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<br /> 17.Te�ensfer ot the Property or a 8en�ficial Intemst In Borrowcr.If�Il or any pnrt af thc Property ar uny intcrest in it
<br /> is sold or trensferred(or if a beneilcial Interest in Barrower is sald or trnnsfernd und Bcirrc�wer�x not a naturnl�enson)withaut
<br /> ` i.cnder's prior written consent, Lender muy. at ItR option, require immadiate payment in full af all sums secured by thia
<br /> Security Instn�ment.However,thia aption shall not be exercised by l.cnder if excrcine i s prahibitod by federnl luw us af the dutc
<br /> af this Security Inscrument.
<br /> If Ixnder axercises this optton. l.ender shnlf give Harrowcr notice of acceler-ation. The notice�hall providc u petiad af not
<br /> less than 30 days from the date t�e notice is delivered or mailed within which Bomawer must pay ull sums sccure� by this
<br /> -Seturlty Instt�ment. If Borrower fuils to pay these sums prio�•ta the expimtion of this perlod,Lender may iavoke uny remedicw
<br /> permitted by this 5ecudry Instrument without flirther naticc or demand on Borrow�r.
<br /> 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to Reinstate. If Bono�ver meeta certain cnndtt�ons, Borrower shutl huve the right to havo
<br /> . enforcement of this Secudty Instnuttent discontinued at any time pri�r to the enrller of: (u)5 days(or such other period as
<br /> applicable law may specify for rei�stat�raent) before sale af the Property pur:�uan► to�ny po�Yer of salc containetl in this
<br /> Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Securlry Instrument.Those condittons are that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> Lender all sums which then wouid be due under this Securlry Instrument and the Note as if no ucceleratlon had occurn�d; (b)
<br /> cures any default of aay other covenants or agreements; (c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Secu�tty Instrument,
<br /> including. but not limited to.reasonable attorneys' fc,es;and(d)takes such actfon es L.ender may reasonably require to essure
<br /> that the lien of this Security Insmiment, L.ender's cights in the Propetty anA Borrower's obligatian to pay the sums secured by
<br /> this SecurIry Insuument ahall contir►ue uncbanged. Upon reinstatetrtent by Borrower. thIs Securtty Iastrument and the
<br /> obligatloas sezured hereby shall remain fuliy ef�'ective as if no acceleration had occurred. However. thls right to reinstate shaU
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleratIon aader paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; C�e of I.oan Servtcer. Tise Note ar a partis! intereu in the Notc (together with this Secwity
<br /> Insaument)may be sald one or more t�mes widiout pr�or nodce to Borrower. A sale may resutt in a change in rhe ertity(known
<br /> as the "Gaan Servlcer")that collecte monthly payments due under th�Note and this Security Inauvment.There also may be one
<br /> ar more chaages of the Loan Servicer unrelatett to a sele of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower wil!be
<br /> given tivdtten nodce of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and appltcable law.The nottce will state the nume and
<br /> address of the new Loan ServIcer and the address to which payments should be made.The notioe wll!�tlso contain any other
<br /> informarion roquired by applicable law.
<br /> 20. Ha�rdous Substartces.Borrower shail not cause ur permit tho pmsence, use, disposal. storage, or release of any
<br /> Hazaidous S�bstences on or in the Property. Aorrower shall nM do. nor allow anyone else to do. anythin� affecting tde
<br /> Property that Is in violation of any Bnvironmental Law. The precedtng two senunces ahalt not apply to the pmsence. use, or
<br /> stomge on ths Property of small quandties of Hazerdour,Substunces that ere generelly recobmized to be apprupr�ate w normal
<br /> iGo°��SIiS�tL2S 8Sl�LO S'.1S11KE'I1$TlCP Af tI1P_.PfA�ICTLy.
<br /> gorrower shaU promptly givc Lender written notice of ar►y investigatian,cluim, demand. lawsuit or oUter acdon by any
<br /> governmental or regulatory agency ar prlvate party involvtng the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Bnvironmental La�v
<br />� oi which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Borrower leams.or is notified by any governmental or regulutory authoriry. thai
<br /> a�removal or other remedladon of any Hazardons Substance affecting the Praperty is necessary.Borrawer shall pmmptly take
<br />; ell neassary remedial actior�s in socordance with Bnvironmental Law. •
<br />, As used in this paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substances" are those eubstances def ned as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> Emironmental Lnw and the following substances: gasoline. kerosene. other flammable or toxic peuoleum products. taxic
<br />� pesttcides and herbicides,volatile sotvents.mater�als containtng asbestos or fornialdehyde,and radtoaccive materials.As used ln
<br />� this paragrnph Z0. "Bnvitbnmemal law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Pcoperty la locatad that
<br /> nlate to health.safety or envimnmental pmtectIon.
<br /> NON•UNIFURM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lertder fucther cavenant and agr�ee as follows:
<br /> 21. Acoeleratton;Remedtes.Lender shall give not[ce to Bon+ower prior to Ac+xleratton toltowing Borrower's breacb
<br /> ot any covenant o�ageement In tdls Seair�ty Instr�ment (6ut not prior to aooeleraHon undcr paragraph 17 unless
<br /> applEcable law pmvldes otherwise).The notice shall specifyz (a)the def�alt;@) the adton�equired to cw+e the de[aulk .
<br /> (c)a date,�ot less Wan 30 days frorri the dste the noHce is given to Harrower,by which the defaWt must be cured;and
<br /> (�tlwt f�llure to cure the detnult on or befitre We date spocifted tn the notice may crsWt tn aooelerxtion ot the snms
<br /> s�vred by this Sectu�ity�nstr��me.nt nnd salc ai the Property. The nolice shall iY�rther iaform Borrower of tt►e right to
<br /> rilasiat� after aoceleradoa and the rtght to bring a cou�t��ction to as5eet the aon�xistenoe ot a defs�ult or u�y ot6er
<br />� defet�e of Burrower to acceleratton and sale. If the detault ts not cure�an or beYore the date specified in t�he notice, ..
<br /> Lender, nt ifs optfon, may eequire immediate payment in full of al!s�ns sccur�ed by thLs Secu�ity Iustrumait.wtthout �.
<br />' tUrther demaud and may invoke the power ot sale and any other rame�ca pen►iftted by applfca�ls.iaw.Lender shall be �
<br />' entltled to oollect etl expenses incurred in pursutng the c�medies provided{n ttils paregraph 21,lnaTi�ding,but emt limtted
<br /> W,rea.wnable attorneys'[ees�•oosts ot title eWdence.
<br /> i If thepower oi sale f�imoked, Trustee sball recu�d3�Ruttce of default tn each rnunty[n which a�ry part oP the
<br /> p�opaty is l�cated and shall m�il copies of such notfce in ihe manner�►rescrl5ed by applicab[e law to Sorrower aad to
<br /> � the otl�er peis�nns prescr[bed by appiteable law.After t6e tfine requiredfiy appllcable Iaw,Trustee shali give publtc aotice
<br /> . ot sate to the persons and in the manner prescrlbed by appltcable law Tn�.stee,withont demand on�torroarer,shail se}]
<br /> the ptoppty ut publlc auction to the htghest bldder at tE►c time and place end under the terms designated in tbc nodce oi
<br /> s�le [n one or morc parae7s and In any order Tn�stee ddermines.Teustee may postpone sate of all or any�el af the
<br /> � Prope�y by publk announoement at the dme aad pluce of any �revtously scheduted sale.I.ender or[ts nee may
<br /> pttrcl�se the property at eny sale.
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