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<br /> Pe rKS. 8ortowa► e reas to make ell peYments on the aeaured dobt�vhon due. Unt�as Borrownr1a�O�ae ottfetwioe,any �'
<br /> , paymon i lender receives9trom Borrower or Tor klorrowor's benePit w{(i Ge oppBod flrat to anV a+noente Borrawsr owes on the sacured deLt � .
<br /> ' �� � � exclusive of inure�t or prinoipal,eaeond to Inter��t �nd then to piincipal.If partiel prepeyment of the eecured debt occura far ony reason,It witl �+
<br /> •• rtot reduce or excute sny achedulad paymant untll t�e secured debt is pafd In full.
<br /> , , the pro when due and wlil defend t[tle �s+V�
<br />:�.v:r`3••:•-�1 � 2,q�1np Ap�t Tid�.8onpw�t wf{p�Y.�ll t�x��•u�tumenr, and otMr oherpe�attrlbutebis to perty .Q.,.___
<br /> defen�whfch+�orrowe�i may have�st�nit p�artleiAwhoiupplY laboi o�r materiela to Improve or meI4MelnBhe propertt�y�����+�����ht�,otstmf or �,.�
<br /> -_��� , ..:
<br />-�;.:,-F�i;-�� 9.Nfsur�. 8cnowar wltl ksep ths property insund undsr terms�ac�ptsbts to Lender ot Bonawer's experne and for lende►'a benefit.All t..;,.
<br /> f�sursnw poitcMs sh�tl inctud���Undard monp�p�ctauts in f�vo�ot Lend4r.l.ender wili bs named e�lou psyes or e�the Inau►sd on any such _
<br /> r� � iruuranct policy.Any iqsu►ancs proaeed�m�Y b�applisd,within Lender'e disa�etion,to eitfier the rostaratton or ropair of the dameged propertlr ,.
<br />. ��'��, or to ths ncured debt.If lender�equlrss mortQ��s Intunncs,Barrower aprees to mdnUln auch inaurance for as lonp aa Lender requftea.
<br /> q �,F�opKtY.9artower will kaep the propsrty In paod oondidon and make ali repairs re�sonably�eeeesery.
<br /> ,.�_
<br /> -- � 8.Eup�nf�s.Bonowera�rae�to pay atl Land�r'e expa nses Inciudinp`eaaonabte attomelra'fe�s�M Boaower breaks pny covenarrts In thta deed
<br /> -- oi ttuot or in any obflpatl�n aocured by thia d�ed of truat.�onower will psy these amowKa to Lender�s provided in Covenent 9 of thta deed ot - •
<br /> :,',�:1�. �� ttu�t. :..':::
<br /> >=►34 e.PAa S�cwtri Inbnsb. Untsos Borrowa tlpt obtsins Lende�'�written conssM,Borcower wilt not make ot permit any ehanges to eny Drior ��"L:
<br /> � seeurky Urcera��.BoRawer vrili petform all of BonoweYs obligadons under any prior mort9epe,deed of trust or othet secur(ty apreement, �.-_
<br /> ��;�,.:';'.�':s .' t�oludU�p Borrowafs covena�m to meka pqmentt when due. �-_
<br />..,.�,� � � ——__
<br /> , ��r. � 7.As��t�t of R�nb�nd P►�oSk�.Bonowu astpns to Lender the reMS and profita of the property.Unlees Bonower and lendu hsve apread _-
<br /> ¢., oth� q in wdtinp, Borcower m�y eorieat and realn ths�enu as lonp as Borcower ta�ot in defauit. If 8orcower Eefeuln. Lender,Lender'o
<br /> __ _ �,�; apsnt,a a cwrt appolMed roeelvar may qke postestion and mampe the property and colieat the rorrts.Any roMe lendet cottoats sh�ll bs
<br /> ``� 4pplied flrst to the eosri of managing tM properiy, including�eourt aoats and ettor�roYs'feee,commiaaions to rentat eg�ents,and any other
<br /> ��:;�:��T ;, naceatery�elated expensea.The romaintnp emount of tents witi ttwn appiy to paymerKe ort the aacu►od debt as provlded in Covenant 1. ._
<br /> �`"�'-'�� ' 8,L�as�hotdas Cq�domi�tunts�plarn�d UNt D�+vNoprtnnb•Borrowet a0rees to eompty wkh the provialons of am►lease if tMs deed of uuot is on
<br /> _;;�,
<br />_���.�.:�:
<br /> ,.,,.,,; . e leasehoid. It thia dee of uuat ia on a unk in a condominium or a plenned unR dovetopment.8orrower wiU perfurm ati of Bortower•s duties
<br />-�� n . under the eovsnanta,by�law�,a.eputationo of the eondominium or pianned unit developmeM. __
<br /> _-:.�,.;?'�i�, •.
<br /> --�- �`i� � a.AWa�ty oi�w�r to pwfprn iar eortqwK. f Borroww hits m�rtorm�m►of BonovwYs duutl�ea under thi� desd of trust. L�nd�m�y.
<br /> `��'`�°`'� peAortn U►s duties o�c�uss tf►em to bs p�reorms�.Landsr may sipn arow�►'�nems orpay�ny emouM it�aceasW for psrfarmmce. any
<br /> ��:•���,,�;��,,,,�,. '• eonsuuatlon on theproperty is discontimrod o�not canUd on in a reasan�bte manner,Lender may do whatevar ie oeaeteary to prcteat Lender'a
<br />_.i�,...,-_.... s�cwitY irrc�reK in tM p+oPKtY.Thh msY includ�eomANUnD tM consuuatton.
<br />=,°j�,;, Lend�t't hilur�to parfortn will not pnctud�Lender bom sxerebinq�nY of fu othsr rtahu under the!aw or this dasd of tnrst.
<br /> � AnY amour�u ps10 Ey Lmda to protect Lenda's acurity interost will be seeured by thia deed oi bwt.Such srttoutiU w(II be due en demand
<br /> z�a,;° an0 wpl beu irterest bom the d�ts of ths p�yment until psid in full at ths I�at nte in eifeot on the�ecured debt. -
<br />— r_.,;,•�• —
<br />"'�:TM�'r 10. O�taft �nd A�wMntlon. If 9or►awer fall�to meke any paymer�t when due or bre�ks any cortmeMs under thta dead of hust a ar�y
<br /> A��� abltpatlon seeured by this deed of wst or any pHor mortpaqs or ds�d of trust,Le�der ma1/e�ccelar�te tfie maturity of the sscund d�bt and
<br /> _^,�,�.� E�msnd imrf�Clats p�yment and msV imoke the porver of•.ia�n.3�r�}i aits�rstsiodla�Dars�4Y�p�l�s�Mw Iwvy. ,
<br /> `-:`�'!�:$7 11.R�qwat for Node�ot O�hWt.it ts Mraby requested that copfes of the noticee of dafault and aeie bo aern to eech pnon who Is a pany
<br /> ��,'•"•'-�.. here4o,n tM�ddnu ot e�ch wch persan.as�et torth herein.
<br />��'=t�'��'=°, 12.PowK ot 8W.If ths Landa lenrokes ths powa of�ets,the Trustse shalt ftnt rerard in d�e oftics W the ropistar of deeds of e�ch coum�r
<br /> ��'`�-"�'���i whsrein ths uust properly a aoms part a parcel ttareof b sitwted a notica of dsfauR aoMaininp tM Infomtation requke�by law.The TrusUe
<br /> �,�±,= thsll ai�o rt��i1 copiss ot tNo noUcs of d�fauR to ths Bonowar. to esch person who i�s party lwreto. �nd tc ot�+�►P�►sons u prtsaibed by
<br /> -- �— �ppllcebM law. Not ts s then ans manth attsr t1w Trustse ncorda tM ratics of datau1t,ar two motlths H the w�t properiy is�ot in any
<br /> —" Ineoryam�d dty a vit��o�nd h wed fn taerdnD opsratbnt errkd on Dy tl�s trutta.th�Tncstes sh�ll Qfvs pubtlo notic�W wN to ths persoas
<br /> �� �rM in th�mx�►prosaibdp��PPP�icabi�l�w.Trusta�.without demand on Bortower.ahali teti�tM ProP�rt1►�t publla auation to ths hiphaet
<br /> --- btdde►.i}roquked by tM��rm Homestea0 Rroteetbn Aet.Tru�tes she11 oHer ths prop�rty tn two sep�rate s�iss as roqub�d by���taw.
<br /> --------� Tmatee may poYtpons ule of ail or am p�rcet ot ths property bY Wbifo annwnioemsi�t st ths tlm�and pl�q of any prsviously te"Mdut�d sate.
<br /> �y� lmda a it�t d�siQne�may purchu�tl►s ptap�ty at aey ak.
<br /> — — Upon wcefpt ot parm�nt of tM prico bid,Truat�s sh�114Ntwr M tM purchafer Truster9 d�ed tonveylnp ths pro�leriY•TM r�eiWis cor�uinsd in
<br /> -__= Trustee'i Oaed sh�ll be p►ima fads evidlence of the VutA of th�stKemeMs coMatned ths�ein.Ynrcte�shaU spply th�proc�da of ths saA in ths
<br /> -'��� bYowtrg ord�►: (�) to atl exqnset of ths e�te, fnctud�q, but not Ilmited m. rouonabte T�ust�e's 1ess. roasorubN attornsy'a ?ses and
<br /> _. — roinsahm�m fa��j(b)to ati sum�sscund by this desd of Vust and la)t1+e bat�nee.tf�ny,to ths psrwns IsOally�efUWd to nc�iv�h.
<br /> 19,fonelosur�.At Lenders optlan,thla deed ot trust msy be forectosed in ths msnmr provtd�by�pplfaalst�law for toreeb�uro of mortpepes
<br /> --r on nal proparty.
<br /> t4. �on.lsnder may eMer the propertlt tn inspeat It tf Lender yivea Borrower notice beforoh�nd.The noUce must etete the reeeonable
<br /> aaus� �an�r'a inspeetion.
<br /> -- 16.Cand�mn�don.8ortawm aaa �s to 6ender theproceeds oi or�y aw�rd or clafm tor damtg e��coru�eoted with a condemnedon or athsr tsktnp
<br />- — of a11 a any part of the property�ueh proaeed�witl be epplfed as Ixovldsd in Covsrwnt 1.Thit assiQnmeM it sub}ect to tho tertna ot�mr�ior
<br /> — aewity eareemeM.
<br /> i y rem��tipon�Ba ow��i d �u�it,�ai ee�r Dd�o�es not wi�Nro any r�yM to Ia�tealc�onitdet�ths ev�ant a d�MauR If it�pans s��Omi ny 8y not exercisina
<br /> � 17. .IoM�t r+d 8wKai Li�ttns Co-si�wn: 8uac�ssan �nd Aalpns earb. AII dudes under this dsrd of trust are �Oint �nd asver�l. MY
<br /> Borrower who co-sipn�this deed ot trust but does not ca�fpn th�und�yin�debt instrumnK�41 does w anly to pnnt md comrey that
<br /> ------�--�---= Borcow�r's Mtarest In ths prap�rty to ths Trwris unde�the termt of th��deed of truat ln�ddidon ach�8orrowar apnees tlut tt�e Ler�r and
<br /> � �nY otMr 8arower under thia dead of trust m�y extend,modffv or m�ke an�other ehen�ss In t�ie urms of this dead ot trust or tM�eeured
<br /> d�bt wtthout that Bonower's eonsent and whhout releestrg thn�ortower irom tM terms ot thta daed of trust.
<br /> ��-�s Ths dutlea snd bensHU of thts deed of mKt shall bind�nd beneftt ths successa4 and asctpns ot Lender and Bortovrar.
<br /> z� a�7 1d.NWic�.Unb=s optt�Ntywise repuired by taw.en�►noUce to Borcrtoowweer shaii be piven by de�iveflnp k at by maUtnp h b�y eteeteUHHsd mlEt eddroued to
<br /> — r'����� rt�ntl�to I�.ei�td�i a�ddras6��pape t of thi�d�sedeof Veu�sL m to any otMriddre�ss whl�°ch�Lende has�sipniited.A y ottwr�a to li�nd�sh�alt �
<br /> -,���;�,--��� b�sant to Lend�r'��Neaa a�sUted on p�gs 1 ot thts da�d of aust. —
<br /> =�k,�'� Any noUcs shaU b�de�msd to hnre been piven to BoROwer a Lander when pivea in the manrwr stated above. °
<br /> s,rs� v�: _
<br /> ,� '�'� �� 19.Trmt�r oi tM^rop�ety a�B�e+�tkhi�t in t!�QortowK.It atl or�ny paK of ths propertY br n►Y IMe►est to k is sold a tr�raferrod _
<br /> without Lender'e ptia wtitten conaeM,LerMer may deman0[mmedisteps yme�ot the sewred debt.Lender msy also demand immsdlate ..
<br /> r����"' payment if tAe Bonowar fs not a naturdp4 rc�n and a Daneftoiai ir�teroat in the BaROVrer N sotd or trnnafened.Hswevar,lender m�y not �"
<br />=>�+,-��. ..�� demmd paymeM in tM ebove situetions H it la proAtbited Ey Podeai law ns of the date oi Uda desd of wst. [i:r:-
<br />- �;��� 20.R�ana.When ths otiliqatton secured b�thts deed of trua�h,ara beWen pa a�Lender h�s re��R�,,,her�bil�a�r_�Ya�e�s ��
<br /> � {RIOR Dl��IRROITIRRf Q O64LfW�s�VAi YOOV VI YY�4 Y�O • w�i w...�
<br /> �. pro .The Lender ehnti eli�ver to the Borrow�,or to eortower'e auecesaor fn ime►as�the uust deai!ind tf�s riofe o�other evidenee ot tM
<br /> .�'�:. oW�n so satlafled.Borcowar shall pay any recordatioa costs. ""�
<br /> .- ����, Z7. Suee�sta TnfstN. Lender, et Lender'e op8on, may romove Trustee andap point e euccessor uustea by Nrst, mapEnp b eopy ot the �;.:
<br /> :�'!'.ta 'Y:
<br /> ,� ., i`-;?s`"..1� atOatihNon of trustea aa roquirod by epplicabie[aw,tnd then,by Rttng the subaUtutlon of truatea far rewM In the office of Me regiatet ot deeds �•-�
<br /> . - '� o!eaeh cowriy In whicA the truat propeny.or eome Dert themot.ia siwated.The succeaso�bustee,without eonveyanee of the proporty. ehail
<br /> _;•s��.::,;:r'��;� succead to all tfie power.duties,euthority snd title of the Truatee named in the deed of truat and of any rwccoasor miatee. _
<br /> ,_4�";.C`�.' �. .
<br /> ,��;�;�,
<br /> � • •ht�
<br /> _ �.
<br /> •{:y'.tu '71�'�' -M • �
<br /> __��".;}�i:_ ��i-Z QI� .
<br /> � ' eANKHq SygiEMg,g/C»gT.Clp{!p.MN 6e701 11d00Jl7-2S471 F011f�OtI�MTUt�fE 1118f91 °,,
<br /> .'�'.Y. dr-,��� .
<br />