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<br /> _ _ --•�.°.•1F:� -----a�sr.r.�.._ 76FEC4f�C.�."�.�s�.-S..='clvr.�n.._.'_",_____._--___.
<br /> , , �,��y���y�,���� pnk7 amcunts tor Eserow itana in an aDyre�ts amount not to axaNd th�rtMxknum
<br /> amouM thet m�y bs roqulrad tor Borrower•e sacrow acoount un6er the Rewl�+tate 8ettlement Procedurta Act of 7874, 12 U.B.a. �
<br /> • 8 28D1�� eegs end I,-nptcimgntlnp re�ul�Uofla,2�CFR PaR a600,ae they may be emendsd hnm ttm�to Ume('RE&PA'),exospt
<br /> that th� cu�ihton ar roaens psm�tUd Dy REBPA tor unantiotp�ted dlaburoaaente or dtabureemente befora the [3oRawer'e �-
<br /> ps�rmeeu an ivoW�bk In�he aacount mty �ot�t btsad on otneunto duo for tiie liiuri�i(j-o fnsur'�.r�c�pttmletnt. E:__.
<br /> tt ihA unounts hNd by UndK tor Euxow it�m�exeeed th��mounts pe�mitted to ba h�ld by RESPA,O.�rtdK ahsN deal wkh _-
<br /> the excess tund�as nqukad by RESPA tt th��mounte of Nnda h�id by Lender at any tlme ue not eulActen!to piy th�Esaow� �,,-
<br /> itw� wh�n du�,L�ndK mry noti(y th�BorrowK md nAutn Bortow�r to rtwks up th�shoKap�or d�Aohnny aa p�rrnitt�d by�
<br /> fiE8P/L .,, -
<br /> Tho Eacrov�fund�cro plcdQee�ns addittonnf senurtiy tor e8 euma eeourod by lhia&eartty Insfrum�nt It Borrower tendars. �-`
<br /> ta Undr th�tuN ptyrtwnt of dl tuoh�ums, Bortowet"e acaount�hali b�anditsd wNh th�b�W�c�rwn�kdnp for aN In�Nrnmt
<br /> Itwns (�)� 4b), �nd (a) �nd any mort�ps inaunnos promtum hst�lment that landa han eot beaome oblipst�d to pay to the� _
<br /> or��equbiU by Lendr,�rr�ov�i�r'a�eoount h���oredlted with u►y betonas tranahlnpttoadl�aWlmaita ta it�ema(jp� -
<br /> and(o), �-
<br /> 3,ppp��eatlon ot psym�nb,qW paymenta undar pnrapnphe 1 and 2 ohall be appQed by Lendrr as tollowa:
<br /> F'Irst to ths moNflage In�ur�tat p�enNum to be pald by Lendcr to the Secretery or to tha monthty oharQo by the Seemiery �_
<br /> InsUad ot ths monthy matp�ps baurulcs promumt
<br /> �aotld,to u►y t�caa, epecW aseeaamenta, lesaehold p�ymente or pround renta, and ftre, Iload and otha hanrd
<br /> inaurtnce pterr�iume,ae roqulred;
<br /> 'Phl�d to(ntereat dus undet the Note;
<br /> ppurt�� to ar�ontraUon of the pdnclpal of the Note;
<br /> FiRh,to kts ehupea dus under the Note.
<br /> 4.Fin, Ftood �tnd Otlt�r H�rd IPlRuranc�. Borrawer ah�1 Inauro aN knprovane�te on 4hs Propary,whether
<br /> n�w In e�datance or aubaequenty ereotM� a�t�r►y hasuda� casu�lda�.md e�r►Unpendes� (ncktdhp flrs� to�whiob Lendsr �
<br /> requtro�iosuranee. Thts hsur�nae shd be maht�ned h the�mounte and tor tho paiods that Lendx requkea.Bortowet ehafl
<br /> atao inwse�N hiprovernr�ta on the Proparty, whether now In exbtence or subaequenty areated,asshat losa by Aoode to ths
<br /> exte�nquired by the 8aarotary.AY inaurenee ehu be eartied wrih companles approved by Lender.The inauranou poAelea and
<br /> any nnrwala ehv bs hNd by Lend�md thaN hdude baa payabie dduaea In hvor of,and in a tortn aaeept�bt�to. Lender.
<br /> In tF4e event of tosa, BoROwer eh�9 qlve Lender Nrrmed{nte noUce by maJl. Lender mny meko proot of toaa it not mnde
<br /> �t�I.ee�ateaEd of to 8o�rower�d to Lend�ejohtly.A7 or any part of the inauranee proceeda m�y be appNed by
<br /> �ender,at ks optlon,eNher (�) to ths roductia� of the indebtednesa unda the Note and this 8eourtry Imtrument. 11rt to�ny
<br /> deilnquont�nouirts applted h ths ordx in Parapraph 9,and then to propayment of pdnc(pai,or(b)to the rastoratbn or rap�►of
<br /> thd d�ma9ed propaty, qny appYeaUon ot the procoeda to the prinolpai ehaN not e�Gend or poatpone ths dus �kts of ths
<br /> montf�y p+�ymente whiefi �re re}e�red tm in pan9raph 2, or eh�nge the unount of euoh paymeMe. Am► e�rosss hauwrtce
<br />, Qraceads over�n amount roquked to p�y aN outstendfng indebiedneaa unda the Note and thta 8eoudly tnstrument sh�be pald *
<br /> to the eMlly tey�Yy emWed thereto.
<br /> In the evmt of torocloauro o! this 8acurity Instrument or otha tnnate� of tltle to the Propeity that axtingulshas the
<br /> hdebtedna�s,d dght,tNk�nd hterast of Bomwer in and to inaureroce potciea tn/orce ahal paas to the purohaaer.
<br /> g. Oaeupaney, Pns�evation. Matnton�nae and P�etaetlon of tho Proporly; 8orraw�r's Loan
<br /> . Applloatlon; [�as�holds.eortower ahaN ooaupy,eatablish,and uae the Propaty sa Brnowe►'s piN�dpat�asidence wkhh
<br /> W�dy drya afte�the execution of this 8ecurky inatrument end ehall aontinue to oeaupy the Properry as Borrowet'e p�(ndpat
<br /> reaidwios for at laaal ons yeer�tter ths date ot oc�upanry,unleas the Seorotaryr determtnes thh roquke�bnt wlA ouuas undus
<br /> hardshlp ta 8ortower, or unleas extanuatlng dreumnteneea extat whbh �re bryon�l Horrowde aontrd. Bexrowar atut noti�►
<br /> Lenden ot ar�y extenu�Ung okaumuqnces. Borrower ehaA not aommk waste or destroy, d�m�ys or eubetantl�j► otNnpe the
<br /> propeity or�Cow the Propa�ty to detabrate,raaonabte wear and tear ewxpted.Lende►may tnapeat tbe Proparty R th�P►opwty
<br /> Ia re�omt or �bandoned or the�oan b !n detnu�. Lender may dke roesonable aatton to proteo!and�eserve euah vac�nt a
<br /> ebuedpted Property. Bortowar ehaN dso be In detauh B 8ortowar, dur(np the loan applicatlon proaeas.ptvs rt�terWy talas ar
<br /> Yaudrat�htam�Uon or statem�da to Lender(or hNed to Drovide Lender with any m�terW InfomuUon) irr connectlon wlth th�
<br /> bert Mdenced by the Note,indudin�,but not Iknited W,representatlona concemMg 8orrowK'a ocaup�nay of the Property as a
<br /> prfncipd resMence. H thi� Securfty Inatrument is on a IaraeAotd, Borrowar sheN oompy with the provhbna ot the teas�. It
<br /> - Boirower aequires fes tlde tn the Property,the isaaehWd and te0 tltle aheN not be merqad untess lenber a�rsas to tba mxyx b
<br /> vvrRhy.
<br /> Q. CEu�rg�s to Bondw�r �nd Prot�atlon of L+�nd�e'� Rtphb in th� Prop�rty. eorrowe► sh�r pqr at
<br /> p�r«nmanyl or muniatp�l chatgea. Mee �nd Npositlona thut aro not tnctuded In P�n9n�ph 2. Bor►ower ehaM pay theae
<br /> tM�P�opartYb uPon le�'st�equtat Bomower shd p e►omptty tu�m�lah t'Lende�reeelp�avidendny�the�sb��der'e intereat(n
<br /> If Barow�taDs to make theae p�ymerte or the p�ymernes requked by Para�nph 2�o►h9s to patorm any other cor�nante
<br /> and a�te coM�tr►ed in thb 3ecurtly Instruma�t,or tAero ia a legU proeeedtnp that mf�y slynNlaanty atleat 6ender's d�hts In
<br /> the Property(sueb se a proceedhp In baniwptay,tor cortder►mWon or to eMores tawa or repuWioes),then Lsnder nuy do end
<br /> pay whataver te neoeasy►to protect the vdue ot tho Proputy and Lender'e dghts In the Property.hdudhg p4yment nf Uuce�,
<br /> harard innur�nce and other Itema mentloned in Paragrepb 2.
<br /> My Mnounta dtsbursed by Lender unde�this Puegraph shetl beoome�n additlonet debt at 8orrowe►and ba eecured by
<br />= thls Serauky lneWmant These anounts ahtp beu interest irom the date ot dtsbutaemad,at the Nate tate,and at the opUan ot
<br /> Lend�r,shui be tmmedktel!►due and payabb.
<br /> 7. Cond�mn�tlon.The proceeds ot�rry award or ctatm tor dameges, �rect ar eonaequentlel, In abnr�eadon wtth eny
<br /> c�►demnnion or othx t�fctnp of�ny pert of tAe PropeKy.or tor comeyance tn piace o}aondem�►aUon,�re heroby asaigned and
<br /> shdi b� p�td to Landet to tAe e�Rad of the NI amouM of the hdebtedneaa that rom�ha unpald undx tAe Note ar�d thta
<br /> - grcurl�r tnsbument, Lander sh�Y appy such procaeda to the reducUon of the Indebtedne:s under the Nate and this 3ecurtty -
<br /> Inatramen6 fMet to�ny doNnquant �mounts aPPYed in the order prorWed fn Puapnpb 3.end then to PrePe►Yma�t o}Pdndp�l.
<br /> My iyRYoitlor►of the proceeds to th�prkidWl e1w0 not extend or po�tpone ths due date ot the matthry paymeMis,which are _
<br /> � Me�red to b Pusqreph 2, or ahenpe the amouM of eucP�paymente.My excess proceada over en emount requtrad to pay aY =_
<br />— outstmcfhp indebiednnae under the Note and this 3acudty Ustrumeet shdi be paid to the�r►tEyty lepeNy entitled Nereto. y.
<br /> 8. F��s.lender may co�ect teea snd eharges authorized by the Secretary. =-
<br /> 8. Qrounds tn�r Acc�laration of Oebi. -
<br /> � (�) ON�ttl�Lertder may, except ea Nmtted by regutaUons tasued 0y the 3eaetary in t�e ease of paymeM dotautta _
<br /> } requtre immadlate payment In tull of ali sums seaured by thEs Securiry tnatrumeM H: _
<br /> : he dtte da�M o!tfte o�d mon�hN��,o�y momhry paymeM requked by this Soaurfty�nerivment pdor to or on _
<br /> 1 (q Borrowa defwlte by 1tYing,tar a pertod ot thirly duys,to pertorm erry other obUpationo eoMatrted in thla 3ecurtty =
<br />-� InaOument -
<br />:-,� -
<br /> � (b) 8*1�W6titout Crodit Approval. Lender eAa4,M permilted by appUable law and with the pdor�pprovd ot Me
<br /> 9ead�ry,oeqairo 6nmadlate p�yment b tuN of W the nums aecured by thla Sear[q►Inatrument H: -
<br /> 3
<br /> '- FSB1:f.LMO(81�) Pape 9 ot• '
<br /> :
<br /> 9SOS1
<br /> i
<br />