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<br /> � � POWEtt OF A.TTORN�Y ;�J'r� �.U��� " `-
<br /> KN4�l ALL MEN HY THESE �RE8ENT5: � �
<br /> ' Tha� L, Au�h Muelle� of 703 V7. 13th �t.� (�xand Ia�,and, Nebra�ka� do _
<br /> hereby make, conetitute and appoin� my granddaugh�Cer. Sandra Ka�r Noe
<br /> �� ;��2� Nor�S� St. Pa�riaTt, Gr�nd IQ1�.nda IVe�xa�kaa my Qttorney in fact _
<br /> �Eo do gor me ar�y at the Pollowing� �
<br /> 1. To w3.thdzaw by check or otherwise from any checking account _
<br /> ' • or saviage acc:ount which I may have.
<br /> 2. To endorae Checke f�r depoaic to my checkin� accouut �a =
<br /> � - eav3.nga eccaunt and to receive any properxy or credita
<br /> � ownea� by me including any moniea payabl�e. to me by any ,
<br /> gaveramenta� agency.
<br /> 3. To eell or lease any �asetg ownQd by me, whether real es-
<br /> � tate or personal prnperey snd �including homestead prAperty
<br /> and ,stocks and bonda, at euch prices, on such terma, Fo� -
<br /> auch lengtb of �frm, and �n such manner,, whether at pri, �
<br /> � vate or public,�ale or negotiaea.on as my� Attorney�in-Ft��C�.
<br /> . �:d+eeme advisabl�.;;;�}e may conv.ey any , lroper•ty. �sa.�sold� by• .
<br /> .. . :, ��,,,er by inatrum�a��'s o� conveyanc+e w�it� cusCom�,z� wsrra�-:� ��:�,,
<br /> . � �' t�.ea . S�e mey enter an3� eafety deposi.�..3�ox I l�aee anc� ' . .
<br /> � mgy rem.Q;�e any f teme the�re�rom. She is ��mpowered to �ialt� •� �
<br /> any $i��e for me. . ' :
<br /> 4. To enter into agr�ementa pextaining to any property ox in� � ' �
<br /> texeet i�� property owned bx me and on ench terms as my
<br /> �. : Astsrn�y-in-Fa�� s3e�s ss�vis$hl�. Thie ���i] include ca�_ -. ,_: __ - - ,_
<br /> tracts for goad9� repairs, improvements, repiacem�nts'. and
<br /> persoaal servfcea for th� maintenanae o� my property�.
<br /> S. In general, tp enCer into any busineea Cxansactione pertain-
<br /> irg, to my property and for my maintenance as £ully as I co�tld
<br /> ' d� Lt bqe.elf. � . ,�
<br /> , 4. To gnter inta smy �ont�recte or agreemenCe for any medical,
<br /> , domiciliary Qr other car� needed �iy.me a� determiaed tt� b�e
<br /> ' ia my best �ntereete riy my Attorn�y-a.nwFact, and pay aI1
<br /> fees and chargee neceesaryr fax my m�►intenance snd cere. ,
<br /> � Ta authorize any medical procedurea for me. •
<br /> I razi#y and confirm all acts done by my Attorney-in-Fact under
<br /> thi� .Power of Attorney. I re�erve rhe rxght to revake this Powex of
<br /> rltivrua� t,y thL filing af suah r�veeatiaan ire ±ece7lA,�onu,a. 8pc�rdR; .in
<br /> the..4ffice of the Regieter of Deeda of �L County, Nebraska.
<br /> Thie Pow�r cf Attorney shall remgi.n in fu11 force and effece even
<br /> though Y �nsy b�rea�ter bacome mentally or physically incampet�rt.
<br /> �.. DAxED:Chis „7��, day of A �il , 19 83 .
<br /> � .�..�._.�..._.
<br /> � ,
<br /> : se. � • .
<br /> COUNxY OF HALL )
<br /> On thia 7��� day oE April ', 19,�, before me�. the und+er� '
<br /> eigned, e'�"oCary Pub ic, wit Ln an or said County, �eYSOnally came .
<br /> �tuth Mue]lar , who is .known ra me to be the identical e�ee son -
<br /> whoae name is affixed to the fnregning Power of Attorney, end
<br /> acknowledged eh� execution thereo� Ca a� her voluntary act and deed.
<br /> __ urrieu�.ee. �... 1.a..A nnA 'A1nlnrinl Sanl thn date 18st &�fAVL Li�1�tL11. MY
<br /> -" � vs:a�savv saT .. �. ....� «�_�---- ---- - - ---- - - . ..-
<br />= Notarial �emrnieaion expirea: Febr. 4. 14$4
<br /> . ,
<br /> - .�
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<br />- • o ary u i c
<br /> OEMUI1lMOTAAP-Bl�u�!MHr1/�f
<br /> - �Mi Cl�nm.dv F�b�4 ise4 ,
<br />