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<br /> N thO���of e loas,tAe Qortower ehaU pivo prampt notioe to the tnsutanae aerder end the Lender and tile o ptoof of Iosa. It the 8orrower(s not �-
<br /> othuwise In d�t�ut�.the 8orrowe�m�Y�leot to aDD1Y tM inturnno�proosedi to npatr or repleoe the demeped Ptop�riy.if eaonomlaatly t�ntibl�.and =•
<br /> tAs teaudty of this Ttuft De�o1 would aot b�Impaired. It tht Borrowar le In defautt or oleori rtot to ropair ot repiaos the dam�paA f�ropoRy or rop�tr �-
<br /> or aplaa�m�nt woutd not�oonomtoaity tas[bb or tlu�aoutitY af thls Tiust D�eM wou!d b�impairsd th�rt ths U�sur�nos prao��ds�h�ll b��ppN�d to
<br /> th�I�t tntturinp p�ymtnb dut on th�Not�. It tho InsutNno�prooe�d�an in�xo�ss of th�totN�mount du�on uid Nat�.tM ucoa�ehali b�pd0
<br /> to itui Bortow�r. iniur�na�proa��ds tor npair or repiso�m�nt sh�ll b�pfaosd In aorow with th�L�nd�r�nd dhbanM bY tl��Lond�t dudv�p or upon
<br /> aampi�tion of wnb np�ir or repiso�nt. if th�l�nda aoquirn titl�to tM Ptop�rty by a��otQtp it�pow�r of d�,tcr�otosun or otR�rwts�,in
<br /> sRU�tsotlan of th�ind�bt�dn�ss eeautb Aaeby,In whot�or In pnrt,th�a�il rtpht,dtl��nd int�n�t ot eh�Oorrower in and to suoh Inar�na�Ra�aY
<br /> og pollolo�oh�:!pao�w tAo Lcndn�. �-
<br /> 4. Th�Bor►ow�r�hW k��p tM P►op�riy�n yood npd�and�haN not oor�rNt wsrt�or peimit imp�tnnsM or dst�doraUon o!t!a 9�op�rty.
<br /> S. it th�Borrower failt to: f�1 mMntsin or pq th�prxNum�for th�nquind trtwrano�of ths Prapsrly.o►tb)pa�r taxa b�ton ddi�qwM,ot
<br /> to1 pay any artwunt du�und�r�paioi martp�p�o�uust d��d b�ton dNinqu�n�ot td)maint�tn th�Pmp�rry In good r�p�ir,or(�!p�rtorm
<br /> �ny o}th�oov�ntntt or�prs�m�nt�ot tN�Tru�t O��d.th�n tM L�ad�t msy.�t ib option,Psy woh fnsunncs prwNumt.taa.mortpp�
<br /> ot tnnt dad p�ym�nU,or m�k���pain and ditbun�auoh sum�snd tak��uoA�otton a it dana neo�asary to prot�ot it�int�wst wlthaut _
<br /> watving or.H.�Ing ta dght to d�ctan or d�fauit�nd�oaN�nte tM d�Ot s�nund Mrsb��aaun af ar►y n�oh frlun W tGN 8onow�►. Arry ,
<br /> amouMS aodi�bun�d by tM l.�nd�*slNllaonsUNt��Qditlonat tnd�Otbraa of tM 0orrow�rs�cund bVthls Tru�tD��dana rhME�xtnt�mt
<br /> lrom th�dat�ot disbun«rnnt at th�at�payabie und�r th�Not�. NotNnp oontatn�d in tNs pupnph�A�1�equlro th�Urdn to mWc�anp
<br /> tuch disbuamm�b or qk��ny�ation vrhatsawr.
<br /> 6. Th�I.�ndv mar msk�or osus+to�msd�nuorwbb�nMa upon�nd Insp�oUon of the Prop�rty. ---
<br /> 7. Ths proossd�of�ny eward or cldm for d�rmQ�s,dircot or oenuqu�ntiv,in oonnsoUon wiffi�ny oond«nnedon or otMr akinp o!ths
<br /> Prop�tty,or part theroof.oi tor oorne�ana�tn Uw ot cond�tnnnion,ar�Rsroby aafaned and shdl be paid to ch�Lendn to the ext��n of tM -
<br />_ fuU�mount ot th�►ematntng unQatd i�d�btadn�n ssaund by tN�Ta�t De�d. �
<br /> It tM Propstty is�bsndomd by th�Borrower,or,if atur nottc�by tM I.md�r to tM Bortowa thnt tM oondmxwr ofb�s oo m�k�an award
<br /> or s�ttl��clalm to�darnap�s,ths Borrowa fWs to�po�d to ths I.�nda wiWn 80 dap�ahn tM d�ts sucA nodc�is tnaft�d,M�I.�nd�t
<br /> is authorlssd to ootlsot�nd app1Y tM proo��ds to tM sums toound by thta Tnist Deed. —.
<br /> Cond�mn�Uon pmeads a►�wards�hsil b�oraditd w M�ta�t m�wdrp E�aallmmt�of th�indsbt�dnas teaund and�A�N not�cb�d or
<br /> postpon�th�du�d�t�of th�tnft�tirn�nb nbtnd to in panpraph 1 he»of or oAtnp�tA�amauM oi woh insteNmer�te.
<br /> 8. If tM Und�r iau�s s psttfd nit�s�ot tNt Trtat Ond,ths proossds roadv�d tMr�for�hNl b�or�dited to tho bst m�tudnp imtalhwnb oi
<br /> th�Ind�btdnns eacund h�nby.
<br /> 9. 1!th�L���Nth�rvotunwtly orinvoluntHNy b�aomn�psrty to amr sutt oi I�p�l pmoNdtnp r�taUng to tM Prop�rty.Not�o�Wt T�wt Ds�d,
<br /> tMn tM eorrow�r wiN�etmbun�stw L�nd�r toi rl oosa�nd,to th�uMM pumittad by I�w.r�asornbt�aEtottMyt'fws inournd by tM
<br /> L�ndn tN�Unp to suoh suit ot IpM proondinp�and�ald tums thaH amndtuts�dditlonal indebt�dMa s�outed by tHt Ttust Ohd�nd Mar
<br /> U�tsust�t xi»rau p�Yabb undu tM Not�,unUi paW. ' ,
<br /> 1 O. As addiUon�s�ou�ity,tM Bouowsi do��h�t�by snipn,bamf�r�nd nt ova to chs•L�ndu�In oas�ot d�fault in d»p�rformanot of an�l
<br /> of tM t�mn o�eondfUoas ot W�Yrust Wrd.th�Noi�or th�um»of�ny indeb4e�rness QecunA h�t�by.aN ot th�n�m,nvanu�s�nd ury
<br /> Incar�of at�►t�tp�wMt�osv�r to b�dahnd trom tM Prop�tly.inetudinq t�nd•aoMraot puym�nts. TM LmdK.in p�non,br�nt or by
<br /> r�aeiv�r.without np�ed to eM�oiv�noy or tnsatv�nay of dw 8ortoa+er or ths vMw of tM iRap�iny.shM M�mitl�d to ak�pop�aion of.
<br /> ropai��rom and manap�tlw P►op�ray md w ooM�ot tM nr►t�,rov�nues and inoom�ttnnftom�ndit ms�r MY aut of�a101naan��tl e�mM
<br /> of rpNr�nd eom Incumd in nntinp and m�nspirg tM PropsAy ond ooNs�Cnp roMs and tor payrtant ot irw►ana�pnrtruns w1M�ny
<br /> nm�ininp Oaiw►a�to b��ppN�d to tM latt rtatutie0 p�ntf of M�d�bt pound Mnby. Upon pmmtlnp+�oopy o!this Trtrt Dwd ard
<br /> d�m�nd to any lessa,qn�nt or ooMnot purohu�r of tM Prop�rty,suoh p�non shali p�y atl nM�.parr�rts�nd proflu aiaoru�d or
<br /> thtrnft�r asoruiep to tM L.�nd�e urtp ttirth�r notio�fram M�L�nd�r.
<br /> 11. 1f all or�ny put of tM Propsrty or�t1�►irrc�nst thsnin is ds�d�d. solNy by land oor►tnat ot Mhnwis�aoreay�d. rt�nKW a tuetMr
<br /> �ncumberrd NtMr volunUdly or IrwolunUrity without tM L�nd�r�pMor writtm oornsnL�zaluding(a)�tnnsNr bp op�radon o!�fw�on
<br /> th�d�ath ot��drrt bnaet or tb)tls�yrant of�ny lu��hotd IM�rort not aontaidnp an opUon to puraMs�wltb s laaa tue�ot two y�aea a
<br /> �esi.o►(ot tM cro�Uon of tM purol�sn mon�y uoarlty inUrat in Aous�Aold appil�n¢a,thsn tM l�ndn my.as tim aptlon.d�ot�n�II sun _
<br /> s�curd by Ws Trust ONd to b�km»dtatW dus�n+d p�yabt�.
<br /> /Z. UpontM 8ortow�r�broaoh o!�ny owetwrt o�ayra�nt�!ths Bo►�ow�r in thts Trust D�ed,lndudinp tM co�ona�r to pay Nhen du�am
<br /> wmx wound by tNs Trutt Owd.tM Lsnder.�t tts opUon,m�y d�ct�n ali of tM�unw R�ound by dds Tntst DNd w b�km�nly dw
<br /> . and partlla without turtMr d�nd�nd may imrok�tM pows►of sab uid/o��ny oth��rMmdbs p�m�tttod tiy�ppNoabt�Eaw M►c�udinp tM
<br /> dpht co tonolaw M1w Y�u�t W�d(n ttw m�nrwr pmvW�d by i�w fo�tM tonolowr�ot moRgyn on nd�sta�.TM L�nds��h�N b��Mttl�d
<br /> to ooN�nt rll na�omDb aosts and�nun iraumd in purauinp suoA nm�dia fncMdirg,Eut not HrNted to,and to th��xtart psmrtMd Dy
<br /> Isw.nnonabl��etortNye'fNS.
<br /> It tlu pawK oi w�f�tmrok�d,t1N tru�t��tha11 ncord s notta of d�fauft(n uoA oaumy tn wNoA tM Ptop�riy ot totm Ratt tMta�it loaaUd
<br /> end provid�notio�tMnot[n tM mann�r pnsorib�d by applloabt�taw. Aka tM I�ps�ot woh tTma us m�y M nqutnd by�pplic�E1�taw.
<br /> th�TrustN�l�ap¢v�puEYo�wUoe ot sd�to tM pasotu�td in tM mmmr prqodbad by appilaabip I�w. Th�TntttN,o�tM attom�y for
<br /> th�TiustN.witNout d�nund o�tho Eonow�t.sMY�s�ttw Prop�n�►st publio�cUo�to tM MyMst bidd���t tM tlm��nd q�o��+d undw
<br /> ths t�ma d�Npn�t�d in etn tatio�oi ub In om ormon p�reAi�nd in woh ord�r u ths Tnntw miy A�tsnNrn.tM TewtN maY pastpon�
<br /> at�n}ap a any pataN oi tM Ro�n1►l+�PubYo�nrauna���t tM ttm�and pUc�of any pnvlou�t�►soh�dulatl al�.T!w L�e+dK w tA�
<br /> l,�ndws dnt0��Y Puroh»r tM Prop�rh►at uh/aq.
<br /> Upon noNpt of p�prwnt of ths prta bid,tM Tnntw Maq�Ndnr to tM puroMa��TtustN'�W�d,wWwut wranty.conv�ytnp tM
<br /> P►oparh►wb.TM hottatt in qN T�u�U�'�Ond�hNl b�prim�faolo�vid�na�at tM buth o!tM�Ut�MS m�d�tMrNn. TMTev��MN
<br /> �ppty tM D��ds of tM�aU In t?N tollowirp ordm W ta MI�usorWrt�com and�rna ot eM wla.tnaludny.but�ot�riit�d to.tM
<br /> TeustN'�hn ot no!moro than OS00.00 plus.Sl�o!�M�rnount aou►ed Re»bY��H�O ur�p�,and eosts o!tftl�avW�lxe;Ib)to
<br /> �II sixra naund by tMs Teust Ossd:md fof tAt�xe�ss.it�ny.to�p�esoe o�p�nona lp�y MthNd�nto.
<br /> 13. Aoy totbarana�by tM L��der in ex�rcidng any vtpAt ot nmWy MrsLndo.or othenris�afford�d by app{toabl�taw,shalf rrot bs�wahrn _
<br /> of or proolud�tM ez�reiss af�m woh dpAt or nnhdy in tM w�M of oomtnuirtp or tuturo bnieMs by tM Bortowu.
<br /> 14. All r«ns�llss pmvtded fn Ws Tnut Desd en dtstlnot and aumulathr�to m�y othsr dght or ramdy unde►tl+ts Tiu�t W�d or allo►ded by I�w `
<br /> or�qulty,and mq be sxerctsed eortcurraMty,indep�ndentty or sueessehrety. �_
<br />. E'-
<br /> i S. Upon paym�nt of aCl�ums ssau»d by tN�Trutt OceA,tM Lende►�h�N nquest tM trustN to noomrey tM Proputy and�Rdl nunnd�r Ws �
<br /> . Teust Qs�d md ail note�evid�nctnA indebt�dnas s�aund by tHs Thest Qad Yo tla Tnntee.i'M Teustw sh�1 naonv�y tAs Prop�rty witewut r`
<br /> wamnty to ffis p�rson oi partorta(sp�[ry�MiUad theteto. suo�p�nan o�pmom sha11 pay au aosto of ncordation,iT�rey.
<br />� 16. Ths lender.at th�i.eodefs option.may trom tlrt»to ttms rnnov�the T�ums and�ppoint a sueeesior Trwtn to my Teutta�ppoi�d
<br />: Aeround�t b�sn InswrnRnt ncordod tn ttM county tn wMoA tt�Ee Tntst Qnd b naord�d.Witl�ut nomarara�of tM Prop�rty.tA��u¢csasa
<br /> Ttum�:hall tuoosed to�11 dtl�,pow�r and du8a contemd upon th�Teuste�Aenie and Ey appliwEt�taw.
<br /> 17. Fxc�pt tcr am►nottc�s,demmds.�eQu�sn w otMr oommuNoations wpuind undn apptEcabb law to E��Iv�n In anotl►�i mamu.wMnavn
<br />- the Lend�r.Ua Borrorr�r or tta Tmtto�phra or ssew�an�noUa�pt�cWdinp, without W�tattoo, not�ei o1 d�taWt md noNa�ot eab?.
<br />= demuid�,nq�nst�ot otMr eomeKmtoatbon witA rs�ot to tN�T�uat W�d.�aoA such�oUa�,d�mx�d,nquat ar otMr eoemwNeatlon�lnY
<br />- bs In wdtlng�nd�hil!tra eHeoNv�oNy If tA�um�is d�MY�rod bY pusoml��M¢�ar m�itd b�aRtfc�d mait,po�ug�pr�ai0,ntum ne�tpt
<br />• rtqut�t�d,�d3r�usd to tAa addnsas�t tortA�t th�Eeptnntnp oi tAE�Teutt Oad.A copy of�ny notle�oi d�tatit,ary notto�ot at�,aquind
<br /> or psmitt�d to D�plvan h�raund�r.duli E�m�it�d tu t�e!►p�non who it�puty Mnto at th��ddnss i�t tanA at ttuEepinNnp o!tN�Trust
<br />- Qeed. Any party may�t n►y t(m�cAm�Ib�ddnss tor aucA noUc�s�Y daHwdnp w m�ilinp to tR�otMt partha tlKa�to,a rPontaid,s
<br /> notto�ot suaA a�anps. Aey rrotks Mra+tnd�r N�aN Ee d�wn�d to luw bNn pMae to tM Botrowa or th�l�nd�r.wMn ptv�e in tM rtianrNr
<br /> dni{pat�d Mnin.
<br /> CC 2os81Rav.11861
<br />'� — - ..— �--.._T ------
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