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<br /> I6.Bono�va's Copy. Hoaower eltiall ba�iven one canfomied copy o�tb�e Note and of thia Sec�rlty Inswmen� -
<br /> 17.Traeef'er ot tde P�+nperty or a Hen�ic�l Inteeest W 8�n+ower. If all or any p�t of the Property or eny lataest L►it is
<br /> soRA a:txnnsfeaod(or if a fxneiieiel intcrest in Brnmwtx is sold or trensfared estd Sorrower is not a naturglperson)wtthout
<br /> I�cnda'a prior wrltten consent,Leaider may.at itaopdoa,xe4uim ia�mediate pe►yment!n full of all awns socured by diis 5 -
<br /> Insocuma�t Hawev�r�thla op�on shaU not 6a oxerctsed by I,eudcr if exerclso is prohibiud by fede�al law as oi tha da�e nf�tb
<br /> S�uti�y Ia��suntonL
<br /> If Lender exaciaes this , n,Leader ha iv B nodca of sccelereflon.Tbe nottce aha�l provide a pulod of aot tess
<br /> tban 30 da,ys fmm tbe data "� � � tdin which 8ormwar raust gay all suma socured by this Securlry
<br /> Jns�ument If Bonowar feils ' �oq pI[ation of tbls pixllod�Lenda may favoke say m.rnedies penniued
<br /> uy�is�ocuriry insltume�lt viiu�ql[i!gj� Plria�qN�P nvuuwr+.
<br /> ea
<br /> 18.Borro�ver'e R:�6t to Reteahta wer meefs ceRain condidons. Bolmwer shali Imve the right to have
<br /> enfaroetm�t of this Seauity I�swraent discondnued at eny dme prior to the earlia of:(a) 5 days(or auch other patod a�
<br /> applicable law aiay spxIfy fot reinstataneut)before sals of the Prope�ty purau�►t to any powa of�e coa�ined ia tbis Sec�al}y
<br /> Insttuttza►�or(b)u►try of a judgment atforclug this Sectuity Tnstntmwt'lliose condidons ane tbat Boirowu:(a)pays I.ender eU
<br /> suaas wl�ich Wea aroWd bo due nnder d�is 3ecurity Iaswmeat and the Note a4 if ao aoaleration Lad axim+ed:(b)cures aay _
<br /> dzfoult of any cthu coveaants or ag�rneata:(c)AaYs eU cacpenses inc�rred in eaforcing this Security Instruu�nt,including,but
<br /> not limited oo�re�nab�e attaneys'foes:and d)oakes such action as Leader may reasonably requlra to a9sora that she licn of this .
<br /> Socurity IasiYUntenb 1�at►der's rlgt►ts tn tAe�Pmpaty and aarmwex's oblig�llan'to pay the surns secured by shts Secucity
<br /> Insuument.shall condnuo unchauged. IJpon�wt by Baaowu, tkis S Instr�meat and tbe ab�gations sec�aai
<br /> t�creby sflalt nmain fnUy off�ctiva as if no acctleratton hed accu:rcd.Howaver,ti�s�to rcinstate shall noi apply in the c�so of
<br /> eccelerazton a�ndet paragraph 17.
<br /> 19.Sale ot Notei Chu�ge ot L�n Servker. 'Ihe Note ar a pa�tial interc�t in the Note (togetber wuh tb!s 3ecurIty
<br /> Lnsuumeat)may 6e aold oas or mom times wldwut prta nodoo to Hos�uwa.A eale may res�lt in a anga in tbe eudty pawwn
<br /> ag the"L.oan Servlcer")that collects eaonthly enta dua euider the Nota snd thls Sa�uity InsWment'i�ae elso mayl�e ona or
<br /> more c,hunges o4 tha Loaa Savicer to s sab of the Nota If dura is a cUange of tho Loan Savkxr,Borrower wlll bo
<br /> givea wrluen nadoe of the cbange in e000rdanoe wtth 14 abova andapplkable law.71xi nodca wila stau the a�me aad
<br /> udcinss of tba naw Loan Servker�n�the addce,ss to w h paymeat�ehould be mada'lUe noticce wiU elso concein any otba
<br /> infonnadOnrcqu�irod by applicabb law.
<br /> Z0.HarsMona 8ub�noee. Borrower shall not cauaa or pamit tke prexnoe, use,dlsy�l.awiaBe.or rek�se of eny
<br /> Het�tdons Subslances on or in tha Properiy.�otrower eha11 not do,not allow anyone olee to do�anytbiAg af�'ecliug the Propuly
<br /> tl�t is in vtoWioa of any Envimnmentel Law.'Ihe proading two aer►tarces�halt uot apply to tt►e pro�ce�uae.ar asor�go an tda
<br /> �oi e�naA qwntltia of Hazecdous Subsrmces tbu aro ge�etaily zecognizod to i�o+�ppopcia�o i�i�t�ca63�!�
<br /> m�ncenmoe af the Peojx�ty.
<br /> Barower ah�U p[omPt1Y giva L�der wrltteri notloa of any invesdgat�on.cWm� dem�nd.lawauit a elha acdon b�r eny
<br /> govaamauel or n emc.y� vaoe p�ety involv�g tbe Pmpaty and any Hn�e:dous Subsmxx or Bavl�anaxr►W La
<br /> �
<br /> of which Barrowa �laww e.If Bomnwar lams�a is no�tfiod by any govanmental or regulatory audiorlry.dut eay
<br /> remov�l or otha remedladon of aay Subs�nca af�'acdng tho PropatY is necessary.Bat+nwer et�aU ptomptty teke�Il
<br /> neoe�t�ry ranedW ecdona in aceordar�ca wtth Bnvh+eamaatal Iaw.
<br /> Aa wed in this psirigrapb Z0."H�zardoua Substaaoe�"are t1►ose su�enc�deRtted as toxic a 1te7erdous suba�anoes by
<br /> Baviraameat�l I.ew aad tbe followLng substanoes: gasolino. kerosa�e. oth�r tlammsble or toaic pet�okuma� products� wxic
<br /> pasticldes amd he:biddes.voleWe solveato.matuials containfng asbesws or fa�maldehyda,aud redi�oactive �taiala As oaod ia
<br /> this Z0."BavBonmeatal Law"means fedaat taws and laa+s of dte j�rlsdlcdoa whaa t�e Pm�x�ty is loc�icd that�elate
<br /> to he�1d�.�etY ar eavIconrawtal ptotacdon.
<br /> NON•UNIfAORM COVBNANTS.Bonower and Leacki fiaet�cova�ant and agtee as foUcwa
<br /> 21.Aooderatbn3 Qemcdka.Lender e6all�ive notice W ITorrower prbr W aoaleratbn[olla�win�Ban+owv'e bre�ach ot
<br /> ap oovea�nt or �preement i� Wis Secnrit� Instrnmeet (but aot priur to aceeler+�tbn nndrr parngraph 17 aale�t
<br /> appiica6le Vw yrovW�es ol6erwMe).Tbe noda sdAl1 apeeUy:(t�fbe ddank:(b)t6e�cdos requLrd to Eure the delaWti(c)
<br /> a date,Aot fws t6a�30 days Arom tUe dat�tde�otioe r�tven to Borrawer•b�abicl tbe defadlt nnat be curedi Aad(d)
<br /> tlnt t�+e to ame tbe default on or beton tbe date apeeil�cd i�t6e notloe may result fa�aoderadoa ot t�e wms eecmeA
<br /> by tLis 8ceMrHy Imlrnmeat�nd eak ot the Phopert�.�'he notic�elu�D f�rfhar�ntorm Borrowrcr ot tlee ri�ht to ni�Gte
<br /> atltar aocekradoa and.tbe rI�6t to 6rie�a wurt�ction to asen�t t6e��ot�defadt or an� oWer dek�e ot
<br /> Borrower to ac,aiaation and aala It t6e defanit N not cw�ed oa or befon tLe data eperitled io t6e notice�Lender►at W
<br /> opW�u.a�y�re9a�+e Emmedb�te pa�ent jn tit910[�tU sume secue+ed by ttiie Securily Io�ame�t�elthont f1�tr demand
<br /> wd m�y fsrore the po�r ot esk and aay ot6er re�aedkm pumitted 6y appiiatbb bw.I.wder WuU be entitkd to enllect
<br /> itl!e�pe.oeq�acorrad io�araui�nf the remedks prov[ded in t6b para�pb 2f1,Gnctadin;>6ui not lim�tM to,ressnnaDk
<br /> attornsri'fcr�an�ooete of titk evideaa.
<br /> U t6e po�eer ot sak f�imoked,Trostee e6AU reenM a nofioe of detault iu each ao�mt�in whkh ony part o�the
<br /> Pr+opaty 4 baitcd and shall mAil oupies of such notia ia We m�nttar prescribed by opplica6k L�v to Borirowrer�nd to tbe
<br /> othqr peraoos presaibed b�applkabk law.Atter the time required b9 sPDiicabk taw,Trustee s6all gWe pubik nMice of
<br /> aak to t�e pe�tnd in the manner pr�ribtd by applicabb bw.Troala.wtthout demantl oa Borrowa,soW aeD the
<br /> piropM�at publk iuctton to the hi�6eat bidder at tLe t3me�nd placn ind unda the terms drsf�natcd in the notke d atle
<br /> Fern►50�8 o/D0
<br /> �•6ii(N�(osia) aap•e m s �nni.i.:.
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