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Gondeannetb •T��,p����d of any award or ctatm for dnmeges,direct or consequentlal,in connection with ony �i <br /> condomnnt�on or o1h�r 1tlRi}�p Ot tho Property,or pnrtthereut,or lorcpnvoynnce�n llou ot corsdamnntlon,ure ha►eUyas9tgtted �,_ <br /> end snuii ini pui�i�LGi�u'vi. � ; <br /> In the event ot a totel tekl�g af Ma Propeny,the proCeads shalt be epplted to the eums eeeured bythla OeeO ot TrusR with n <br /> the exce��,�f any,pald to Ber�ower.ln the evenf ot a psrt►el taking of the Prop��r,unleaa 8ot�owrir and Lander otAerwiae� °-' <br /> agre�inwnting,thereahatlbeappIledtothenumasecuredbythla0eedofTrustauohproportianeftlteproceetlsastseguatto ��_ <br /> thetp�oportlnnwhtchthsemountotthssumsseaundbythisOeedotTr�astimm�dtatetyprfortothsdatsofbkln�bear�totha <br /> IA�r markat vafue ot the property Immodlately prio�to Me date of takinp,with lAe bslan�e of ehe proceede paid to Berrower. - <br /> it tho Pr�portyr�s abartdoned by Borro4�er,ar it,nlE�tr nan�e�by Lender to 8onowe�thet the condemno►oNere to make an �__ <br /> awsrd ar aettte a cleim for damayes,eorrower tafle ta reapond ro Lender wfthin 30 d�ys after Me dats suGh nodee Ia mail�d, ��- <br /> Lender�s authori=ed to coltect end npply tbe proceeda,at Lender'e optlon,etther to restoradon or repalr of ths Propa�ty or to <br /> Ihe auma aecured by thia Oeed of Truat c�_ <br /> UnteasLenderend8onowerotherwiseapreelnwridng,anyeuehapplicatlonofproeeedseoprinctpelehetlnotextend�r ° <br /> poatpone the due date of the monthly inatallmente refened to tn paragrapha t and 2 hareot or change the emount of such = <br /> installme�ta. ==• <br /> 1P. Boaow�rNotR�Nas�d.Extensionotthetimetor paymentormodificaUonofemortizetionoftheaumasecuredbyMb �= <br /> Oeed of T►uat Rranted by Lender to eny succesaor in interest ot eorrower aNefi�ot oparate to telease,in any manrter the � <br /> tiabitityottheorlpinalEtorrowerand8orrower'ssucceasorstntere�t Leederehsllnotberequiredtocommertceproceedtnga �� <br /> againat euah succersor or retuas to extend time tor pnyment or otherwise modffy amortlzarion o4 the eums secured by Mfa <br /> Oeed ot Trust Oy reaaon ot eny demand rtudde by the oripinat 8orrower and 8orrower'e eucceasors in interest <br /> 11. F�xMuaRp by L�nd�r Not a WafrK.Any forbearance by Lender in ezercising any�Ight or romedy hereunder,or <br /> otherwise aHorded by appllceble law,ehatl rtot De a walve�of or prectude the exerciae of any aucA►lght or remed�.The <br /> prxurementof insuranceotthe paymentof taxesor othe�liena oreharpeaby Lenderohatl�otbee walve►atLender'e r yhtto <br /> accete�ate ths maturity ot the indebtednass s�cured by this Deed of Truat <br /> 1 Z.R��di�s Cu�WNIw Ail remedfes provlded in this Oeed o!Truat are distinot artd cumulsftve to any other�iaht or <br /> rer�iedyu��►dertBiaQe6doiTr�slaref(ardedtiyf�;rotsqutry,sndtaay�asxctet�,:deoncurrarttly.lrt�tde�stlyots��ly. _ <br /> Z3.8uce�o�sandAMipiw�wnd:dahtand Sw�rMUsbilf�;Cap�o�M.Thecovenentaende9roemenbhereincortWned <br /> shatt bind.and the rights hereunderahsll inurotv.the rsspecbveauccesaora�nd aasi�naotlendarand Qorrower,subjsctto <br /> theprovisionsofpareg►eph 17hereot.AllcovenanteandagreemantaotBorrowerehal bojointandsereral.Thecaptbonaend ___ <br /> hea�inga ot Me paragraphs of thfa Deed of Trust erm tor convenience only and sre�ot to be uaed to lnterpret or defMe the - <br /> pmvisiana hareof. <br /> 11. Notke.Excepttorany�aticerequiredunderappticsbletewtobegiveninanothormanrte�,(a)anynoUcetoBonower = <br /> provtdeAtorinthisOeedatTruatnhatibegivenbymailing suchnoticebyceniftedmalladdrossedtoBorcawerattheProperty - <br /> Address or at auch other addreaa as Borrower Reay de�tgnate by notice to lender as provided herein,arsd(b)any rtoUee to <br /> IendershaUbegivenby ceRiNedmafl,returnroceiptrequested.tolender'Saddrttasstatedhareinortosuchoffieraddresaaa <br /> Lendermaydsal�rtate by rtoriee to Bonawer as provfded herel�.Any nodceprovtded for in this Dend otTrustshali bealeemed <br /> to have been giren to Horrawar a Lender when gOvan in Me menner deaignated herein. <br /> •1�.1 "Request for FVoUce.Truator and beaettctary request fhat a copy of any rtotiee of detautt and norice of aale mada or -- <br /> executecl by the T►ustea pu►euant to the proviatons hereof be sent to the Truator and Benefieiary at their rqspectiv9 mailing <br /> addresse�set totth ehOVB." . <br /> 1 s. Q1nNorm ONd d Trus�Gor�minp Law:S�wtiMW�I.Tho torm of deed af trost combfnas uniform covenent�for <br /> natioael uss end non-unitomn covenanta with timtted va�iaEiona by jurisdicdon to constituta e uniform secur�'ty instrument <br /> corering real properly.This Oeed ot Trost shnll b�govemed by the lew ot the jurlsdictlon in which the P�opeity ia located.In <br /> the event that any provision or c��use of thia Oeed at Tvust or the Noie confllcta wlth applicabte Iaw,auch confliai ahatl not <br /> ' atteatomerprovisionaofthisl)badolTrustortheHotewhichcanbegiveneHectwitbouttheconfUctingprovfsfon�,andtQthis <br />- end the provialons of the Deed oi Trust and the Note are declared to be severebte. <br /> 16.Barow�e'a Co�y.BoROwer shatl be furnished a eontormed eopy ot the Note and ot this Oeed of T�uat•at the Ume ot <br /> ezecutlon or atter reeordarion hereot. <br /> 17.Tnn�Nr of th�Propett� a�l or eny part o}the properiy or an intsrest therein fs soid o�transfeRed by <br /> Oarowe�withoutl.endar'eprlo�w►ittanconaen�excludfng(a)thecreatlo�of.A Uen trr�encumbr8ncesubordinatetothisOeod <br /> ofTrust,(b)thecreaUonofapurohasemoneysecunyinterestiortfou�elt, td�pptiances,(c)atransterbyde�►isedescentorpy <br /> operatlon otlaw uponthedsath otatointtenantor(d)thegrantatan�llea�eMotiirnta[estollttreeyearoorlesanotcontainingan <br /> opUonto purchsse, Lender's option,declarealtMbsume sacUred bythis Deed of Trustto be fmmediatelydue <br /> and payabte.Lender ahall hava waived such option to aeeeterete If:prior to tiie sale ar transter.Lertdar end the peraon to <br /> whom Ma Property Is to Oe so�d or trensterred reach egreement in wrtting that!he arodit ot such person ia satlatactory to <br /> Lenderandthatthelnterost payeDleonthe sums eecured by thisDeedof Truatshait beat such rateaa Lenderahait roquE�'sL t� <br /> Lertcterhaawairedtheoptlontoaccelerateprovfdedinihiaparegreph 17,anditBor►ower'ssuccesaorinlntareatheaexecutgd <br /> a wr�2len easumptfonagreementaccepted in wrfting by Lertde�,Lendershall releaae Borrowertromall ob�IgaUOr�aunderMis <br /> Decx9 bl Trust anS the Note. <br /> " If Lender exercisea auch optron to acaelerate,Lender shatl mail Bonower nottce o!accalerstlon in accordanco w(th <br /> parsgraph 1lhereaf.Sueh rtollaeahall provldee pedodof ndlles�lhanSbdaystr+om thedatetheno�cs iamaHed within whieh <br /> Borcower may pay the suma dectared due.lf Bor►ower tails to pay sucb euma�iior to the expiratfon of aucb pe�tod.Lender, <br /> may,vcithaut fuRher notice o►dem8nd on Bortawer.invoke ar�y r.�emedtes permitted by p3ragraph 18 hereot. <br /> Ii�B�!•UNIFORN COYENANTB.$orrowK and t�,�ndar tuMrt eow�nant and�prN as b�lowa: <br /> 4��AtaMratior�RMMdi��.Except es providtM in par8grapb 17 hereof,upon Bonower's breach of any covenant or <br /> agreemerotof BorrowerinthfsOeedof Trust irtatudingthecovenarris topaywhendueanyaumsaecuredbythls Oeed otTrust <br /> Lenderprfortoaeeeleratlonshellmailno�cetoBorrovrerasprovfdedinparegraphl4hereofapecJtying:�1)thebreach:(2)the <br /> acdon�equiredtocureauchbreseh•(3)edate,notlesathan30daI�atromthedatethenoticeismafiedto�or►ower.bywhich <br /> such breach muatbecured;and t4)that faltureto curesuah breach onor beforethedate epecifle�in the notice may resultiR <br /> accetererian of thesumssecuredbythis Oeed of Truatand saleotthe Properiy.TheooUceahal�turtherfnform 8oaowerat�t0 <br /> �fgb!4a reinstate atter accelmatton end the nght to bring a court eation to asaen Me non-exiatenoe ot e detau�t or any ait�mr <br /> defenseof Bonowe�ro acceteretlon and sale.lf thebreach ia notcuredon orbeforeMedatesReclfted inthe noUce.Lenclera! <br /> Lend�r's option m�ydeclare all of tho auma secure�bvthfa Deed o}Tas4 to be immedlately dueund payahlewfthoutturther <br /> demand and mey invoke th�9 power ot sate end any otl�er remedles permitted by appltcabte law.Lender shall be endded to _ <br /> col�ectall reasoaablecostsand expensesincur►ed in pu�sufng theremediesprovlded in the paregraph 18,includEng,butnot <br /> Iimitied to.reasonable ettorr�ey's tees. <br /> I!the powar ot sale Is invoked,Trustee ahalt record a noticeot detault in each county in which the Property or some part <br /> thereoffslocatedendahallmaflcopiesofsuchrtouceinMemennerprescribedbyapplicaDtel�rto8oaowerandtotheotiuer - <br /> persona pmsc►ibed by applicr�bte law.Atter the lapse of aucA time asmay be required by applfcable law,T►ustee Bhall give <br /> pubtic nottce of sate to the persons and in Me manrter preacribed by appticable law.Trustee,wft?�out demand on Bonower. <br /> shal1se11thePropenyatpublicauetfontothehlghestbldderatthetimeandptaceartdunderthetermsdesfgnatedlnthenotice = <br /> of eale in one or more parcels and in such order as Trusteo may determine.Trustee may poatpone sate of aIt or�nypa rcel of <br /> Me Properiy by publlC anrtauncement at!he tlme and ptece of any previously�chedulcd sate.lender or Lender'e deatgnee - <br /> , ma�r purchase the Propert�r 8t any oute. _ <br /> --. .._-- --�.,..-�-----.._..._..-�----�--��-------------- �------ -�•------ --- - .. - <br /> ; tipvnracaipio"rp�tamn6rmo{rii�.v�u.�ruscaowmnwn�Nneepurwrasa���vtKaoBvooucvr mo�vpen�so�a. <br /> ; 1'herecitalsintheTrustee'adeadsha0baprtmafacioavtdoncootthetruthofthostatemenbmadethe��rusteeshallapply ; <br /> .j theproceedsoftheaateinthetoltowirtgorder.(a)toellreasonabtecosbertdexpensesoitheeat�,lrtctudlrtg,Out�ottimitadto. � <br /> - Trustee'steesofnotmorethan 9bofthe grosssalepnce.reasanableattomey'eteesartdcostaoftiUeeridertc� �. <br />_� (b)�ell�o�,�b R�.Notwithatartd rtg Len�ef aceYetera�on o�the sums aeCUre�d by tfi anOee��Or}TnisL <br /> � BorcowershallhavoNterighttohaveany proceedingsbegunbyLendertoenforcetha0eedolTntstdlscon�nuedntanytime F <br /> � prro�totheearltertoxcurof(i)thefiithdaybeforethesaleofthePropeAypurausnttoMepowerotsalecoetainedinthe0eed � <br /> ot Truat(i�)entry of e Judgment entorcmg thia Deed of T�ust fi:(a�Borrower paya lender aU sums which woutd be then due % <br />'j unQer this Qeed of TrusR the Note und notes securirtg Future Adrances,if ert�r,had oa eccelaratton occurod:(b)8orrower = <br /> � cura�all trmach$s ot any osher covenanb or agreementa of Borrower contflfrted in MIS Gaed af Trus[(e)Bomower pa�re att � <br /> ►easonableexpenaa�ineurred byLertdorertd Trusteeerttorctngfhocovenantsertd agreemenbo!Qorrowerco�lned in thfa <br /> Qued W Tntstand tnenforetng Lender'aand Trustee's remedleseaprorfdedin paregraph 18hensol.lncludfrsg,butnotlimited <br /> ; to,reaannableattomey'eteea:and(d)8orcowertakesauchactionasLendermayreasoaabryroqutrotoaasuroMattheltenof ` <br />= thia Oeed of TrusR lendePe interest m the Property end 8onovrer's obltgation M pay the suma secured by this Qeed of Trust <br /> shatl conrinue untmpaired.Upon euch paymentand cure by 8orrower.tfiis Oeed ot Trust+3rtd Me obHgattons secured heretiY <br /> shaN rematn in tutl toree and ottect as�t no aeeeteretton had occumed. <br /> ..__�_.._"'__._..__.._...�._..'_—" ._.._�_�.--.�._.._._ . . •—�r'-^I•y Z�'T.•T"3- . . ._�._.. <br /> . .�-�c"%""". :._�....� .. ._. .._ _- . . _.__. . .,,.s. . <br />