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<br /> �� THIS DEED OF TRUST,Ia m$de as'of tfie 2bth day of 5ep� .19 9g,by and amap
<br /> JAMES L MARTIl1 III � PAULA C lIARTIN , hueband and �iie ��
<br /> � the'Ttustor, �2 VENUS ST[tEET AI.DA NEB68810 G
<br /> whos�mditn�addroaa la (herNn�°tru�oov,"whMh�r on�o►nan�, ��
<br /> Five Pointe Bank, a Nebraeka Carporation �
<br /> the Truatee,
<br /> P.O. Box 1507 tirand Ielend. NE 68802 (hereln"Trustes'9,and
<br /> whoae ma�ltnp addresa Is
<br /> Five Poiate Bank
<br /> the 8neeflctary, �
<br /> whoas matiinp addreas la ZO�g H. Sroadrell Grand Ielend, HE. 68802-iS07 ^_�hsreln"t.erod�y
<br /> 1�A1lES L MAkTIH III
<br /> FOR VAWABLE CON310ERATION,inctuding Lender's extension ot aredft tdentHfed berein -
<br /> b PAULA C t1ARTIH (herein"�rrower',whett�ar one or more)�nd the truK herein crMted.
<br /> tho rer.e�pt of whtch ir hereby acknowledped,Truator hereby Irrevoaabty �ranta,tranatera,convAys and astipns W TtustM,lN
<br /> '�Ri�S�.Yfi�ii POW€R OF�t�.!or!!ss�erseli!en!�'ldtY o4 Lender,under and sublectto the terma end condttlons hereinaiMr�e! _
<br /> ����°�g3;p°I�Y{(��;�f�I�YISIOH, IN THE VILLAGE OF ALDA. WALL COUNTY.
<br /> HEBRASKA.
<br /> TopetAer with all buitdinpa.Imp�ovamente,fixtures,aueete,alleys.pnass0ewaye,easements,�iphts,privllpes ertd appuRe-
<br /> nances ioeat�d thereon or In anywies pertalnirtg thermto,and the rente,issues and protite,rovereions and remainders thueoi�aAd
<br /> euch penonal property that as adnohed to the lmprovements ao ae to constituta a 4lxture,inotudinp.6ut not Umited to,Matlnp and
<br />- cooti�p equipm�nt and topether with the homeatead or marital intereets,i4 any,wflicb interebta are hereby reteatsd and w�twd;ap
<br /> pf whleh,tncludtng repiacementa and eddtUOndthereto,la hereby deoiared to be a part of tha reat estete aeoured by the Itsn of this
<br /> Oeed ot Tnaet and s�l of the torepotng belnp referred t�o hereln as the"Proporty".
<br /> Thls Daed of Trust shati eecure(e)the payment ot the prinotpal eum and tMerest evidencsd by a promluory notr a endit
<br /> p��t�� 5aptember 26th 1995 ,having a matuflty date of Kerah 29th 1996 �
<br /> in the oripinel pdncipal amount oi a 9,3�5.50 ,and any and ail modiilcatlons,extention�snd ren�wrNs
<br /> thersof or ihereto and any and e{!tuture advances and readvancea to Borrower(or any o1 ttrem Ii mors thtn one)her�und�r
<br /> pursuant te ons or more promtssory notea or eredft e�reements(heroin caited"Note'�;(b)the�ayment of other wms a�v�nca�!by
<br /> Lenqer to protsct thm securtty o4the Note;(a)the per4ormartce of all covenune and t�gt�nente oi Trut�eet torth h�r+Nn;and(eq oli
<br /> pr�sent and futurs indsbtodnesf and obllpt8ons ot Borrower(or any ot them B mors than ans)to I.pndsr wheM�sr dirsat,tndinat,
<br />— ub�luts or conHnpent and whether erieing by note.putranty.overdraft or otherw)aa 7hs NaM,thfs ONd ot Trust and any artd�il
<br /> ptMrdopute�that pcursthe Noteorotherwlae oxecuted In connecUontherewlth,tncludina wfthoutlimitadonquan►1tae�.Naurily
<br /> �proemenU and asalpnmenta ot leases asnd renta,at�atl be reterred to Aerein as the"i.wn OocumeMe".
<br /> Tnutor coventnta and ap�ees wtth Lender as totlowe:
<br /> �,p��d���.�tl indebtedneas seoured hereby ehall be patd when due.
<br /> �.TIIN.7rusto!la ehs ow�er ot the Property,hae the ripht and authority to aonvey the PropeAy.er►d warnints that ths INn
<br /> crested hereby Is e ftrot end pdor Ilen on tha Propertyr,except tor tlens and enaumaranaes set toRh by 7ruitor In wHdng�nd
<br /> = daqvered ta l.ender bstore executlon of thte Deed ot TNSt,and ths�zecutton and depvery of thie Dee�of Tnrst doe�not Wotats ar►y
<br /> contreat or otttsr obilpaflon to whtcb Truata ia eubJeat
<br /> - 3.Ta�w,A��nb.To pay betore deiinqueno�r elf texea,epeci�l afse�sments and all other eharpes aqRinst the Rro{�ety
<br /> - now or hsteafter Ievisd.
<br /> _ �1.insunnc�.TokespthsPropert�►�nauredapalnatdameQebyflro,haxardsinetudedwHhintheter�"eictendedcowra0�"�and
<br /> suah athsr hwrds a�Lender enAy requlre,in amounte and witfi compantes nceeptabte to Lender.n�miny I.,�ndar as an sddttlona)
<br /> rtam�d Insund,wtth loas payabls to th�L�ndsr.in aaae o!�oss under auoh policis�.the Lender I�aulhotitad m adlwt.aolNot ub
<br /> aompcoml�.etl elatms thereunder ae�d�hell have the opUon of epplytnp att or part of Me tnauranc�proa�eds mto�nl►tnd4b0sd��
<br /> .� ot(i b 8 y oU�er purpose or obJeat eatlsiaatory to e der wiitiou atfeadnp�the It�en o�is r0aed�Tlvsttor Mefutam u t eecu�re�d
<br /> hereby bebre such payment eve�took ptace.Any epplicatlon of proceeds to Indebtectneas ehatl�ot extend or poalpone th�dus
<br /> ��� �ts et anu mvments undet Ute Note.or curo enY�etault thereunder or hersunder.
<br /> � 8.Eserow.Upon wMtten demand by lender,T►uetor ehatl pay to lertaer,�n suon mennar as i�ender ma�r oe:����n
<br /> eurr�sto antbte Lender to pay nethey become due one tlr more of the tottowinp:(i)ail taxea,esseasmenta nnd othe�ohupesa�tnst
<br /> ths propady►.(N)the promiums on the propeKy Ineurance roqutrod herounder.nnd(ill)the premlums on eny mortQape insurancs
<br /> requlnd by Lendsr.
<br /> � 8.Mah�nsnc�.R�peWe��d CompYonc�wHh Law�.Truator ehall keep the Prope►iy in pood cortdttlon and repalr.�hail
<br /> ' prompty nps�r,or replacs amr improvemsnt whloh m�r b�dnmaped or desVoyed;ehatl not eommit or permlt anY�ra�ls ar
<br /> clKsrioratloa of the Properry;ehatl not removs,d�mollsh or subatantlttty atter eny ot ths improvsments a�ths F�op�rh:�httl not
<br /> commit suNer or pennit any actto be dons In or upon ths Property�n vlolatlon ot any law,ordinnnes.or rapult�tlon;and Mait p�y�nd
<br /> Prom���y R s�t�T�tor'�cost and expemss all llsna,eneumbrsnaee and eharpea tevfed,tes�pa�d or�ssew�d a�1n�t t!w
<br /> �
<br /> .1
<br /> _t. ,�a�':;A i
<br />