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'�i. ,- .._.�,-�,-,:T. .. <br /> � H. `�- ..- � <br /> �' ry'_ 1�fA��'\}�r.ep �e ..i� .. .. .. ..... .. ........ .... . ...... .. <br /> ���:. �I , — _- . <br /> �-ir—.vv���r— _. . <br /> � �5,� �,��1 <br /> ._I - <br /> . 3222318 pLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT RII)ER�voR�-31S0�� <br /> THIS PLANNBD UN1T D�VELOPMBNT RIDER is mndt thi& 2ND duy of mCT08BR � <br /> 1995 .nnd is incorpornte� into und shall be deemed to umcnd und �upplcment the I�longngc,Decd of <br /> • Trust or Sccurtty Decd (the "Suuriry Iasuvment") of tho samc d�te, given by the undersigned (the <br /> •'Bur-rowec•')to secure Sorrower's Notc to PdORUEST lI013TGARE. 12�C. _ <br /> (the "Lender") <br /> of the snrne date und covering the Prop�erty dcscribed in the Seturiry Iast�ument and located at: <br /> #�13 VI A CaMO, tIRAND ISLAND. NB 68803 <br /> [Ptopeny Addressl <br /> The Property includes.but is not limited to, a parcet of Innd improvcd with a dwelling.together with other such <br /> parceis and certuin cammon areas and faciUdes,as descdbed in <br /> CONTIN6�3�iTAL GAHD�I�TS HOI�QWNERS ASSOCIATION (t?ne"Declaration"). <br /> The Property is a part of a planned uait development kaown as <br /> GONTINENTAI. GARDENS • <br /> (Nrme of Plxnned Unit Ilevelopmertt] <br /> (the "PUD").'ltie Property also includes Bormwer's iaterest in the homeowaers essociation or eqpivalent <br /> entity owniag or managing the oomcnon areas end facillues of tht PUD(the"Owners Assoclation")and the�ses. <br /> benetits nnd ptooeeds of Borrowar's iaterest. � . <br /> PtJ�i e.'Ui�iAi�Y"�. dn addidon ro ti� cvveaaais ai,d ng+oci.�nia rt� it� th� �ECUrity �► <br /> " Borcower and L.ender fu�ther oovenant and agcee as follows: <br /> A.F'ilD Obligadong.Borrower�hall perfocm all of Borrower's obligudons under the PUD`c���c+astiarent <br /> Documeais.Tlie"Constituent Documents"are the:(I)DeclerutIon;(ii)articles of inoo�x►ration,tr►S�insuument <br /> or any equtvalent document whicl�creates the Owners Associadon; nnd (iii) eny by-laws or other rules or <br /> rcgulations of the Owners Associution.Bomower shall promptly pay,when due,�tl1 dues and assessments impose�E <br /> � pucsuant to the Constttuent Doctunents. . <br /> S.HazaM Insurance. So tong os the Ownera AssociatIon mointeins. with a generully axepted insurnnce <br /> carrrer,a•'masur"or"blankeY'policy tnswing the Prope�ty whicb is sndsfacwry to Lendcr and which pmvId�s <br /> insnranoe coverage in the amounts. for the periods. and ttgainsc thc hazanis Lcnder requires. including flre and , <br /> hararda included wtthin the term••extended coveraEe."then: � <br /> (i) �.ender wa�ves the pmvision in Unifarm Cove�ant 2 for the monthly paymonx to LeMcr of <br /> one-twelfth of the S ea,�y premium instsllmems for bnmrd insura�►oe on the Pmperty;and <br /> (sl) Borrower's obllgatlon under Uniform Covenaat 5 ro maintain ls�ard insuraace coverage on <br /> the Properiy is�leenxd sutlsfied to the extent that the noquioeci oovernge Ia provIded by the Ow��+ers Assoclatioa <br />- policy.: <br /> �omnwer Fhalt give Lender piumpt noiice of anp lapse in requined hazaM insurance oovecage pmvtded by <br /> �� the masur or blank� policy. <br /> ' '�Iat zhe event of a dIst�ibution of hazard i�surance pmceeds in llw of restarutlon or t�pair foltowing a(oss to <br /> the Pr�perty. oe to wmmon amas and facUides of the PUD, ony p�s payable to Borco.xer ate benby <br /> ' a�i�:ic�:�anci shall be pa�d to ix�a��er. l.eadcr sluill apply the praoeods to ttte sums socurod by the Security <br /> , Instn�rbent,witd any ea�cess paid to Borrower. <br /> C. publk L1,�bilIty Ynsuranoe. Bomnwer shall take such �tion�ac muy be re�onable to Insnce that the <br /> Ow:y�rs Association maintnins a publlc IiabiUty fnsuraace Qoltcy ncceprable in fomt. umowt. ax�d extent of <br /> cov��x to Lender. <br /> MULTISTAIE PUD HiDER-Stnple Fam[ty• Faiu�ie R1mulAnd�Mro UA[IFQNM INSTEtUMENT � Farm 9160 9/80 <br /> o.a.,o�n N�.P <br /> ��L 9160 C81 rl�W> VIt1p MOIITtiAGE FOWNS•/3t9)Y83-Bt00-t800lSZiJ291 trMWlt�,� <br /> -� -- ---�za.��r+�u%:'-._- <br /> - - '-:=t^a�_•R__�� ..-�_- - -_- <br /> -- - .�:wn...�-� . <br /> �.�...�.�,- . ..-.��....��m.�e.e.�v�r� - - <br /> ..._._ -,-..•--' �J.�.����.., ....�.- ..�-_._--•-• .' _ . . _ a ^_�[_--. _ _._'__' <br />._ .._.._._ �.-_�t!m"Lr+-"='1:vL- ' _ -__ _sa : .. <br /> -_ �•NA1�.A�GSMidli�a�� � '— _ _ — -- -- _.— <br /> �..�����.���.�� �� _—�-i� -� � � --_ .. —__— — <br /> XTl % -7�Y.w�"/ �'"1'j _r/M�X.`t 1 Jy a' II� __ ..�ly,s ._ _—__. <br /> �.�'�i �c. �:•� w+r! �.�to..�°:,c�v:r.S�t.�i+s•.N4�.,`d�.�!� .4z��� . ,��r�'�'.°.�.— —� -- — <br />