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<br /> �SaYa _'TQE�::.°..._�..�'.i.=...-.`.�1�:,....o.Lr.Sn���'��'—�'3'_'_��SAC.�'_47?T�'yR.'�.._.._..r ..... .`�..�... _`�.,_
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<br /> I�the event o�loas,t QRower ohe11 pfvo prompt rto4tae to the ineurenoe aeMer end ths lereda►and ifle s praot of!o». If the Borrov��r Is not
<br /> oth�rwiu fn d�fautt,dss Borrower m�y al�ot to pp1�th�Inz�ranos proaad�to rsp�(r or ropLc�tAe dnnsp�d Prop�rty,If eoonomioYh P���ibls,�nd -
<br />' [fto oonuriry of t't�i�irust Yosd wautd�toi iu�imp�irsd, ii m��rrawer N in drisuit m�teoio nm�o repets or royiioe the demaQad 'rropsny or r�yair _
<br /> ot nDt�9�m�nt woutd not raonomtovly ta��ib��or th�acudty pi thi�Ttust Ond wo�id b�impairsd th�n tM le�unnos proat�d��h�ll b�+ppibA to _
<br /> th�tast m�tudna p�yms�t�du�on tA�Not�. If th�insurana�proa��di�n In�xo�a oi ths totM wnount Qw an��d Not�,tM�xe�n�twll b�p�
<br /> to ths Botrow�r. Insurano�prooe�d�for npNr o►npta¢am��►t�hal b�plaosd In�YOrow with th�L�nd�r and dbbun�d by Ifi�Lende durtop or upon
<br /> oompt�tlan ot wah rpatr or r�t�a�nwm. if tM lsndsr�oqul��o titl�to tM Propety by�x�rotsl�p la pow�r o4 al�,tor�ota��or otMrwb�,in
<br /> taUHwdon of th�Ind�bt�d��o�s�aund h�nby,tn whol�o�in put,tA�n all dpht,tltle and tntor��t of ths Eo�ro�vn In�nd to�ach imur�no�poYay
<br /> o►pa!lclee ah�!pnee to Mr l,etttlet.
<br /> 4. TM sorrowsr��eil k��p tA�Prop�ny in 0ood rpalr uid�haN aot oomni!wastt at ptmMt MnpMem�nt oi dtt�do��Uon of t!n P�opaty.
<br /> 5. If th�Bo►row�t ta{b to: tU m�Intain or p�y tm pr�ma for th�nquirsd i�nunno�of fl��Roperty,or tb)pq t�xa b�lan dNin�a�,or
<br /> lo)pay arry amoue�t du�und�r�p�lor moKpp�a�tru�t dnd b�ton dNinqu�rtt.ar td)m�InWn th�P�op�ny tn pood�palr,ar p)p�dom�
<br /> �ny of ths oovmanb or�pr�emrnt�of tN�Tnnt Q�ad.th�n zh�I.�nd�r m��.�t ttt aption,p��suoh fnaurarta�pt�urer.ta��,mortyp�
<br /> or twst dsd psynnsnts,or m�k�rp�t►s and dttbun�auah sum��M tak�atoh�oUon as It d�ns n�eaory to ptotect It�Irttw�tt without
<br /> watWnp or�N�oBnp Ita dpht[o deolan or d�t�utt and podsr�t�th�d�bt npund Iwmby b�o�us�of�ny woh fatfun ot't?»Borrawa. Any
<br /> G.zuuiiW o�di�GueaW by th�L�notsr�haii oomidnn�additlonat ind�btwtrnss of tiN 3ortower uound by tht�Yru�t ONd sn0�h�Naarint�nst
<br /> (rom th�d�te of dt�bun�nt at�M at�p�yabl�undor tM Non. N�thinp oontNn�d in thi�pu�pr�pb�h�li nqedn tM L�tdY►to mak�an�
<br /> �uah di�bun�tmnt�ar tak�sny sodon w1l�uow�r.
<br /> 8. Th�L�ndu m�y mak�or os�cs�to b�msd�naso�bl��ntd��upon�nd Imp�otlon�tM Prop�sty.
<br /> 7. Ttw pmo�sd�of any aw�rd or oldm for dampes,direot or oonssqu�aUal.in oonmotlon witfi any ooadtrttnatlon or otMr tekinp a!th�
<br /> Propsrty,or psrt theroot,or for oornsysno�In Itn�of aond�mnitlon,�n M»by ssapmd�nd th�0 M pNd to th�L�ndn to tM uR�nt of the
<br /> lup emovnt of Ms ntnaidnQ unpaid tndabtednsss seound by Wt Trust Qud. _
<br /> If tM Prap�rly b abmdorud by tM BoROwe�,or,tt atnr notia�by th�I.�ad�r to th�Bo►row�r th�t tM oond�ennnr oH�n to rtatcs an�watd
<br /> or��ttb�oiatm tor damsp�s.th�Gotrow�r tWi to�apo�d to tf��L�nd��withtn 80 d�n�ft��tM dat��uoh notle�Is m�A�d,tM L�ndK
<br /> b auMod:ad to eoti�ot and appl�tht proet�da to th�sams stound by this Trust O�d.
<br /> CotMomnsdon proond�or awuds chall b�m�dit�d to th�I�tt matudny tmWMmMa of t1�IndebtMrnss s�cur�d�nd atwq not�xt�nd or
<br /> pc►smom tM dw�ad�of the ImtMim�rt�nt�rr�d to in para��ph 1 hmof or ofanp�th�anount of wah tnsta�irtWnn.
<br /> 8. B tM L�nd�i Eswq a p�rd�i nbao�ot thi�Tru�t Os�d,th�proa��ds aadvsd th��or sha116e andited to th�last mstud�p in�taMm�rrts ot
<br /> � th�tnd�bt�9n��s�ound har�by.
<br /> 8. B tM Land�r aitMr vduntrity or tmdunt�dly b�eort�s a party to any suit or Iepai proe�din�nt�tlrg w tM Prop�rty.Noh orthb Tnm ONd.
<br /> thsn tM Bortow�r wtll rNmbune tM I.�nda to��q oosa and,to tM ucbat p�rmitt�d by law,reaon�bl�morrny�'E�u iraurnd b�►Ms
<br /> lenda ni�tinp to suoh suit or bpai proa��dlrtq�and�aid�ums�fiall 000stitut�addidomi ind�bt�dmss�saund br W�Tn»t ONd�nd Eur
<br /> Int�nst at ths nts payabU undn th�Not�,untN p�id.
<br /> f 0. As�ddlUonal s�au�iry.thb 8onower do�s h�r�by�islpn,tramh��nd s�t ovar to tM I�nd�r.fn aus ot d�tautt in tM p�rfortn�o�of�r
<br /> of tM trrms or oondiUons ot tht�Tast Dad,tM Not�or th�t�ma ot�ny ind�bt�dnn�s�aurW Mr�by,dl of tM nnb,rw�rn��nd anr
<br /> Inaan�of any tYp�wM�so�ver M b�d�tiv�d trom th�Prop�riy.Inotudlnp land oontnot paym�nt�. Tlw Lenda.in p�esoe,by p�nt or by
<br /> na�hr��.whhout r�p�M to th�wN�nor or insohr�noy of th�Borrow�r o�tin valu�of tM Prop�ety,�MN A��ntitl�d to tslu posa�aio�of,
<br /> npair,nRt end manep�dw!'�rops�ry�nd to eoiteot th�rent�.nv�nuM and inoam�tl►�ntran�nd it mwy Pay out of sald le�oarn���
<br /> ot npait and oo�ts In6umA in nntlnp and msn�np tM Prop�►ty��d oali�ofinp nnb�nd for p�ym�et of intuano�pnrr�urn�rrith�ny
<br /> �� nrs�Mnitq Eitanc�to b�appft�d to tM I�at matu�tnp psym�nt�of tho d�bt hound Mnby. Upon p»s�Minp�aopy of thE�Tmst Oad aaA
<br /> dsmand to atry(�stN,t�narrt or eontraot purohu�r of tha Prop�riy,�u¢h p�non�hall pry�tl nnb,payrcMnb ans ptolib�eoru�d ot
<br /> � thero�far�ooeWnp to tM I.�nd�r umil fu�tM►no8os hom tM L�nder.
<br /> 1/. It all o�uiy part of ths Propnty or any IM�rost thuHn is dMd�d,sotaty by�and oontnot or otAsrwis�oomny�d,aiE�twGd or fuetMr
<br /> �neumberad�ith�r volunUdly or invotuntarNy without tM Lend�r'rpdor wdtun oomwn��xatudleg t�)�trmst�t b�op�ratlon o!bw upon
<br /> Ms d�atA ot��ofnt anant o�(b)tht yar►t ot�ny te�s�hold iM�rest not ooM�tninp�n optlon to purohn�whh s Iwunrm ot two y�sn or
<br /> Iesa,or(o)th�onrtbn of tN�puroha�money s�ou�ity fMSnst In hou»hoid appitsnanr,tlroa N�L�nda msy.at ib opUon,d�otr��N�
<br /> wcured 6y tAis Ttirt O�eA W bs tmm�di�tNy duo�nd payable.
<br /> 12. Upan tMlforrowsr�br�soA of any ow�n�nt or aynement of tM Borrower In thi�Trun D�ed,inaludtna tM oov�ntnu to pey whsn du�a'try
<br />� M+m�wound by Mh Tnm DNd,ths I.�nOar.�t iti optlon.�nap dsolns r�l of tM sums��ound by tAis TRust 0�w b�Mn�dlatNy dut
<br /> • +tW p�yabl�witheut turtiwr d�msnd snd muy imok�th�pownof uN�nd/or�n�otMt�MtK61eo pnmimM by�pMa�bt�tawtnaWdkrg th�
<br /> dpt�t to fonotw�thb Trurt QMd tn d»mmner providW by t�w for tM tonotosur�of nart�apM un rsal�stat�.TM land�nMN b�MtidW
<br />' to ao/�ot�1 toawmW�co��nd��emp i(►oun�d in pareuinp mtab t�tn�dia inoiudinp.but eoE Ihnit�d M.and to tPw exd�rt p�rmitt�d by
<br /> I�w�t�otubi�attartl�ys•f��s. '
<br />, H th�powe uf ub U Invoked,ths t�uKSS�hatl noord��otle�ot defwit in��oh oour►tp in w�toh tM P►op�ny or som�p�rt tM»otb tqoat�d
<br /> +nd provide nodo�tMnof In tM msm�r pnsadb�d bY�PP����bw. Atbr th�t�pse of suoh tlrrN as may b�nquind bY�ppHwEM fi�.
<br /> th�Tnntee�haN phr�publio�totla�of vN�to tM p�nom�nd in th�m�nnet pnsoriE�d by a�p6oabl�law. TM Tru�tw,or tM sttorn�y.0.or
<br /> th�Trustes,without d�maid on ths Borcow�t,shatl sNl th�Prop�rRy rt prabito auotlon to tfia NpMrt bidda at tM Wn�artd p�aoo ard undor
<br /> 1M�t�rrnt dnfq�tt�d tn tM noUoe of�al�tn on�or mo»p�reds�nd In tuoh otdtr�t tM TntetN neay dmfmin�.7M Truste�rt�postpon�
<br /> nt�of�Il or�nr paroN ot the Ikop�riy by publlo announoem�M�t ttu tln»�nd pt+ic�o!aay praWousty eoArdubd Nl�. TM L�ndu or th�
<br /> l�ndd�dalpnw m�y purol�or tM Prop�rty�t�ny wi�.
<br /> , UPon ncdpt of paYmsr►t of tM pdo�bfd,th�Ttuite�MW d�liv�r to tfie purolAaqr a Trutu�'s DNd,wltAout wwr�nty,ootw�np tM
<br /> Froputy aoid. TM aoitpis In d»Trushe'�De�d�MII b�pr(m�hcis widenos of tM hutA of tM stat�m�nt�m�d�thanin.Zl�eTrurih�h�N
<br /> +PP�Y�Proureds of tM wt�tn tM fotlnwinp ord�r. I�f to NI nesonabl�ooats end�nsn of tht e�s,includinp,but not Ymitb to,tM
<br /> Tnm»'�t�ss o}�ot mo»tAsn�600.00 pu�.61fr of tM amwM s�aund M►eby�nd nm�lNnp utpaid,�nd cort�of titls wid�nott(b)to -
<br /> „�.__._._� _.. ��^^s��011����T�ust O��d:and(o)tM aco�».if smr,to the p�noe or pasan�Ip�Ny�ntltl�d tMnto.
<br /> � 13. Any torbanno�by th�l.�nd�r in untoisiny any�Ipht or romsdy hereunder,o►othaw�e�eifoM�d sy appfio�bts Isw,�hnti not b��w�hr�r
<br /> of or prtaluds tM�x�rctss of ury suoh Npht at rotn�dy!ti the tvmt of oontlnuinp oi tuturo broaofia by tM Botrow��. -
<br /> 14• AN nm�die�provEded In tNs Truat Dad an distinot�nd cumuUtiv�to emr othsr dpAt or nmody undsr tNs Trust Dud or Nford�d Ey taw
<br /> a equity.artd msy�e exeroised conourcenUy.indspsndently or aueneteNrely. _
<br /> 16. Upon paymsnt ot atl sums�eeursd Dy tNs T�ust C+s�d,ths lsnd�r�hdl roquat the trunsa to r000ervsy ths Prop�rtp ud shaG eur�endsr this �'
<br /> Tnrat Doed�nd�I notes svtdenotnp indsbtadnas eecund by tN�T�ust O�sd to tM Ttust��. TAe Tnnts��MII r000me�r th�Proput�r withaut �-
<br />- - ..�......��.:.o p::.in.v:yofi'v�s ib�j��.rma�d i�w�io. auan pmon or p�soro m�i pqr e aoso oi esaorastion,ii a�.
<br /> E"-
<br /> 19. Ths Lender,at the LendsYt opUon,mey trom Hms to dme romove the Tnrstee end appolnt�ataoessot Tnatos to arry TeuKe��ppatnted F
<br /> hereundet b��n instrument aoottl�d M th�oounty In wAtoh tNs Tru�t Qs�d b reeardad.VfRalaut eonwysno�of tM Prap�rt�r,1M�uco�ssor „
<br /> Truste�thap saoa�od to s�t tltl�,powa snd du8ss oonfarred upon tM Tn�stes hsnln aid Oy rpptiwbl�law. -
<br /> 17. Bccpt tor�ryr noUcp,demsM�,repuaa a otA�r oommudoatloas mquired under appNaabb lew to b�ptvsn in�notMr Qnanrni.wMnwK �.
<br /> ths Undn,th�8orrow�r or tM Tru�n�piva or ssrves��ry�Ue�tl►roludlnp. wlthout IimtbUoa,nodoi of dstauTt ans noda�ot��t�). L_
<br /> d�t�nandt,raqtnrts ot othsr aommuNcatton wlth��a{»ot to this Ttust Ot�d,aah stroh noUa�,dwnand.roqunt or otMr commudcstlon�hdl �
<br /> E�tn writlnp�nd�hall bs sNeotlw oNy tf tM�am�Is dellvered b�r pononM anrfc�or m�Ued by o�rtiff�d mait,postsp�pr�aid,ntum neNpt
<br /> nquated,�ddrassd to tM ddross�st torth�t Ms b�pinNng of thls 7niet baed.A cop�r of any notice of detauT4,eny rtotle�oi�s,nquind
<br /> ar permttud xo a piwn h�rounda.�hall b�malted to esch penon who I��p�rty Mroto�t th��ddroa sst torth Nt M�bptnNnp of thN Tnnt
<br /> O�ed. Any psrty ensy et eny tlms oA�nQ�tt��ddroas for suah notlee�by deltvedng ar m�iAnp M th�other pudq thasto,��afontafd,s �"
<br /> notio�ot tuoM alwnge. Any ootles h�rourd�r�hdl b�dwmsd to hav�D��n qlvsn to tM Borrower ar the I,�nda.wh�n piv�n in tM m�rann �
<br /> dalpn�t�d hsr�tn. -
<br /> CC 2oe6 law. t198! � :
<br /> �
<br />