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<br /> TC)USTHSR WITH ull the lmpeavementa now or henafter orected on the pmperty.end ctll easements,appurteiwnces,And i
<br /> iixtunw now or hereafter s purt of the property. All reptacement� and ndditions ehW! nisa be coveral by this Security ,
<br /> Insttttsttcnt.NI of the fnre�oinII is r�ferrM to in thiq Secvcity Instniment es the"Property." ;.
<br /> BAR1tOWER COVBNANTS that Bonawer is IawfWly seisod of the estato hereby conveyed nnd has the rt�ht to grant aad '
<br /> convey the Pmporty and that the l�roperty is uneneumi�red,except for encumbraaces of record. Horrower wurrants and will !
<br /> dofend generally tho Nde to the Properiy againet a11 clalms end demsu►ds,sut�ect to uny encumbrnnces of record. ;
<br /> TH1S SBCURiTY INSTRUMBNT mmbines uNform covenante for national use nnd non-uniform covennnts with IimItod I
<br /> varindons by Ju�isdlctian to rnnsNtuta n uniform securlty i�stn�ment covering real property. �
<br /> UN1Fd�,!COVENANTS.�san�t�er ant!Lencler covenant oTU1 agree as fnl(nws: :
<br /> 1. Payment of PrinclpA!and Interesti �p�Yment anai Late Chuges. Bosower shall pmmptly pay when due the -'•
<br /> pdncfpat af and inurest on the debt evidenced by the Not�and any prepuyment aad late charges due urtder the Noto. !
<br /> 2. �lund9 for Taxes�nd Insu�. Sabject to applicable luw or to a wdtten waiver by I.ender. Barrower shali psy to �
<br /> Lernier on the day monWly pnyments are due under the Note,until tha Nota is pald in fiilt,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yeurly taxes �
<br /> aad assessm�nts whtch may nttain pr[oriry over this Saudty Instrument as a lien on the Property:(b)yearly leasehold payaxnta '
<br /> or gm�u�d rents on tha Pmperty.if any;(c)yearly hozerd or property insutance premiums;(d)yearly flood insurance pnmiums. ;
<br /> if any; (e)yeariy raortgugc iasw�ancx preiuiun�s. IP ar►y: attd{�eny sums payabte by Borrawer to t.cAdcr. in arcord�nce with ,-
<br /> the pmvtsions oF patagraph 8. in[ieu of the payment of mortgage inaurnnoe pre�ntums.These items ure callod"Escrow Items."
<br /> f.er�der may. nt any time. wllect and hotd Furtds in an s►mount not to excced the rnaximum amount e lender for a foderalty
<br /> related mortga�o loan may req�ire for Borrower's escmw acaount under the fe�erN Real Estate Seulement Pcocedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as amended from tIme to dme, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seg. ("RBSPA'),unless another Iaw that applies to the FUnds
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If�so. I.ender may,at any ttme,coUect and hold Funds in an amount aot to euceed the lesser amount.
<br /> Lender may estImatc the amonnt of Funds due on the basia of curnnt data and reasonable estimatcs of expenditures of fuwre
<br /> Escmw Items or otherwIse la accoidance wlth a�ticable law.
<br /> The Funds shall be held ia aa institudon whose deposits are insurod by a federal agency. Instnunentallty, or e�Ity
<br /> (tnctuding I.endcr,If Lender is such en 3nstituaon)or in uny Fedetal Horae Loan Bank.I.ender shap apply the Funds to pay th�
<br /> Escmw Items.Lender may not chacge Bomower for holding and applying the Funds. annualty anatyzing the escrow a000unt,or ,
<br /> v�,ii'y}n�tt�B�:.3w Iu�rts.uniesa Leiider psys Barruwer d�an tl�c Fuado assd a�sgiicrabk!s�gasnEe�3�s su�:ss�
<br /> a charge.However,I,ender may raquira Borrowar co pay a one-dme chsirge for an independent real estate tax reparttng seNice
<br /> usod by I.ender in connecttoa w►th thts loaa, unless appltcnble law pc+ovides othenvtse. Unless an agrceancnt ia medc or
<br /> appfica6le law ra�ui�es interest w be paid,L�ender shall not be requical co pay Bomc►wer eny interest or eamings on th�Funds.
<br /> 8orrower and Y.ender may age+oe in writing,however,that intcrest shell'be paid on the Funds. L.encter shali give w Borrowcr,
<br /> wlthout charge. an unnual xcaunt[ng of the Funds. show[ng ccedits end debita to t6e Funds sutd tbe purpase for whIch rach
<br /> debit to the Punds w�.a made.The Funds are pledged as addidonal security for ail eums secured by tWs SecurIty Insuument.
<br /> If the Punds held by L.ender eACC�d the emounts permftted to be held by appllcable law,Lendar shall acoount to Borrower
<br /> far the exc�ss Funds in accoidance wlth th�roquiremenu of applIcable law.If the aYnount of the Funds held by i.ender ut any
<br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Bscrow Items when due, Lender may so nodfy Bomower in wrltIng.ead.in such cose Borrower
<br /> sh$li pay to Lender the amount nxessary to make up the defiaiency. Born�wer shatl make up the deficiency in no cnore than
<br /> {welvs montAly payro�enta.at Lcnder's sole discc�etton. .
<br /> • Upon payment in fult of atl swna secured by this Securlty Insuument. Lender shail promptly refond tt�Horrower any
<br /> Fuads held by I.ender.If,under patagraph 21,L.ender sl�all acquIra or sell th�Pcaperty,Lender,prior to the acyulsition or sale
<br /> of tha Progerey, shell apply eny Funds held by I.ender at the time of acquisIdon or sate as a credit�tuinst the sums.secused�p _
<br /> thts Security insuument. ' ,
<br /> 3.Applkaatlon oi Payments.Unless appltcabla lew pmvtdes otftetwise,���y�,r��i��i�by I.ender under paraSrophs
<br /> � 1 and 2 shait be appfiod: fir5t.to azry�repaymem cl�argCs due vnder thv Note;second,to amounts payable wulcr parrgraph 2;
<br /> ,;aLird.to inurest due:foarth,to princip�l due;and last,to aay lsue charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.t;barges;Liens.Bonower shall p�y all taxes,assessmeats.charges. finas and impositions amibutable to the Praperty
<br /> which may at4aia priority over thia Security Instrumeni. dnd leasehold payments or g�round rents, if uny. Horrower shal[�pay
<br /> these obligations ln the manucr provided in paragraph 2.or if rtot paid tn that manner.Bomower sliall pay them on time dlrertly
<br /> w the person owed paymem:Horrower shall promptly ft�rrdsh w i.cnder all noaces of amounts to be paid undet�s pata�aph.
<br /> ' If Bomov►xr makes these payments directly. Borrower shall promptty fumish to Lender reaeipts ev�dencing the�ayments.
<br /> Borrawu shall prompdy discharge any lien which hes priortry aver this Socwity Tnstruarent tuiless Borrower:(n)ngras itt
<br /> writing to the paymer�t of the obligation seceuod by the lien in a maaner acceptable to Lender;{bD Cantests in good faid�tt►s&ien
<br /> . by. or defends agttinst enforcement of the lien ln. legal pmc�ings whlch in the Lender's opinion opernte to prevent�the
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of tha lien an sgreement satisfactory to Lenda�sut�onlinating the Hen w
<br /> this Security Instn�ment. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a Ifen which cnay attain prioriry ovcT
<br /> this Security Instlument,L,ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the 14en.Borrower shall satisfy the Nen or wke one or
<br /> more of the actions set forth above wIthin 10 days of the giving of norice.
<br /> iorm 8026 9180
<br /> v.�.s o�e .
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