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<br /> ��1 THIB DBBD OP' TR.II$T ie 1tt11ds na o! ths �dt►y ot � � I995.
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<br /> � ypypNDA pOw8R8, e e�agle ranan, t"�RIISTOR� , oee mail ag addrese e: a09 S.
<br /> P ne 8trast, draa4 iBlaad, Nebseeka 6880ij o��
<br /> auadDUANB A. SURtiB, Attorney dt I�M� t"TRIIBT$8*f, vhose mmiling addrase is: a
<br /> P. 0. Sox Z30o, (iraad Islasid, Nebra�ks 6880Z j
<br /> and L80 8. D$TBR881Q a�ad M. SLi ZA�Si�i BkiBR88i�� Suebatid a�ad wife as joiat te�a�Ce, -
<br /> (�HYI�BICIAitY"), K1sOSema111Agaddreso ist H. O.Sox1367. 3rend IBleud, Nebmslcn
<br /> 68802.
<br /> gpg �/pyvAHLS CONS=DBFATI01�7, Trustor �rrevocAbly transfess, conveys, and
<br /> aseigne to Trustee, =N TRZJST. ittTH �OWBR OH 8AL8, for tho benefit auid eecurity
<br /> of eeaefiaiary, under ana subjecst to t.he terme essd canditione of tlsi.a Deed og
<br /> Tacust, the seai propesty located i.�a tha �ity of Grend =siand, Couaty of Hail,
<br /> Stata of ttebraeka, end iegaiip deecri.bed ae folioxs: tthe "prcper�:Y°):
<br /> The North Thirty-aeven auad one-fovirth (37� feet of Lot 8even t7) ia
<br /> Courttiouee Additiaa to the City og cirand Ielauzd, Hail County,
<br /> Webraeks�.
<br /> TOGBT�R wiTH aii reste, easemeats, appwcteaances, hereditamenes, intereStie
<br /> isi ad�oiaissg zoads, streets aaa alleys, improvemeate aad buildiaga of any kiad
<br /> situated thereon and ail pereonal proliertY t�et m�Y be or herealter beccme an
<br /> integral part ot such buildi�ngs and irqprovements.
<br /> The pxoperty ea�d the eatire eetiate aad interest coaveyed to the Truetee are
<br /> retested to colleatively es l,he "Tsvst Sstate".
<br /> 8pR TliB ?IIRF03S OH S8CQ13IL�ICi s
<br /> �, paymeati oP indebtedaeas i:s the toiai prinaipni amouat o! �50,000.00.
<br /> with 3aterest thereon et eight (8�r) perca�at pes anaum, a� evidsnced by tha�
<br /> c s i Pranienory Note o! even date (the "Note") rith a ma�turi.ty daCe of
<br /> �� ���,'�,���� , exeauted by Trnator, abich hae beea deliverea..� fs
<br /> p�ynb�e to the order of eeaeliaiary, ead Mhiah by thi.a sefareace is hareby maGe
<br /> � ye,sE hereof, ee�.d aay ead ail nwdifir.a�tic�us, exte:sei.ons aa0 seaerele thereot.
<br /> euad, � .
<br /> b, 2a the �veat of de�auit or other acceleratiaa� of the due date, at the
<br /> aption o! Beneticiasy, pe►ymaAt o! the balaace oxiag on such note tagethar �►ith
<br /> a�ll sudns advenced by the seaeliciasy tn proteat the Trust Bstate, wit.h iuterest
<br /> thereon at the rata of trelve (iZ1r) peraent par anrivm.
<br /> Thie need of Truet, ttae i�ote, aad eriy other iastrument given to evideace
<br /> or furCher seoure the paymerat a�nd perfoYmance oP aay obligation secured horoby
<br /> are referred to colleativelY ee the "i�oau Instru�menLS".
<br /> 1, � � Trustor shell pay xkea due the prinoipml of,
<br /> �uad the intereat on, the adebteaaess evidenced by the Note, charges, fee8 and
<br /> ail other sums ns provided fa the I�o�n tastrumesite.
<br /> �, g�„�BBTATB_TAX88• The TruOtor ahail pay a11 reai eatete eaxes levie8
<br /> a�rid assesBed ngainst eaid premises aiad �elose the same beaaea d�iinqueat ead
<br /> esh�ii provide tPie Seaeticiaary aith evide�ce of paymeat of the eama.
<br /> 3, �g�arrCB—Atl� �8p�R8- IIpau aloei�ag, Trustors ehall provida
<br /> r'. _��.-t.-. ..�.� L..1 111....� �L��..rl�a
<br /> BAA@PiClQY�►MSLR a CeTC1iiCEtLe oi ifr�s�iiaii« w+vwaa.y a.uo .�..w..n� G. ....o a.���w�
<br /> to be insurad for fire and extended caverage 3n aa e�mouat aa leee t.�an the
<br /> replacemesat veluo of the builaing. Truetora� ahail pay the premiume !or
<br /> cnalstai�i�g suah poliay asid ehali provl,de Benelieiasy Mith evidenae of iaaurau►ce
<br /> g�Yemium paymente ench Year. Such iaeurance poliay ehnii conta�in a stnnQerd
<br /> mortg� claue4 3a £avor oi Beneliciasy aad etiala aot be cancelabie, tern�inebie,
<br />_ es �iiable rithout +ten t10) dsye prior wsitten notice to Seneliaiasy.
<br /> TYUetort shnii pranptiy repsir, maiataia and sepiace the Trust 8stete os emy part
<br /> tltereot go tiiat, exaept for ordinary wear esid tear. the Tsust 8etate shall aot
<br /> dstmriorate. in no eveat ehaii the Trustors camnit paste on or to the Tsuet
<br />_ �etete.
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> ■i
<br /> 1
<br />