�, ...:.., ..•,. . . . ,. . .. t;:..
<br /> ,. . . . . ... ,,
<br />_ . ; � . . „ ,
<br /> � ' � ., ° , . � .
<br /> l" � - , _�.��_�,:,.�..�
<br /> � . „ . . .� . .,7��
<br /> . ' .. . . . . _ -`.l�lC�._•sv�rw-...-
<br /> � - ��� �'.�,.. � ._:. . - ��j- , . . .,.�f:•,tf.h„�.a mr.. ��� _�_''"'._J-'fr.a�� .Y...-�
<br /> � , -
<br /> . ,. .y��� +[y���
<br /> � . .s• �.r �__.._ ......_...__.....��!'![��'."�...._.^10 li..:i1tsHN.,_� -- ._.
<br /> .� i ..�,t...i!la�� ..�.�—.�.Z��...�"�'�'...-.......�'�_�".-.....�,� .... ,` ••µ�� i
<br /> ..�1.__- `.ai�l.� .
<br />_k, ` �o
<br /> � - ..,� . cav�rue►wTS , .9�� ,� p ,
<br /> _ , . _ . Bonawer a ree� �o make etl paymonte on the�ecursd dobt wpen due. Untess���ie��Weeod�►"��g e�h�wted debt _
<br /> - piyPmmh�nd�r reoe3v�s�trom Borrovlcr or for eonawcYa benafit w1B be aRGiiad ttrat to arW
<br /> M.� �xctutivs of InUnst or prinotp�,a�aond to int�r�st,�nd th�n to prinaip�f.if partt�l prep�yment of the aecured debt occura fa.my auo�,It wlti
<br /> � not raduce at exout��m tc�Nd paYmmt untll th��scured debt Is p�td In fuli.
<br /> -��_�.y'� ' ..�.�
<br /> - __ ,,�...; Z.�o��t�p�go'owp wW qy�it�t,�uss�msnt�,and oth�r clurpss�tiribuqbts to th�prop�rtl►w��n dus and will detend titie � .:_.
<br /> ' ' ��� to the prope r t v�p�tntt�MY otdtns wt�ia�woutd Impalr ths Ilop of this dssd of nua.Lend�t mey►�qutr�9ottow�r to�aipn�ny rlpht�,cl�ims or .
<br /> A� d o f o n s o n w h t c h 9 4 r rowei ma y hsv��e�n�t p����Who supplY Iebor or meterlala to Imprava or roalntein the property. *���
<br /> `'':•�' `� +��'.M;•.S_7�� �,M�wanw, 8onow�t wtli kup ths prop�rtY in�und under tums aecspt�bts to L�ndu at Bofrower'� exp�n�e and tor�.�nd�r'�b orn f i t. A l l �
<br /> Inwnnce poltafca sMU Inolud��sund+td mort �y�c��uso In favot of LeM�r.lertder will be n�m�d as�oss p��a ot�i th�intur�d on any suoh v��,;
<br /> � . � fnsunnos potlay.Amr Irt�uranee proc�td�m�y��ppll�d.within Lender'e dbcrauon,to ekher the rastoratl�n o�np�ir of tho d�ma0ed prop�rty �j:.
<br /> , ,,,��;�ay�yit-0 ar to ths s�aund d�bt.If Lender nquUa mort9�pe tnwranae,eonowv eprees to makntain suoh Imu►ancs fa s:tonp a�Lender rsquiros.
<br /> • '�'�-� ; 4.�ropwt�r.Borrower wID keep the propsrty i�pood condldon and meke ail repalrs reeeonably neceseary.
<br /> c-�
<br /> �";���` ��i�in eny obltgaUan ucairodYby thle deed ot��'�o ow�r wlll pey�theee�emout e to Lendo�i ptovlded(n Cove sM 9 of thtshdeed of .
<br /> .�srrr,^ . „ �. ,
<br /> ' . � . .:r � 1fUat. •.'.
<br /> >`�� �� i �� 6,Vrior S�cu�ity tnt�n�q.UNess Bo►rower flrst obtatns I.ender'a written eonoeM.Bottower aritt not make or permk any ahuigea to any priar �. _-
<br /> " �� p aeouritl► interoe�. BoROwar vrttl perfarm ett ef Borrower'e obllpetione under any p►for mangege,deed of t►uet or athe► securftY eg�eemaM, . _
<br /> ", � `�h ineludinp Bonower't eovenanu to meke peymenU when due. ��"
<br /> y � , Unte�s Bonower and Lender hsve a0►oeQ
<br /> �,.�•:.
<br /> �,Aq��a}R��protia.Bortower eselans to Lender the rento and proflts of the property.
<br /> s'��?S'. ,��'} � otbetw In wrki�p, 8mower m�y coliect end retain the terrte as bn8 aa 8orrower Ia�ot In default if Borrower defautts,Lender, Lender'e �}r�,,
<br /> •>,�� �Qent,or a coutt appoh►ted reeeiver mey take poeseaston and manape the property and coileat the rente.Any renta Lender colieats ehetl be �:
<br /> ""�4�'$ eppped tirat to the coste of maneg(ng the property,ineiuding court coste and attornays' fees,commisslona to rontel agente, and any other ��
<br /> '_'4'+_�: .•�:5:°'�, � neceasery retated expenaea.The remeTning amouM ot tonta wlil then epply to paymeMS on�he sewred debt ea provided in CovenaM t. �_�
<br /> �`���; ` � ,� . d�t Gar��i p�����p�yNopm�nq,Bortowsr�orons o aom ry wfth the provislans of any leese It thl�+deed of aat i�on ��
<br /> �i-�r:',;:`.
<br /> : ,;;��,,.� � 8.LwN1W p
<br /> .= , a Isuetatd.R thts d trust Is on�unit in s condomi�um or a plenn unit svele men�8orrower wU�Per(orm ap of Bonower'�dWes _
<br /> � �e ��.' � ° under the covensr►b.6yIawi,or reputntone ot the eondom�ntum or pt�nned unit clevetoprheM. ���-
<br />—._�:�.. •..�r_'a:: �� �
<br /> Lender msy '�'°-
<br /> ..�nr,.%;��- "'� � �,p�h of��dw eo P�rPam tor Oartoww.It Borrowar ftlb to dam amr of Bonowsr's dutles under thi� desd of trpst, �__
<br /> -. . :yi:,.:� .__
<br />_� :'.. - • .�! perform tho dudes or a�uoa them to ba perfarn►ed.Lender msy sipn�rtower's namo or p�y amr smount H nscescary for perrormtnce.I any
<br /> �?:;:__:; .� :,: ' conmuatfon on th�Drape�lt�S d►`ca�IrNed ot not oarcled on in s roa�anable mann9r,Lertder may do whatever ia oeceaasry to Prateat Londe�'e {,
<br /> .:-';,`�'�.�,;., ,� security irtereft tn t N e p►ope r t y.T h t s m a y I n a l u d s c o m p l e U n p t h e c o n�u u a U on. �:�'�_,
<br /> .. ..:.v s:±.
<br /> ;� lender's taiturs to petform will not preotude Lender trom exerclelnq any of its other�IgMe u�der the law or thla dond of auat. ,.p�
<br /> ,,, :.� :'ti:,.. _.
<br /> :^'K. ;. �;,�:� AnY amaurrcs petd by Lendsr to1xoteot lartder's securlt�r Intereat will be aecurod by tAls deed of uuet. 8ueh amouMS wi0 be aue on demand �:.--
<br /> ���.' • �nd will bu�tmerest hom the date at the piymeM ur►til paid in fuli at the interest rate in sffaot on the e�aued debt. ���
<br /> •4 . �p,p��.�,, �nd pca�Uatlon, It 8orroweQrr falis to mske any payment when due or braeekye eny eovenants undor this deed of trus�or any _
<br /> �i. �im�and Imme�it p�aymir►iir i m�f sy��'mroke�i-y�ows�af�r.sl8�snV u�Mer s��a�mitted by aPQlioebte teaw.��ot the teeurod d�bt and _
<br /> �_:����:�
<br /> ��,R�qunt}a Nodc�o!D�faWt.h Ia hereby roqueated that coptea of the�oUces of defauit and sate be sern to eeah peroon Who la s partY
<br /> <;,:;�� �a h�rato.�t ttM�ddnss of eaah eucN petacn,at set fonh heroin.
<br /> .,, a'il�`:,, ,;. —
<br /> `;�• ; 12.Pow�r of S�M.It the Lende�Invokes the power of u�s, ffie Trunee ehati Hrat recad In th+�office of tho roglKer of d�eds M epeh euwityl
<br /> �c.�k,,�}yyti;;,�� wMnin tM trust prope�ty or some put or pa►ce�the►eof is situated s nodce ot d�tauft conUUtna tfie inform�tlon requirod by lew.Th�Truat�e
<br /> reto. �nd to othsi penon�as pnscribed by
<br /> -�,;.,.es¢��_�,;;_;;, dAdl atso mail copfes ot ths noUee ot d�fautt to tfN Borrower,to each person who U s p�rty(u —
<br /> ----- -- j�nr,or�atid dtY a vtliwi ind��i�id in hrmlrp op er�ns rcinisd on bY�e�tru�tar�hs fruitii stall p vit �P��nodcspof�s o�P�noni
<br /> -=�--,a-.�--� and in tM m�P��tcrfb�d bY aPPWioaWs taw.T�ustee,without demmd on Bortower. shtll seli��pra��i u ieQui�uo yni�i�h b�OMit
<br /> ���3d add�r,�t nquirsd by the Farm FlomsKSad Protaetlon Aat,Ttuttee�halt oHer ths properti t�O �q 4� Y�r
<br /> ��v.1y�=;i;»T�� Truatsa may postpone s:�e of all or any pateet of tlee prop�rtV M►p+blfo mnounesmeM�f tA� ms ond pkee of airy previoutly scheduted nN.
<br /> ---==-�'`:z...;:a'1 lender a Ib d�siprns may purchss�tM prop�rtY�t�ny a�a.
<br /> Upon reeeipt ot p�tIm�nt ot ths prics bid,Truttes shdi deiivsr to the purehaser Truateu's deed con�ths OroP�rtY�The rodtiab conUln�d tn
<br /> Trwte�'a de�d shdl be prlme fads evidlence of the wM of the etatemeMS aontet�d therein.Tn»tee• 11 epply the proesed�of the ssls in the
<br /> ---__�= foWowMp ord�r: W to stl expm�es of the ale. Inatudlnp, but aot timked to. roesonabte TNStae'a tes�. roasonebis �ttorney's fess �nd
<br /> tNntt�t+ment fsest Ibl to att sumt seeurod by thts deed of trust,and(of H►s baiano�.M eny,to the pereo�t kpNIY entitied to neeive k.
<br /> --s,-��,�� 13.For�e{ow�.At LendePo optlon,thb daed of tru�t m+Y b�torectosed In ths manner provEds by�ppliceble taw for foroctoaue of mort��0es —
<br /> ---- onn�i propwty-
<br /> �=j��� 14.�y� I.�ndet msy am�r the propertY to itapeat it it Lender$ivss Borrowe►notloe betorshand.The noUce muet eute the reawnabla
<br /> - wipi for LentNr't inspeatbn.
<br /> ------ 1 a�r�on.gortpwer aui ns to Lender tha oeesds of nny eward or clafm for dsme�ss cor�nected with�condemnetbn or othe►takinp
<br /> �� o!dl or�mr W�t ot 11w proD�rtY.�uoh Oroceeds wt�be epplied s�provWed tn Covsn�M 7.Thf�a=spnma�t li subJect to the t�rm�ot�ny prfo� _
<br /> :_�;`'��� o�curitY+orNe+eM.
<br /> =-,a�
<br /> - --° td.Waiwr.8�►�citfnp u►Y rams�y�vattabte to lender,Lenda does noi pive upa�r�fOMe to�atK u�e any other tsmedy.BY not exsrddnp
<br /> -�:s�_3� ar�y ramedy upon 8onoweYs dotauf�l,endsr dosa not walve am►ripht to tater consider ths avsM�defautt it It nappem i0a�.
<br /> _ -.�- �Bo io'wai w�Iw��tht�e�d ocO'f�truets b�do�a�i�ot�co-ttpn�hs un�er� �dde��[niu��r i�i)dois�eo onfy t�o �oaMit a�sc�oYmrneY�
<br /> -'�:T�_�� Borrow�r's int�r�ot in tM p�roP�Y to tM 7tutt�s undet ths tarms of thl� o trutt.In�ddkkn.wch a Botrower apreos thet tM Lender and _
<br /> °= d�bt�wi�Mout�Bo�owK'� rod edntindwlth�ou��sfii0 thet�ortomwe efran tl�tir�me fo°'aai as�ed of wst Mis deed of trust a ths searrod
<br /> -�:.�Qx��
<br /> _.__ -.-.�. 7hs Quti�s�nd Wn�Nti of thts d�sd o!trust shdl bind and benefit ths auaxstore and�sstyns of lend�r and 8onowar.
<br /> _" ��Y::Y��l
<br /> . r'��=- ��,No�,Untest othxwip�utrod by I�w.mY notics to Bor►ovinr shdl bs Otven by delivarl�p k or by mstiinp k 0y certffled m�ll addrostsd to
<br /> g��n� �p oe othx a�drose that 8onower h�ptven to lendat.Bortowa wili 4tvs any notias to lender by eertified
<br /> =;��`+t,� {�: _� m�ii to LerW�Ps�on psye 1 of�is ds�d of trust,or to any othu adNsss whtcf►l�oder hes Msiqn�ted.Any otAer ratiae to Lender shati
<br /> ---=-�-:r_ b�ant to Lenda's addros�aa ttated on papo t of ffits dead ot trun. __
<br /> "���`''t"���'=� Any eatfe�sMll b�deem�d to h�ve bs�n ptwn to Bortowee or l e n der v r h en p h ren�n t h e e m n n e r a w n d a b o v e. =_
<br /> ;,�:r::����� �• � � 18.TranstK�th�P►ap�tY or�Q�A�ftl Int�rsat in th�Barow�r.tf�II m�nY Part of ths Propert�or enY tnte�at�n k le�otd at transtsrrod _
<br /> • ° � } pilrmer�itli�f M�e Bo�wer�la n�e r�iatwai�p�eion andde Den�eti�deml interest�the B�arow r��w�td or trnns eeried Howev��n�d6r ma��
<br /> r• ' dam�nd psymsnt tn the abovs tituatbns if ft Is Pro!►ibiMd b�taderd law as of tRs date of thts detd oi trust.
<br /> . _,_�� 2Q.R�COnreY�+e�.When Me oEifpatlon secu►ed by thi�dead o.fWVUB:.hT°..�P�n�nau�n►tetren�raea�iest b�th�eble�iaM�ei,roanvayaUm�st
<br /> ' --
<br /> uOQe►4fo Rls4urtlefsts or soc.nae'ii�a..�d%::C...�!.`- ..----__._..
<br /> - -:,•� prppsny.The Landet shall eQver to the Botrower,or M Borroverer'e successa in triteres�tha bust deed and tRO noto or omer ev�aenee or ina
<br /> =- ' oW�gition so eenlsHed.Borrower ehell pey amr racordation costa.
<br /> ;a.,�:3;:�1`'• '' Zt,gueeqto� TnntM. Lnnder, at Lender's o tton, may romove Truetee and�aRpotnt a eueceaeo� trustee by 8ret, maidng e copy ot the
<br /> - '. �� subitttutton of trustee as roquired By applicabte Paw,and then,bY fiii�the eubstttWOn of trustee tor rocord in the oNice ot tlre reptster of deeda
<br /> =::i:" � of ee�h county in whleh the Vuat ProPe�tY,or comepa rt tRereof,ia ettueted.The sueeeasor trustee,wtthout comroyanee at tt+e ProPenq,ehali
<br /> � " . s u c c e e d t o e l l t h e p o w e r,d u t t e s,nutho r i t Y end titte oT tha Truatee nomed in the dead of truat nnd of eny euaceaaor truatee. ,
<br /> y
<br /> ,. �� r,+ �PjO�2 0/?1
<br /> " .,._�:,,
<br /> — ' �'':i .'' v lANREqg b�S�►g,p(C„9T.GLOUD.MN 6630t It-SOPS�J7•l1�11 FOIlV OCRMT6N6 6fl8191
<br /> 7� ,
<br />