjQb� �Yel�n �= by lav providc�d or perntitted. �11T. B�Ctf BtlOti i7v vv��wo��.� w....
<br /> - sheil be ia addition to evory other remadY 4iver� hereunder or a�r or hereafter
<br />.� e�cistiag ati laa or in equity or by Statute. 8very poKer or remedy given by aas71
<br /> - be otho�e entit�lttd�mey be exeraieed�c�onau�emtily or independeutly,glram timo
<br />,.� to time. ead as oftea as may be deemed exPed.�eni bY Trusteo or Beaeficiaryj end
<br /> either of tt+em maY P�'eue inaoasistent remeQies. Notrii.ng herein ehail bo
<br />-� constsued as psohibitiag Beneficiasy frcro saekiug n de!'icie�ncy juflgaaent agttiaet
<br />�� the Truetor to the extent such aa�ion is permitted by law. .
<br /> 13. +�a�aT FOR NO?'ZCa. Truator hezaby reguests a copy oi a:►y► notice of
<br />.,;, degault, atid t2�at e� aotiCe of se�le hereundes be mailed to het 8t ttae e►ddre88
<br /> -A eet fo-:th ia the firet paragraph of thia Deed of Trust.
<br /> '_�
<br />