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<br /> � 1-4 FAMII.Y RIDER
<br /> Assigiiment oiReats
<br /> THIS 1-4 FAMIL.Y RIDBR is tt�acie�t3Wa 2sT8 d�y of aL��ER , 3�9s �and is _
<br /> ta�rporated inta aad shall be dxaaed to�d aad supplemait tha Mortgag0.Deod of Tmst or Secuxlty Dad(the
<br /> "Sxurtty Instnuneat")of the satne date givan by tha undasi$nod(the"Botrower`�to secvre Bo�rower's Nota to
<br /> xot�s s$n�►r. sAVUrag � �aari wssxuTxox oe ax�ro =s� (t�~�r")
<br /> of the s�rne date ana covering the Pr�aty de�Ibed Jn the securtty lna�uma�t aud locaUOd at: �
<br /> 810 8 StIN88T
<br /> agu,�p =gyANp, NBARABXA 68801
<br /> (ptopeny Addta��
<br /> 1�4 FAMriY COVENANTB. In oddition t�tt�e covaanta and agreane�ts m�tb in ths Stcurity I�a�umai�
<br /> Bo�rowcr md LcnQ�ti�itha coti►en�nt�rad�oe aa folbwa:
<br /> A.ADDITIONAI.�tQPEA"�'Y BUBILC7�TO TNL�SECURi'l'Y IIV37'RUMEI�T. In ddtt�► w the
<br /> pmMxty de9cribed in cta Saau[ty Ias�umm�tha folbwing Iteaaa�re added w the ProP�Y����
<br /> aleu consdtuta the ProO�Y oaverod by tho Securtty Instcuma►t b�iWinB m�te�ia.e�P?1far�ceC 8� _
<br /> aaoure wtutaoava ncw a haa�1oc�ted in,a�.or ueao.a intondoct w be woat iu�wtt�t��ty. �
<br /> includ�g.but not Wnited to►dwae for tha piuposes of supylyin6 a dis�rIDutinB d�n8�000lin8, �lecurjc�tY•&�•
<br /> auez.air and light,fim Pm�wtlun aaid eudnguishin8 aPP�atua�aecurIh►end acc�ss conuol a�rawA.pltunbing,
<br /> b�tH tubs.wamr heata�,waur cb�ets.�S.r�n8�s.stoves.reUiBerato�.dishwasl�s.disposals,washere,d�Yers�
<br /> awniAga.sto�m win�owa�swrm doors.sctuna,blinda,sha�es,auzt�s end curtain mds,apachtd minrors.c�b9nets.
<br /> papelling eu�d �ched tbor covaings aow or ha+eaftsr attached to tl�a Propaty� All of w�t�, imcludin8
<br /> nplactnxata and additbns d�aeto�ahall bo deanad w be and c�emain a pf�t of the Pmpaty covued by tLe SecurItY
<br /> L�orwna►t Ail of tbe foregc�ng to8ed�er with tha Properiy desalbed ia tho SecurIt�►Insnnment(or tha ba�ebdd
<br /> estate if �ha Socudxy Inatrument is an a kaseholdy are rd'ared m �n this �� Family Rida end d�e Secutity
<br /> Inst�umeatas the"Propaty"
<br /> B.USE QF PItOPIr,it�'Yi COMI►13ANCE WITH LAW. Horrower eh�il not seelc, ag�ce m or adus a
<br /> changa in tt�use of t6e Pmperty a iW zonin8 cl�fi�a"� w�ss Leadu has sgc�eed ia wcidng a the ciunge.
<br /> Hoaowtr shall c�mply wWi all laaa. oidinancxs. i+egutetbns and ro4u�ran� of any goveramental body
<br /> applk�bb W tha Properiy. •
<br /> C.3[TBQRDINATE l.�:NS. Bxcepc sa pamlubd by tedaat la�+.Sorroxa aha11 not albw sny liea�iri�alor
<br /> to the SacurltY Instruma�t to be pafacted e�the Propaty wldwut I.et�der's pricx wriva�pern►issian•. .
<br /> D.itENT LOS3 INSURANCE. Baaawa s1�ll m�iatain insurance egainst rent toas in addition w the athes •
<br /> lu�srds fa whkb in�nnnca ia roquired by Unitonn Covenant S.
<br /> E."80�ROW'ER'S WGRP TO BEINtSTATE"DELETED. Unifixm�oveaant 18 is deleted.
<br /> F.BORROWEIt'S OCCi1PANCY. Uubss Lendtc u�d ao�mwer othnrwleo e�ee in v�ids8. tNe t�rst
<br /> sa►unx ia Uniform Cova�ant 6 eoneerning Bamwer's aocupancY of the A+oPaiY is dek�.Ail re�nainin8
<br /> covd�anb tmd�en�oet fozth ta Unif.arm Covenant 6 eluU temain in effed
<br /> IAtOLTIStATE 1-�FAY�lY RIDEq•F�nnt�N�NFnddi�YMO uniform in�trum�nt Form 3/70��li
<br /> Pap•t ot a
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