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<br /> 'PO(3BTHSR W1TH all the Improvements now or heteaRar cnctad an the propat�►.�nd sU eananutt���ppwta�c�a.ntd =
<br /> Q'1�wres uow an c�Peat't�n part aP tho pmpesty.NI repl�ementa end eddidoas ehaA eiso be covetod by tt►i6 SoceuitY InaWmcu� ;-.
<br /> All of the fongoing ls refe�od to in tdts Saauiry Iastrum�eat a4 the"Propa��►.
<br /> ��
<br /> BORAOW�t COVSNANf3 tbat Bo�rowa is lawfully seisod of the asteta honeby aoavayod end hag tho rlght to�ant�ued
<br /> oonvey the Avpaty and t1�at the Pmpaty is unencumbered�wccept for eac�unbreuoes of racord. B��rowa warcants aad wi11 -
<br /> defe�d generally the title to the P[opeity agafnst al!claims cnd demande.subject to cny enctuntm�aes oP�ocotd. --
<br /> .... ..wneassnwr ��Tp�niYRN'1'w_g�_hi�a anifivm eM►vRnanta fM tli�0i18I US!!BAfI IIOA-UA�OIfA CQVEn8fl18 W�t�t�1p{IOd
<br /> isua uax.vs...• A t0 COJ181�WtC$UA�01fA 64�ty►�118WtI1Glt COVCL�A$t�pt0'�[LY•
<br /> varladons by jurlsdipia °
<br /> UNII�ORM COVBNANTS.Borrower and I.eadcr coveaant and agroe as followa: when dne tba
<br /> 1.PAyment ot PrindpAl and Intereat;Prepayment�ad Late C6ar�es. Borrowu st�ail pcomptty paY
<br /> prh�al of end intaese on the debt evldenced by the NouaudanY Anp3yme�t and lato cbargesdueander tl�e Nota.
<br /> 2 Funds tor TASes and Insaranoe. Subjxt to appllcable law or to a arltten waiver by Lender�Borrnwer sl�all pay tfl
<br /> I,eudar an tuo dsy monditY P�Yments em due unda the Noia untii the Note!s peid in fuU.a su�(°Funda")for.(a)yeariy mxes
<br /> and a�ats which may auein p�iorlty over tWa Secuelty Liatsumeat a9 a liea on 1he Frnpecty;N)Y�Y��P�Y�ffi
<br /> �grouad r�ats an tha PmputY.i�auY:(�)Y�Y i�zerd ar�uupE+-ty ius�usnca Praaiwns:(d)Y�Y��F�nm�,�f .
<br /> ar►y;(e)Ye�iY mortSaSe ins�uanos Ixemiums�if any:and(�enY siuns P�Yabb UY Bomuwu t+�Lez►der�in acxbrdaaoe with the
<br /> prnvisions of pam�aph��in IIeu of the paymeut of mortgage iasurance premiva�s. Theso itrms ere c�lied"Bscrew Itsms."
<br /> Lender u�ay�at aay dmme,collect and hold Funds In an emount ciot w exceed the ma�ciraum smnunt a lender for a fedenally nlated
<br /> rr�ost�ago loan may requtre for Bordower's es�row accaunt under tha federal Rea1 BsCU�Seul�ma�t Procedm�es Act of 1974 as
<br /> atneaded fmm time m time.l2 U.3.�.Secdon 2601 it sip. ("RiF�PA'��unless anotha law that applies to the Fuads 9ets a lesset
<br /> emouat Yt so,I�ndec may. at eny tune.callect�nd hoid F.mds ln m�amount not to exceed the lesser mnoun�Leada may .
<br /> es�the amouat of�inds due on tha ba�x of cmrer�t data and reasonable esdmates of wcpeadiw�es vf�udu�e Sscrow Iwas or
<br /> odtetwisa in mx,onlauce aith epplicabla Isw. '
<br /> The Funds sbal!be t�eld ir►an instltudon whoso daposfts ete iasured by a fedaal egeacY.inst�naei►tatitY,ot endry(uncWding
<br /> I.mder.if Lertda is st�ch an insaduion)or in any FMelal Home Tra�n Bank.Leader s6all apply the Fands to pay the Bsec�w '
<br /> • Items.LaiQer may aart cbn�ge Ba�rowes ivr�.�ttd�g�x F�S.s�as�s!!Y s�a�Y�!!�'!�w��4���� -
<br /> doe BscrOw Itema,unless Leada psys Barowa faurest on tLe Funds estd applk�bb law pamits L�ukr W taehe sucb s ct�arse.
<br /> Howaver.Leada eaay requ�e Horrowa tfl pay a oae-dma char8e for an independent real aeata mx npoidng sa�vioe wed by
<br /> Londu in cannecdon wBh d�ia la�n�unless�licablm isw provides othecwlse.U�an agneement is mside or app]icabb law
<br /> requiros iata�,st w be pdd,LRarder shall not be coquircd w pay Horcowa aay iatae.0 a eamings on die Funds.Bafmwer and
<br /> I.aider may a�oa 3n vatdag,hawaver.diat inrarsc enau be paid on d,e Fuads.La►da st�ll givo a Bamwer.witdnuc cturcga an
<br /> mnu�l aa�oundn8 of tl�e Funda.showln8 c�od�ts end deblts to We Funds and tha purpose for whkh a�ch deMt w the F�nda waa
<br /> m�cta.'tf►o Fundt m plod8od as a0didoaal socurIry fos all suros secund by this Security Inaavmen�
<br /> If the Funds hold by I.endec exooed the mnouats pamittal to be held EY BPDlicabb law.Lemda�b�1t account t��amower fa
<br /> the exasv�n�a in acoocdanoe wim the rcqWranaua of�pplk�bb law.If tha�nount of dcn Funds 6ald by L�enda�t�ny dme is
<br /> not su�icia�t W psy tt�e B�crow Items wha►dus�La►dar tnay eo nOdfy Bacrowa iu4 arttfng,aad.!a auch c�a Barowa ab�l!P49
<br /> w I�enda the n�ouc�t neoeaa�cy to maka up the det�cioncY.Hacower ahWl malca up tbe de�idencY ia rw ma[a t4an twelve
<br /> awathlY PsYments,�t La�der's sole dLx�edoa
<br />- uP�P�Y�in full of att sums secUrod by t6is Sac�uity�t�Le�da shall Pmm�d9 refund to Bomowar eny Funds
<br /> held by I�enda.lP.unda�n�ph 21�Lender shail ecquim ar sell du Pe�opaty.l�euda.lxl�r to tho acquis�nn or eab of tbe
<br /> Pc�opettY.s6W1�PP1Y a�►Y Fumds held by Lender at tbo ti�ne of acqnisitton or seks a4 a cr�edIt �the swms e�cured by tbis
<br /> Sacuriry In�. • .
<br /> 3.Appliartbn d Paymadta. Unless oppltceble law pmvides othawiaa.sil payma►ts rxeived by Leatter under par�gra�tis
<br /> 1 eod 2 siull 6e applicd:Srs1,w enY P�W1'��8es dua under tha Nota�sasond�to amount�peyable nnder p�h 2;
<br /> diird.W iau�due:foucth.to principal due.and lact.to aay lato chatges due ut�der the No�e.
<br /> 4.CLaraesi Liens. B�mwa shall pay all taxes.s�ts.charBes. Hnes aad ia►pos�idons aadbum6le m die Propesty
<br /> ahich may auain prtoriry ova this Saciuiry 1ns�umeai,and leasehold paymea�nr gcound rerits�if aay.Bnrcower st�sil pay these
<br /> obliga�ons in tda manna provWed in pacagt�pb Z�or if aot peid in that manaa.Bamwer adall pay them on tlme di�tly ou tLe
<br /> pe:eon awod peyn�ent Bormwa ahall pmaq�dY fumish to Laidei aU noitas of ama�ats w be paid undcr thts pses�reph.If
<br />- BamMa maices d�e payme�►ts diratly.Homoaer shall promptlY furaish W Lender r�avidaicing the p�ymeata
<br />= Bor�wu a6all P�P�Y d��88 eny llen ahic6 das pliosity ov�thts Stcurlty lnstrumeat uNess Bomowc.(a)a8cees in
<br /> � , rlridas to the payment of the obligadon secured by the tie�in a maanu eooeptabb oo Lenda:(b)ooates�ia good faWi da liea
<br /> - � by.� defeads against eaforcement of the ika in, laBa1?rooeedi�&4 ahich ia the Lender's op3aia� operaoe w provent We
<br /> ea�toncemant of thn lim;or(c)sec�rea from tt�holder of the liea an a�roeaamt sadsfactory to Lenda subordinatiag ibs lier+o�
<br /> r" this Sanrity Inaecumen�If Lender detmm�as that aAy part of the Prop�xty is sub,�OCt ro a lim which may attaiia pdoriry ove d�is
<br /> = Securiry Insnurt�aa�Le�da'a�y gtvm Boimwu a ndtioa idaidfytng dro�.Bora�ower shall sadsfy the lkn or�rntm ono or mona
<br /> = of tha ecdons s�st forth abova wid�in 10 da}ro of ttte glvin8 of nottae,
<br /> � � Rotm SO�t�lDO
<br /> �•�R(a�(��� P�p��ot e Initiab:
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